Claytons Acquisition

By CJDenton

Published on Nov 28, 2023


Thanks for reading. Send comments to mcitywriter@yahoo,com Thanks, CJ

~~^~~ Chapter 3 ~~^~~

I closed up the dishwasher and used a paper towel to wipe down the kitchen counter when I felt a warm breath on the back of my neck. I shivered and his arms wrapped around me, pulling me back against his soft polo shirt. I felt the bulge in his khakis press in to my lower back and his pants against my bare ass.

"Good job, baby," Clay said sweetly. I let go of the paper towel and melted into him. I'd gotten used to spending my days in a jockstrap and tank top. It was cold but it made me seek out his warmth and he was certainly happy to provide it.

His hands rubbed up under my shirt. I don't know why, but the way he rubs my tummy brings my cock to full mast and sends shivers through me. He's quickly learned it's a sensitive spot for me.

This had been such a weird week for me. I'd gone from a life where no one touched me, talked to me, noticed me to a life as a boy toy; a treasured, wanted, desired object for a man I desperately wanted to please.

Clay's kisses on the back of my neck turned to teeth on the back of the collar I'd worn since the day he'd put it on me. He'd learned to bite it and shake it with his teeth, causing a little jingle from the medallion that marked me as his boy. He'd joked about adding a little bell to it so he'd know when I was working in the house.

He pulled hard on my collar with his teeth. My head arched back to look up into his eyes with the innocent worried look I'd practiced. He released and then kissed my forehead before turning me around to face him. He tilted his head down so our foreheads pressed together.

"I got you a two toys since you've done so well this week," he smirked. Clay released me momentarily and disappeared back into the garage.

He came back with a big black shopping bag marked as "Neidren's Gifts." He set it on the kitchen island and lifted me up and on to the clean counter. My ass met cold granite and I squirmed uncomfortably but excited to see what he'd brought.

Clay pulled out a stuffed monkey and put it in my lap. It had the softest fur I'd ever felt and the brown monkey had a small collar around its neck that had an engraved pendant that said "Tare's Toy." On the back it had a smaller script, "Love you baby, Clay."

I read it a few times; a wave of emotions rolling around inside me. He loved me? Did he mean that? I looked up into his eyes and saw it instantly. Clay moved in and slid his arms around me. I reached up and put my arms around his neck. He pulled me in to him, smooshing Mr. Monkey between us.

"I do love you," he started then paused to kiss me, "I knew it the first time I saw my baby boy squirming in the waiting room." He looked down into my eyes, a hint of fear in him.

"I love you too, daddy," I whispered, hugging the monkey to my chest. He blinked at me, with a sigh of relief as a slight blush crept across his cheeks and his lips spread into a smile. We held there for a minute, letting the air settle between us.

Clay's eyes widened in quick remembrance, "I forgot your other toy!" He turned back to the black bag and brought out a long, thin black box about eight inches long and four inches deep.

"The monkey was your toy, this is one for me to use... on you," he sounded giddy. He took monkey and set him on the counter and placed the box in my lap, settling his hands on either side of me on the counter and looking down expectantly.

I pried the top off and saw the shock of my day. It was a dick, like a floppy soft dick that kind of looked about the size and width of my own.

"My friend owns a few of these type shops and he picked it out. He said a hole is made to take the same size cock a boy has... make sense! So it'll be something we can use to open you up a little more gently. Go ahead, take it out!" Clay laughed.

I set the box down and took out the fake dick. It was floppy but firm and made of this weird material that felt almost like skin. It was flesh colored and had two nuts at the base.

"It looks so real," I said, flicking the nuts with an embarrassed giggle.

"Well yeah, you have a pretty hungry little hole down there, the balls make sure your boy hole doesn't suck it up completely," Clay teased. He took it from me and smacked it lightly against my cheek. I opened my mouth instinctively and he put it to my lips, then pushed it in back and forth a few times, laughing.

"You're adorable, baby boy," he said as he took it out and then leaned in for a kiss.

"But... I thought you were going to... you know," I hinted.

"Oh I'm going to fuck you. I'm going to own that hole, but this will help you warm up to it.... Read the inscription," Clay said, turning the cock over to the shaft. It had a script that said, "Tare's Other Toy." He laughed as I read it and wrinkled my nose in intrigued disgust.

"Aww, you don't like it? Well, trust me, I know how to work it. It'll feel great," Clay said excitedly. He put the monkey on the counter behind me and leaned into me, his lips landing against my own. My ass wiggled on the cold granite.

Clay slipped his arms down my legs and grabbed my ankles, lifting them up and laying me back against the counter. He pushed my legs up into my chest as he kissed me.

"Mmm cute," he said, not at all mirroring the rush I had to try out the toy. He kissed my cheek, chin, chest, down the front of my tank top and then a light one on top of the bulge in my jockstrap.

He put his hands under my tank and lifted it up and off of me. As I laid back against the cold granite counter, my body shivered.

"Oh sorry baby," Clay lifted me up into his chest, "I forget how cold it must be in this house spending your day mostly naked." He grabbed the new toy off the counter and slipped it into my mouth as he carried me over to the coffee table and laid me out.

"Thank you sir," I said, when he eased the fake cock out of my mouth.

"Oh wait," Clay said and pushed the fake cock back past my lips. He left the room for a minute and came back with a small bottle of the slippery stuff. He fumbled with the cock in my mouth, pushing it in and out as he pried off the label over the flip top of the bottle. He spit it out next to me on the table and then used his teeth to open the lid.

"All right, a little in the hole," Clay said as he poured it over two of his fingers and rubbed them around just inside my ass.

"And a little on the pole," Clay smiled and took the fake cock from my mouth. He held it sideways and dripped a line along the top of it. He put the bottle down and rubbed his hand over the shaft to coat every part of it. I squirmed on my back a little impatiently. We'd spent the week working to get my hole where it needed to be to put something more than fingers inside.

Ok so I'm not badmouthing the fingering, Clay had definite skills there and he could easily work me into a hard cum in under five minutes without touching my cock.

Speaking of that, he wasn't a big fan of playing with my cock. I'd sucked his cock, jerked it off, kissed it, loved it, everything I could do. But he didn't seem to interested in mine. He'd kiss it occasionally through the jockstrap, but my cock wasn't allowed out most times we played.

Not to complain, I always came with force every time he played with me. I had some pretty intense hands-free explosions this week.

Clay was working the head of the cock inside my ring. He was going painfully slow. I wanted it inside me. I wanted to bounce on his toy. I wanted him shoving the whole thing in and ramming that piston like a V8. I had my hands on the edge of the coffee table and tried to push myself down further to get more of it in.

"No!" Clay growled, putting his hand on my chest to pin me back against the table.

"No boy," he said a little more softly, "You don't know what's good for you yet. It's really easy to hurt a small boy with this stuff. Don't move until I tell you." I nodded, "Yes sir."

His hand was pushing hard in the middle of my chest. He saw me breathe hard and heard me whimper and he eased up. "Don't make me hold you... be patient," Clay said gently and stroked my chest as he pushed more of the fake cock into me. I put my hands up to my chest and held on to his hand like a steering wheel. He looked up for a second with a sweet smile and wiggled his fingers in my grasp.

"You're so..." he trailed off, shaking his head and blushing a little, then went back to work. He pushed it in slowly, eyes on me, monitoring my reactions. I bit my lip with every millimeter.

"Breathe," he reminded, "Relax, k baby?" I nodded, "Yes sir."

It pushed another inch into me, slow, sure, waiting for me to adjust. And then... it hit the spot, the first of many. I inhaled sharply, lost in lust. My cock stirred and pushed against the jock.

"Ahhhh Oh yeah," I started to mumble senselessly as it worked deeper inside me. It was a totally different feeling from the fingers, not as wiggly, but fuller, designed to stuff one small boy.

"Oh yeah baby, you like that?" Clay praised, "You like daddy's new toy inside his boy?"

"Yes... Yes... sir... please... fuck… yeah," I started to grind on it, wanting more. His hand on my chest tightened up.

"NO! No boy, let daddy do his job," Clay ordered, pushing down on my chest. I squirmed, holding tightly to his hand, wanting badly to reach for my cock.

I couldn't fight it much longer and I let my left hand slide down my tummy, towards my bulge.

"No no," Daddy reminded gently, pushing my hand back up to my chest, "That's my boy cock, you need permission, just lay back and enjoy it or I'll take it off and put you down in the gym for the night." he threatened.

"Sorry daddy," I whimpered, "I'll be good."

Clay had the cock almost all the way in my hole by now. He started sliding it in and out gently. It bumped over my happy spots, causing my body to tense up as I held on tightly to his hand on my chest.

"Unf Uhh, Ahh Oh Yeah... Uhh Daddy," I was completely babbling now, so lost in his fucking.

Clay took the hand off my chest and put it around the back of my neck, pushing and pulling me on the coffee table to fuck the toy. He slowly but surely sped up the pace until it started to go balls deep into me. He rammed it one last time all the way to the balls and then started to turn it inside me, wiggling it to open me up more.

He started to work up a good pace, it was intense and within ten strokes I felt my cock tense up, building toward eruption.

"Uhhh... DAAAADDDYYY.... I cum?" I begged, knowing there was little I could do to stop it.

"Yeah baby," Clay consented, speeding up the ramming fake cock inside me, "Come for Daddy." He pulled the jock down and my cock sprang free, bounced against my tummy and started to thump to the beat of his assault.

"Uhhhh AHHHH FUCCKKK DADDYYY!!" I yelled as my cock started to shake, spew cum across my tummy, up my chest, hitting my cheek and the coffee table behind my head. My body jerked violently on the table with pleasure and satisfaction.

He kept sliding the cock in and out of me and then finally out as my hole clenched down on it. I was halfway through shooting off when I felt a much bigger cock knocking at my hole. It's head pushed against my hole as my body shook and my hole clenched and opened. It opened just enough for him to slip in the tip and I instantly felt a shock of pain only slightly overwhelmed by my intense eruption.

"Uhhh...AHH OWWWW AHHH OH," The mixed reactions fumbled out of my mouth. He slid in an inch, stuffed me full but my body was getting better at accommodating. He held the tip inside me, stretching my ring as I slowly came down from my intense climax.

"Daddy.... Yeah.... Daddy," I was nearly hoarse from yelling and ragged breath.

Clay was over me, pinning my legs back, holding still to allow my body to accommodate the pride of his manhood. "Yeah baby, it's ok baby, you can do this."

I was still too caught up with my climax and the pleasure of being filled to really care what he was putting in me. I looked up and caught the deepest, most concentrated look of lust in his eyes. He was inching in to me at his usual patient rate, but I could tell it took everything he had to hold back and make sure I was ok with it.

"Yeah boy, oh fuck your hole feels so nice," he encouraged, sliding in deeper, "Breeding my baby's hole." His voice was an excited growl as he slid in further.

He got about half of it in before deciding it was enough for tonight. He held it in place and leaned over me, nose to nose, his sweat dripped down on me.

I put my tongue out and licked the sweat from his cheek. "Breed me, daddy, make me yours," I whimpered and pleaded, "I want it, daddy, please sir." My arms slid around him, holding on as he slowly started to withdraw and return.

It didn't last long. We had a short but intense bond that soon gave way to his first climax of the night. He picked up the pace as he hugged me a little too tightly. I buried my head in his shoulder and instinctively started to bite softly.

"Ow, what the?" He started, but kept right on fucking me, "Ah screw it, bite me baby." He laughed as a hand came up to push my head into his pecs.

"MMMMM," I groaned, burying my face into his chest.

"Fuck I'm going to fill you," Clay yelled out, slamming me down against the coffee table.

His back arched as he howled with excitement, his body tensing up, pulling me into him. His cock started to shake inside me. It bumped in and out along my pleasure spots as his daddy seed began to spray into me. It pushed another load up through my shaft and soon I was spraying both our tummies with my second round.

"AHHHH FUCK.... baby.... daddy... yes boy... fuck yeah," we groaned together as he filled me to overflow. He was shoving deeper into me, sending his cum dribbling out of my hole as my own juice squished between us.

We wiggled together in hot, sweaty, sticky lust for another few minutes before Clay collapsed on top of me, smooshing me into the coffee table which seemed a little wobbly from the workout we'd given it.

Our hearts beat against each others' chests as Clay pulled me down to the floor, rolled over and held me against his chest. We both inhaled in heavy gasps, fighting over the limited air in the room, recovering from our first true bond.

I closed my eyes, sated and worn from our intense encounter. My ear against his heartbeat as he held me close, his still rigid cock lodged inside me. I had no idea how long I passed out atop him, but I didn't wake up again until he was getting up, holding me in his arms to head down to the shower.

It was a totally one-man job in the shower that night. He set me on the stone ledge in the shower as he cleaned himself off. I laid back against the warm, wet tile and watched his perfect physique work soap and shampoo over his body, washing off the juice I'd left matted in his chest hair and pubes.

He finished up and turned to smile at me, "Damn baby," he shook his head, "You did good, boy." He came over to me and helped me stand and then soaped me down, cleaned my hole and rubbed shampoo over my head. We brushed our teeth and then curled up in a corner of the oversized bed. He held me and rubbed my tummy, telling me how good it felt to be inside me.

"I liked it too, daddy. I'll take more next time, I promise, daddy, I'll make you proud," I said sleepily.

"You did very well, boy, you earned your toy," he smiled, kissing my head.

Clay disappeared for a few minutes, going upstairs to turn off lights and lock up. He came back down with his cock swinging between his thighs, my tall pile of muscles man, carrying the stuffed monkey. He turned off the lights and crawled back in beside me, putting the monkey into my arms and then curling up around me, warm cocoon resumed.


Saturday morning found us with sunshine, no early alarms, no day of school in the boy cave. He woke me up by kissing the back of my neck and then jingling my collar with his teeth.

"Baby, time to get up," he whispered, rubbing my hair gently with his lips.

I groaned and shifted, wanting a little more sleep.

"C'mon, love, let's go make some pancakes." Clay wiggled out from the comforter.

I rolled over onto my back hugging monkey as I watched him slide up and then tuck his ample member into a pair of boxers. He went into the closet and came back, tossing me a red jockstrap and a pair of pajama pants.

I reluctantly crawled out and dressed, then padded upstairs behind him. Clay lifted me up and set me on the counter as he got out the stuff to make pancakes. We had our breakfast and then I loaded up the dishwasher as he cleaned the counters and put things away.

"Ok, you have 40 minutes, do treadmill for 20 and then your weight routine. I'll expect you finished and kneeling when I get down there.... go." Clay said and I quickly complied.

I was getting better at the weights but not really by much. The cardio part is easy, I can run forever. I was a drippy mess kneeling on the tile when he came down on time dressed in jeans, a polo and boots.

"Good boy," he smiled at my obedience, "Let's get you cleaned up." He snapped to get me to my feet and I followed him up to the bedroom and into the shower. He turned it on for me and then disappeared into the bedroom as I cleaned myself.

I came out with a towel wrapped around my waist to see two large, expensive-looking suede bags on top of the made up bed. Next to the bags was my jeans, a pair of black briefs and a long-sleeve gray hooded thermal shirt. I wiped off and put on the clothes as Clay came in from the closet with a pair of gray suede skater shoes for me.

"Ok we need to be in the car in five. Brush your teeth, go pee, grab monkey and meet me down there." Clay grabbed the bags, turned off the lights and headed out.

We drove for a good hour outside the city, Clay talking on his hands-free earpiece and speeding along through the gray misty day. He hadn't said where we were going, or that we were going anywhere. He'd handed me a little wordsearch book and a highlighter when I got in the Range Rover.

Finally he pulled off an exit ramp and then sped up a little road that wound through the heavily forested hills. I'd never been this far from the city... ever. We didn't travel any farther than the city bus or subway would go. After another half hour of windy mountain roads and two small towns with stop signs, Clay turned off into a long, steep driveway.

He'd finished his phone calls and had been stroking my hair and then said, "Here we go," as he turned around a big rock and a massive log cabin style house came into sight. There were four cars parked alongside the narrow driveway that led into a small circle in front of the house. Clay pulled right up to the front and parked.

"Ready?" he said with an excited smile... I thought, "For what?" but knew that wasn't a question I'd get an answer to. I nodded and hugged monkey to my chest. Clay put the wordsearch in the side pocket of the door and got out, went around back and grabbed our bags. He came to my door and opened it. I hopped down and he pushed me slightly in front of him, one hand on my shoulder and the other holding our bags.

"Hello!" Clay called as he pushed open the heavy wood door and pushed me into an entryway that led to a huge living room. This was a lodge, three huge leather couches around a big square coffee table in front of a stone fireplace that spread twelve feet across the wall and twenty feet high.

I stared up the wall and to a big landing on the second level with a big wooden staircase that came down the wall on our left. This place was bananas! There was a giant moose head mounted over the fireplace with antlers that stretched to either side. That had to be fake! Across from it was an oversized bear head, they stared each other down, helplessly mounted on the walls.

Two excited voices snapped me back to reality. Clayton had set our bags down to greet them with big hugs.

"Happy Birthday! You look so great!" One said to Clay... um birthday?

"Thanks thanks, you too," Clay replied and then shoved me in front of the group. They both around Clay's age, late 20s, early 30s; tall, athletic, well-dressed, gays. They eyed me appraisingly. I was getting used to this routine.

"Well hello, Tarrant," one of them stepped forward and hugged me, smooshing monkey against my chest. I smiled politely until Clay gave me a gentle squeeze on the shoulder to remind me of manners.

"H..hi, sir," I stumbled, not used to talking much these days.

"Sir?" he laughed in mock offend, "No, I am not a sir! Clay what are you training this boy?" he laughed again.

"He's a teenager, anyone over twenty is sir to him," Clay laughed, putting an arm across my chest and pulling me back against him.

I greeted the other man whose name turned out to be Michael..

And then came another guy out of the kitchen. He was probably mid 20s, tanned, toned and almost as tall as Clay. He eyed me with disgust, but made his way over to Clay and kissed him on the cheek. Clay reciprocated with a hug and said with some apprehension, "Hey Len... Good to see you."

Len backed off a little, eyeing Clay as though I weren't there. He held a wine glass in one hand and nodded his head, "You too, Clay. Wouldn't miss your birthday."

"This is, um <> Tarrant," Clay said. It sounded weird since he never called me that.

I started to put a hand out towards Len but Clay put it back against my chest and held on to me. "Hi," I said, looking at Len's shoes.

"Seems submissive enough for you," Len laughed, "Kidding, I'm... I'm happy you got what you always wanted."


"Well, you two have the big room on the left," Jerry, the peacekeeper of the group announced to break the silence. Clay picked up our bags and pushed me towards the stairs.

Our room was Amazing! Huge windows overlooked the mountains and the lake behind us. There was a cozy bed, smaller than ours at home, but with a warm quilt. There was a big fireplace and a small couch by the windows, a door led to a small bathroom with a big round tub and a small closet.

I pressed my hand against the cold window and stared out on nature I hadn't ever seen outside a book or tv show. "Look! Deer!" I said as Clay moved behind me and slid his arms around my waist.

"Too much good stuff to see in here to care what's outside," Clay said in his "I-Want-Some" voice.

"You didn't tell me it was your birthday... Now I feel bad," I said softly.

"I got my present last night," he dismissed my concern, "You're what I wanted. Would you have made me a macaroni necklace if you'd known?" he laughed.

"No, I would have..." I trailed off, knowing I had no money to get him anything or freedom to go buy it if I did.

"Hey, I'm the daddy here, I get to buy the presents and make a big deal over your stuff. Your job is to do as told and worry about nothing else, k?" Clay was firm, serious about this. I nodded, "Yes sir."

We put our clothes away. I hadn't seen anything that was in my bag before. He must have ordered things for me. There was a few thermal tops, a swimsuit (too cold for that), pajamas, more briefs, socks, thirst and pajamas. I put everything away and then went back to the bag for the last of it. I pulled out a blue hoodie I hadn't seen before. It didn't look new. I held it up for Clay to see.

"Oh yeah, I found that in a box in the closet. It was mine in high school, way too small for me, thought you'd like it." Clay said flatly.

I held it up and inhaled his scent. He'd added a touch of his cologne to it. I slipped it on and zipped it up. It was a little too big for me, but I loved it and it was the first time in a week I'd really felt clothed. I'm ok with being mostly naked in Clay's house, but it felt nice to have my modesty back a little.

"Let's go be social," Clay said with an apprehensive sigh.

"Who... um who is Len?.... sir," I stumbled through the question.

"Oh... he's... Well, we dated for a few years," Clay began. I was surprised he was answering, but he could sense the urgency in my voice. "He's a little more of a mess than I can handle, but he'll behave himself... I hope. Just stick by my side like a good boy should. k, baby?"

I nodded, "Yes sir," and followed him out of the room and back downstairs.

The guys were sitting around a huge kitchen table stocked with wine, chips, assorted liquor bottles and soda. Clay put me at a chair next to Jerry who gave me the kind of smile you give to a kid doing a cute trick. Clay made himself a drink with lots of vodka. I got hopeful that he would make me one too, but then he put some ice in a cup and poured a sprite for me.

He set the drinks in front of me and went to get a plate for some chips. I started to reach for his cup, wanting a sip, but without turning his back to look at me, he said, "No alcohol!" Which got a few laughs out of the guys.

"Aww, let the boy have a sip, You used to get tanked at his age," Jerry said.

"When you get a boy, you can raise him how you want," Clay laughed.

"You always let me drink," Len piped in, "What's so special about him?" He regarded me with a dismissive waive.

"First, you were 18 and had already been drinking," Clay said, returning to the table and setting a plate of chips, crackers and some cheese in front of me. "Second, you never took orders from anyone. Telling you no wouldn't have done any good."

I sipped my sprite and looked down as Clay rubbed my hair approvingly.

"Maybe you just didn't care as much," Len said with a hurt voice as he looked down at his wine glass.

"I still care as much," Clay said, offering a peaceful hand across the table, "And I hope you find someone worth you." Len looked over at me for a moment. I raised my chin to meet his eyes thinking he'd be flattered by that, but it just intensified the scorn in his eyes. He humphed, took a sip of his wine and flipped his head to the side.

Michael, a tall, slender, model-type, rose up from the chair next to Clay. "Well," he started, "Maybe time for another round." Clay sat down next to me, slid his arm across the back of my chair and put a piece of cheese to my lips, gave me a peck on the cheek and started in on his drink.

Len made a sour face and went out for a cigarette. Michael fixed his drink and headed out after him.

The guys had made a big dinner. I tried to pick through it, but the tension at the table didn't do much for my appetite. Clay made sure I had enough of everything he'd put on my plate but looked disappointed that I didn't finish it all. He kept trying to prod me on without drawing attention to it, but the other guys exchanged weird looks every time he did it.

Clay was on his fourth drink by the time Len brought out the birthday cake. It was one of those weird cakes like what we'd seen on the food show channel. It was shaped like the incredible hulk and was green and airbrushed with icing.

"That is awesome!" Clay said excitedly

"Thanks, I picked it out," Len beamed. Michael took a few pictures of Clay with it. Jerry cut it up and gave everyone a piece.

"It tastes really good," I said, taking a bite.

"I didn't make it," Len said flatly and turned his head.

"Be nice," Clay said to Len, "Thanks for the cake."

"So 35, Clay?" Jerry asked.

35? That perked my ears up. I realized I didn't know how old Clay was. Ok I know that's not old, but that's almost 20 yrs older than I am. I looked over at him strangely.

Clay laughed and nodded at Jerry then looked down at me and his smile faded. I didn't mean to look turned off. I was more working it through my brain. He was a successful man with a big house and three cars, so I guess it made sense. I leaned over and kissed his chest. He rubbed my back approvingly.

The party moved outside after cake. The guys were smoking, joking, drinking. It was pretty cold out and I snuggled into Clay's arms, bringing more evil looks from Len.

Finally I started yawning and Clay said his good nights and then pushed me back into the house and up the stairs as Len watched with envy.

We got naked and took a hot shower to warm up. I went to get my pajamas out of the closet but Clay caught my wrist. "No no, baby, my birthday is not ending in pajamas, come'ere love," he pulled me into his muscled chest and pretended to dance with me back and forth a little.

Clay was drunk, but a happy drunk. My uncle had always been a happy drunk, though obviously not in a sexual way. He'd usually pass out on the couch telling me how wonderful people are.

Clay pulled me up into his chest and sang a few notes as he danced over to the bed and then laid me down gently. He climbed atop me and kissed me passionately, then rolled over onto his back, bringing me on top of him. I leaned down and kissed him again.

"You," he said, poking my chest when our kiss was broken, "You are the best birthday present, you know that?"

"Don't say that, I feel bad for not getting you anything. I didn't know... Do you know my birthday?" I said, trying to make myself feel less guilty.

"You mean the birthday you have coming up two weeks before Christmas?" he said with a winning smirk.

"Dang," I laughed and buried my head between his pecs.

"Aww baby," he said, leaning up to kiss the top of my head. "This," he said, putting a finger down to my hole, "This is all I need and I got to unwrap it last night."

He brought the finger up to my lips and pushed through. I wrapped my tongue around his finger and sucked it, slicking it up to go inside me.

Clay reached under me and worked the finger in me without much protest. He wiggled it inside me and started to fuck me gently. I moaned and bucked on his chest, my cock springing to life. I bit and sucked at his nipples and pecs as he sped up the finger assault. I wanted more. I wanted him inside me again.

"Please fuck me, daddy, please fuck me," I whimpered against his chest, slobbering my way around his nipples.

Clay sat up suddenly, slipping the finger from my hole. "You want that cock, boy? You want daddy to breed that hole?" he growled with a drunken arrogance.

"Yes sir, please sir," I begged.

Clay got off the bed, holding me with one arm under my ass. He walked us over to the bathroom and fished the bottle of lube out of his kit. He flipped the lid open by hitting it against the counter. He set me down on the counter and lubed up a finger, pushing it forcefully inside me and then traced a line of juice up his cock. He grabbed it, worked it over with his slippery hand and then put both arms around me and picked me up again.

Clay pushed me up against the wall and held me with one arm, the free hand gripped his cock and it pushed against my slicked up hole.

"Fuck yeah," he growled into my ear as he popped the head of his cock into my hole. I threw my arms around his neck and held on as he slowly lowered me onto his cock.

"DADDDDDYYYYY," I screamed as he inched his way into me.

"Yeah beg for that cock boy, beg to be bred by your owner," Clay growled.

"oh daddy, please fuck me, please please, oh fuccckkk," I screamed into his ear as he pushed farther into me. He started to raise me up and drop me on his cock. I wrapped my arms tighter around his neck to hold on for dear life as he took my ass into his hands and rammed deeper inside me.

"ahhh... uhhhh....yeahhhhh...fuckkk," he growled as he owned my hole. "Oh fuck baby, yeah!"

I buried my face into his chest and whimpered helplessly as he sped it up. My cock bumped along his tummy at full mast. I felt the cum building inside me, pushed farther with each ram of his cock.

"ohhh... dadddyyyy," I whined, "I'm gonna cum daddy," I begged for permission, helpless to stop it.

"Yeah cum for daddy, let daddy fuck the juice out of your boy cock," he paced around the bathroom, holding me effortlessly as his cock rammed deep into me. He finally stopped at the bathroom counter and leaned up against it, bucking his hips wildly.

It hit the button inside me that released a day's worth of boy cum between us. My body tensed up and shook as he fucked me deep, spraying his chest with my cum.

"uhhhhh... ahhhhhhh fuckkkkkk yeah!" I screamed into his chest, tasting my own cum spray up onto my lips. My salty juice sprayed up to my nose, on my cheek, across his pecs.

"FFFFFuck yeah boy," Daddy growled, ramming into me as I climaxed. His own cock started to erupt deep inside me, filling me with his juices. We were one hot and sweaty tangle of bodies. I arched my neck and caught a glimpse of myself in the bathroom mirror, lost in lust, sweat and erotic bliss.

He continued spraying inside me as his cock pushed it out, dribbling down my cheeks and dripping onto the floor.

"Ohhh Ohhh Ohh," he held me, stopped his fucking as his cock spasmed inside me. He pulled me against his sticky chest and held me tight as we gasped for air.

"Fuck yeah baby, that's what I'm talking about," he laughed as he came down from his orgasm. "Oh fuck yeah."

We laid there together for a minute, Clay leaned against the counter with me pretzled into his chest.

"Whew," he said when he'd recovered enough to make sense, "Fuck that was hot. Tight little boy hole I own there," he laughed.

Clay carried me back into the shower and we repeated our cleaning ritual. Warm soapy hands worked their way up and down my body, even bending down to work soap between my toes. He gave my red, spent cock a little kiss and then kissed his way up my tummy, chest until landing on my lips. His soapy hands worked their way around my back.

"I love you baby," he said in a raw tone that begged for reciprocity.

"I love you too, daddy," I said, bringing a smile to his lips.

We toweled off and skipped the pajamas. I held monkey to my chest as he wrapped his body around me and pulled the covers over us. In the dark, I stared out through the windows to the reflection of the moon on the lake. This was happiness. This was warmth and safety with a man who would raise me right, worship my body and teach me how to be.

Sunday morning we did have to put on our pajamas to pad down to breakfast. Clay only put on the pajama bottoms, having a chest to be proud of. I put on pajama pants and a green tank top with a picture of a pitt bull on it (Clay picked it out). Everyone was already sitting around the table working on pancakes and a giant bowl of mixed fruit.

"Well I'm surprised you two survived after the show we heard last night," Michael joked.

I blushed, open mouthed and buried my head behind Clay's back.

"Sorry guys, it took awhile to open my present," Clay joked.

"Eww," Len started, "Have some dignity." He said coldly.

"Dignity?" Clay said then laughed, "I was too busy having sex to get to that."

Len let out a deep breath and returned to his pancakes.

I started to pull out the chair next to Clay, but he pulled me down into his lap. He helped himself to a few pancakes and topped it with the fruit then cut it up and started to feed me.

Jerry set a big mug of coffee in front of him and he gulped it as I chewed on the pancakes. I started to take the coffee next, but he pulled it away from me and gave me a cup of milk Jerry had put down for me. Clay had one hand in my lap and the other holding his coffee. I forked a bit of pancakes towards him and he accepted it into his mouth then gave me a sticky kiss on the cheek.

After breakfast, we all cleaned the kitchen and then got dressed to go on a hike. Clay packed a cooler of stuff for a picnic when we got to our destination. We hiked a few hours up into the mountain before finding the perfect spot, just off a cliff overlooking the lake. The house looked even more impressive from up here.

Michael and Jerry cleared a spot for a campfire and lined up some rocks in a circle. Len and Clay went off to get wood for the fire and I was told to stand and guard the supplies... guard from what? I obeyed, sitting on a log and watching the lake. I heard Len and Clay on the ledge a ways below me. They weren't being too quiet.

"You already spent the savings I set up for you? Did it ever occur to you to think past your next shoe purchase?" Clay sounded angry.

"It's not like thirty thousand goes that far! You never complained what I spent when we were together!" Len argued.

"That's exactly the problem. I spoiled you but you're not a kid, Len, I paid your rent and bills for a year. I set you up with four different interviews you could easily have maintained your lifestyle with. You didn't even show up to the first two!" Clay was pissed. "I can't keep taking responsibility for you! I have Tare now. I put you through college, helped you make contacts and you pissed it all away. Now you want to ruin the first good thing I have since we broke up. You wanted your freedom in the first place! Do something with it!"

"I know... I... Clay... seeing you with him makes me..." Len started.

"It makes you want me back? That's fucked up. You can't just come in when I've found happiness and decide you wan to go back to us. It's over and being rude to my boy isn't going to achieve anything. He's a sweet kid, Len. He doesn't know anything. He thinks if you're nice to someone it will get returned. I'm not going to let you take that from him."

"So..." Len said, "So I'm... supposed to be nice to him?"

"If you really care about me then yeah, be nice. I don't want him turning out jaded. He's had a rough little life and I'm going to spend the rest of mine making sure his days are filled with sunshine and rainbows. If you can't get on board with that then go home." Clay was firm.

My heart skipped a beat at that. No one had ever offered me... anything. I hugged the small backpack Clay had given me to carry and shivered a little with happy warmth.

"I don't think you were supposed to hear all that," Michael said, startling me back to reality, "Come help us build the fireplace." Michael offered his hand and I went to help find rocks to make our fire circle.

We settled down on some logs Jerry had dragged over and pulled some sodas out of the cooler. Clay had a giant stack of wood in his arms and Len came behind him carrying two small pieces. Clay arranged them inside the circle and then lit them with Michael's cigarette lighter and a few starters from one of the backpacks.

Clay got the fire going and then took the little backpack he'd given me. He opened it and took out a small flannel blanket and spread it out a few feet from the fire for us to sit on.

The other guys started to get the supplies out of the coolers so we could make lunch. We roasted hot dogs and then made some smores. The guys had a few beers and Clay had put some juice boxes in for me.

The hot dogs were really good but I just had a roasted marshmallow since I don't really like chocolate. The guys all told stories about crazy things they'd done. They'd been friends for a long time and it was one inside joke after another. I was content to snuggle in Clay's lap and watch the afternoon drift by.

The fire died down with the sun as it disappeared behind the lake. We used flashlights on the way down and then took naps before making a light dinner. I wasn't used to eating three meals a day so I kinda picked at mine, pretending it was really good.

After dinner, Clay excused us from the group. The guys went in to the living room and played one of those quiz games while we went and put on our swimsuits. Clay stopped by the kitchen and took a bottle out of the fridge and two wine glasses and then led me down to a small room with windows on three sides. He flicked on some switches and a hot tub roared to life. It was dimly lit from the inside and the moonlight shone in from the windows.

I got in to the warm bubbling hot tub as Clay unwrapped the bottle and popped the cork, pouring two champaign flutes for us.

"I get alcohol?" my face lit up excitedly as he made his way over to me.

"Uhh, yeah," he smiled and handed me a flute.

I took a sip, my first sip of champaign. It was awesome!

"So how long does it take before I feel it?" I asked, a little too excitedly.

"Well, probably a long time since it's non-alcoholic," Clay laughed. He sidled up next to me, put an arm around me and pulled me into his side.

"Oh," I said, more than a little disappointed.

"Drinking's not a big deal, baby. But at your age it's not good for you, your little brain is still growing and doing it's thing. Let's just enjoy your innocence a little bit longer, ok?" Clay kissed my cheek and splashed at me with the water. We wrestled playfully in the hot tub, splashing water all around us before he pinned me down and started to go to work.

Well my new swimsuit didn't stay on long after that. We spent a good hour exploring each other, a much more gentle fucking than the assault I got last night. I came twice before he finally filled me up with his seed. After that, he held me and we talked about stupid, silly stuff until we toweled off and went to bed, the guys still playing the stupid quiz game in the living room.

Monday was a national holiday. We cleaned up, Clay packed our stuff and loaded it into the car and we caravanned back to the city, back to the new normal of school and workouts in the morning, cleaning and chores in the afternoon, fucking and relaxing in the evening. What a dream, I thought as I hugged monkey and finished a wordsearch.

Thanks for reading. Send comments to mcitywriter@yahoo,com Not sure what to do with Chapter 4.

Thanks CJ

Next: Chapter 4

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