Claytons Acquisition

By CJDenton

Published on Nov 25, 2023


Clayton's Acquisition

->^<- Chapter Two ->^<-

Monday morning came with a bang, followed by a traffic report on Clayton's alarm radio. It was dark out, too early for stirring, but Clay sat up, turned it on and then rolled away from me and the warm cocoon of the three of us (including one stuffed turtle).

"I'll be down in fifteen minutes. You get breakfast, shower, teeth brushed, blue jock, white tank top, tennis shoes. Be on your knees next to the treadmill by the time this goes off again and I'll be down to get you started. After today you'll only get ten minutes, so don't waste it, your cereal is on the counter." Clay rammed through that and then put his head back on the pillow.

I laid there a minute, stunned, until he stirred again and said, "14 minutes, don't waste it."

I wiggled out from the tangle of comforter and raced through the list I'd just been given. I started by gathering the blue jockstrap, white tank top and tennis shoes out of the closet. hmmmm I paused by the closet door, shower next.

I had trouble working the four showered system, so I just hit a button and two cold jets came at me. I shivered through the soap down, shampoo, face wash. I even took a minute to work a soapy finger inside myself.

I grabbed my toothbrush and the paste with five minutes to go. I could eat quickly then brush my teeth in the kitchen to save time. Maybe for tomorrow I could keep my toothbrush in the basement bathroom. Time saver! I was pretty proud of myself until I realized I'd forgotten to keep track of the time.

I heard the alarm go off again as I was loading my bowl into the dishwasher and I forgot to shut the door to it. I tore down the stairs and then down the second flight to the basement office/gym/Tarrant cave. As I landed on the bottom floor, I heard footsteps behind me. I scrambled over to the treadmill, knelt down and looked up at him with a smile.

I didn't get the smile returned. He walked over to me and looked down with his head cocked to one side. "Did you expect a cookie? That was too close... but you made it and I'm sure you learned a few things to improve on for tomorrow," Clay said, reaching down and petting my head. His face eased into a soft smile, "You'll get it right. I didn't expect you to get it all done."

He leaned down and gave me a soft kiss before adding, "Oh woah, you didn't get it all done. Why do I taste cereal on you?"

I realized I'd forgotten to brush my teeth when the alarm went off. Shit... "I... I'm sorry... I." Clay put his hand down for me to stop talking.

"Go, brush your teeth, come back down and don't waste my time in the morning like that." Clay said, disappointedly.

I struggled to my feet and scampered up the steps, my head hung in shame.

When I got back down, Clay was sitting in a big leather chair in front of the computer set up. He was a tall pile of muscles in a pair of flannel boxers. He yawned lazily and stretched as he waited for something to load.

"Come," he waved me towards him. I went to his side and he pulled me down in to his lap, slipped his left arm around my waist as he clicked away on the computer. Clay showed me how things would work with my school. Where to go, how to log in, how to work through the projects and submit them. He had a monitor on his computer at work to make sure I was only where I needed to be.

Clay had set up an account for me in his computer system so that when I used it, all of the crazy parental controls were on. No social sites, time wasters, games, porn, other stuff a teenage boy could get in to. It was pretty restrictive and he typed in some sample sites to show me the warning that would come up and said the same little memo would ding on his work computer.

He worked out the pace of what I should get done in the morning and then gave me a list detailing the workout I should do at 11 every morning. He asked if I had any questions and then gave me a deep kiss and smack on my bare bottom before closing off the lower level and going back upstairs to work.

After the first hour, my mind started to wander. It certainly was easier to learn without worrying about what kind of punishment I'd go through today, but I wasn't used to interacting with a computer and it was frustrating to figure out how to type a sentence letter by letter and where to click for things. Plus the silence was unsettling.

By ten am, I was up and wandering the room. I stared out the window for awhile and watched clouds move across the valley. I thought about putting my feet in the pool but it was really cold when I put my hand against the glass and I didn't have enough clothing on to leave the warm room.

And then the phone rang. I ran over to it but stopped short. He hadn't said anything about answering the phone. I hovered over the complex system until the ringing stopped. I turned to walk back to the window but a voice came out of the phone.

"Baby," Clay's voice called through the box.

"Yes sir?" I said back.

"Baby, pick up the phone," Clay said. I guess he couldn't hear me respond. I picked up the phone.

"Hi!" I said, excited to hear a human voice, "I'm working!"

"Yeah? Good, I miss you. I'll be home a little early to check your progress. I expect you'll be finished. Light day today," Clay missed me! A little butterfly made its way around my tummy.

And then I felt dread. "Um, progress... I... don't know how to work a computer. We never had one," I admitted.

"Oh... I'll show you when I get home. Go ahead and do your workout and then take a shower down there. Wait for me on the carpet at the bottom of the stairs, naked, kneeling, waiting. That should be simple enough for you." Clay said patiently; not patronizing but reassuring.

I did the workout, it's a little weird to run in just a jockstrap, tank top and tennis shoes. The weights were a no-go. I tried each machine in the order he laid out. He had a space on the card to check off how many reps I'd finished and at what weight. It was pretty embarrassing to fill out.

I rushed through the shower and then dried off, kneeling naked on the carpet mat by the stairs as he'd instructed. I don't know why, but I expected to then hear the turning of the lock on the panel blocking the stairs, but nothing...

I waited as my knees hurt from digging in the carpet. I started to get up, do something else, but I knew I was supposed to wait. I knew he wouldn't be happy to find me doing something else and I wasn't sure if I'd hear him coming in time to get back in to position.

An hour passed, ok it was 15 minutes judging by the clock over Clay's desk, but I'm pretty sure it was broken. I sat back on my heels, then my bare ass slid down to the floor. "Oh!" That was an unwanted cold surprise. I slid forward a little so my butt was on the carpet. Indian style, that would be ok until I heard footsteps.

Another ten minutes passed on the clock (that's 40 minutes in non-broken-fucking-clock time). I sighed, laid down on the carpet and curled up so none of my bare skin touched the tile. And then I don't remember much. The cold, quiet room crept into me and I fell asleep.

Whack I felt a stinging in my ass that stirred me. I got up on my knees quickly. "Y...Yes Sir," I was fully awake now as a not too happy Clay stood over me.

The clock on the wall showed an hour had passed (Oh now it's speeding up to make up for the lost time). "I...I... um... hi," I looked up at him and bit my lip to think of a really good excuse to get me out of this. I tried a shy smile, but it didn't help.

Whack, another pat on my bottom as Clay circled me. He paused in front of me and pulled me up by my arm, led me over to the weight bench. He sat down and pulled me over his knee. Whack his hand came down hard on my ass and I yelped, struggled to get free. That didn't help things.

"Hold still and count," He said, pulling me back across his lap and holding me firmly.

Whack "Four sir," I started.

"No no, back to one," he said, calming down a little. He spanked me, hard, as I counted. I didn't know what I was counting to, but by 20 I was a teary sniffly mess. I guess that did it, he stopped whacking and began to massage my ass. That didn't really help.

He pushed me up to my feet and I got a good look at my red ass and face. I rubbed my eyes and sniffled again, looking down at the black, padded gym floor. Clay reached out for me and brought me in to him. I was a foot taller than him since he was sitting, he kissed my chest.

"You have to follow the rules, boy," he said gently, looking up into my teary eyes. He rubbed a thumb over my cheek and brought the salty moisture to his tongue. "When I give an order, I expect it to be followed without excuses. When I tell you how to wait, you wait. I won't have a boy sleeping the day away."

"I'm sorry," I nodded. Clay brought me in for a hug.

"You just need more training. Too much freedom isn't good for a boy. It's why I have you down here for the day locked up. A boy shouldn't have the run of the house," Clay said in to my ear.

He told me to follow him over to the computer and put me in his lap in the computer chair. He rubbed my ass playfully and remarked, "That's the cutest little red ass I've ever seen." He laughed.

Clay showed me how to work the computer and then helped me finish my lessons for the day. It was after four when we finished up. I was cold and naked but his warm arms and chest made it ok. I loved being in his lap, his arms, his presence.

After we finished up, Clay sent me up to put on a new jock and tank top while he got things ready for dinner. He didn't trust me yet to use the kitchen and I didn't really know how to make anything, but he said I would learn as we went and take over more responsibilities for the house.

After dinner, I loaded up the dishwasher and Clay started to pull some beers out of the fridge. He set a few packs of bottles on a silver tray from the cabinet and then poured a bag of ice in. Was he going to let me drink?

When I'd finished cleaning up the kitchen, Clay brought in a box from the entry room. He opened it and pulled out a little green ipod looking thing and plugged it in on the kitchen counter.

He saw me looking at it and smiled at me knowing I wasn't supposed to ask questions. He waved it at me playfully and laughed at my inquisitive stare.

"All right, I'll tell you," he relented, "This is your phone." Clay waved me towards him. He sat up on the counter and pulled me up into his lap, putting the device in front of me.

It had a little screen and five buttons. "Well, this is kind of a phone for little kids, but I thought it would work for you. I programmed in my cell phone, work phone, secretary's number and my friend Mitchell for extreme emergencies. So when you need to talk to me or when I need to call you, you'll know to answer." Clay explained.

"This will be yours during the day or anytime I'm away from you. You don't need to know it's phone number, that's just for me. It also tracks where you are. Pretty neat, huh?"

"I get a phone?" I said as a big smile crept across my face.

"Don't get too excited, it's just for me, but... yeah. You're my boy and anytime you need your daddy, I'm here." Clay said, leaning down to kiss my cheek. He went in for a second kiss, this time on the lips. He set the phone down beside him on the counter and his hand rubbed my thigh and up over the bulge in my jockstrap.

"Uhhhh," a soft moan escaped me, "Yeah daddy," I begged.

Clay's hand rubbed down between my legs and his finger found my hole, rubbing it gently in slow circles. My jock tented up as my breathing increased.

"Yeah boy? You like that?" Daddy started.

"Yes sir, uhhhh yeah daddy," I mumbled senselessly. I felt electric warmth spread over me. His soft kisses, his firm arm across my chest holding me back against him, the other hand working a finger inside me. He took it out, momentarily, to bring the finger to my lips.

I sucked it in to my mouth instinctively. I tasted myself, his scent and my desire. Clay rubbed his finger around my tongue and then took it back to my boyhood. He worked it in up to the first knuckle and pushed on. I wanted it. I wanted him so badly inside me. I knew it would take a lot of work to get that monster inside me, but I wanted to make him happy. Wanted to feel his pride at planting his daddy seed in my virgin hole.

"Uhhhhh," I squirmed on his finger, not able to say much as his tongue worked its way past my lips. His other hand rubbed down to my jock and then up inside my shirt. His hand rubbed my tummy, pinched nipples, gripped pecs. I moaned with every touch.


The doorbell brought me back down to reality. Clay lifted me up as he slid off the counter and his finger slipped out of my hole. My cock tented the jock against his chest as he flung me over his shoulder, my arms hanging down his back, red, revved up ass in the air.

Clay made his way to the front door and it hit me just how naked I was. Why was he answering the door with my ass in the air? Clay flung the door open, steadying me with one arm.

"Oh he's cute!" said a deep voice from the other side of the door. How could he tell from just my ass? Or maybe he meant my ass...

"Come on in guys," Clay said. Guys?? More than one? How many people was he showing my ass off to? My cock went down in the jock

Several pairs of feet pushed past us but i kept my head down, embarrassed and red faced again.

Clay didn't shut the door behind them, leaving my ass exposed to the cold night air. I shivered a little and Clay brought me down from his shoulder, settling me down into his arms, my head buried in his shoulder.

"Oh Clay," I heard a new voice coming up the steps, "That's not Tarrant is it? I can't see this Clay, not at all." I recognized the voice and turned to look guiltily at Mr. Rorvik the counselor from my school. It felt like weeks ago that I checked out with him and got on the train to go meet Mr. Hendrix. Now here he was staring at my semi naked body.

But he didn't look shocked, his smile was wide, somewhat cruel. He rubbed a hand over my back as he greeted Clay.

Clay shut the door and carried me back into the living room where three men, including Mr. Rorvik, were seated on the couch. Behind them, at the kitchen bar, three guys about my age were standing, talking happily. They wiggled out of their coats and then went to collect the coats from the men on the couch. They took them and disappeared in to the dining room.

Clay set me on my feet in the middle of the living room and I instantly turned to bury my face in his chest. I was standing in front of my old counselor and two strange men, hot muscled men in their late 30s, but strangers none the less. Clay turned me around and positioned me in front of him, eager to show me off to his friends.

"You did well, Clay," One of them said.

"Ellis did well," Clay said, pointing towards Mr. Rorvik.

The two strange men stood up and moved closer to me. They lifted my chin, rubbed my shoulder, lifted my tank top to inspect my tummy. I blushed furiously but Clay just stood behind me, his hands on my shoulder, proudly displaying his boy.

"Very nice indeed, I guess you won't need Michael anymore? He'll be disappointed," Stranger #1 said, pointing across the room.

I followed his point and saw the three boys had returned, dressed only in their underwear, one in briefs, one in a jockstrap and another in pink boxerbriefs. The last one must have been Michael because he eyed me furiously.

"Well Jay, I do thank you for sharing, but I think I'm a one boy daddy for now," Clay reached down and tweaked one of my nipples. I squirmed and turned to bury my face in his chest.

"Oh what happened to his ass? Breaking him in?" Stranger #2 asked.

"We had to relearn some rules today, but I'm sure he won't make that mistake again," Clay said proudly, "He's a pretty good boy. Ellis knows how to pick them."

"He's really shy, isn't he?" Stranger #2 said again, rubbing an unfamiliar hand over my back.

"Yeah, Mark, he is," Clay said and lifted me up into his chest, "But that's ok, I don't want him getting too friendly with others."

"Jealous already?" Jay said, "That spoils a boy. He needs a firm hand to remind him who he belongs to."

"Speaking of that!" Clay began walking out of the room. He fished around in a bag on the table for a minute and brought us back in to the living room. He set me down on the coffee table. I don't know why he never sets me down on an actual sitting surface.

"I got this today on the way home and they engraved it at the place next to the cell phone hut on Dryades." Clay held up a small but thick black leather collar with a silver medallion on the front. He held it up to the other men and then brought it down and snapped it around my neck snugly. I didn't get a chance to see what the engraving was.

"Clay's boy," Mark read as if sensing my curiosity, "Nice! I have collars for my boys, but boy #2 had an allergy to the finish on it. Left a red mark around his neck. You sure are spending money on him!"

"I plan to keep him around awhile," Clay assured, rubbing a hand over my hair.

"He sure needed someone like you, Clay," Mr. Rorvik said, staring down at me appraisingly. "This is what you want, right Tare?" He got serious for a minute. "I felt awful watching you go through all that at school. I tried to fix it as soon as I could. Is this what you really want?"

I looked at him for a minute and then looked up at Clay who nodded that it was ok to talk.

"Yes sir," I nodded at Mr. Rorvik, "Thank you."

He smiled appreciatively. "You let me know if things change, ok? We play around here but these boys are here because they want to be," Mr. Rorvik said, waving his hand towards the row of silent boys who had knelt on the carpet next to the coffee table.

"I will sir, thank you," I said and looked up at Clay who beamed proudly down at me.

We settled in to the living room, and the boys brought beers for the men and then knelt on the carpet in front of them, staring away from the football game Clay had put on the tv. Jay patted his lap and one of the boys climbed up into it.

I followed their lead and brought Clay a beer from the tray. I handed it to him and started to kneel like the other boys, but he set the beer down and lifted me up into his lap. He rubbed my back lazily as he cheered on the game and talked with the other men.

Soon the other two boys were invited in to Mark and Mr. Rorvik's laps. It was probably a strange sight, mostly naked boys held by their daddies except for Mr. Rorvik's who belonged to Mark.

After the long day of school, workout and ass beating, I was happy to settle in with Clay and put my head against his heartbeat. I did get up once to change out his beer and another time to go pee with him (he made me hold it until a commercial break when he needed to go too), but then I settled in and fell asleep against his chest.

I woke up on his shoulder. He was saying goodbye to his guests and they each kissed my cheek and said goodnight. I stayed happily in his arms and was glad to see the other boys had cleaned up the beer tray and bottles before they left.

Clay carried me around as he turned off lights and locked the door. He took me down to the bedroom and tossed me on the bed as he went about getting ready for bed.

Being alone again with him had me awake and in the mood to get back to what we were doing before the guests showed up.

Clay stretched in front of the mirror, ran a hand down his six pack and shucked his boxers. He turned towards me, laid out on the bed, propped up on one elbow, the other fondling the silver medallion on the collar he'd placed on me.

"Fuck you're beautiful," he said, standing there appraising me.

I squirmed, uncomfortable with his praise but glad I had it. Clay moved towards me, his massive meat swinging between his legs. He knelt on the edge of the bed and grabbed a remote, turned on some soft music and then crawled up and on top of me.

"You know how happy you make me?" he asked, staring down at me with piercing warm eyes.

"No sir," I swallowed, "But I'm glad you found me."

Clay leaned in and kissed me softly, a strong hand wrapping around the back of my neck. He pulled me in to him, laying down on top of me, balanced on his knees to not crush me. His tongue worked its way into my mouth, wrestling my own. It was a useless fight. I was completely surrendered to his touch, his safe embrace.

He let his knees drop, pulling me up and into his chest, resting back on his knees without breaking our kiss.

"I want to fuck you so bad, baby, Do you want that?" Clay said when he pulled away for a moment.

"Yes sir... daddy," I corrected, staring down uneasily at his full mast.

Clay lifted the tank top up and off of me and then dove in to bite and suck on my nipples. He wasn't going so gently tonight, maybe too many beers. He steadied me with one hand on my back and kissed up my chest, up my neck and began nibbling on my ear. My cock was rock hard and pressing angrily against the jockstrap.

I wanted to take it out, jerk it a few times and cum so badly, but Clay had other plans. He got up on his knees again and pushed my head down towards his cock. He gripped it, with one hand, playfully smacking it against my cheek a few times.

I tried to catch it with my lips, but Clay pulled it away, "No," he put a finger out for me to wait. He waved his cock under my nose, across my lips a few times. Clay reached down and gripped my chin and brought my face right up to his cock.

"Open," he growled softly. I did and he guided my mouth on to his cock. He shoved it in a few inches and my tongue began to trace his shaft appreciatively. He had a man's taste; sweat, beer, a little piss. All a real man should be. I closed my eyes and inhaled as he started fucking his cock in and out of my lips.

"Yeah baby, take daddy's cock. Show daddy your gratitude," He encouraged, "Yeah that's a good boy... ohh fuck yeah."

I did my best to keep up with his face fucking; breathing through my nose, keeping from gagging on it. He kept up the assault for a few minutes before pulling my head off his cock. He pulled my head back by my hair so I was staring up at him, open mouthed and hungry for him.

Then he did something I wasn't prepared for. He got right over my open mouth and let a ribbon of spit drip down and into my mouth. I winced, but kept my mouth open since he was obviously using it at the moment. I held it there on my tongue, not sure what to do.

He laughed at my discomfort with the awkward situation but smiled at me sweetly. "Damn, you're so new, innocent, I love it," he laughed to himself. "Ok, swallow," Clay ordered... and I did. I don't know why he did that, but it stirred something inside of me. I was beginning to understand my place here as his boy, his property. It didn't feel bad to swallow that, the truth or his spit. He cared for me; physically, mentally, emotionally. I wanted to be worthy of his attention.

He took another minute to look me over as I opened my mouth again to show him I'd complied. "Thank you, Daddy."

Clay leaned down and kissed me proudly, then pushed me back against the comforter, my head hitting the pillows. He flipped my legs up and bent down to work on my hole. He stuck a finger up for me to suck on and then put it inside me, wiggling it gently, monitoring my reactions.

"Does that feel good?" he said, already reading on my face that it did.

"Yes daddy... mmmmm," I gushed as he worked his way into me. My eyes rolled back and my breathing picked up, "Yeah daddy, fuck your boy," I added for good measure.

Clay did just that. He worked the finger in a little deeper until it started to hurt. I didn't say a word but he knew and slowly let it slip out of me. A disappointing emptiness filled me. I worried I'd let him down, but he crawled up and kissed me, then fished a small bottle out of the side table drawer.

"This'll help things along," he said and applied a few drops from the bottle onto his finger. He rubbed the warm liquid around the hole and just inside a little. He put a few more drops and then worked in a little deeper. It was agonizingly slow and my cock was rock hard in the jockstrap.

He got his finger deeper inside me than ever before and finally started to wiggle it around, stretching my hole to accommodate. He touched spots inside me that brought sensations I'd never felt before. My body involuntarily twitched and squirmed and new sounds came out of my mouth.

"Ahhhh!" I screamed as he hit a new spot and I turned my head instinctively biting on the pillow. His other hand came up and rubbed my tummy soothingly, steadying me, reassuring me this was ok to feel.

"Yeah, that's a good boy," he growled a low whisper, "That's my boy, that's my baby, yeah boy."

He slipped the finger out of me and lubed up a second one. He worked them in a little too quickly and a quick flash of pain shot through me. My body tensed and I whimpered.

"Ok baby, it's ok," he reassured, holding the fingers in place to allow my body to adjust.

"Breathe baby, let your body relax, don't fight it boy," Clay said in a tone that put me at ease. I slowed my breath, calmed at his touch. He held the fingers in place but moved his body up beside mine, slipping his free arm around me, pulling me into him.

He kissed me deeply, calming me as he slowly worked the two fingers in deeper.

"Concentrate on the kiss, my tongue in your mouth, surrender boy, give it to me," Clay said between kisses. His hand rubbed up and down my back as he worked the fingers in deeper.

I started to relax, to adjust, to want more of it. He was so gentle and I didn't want to disappoint. I needed him inside me and his slow, patient pace was agonizing.

"Please fuck me, daddy," I begged as his teeth found the tip of my nose and nibbled.

"Yeah baby, soon, not tonight but soon," he assured.

"No daddy, please, I want to try it. I need you in me," I whimpered, burying my face between his neck and the pillow, lost in desire.

"Be patient boy," he said in that father knows what's best tone, "We have so much time. I want it to be right and I want you prepared."

Clay's fingers had worked deep inside me but he held them firmly in place, letting me adjust.

My cock was rock hard but still bound in the jockstrap. I Couldn't stand it any longer. I moved my hand down to free it but was caught mid way. Damn, he was too good at reading me. I guess that's a daddy's job.

"No," Clay said, pulling my hand back. He reached down and rubbed my cock through the jock, then squeezed it hard, "This is mine now, you don't touch without permission."

"Can I touch it, daddy?" I begged in my cutest boy voice.

"Nope," he said flatly, "Not tonight."

The whole situation had distracted me enough to allow him to start working his fingers inside me. The quick waves of pleasure brought my focus back quickly. I squirmed on his fingers, wanting them deeper, wanting more of the incredible feeling of fullness and connection to my owner.

"Fuck me daddy," I whimpered into his chest, "Please sir, please."

"Yeah boy, beg for it, you live for daddy's touch," he barked.

"Please sir, please fuck your boy hole. It's yours daddy, make it ready for your daddy cock," I whined, feeling that building sensation in my cock.

Clay started moving the fingers in and out of me faster, each time sending a wave over my cock and a shiver through my spine. I was twisting, squirming, jerking uncontrollably on his fingers. I was sure it wasn't a pretty sight but oh fuck it felt too good.

He hit a certain spot one too many times because my body tensed up and my cock erupted in the jock.

"AHHHH I'm AHHH FUHHCumming daddy!!" I sobbed into his chest. "I cannot stop it daddy ahh please let me cum."

He laughed at that but kept working his fingers over the right buttons, "It's a little too late to ask permission baby."

"AH Uh Uh Uh Uh Oh Uh FUhDaddY uhhhh," over and over my jockstrap kept oozing cum. My cock had worked it's way out of the top of the jock and a pool of hot white boy seed spilled between us, a few shots making their way up to my chest.

"oh Yeah baby, yeah let it go boy," Clay commanded, speeding up his assault on my hole. He rammed the fingers in and out of me, it was a strange mix of pain and pleasure and I couldn't stop either side or care as my cock kept reacting to it.

But it did stop, it finally did and I felt his fingers slow down and his lips returned to mine. He slipped his fingers out of me and I felt strangely empty, open. It was an instant and sickening feeling when he pulled out. I didn't want it to stop, but he tried to compensate with kisses and then he rolled over onto his back, pulling me into his chest.

I was breathing fast and furiously as he held me to him. It was a slow and hard recovery as I really just wanted to fall asleep right then and there. He rubbed my back gently, proudly. He kissed the top of my head and whispered sweet things to me.

"You did so good baby, I'm so proud of you," he started, "You're so beautiful, baby. So perfect."

My cock eased up and the sticky coating around my middle began to feel uncomfortable. I lifted my head off his chest and looked up at him looking down at me. He smiled and brought the two lubed up fingers that had been inside me to my face. He swiped them down the middle of my forehead and then sideways, making a sticky sign of the cross. He smiled at my blessing and then pushed me up to my knees.

"Suck that cock," he said with a smile. And I did. I went nuts on his cock. I bobbed my head up and down, took more of it than I had before. I worked through the gag, which felt good on his cock anyways. I took about two-thirds of it this time. I was going to soon bury my nose in his pubes, feel his balls on my chin.. or forehead. I wanted it. I wanted to make him cum.

His hand caught the back of my head and he grabbed my hair as he started to lift himself off the bed, ramming his cock into my mouth. It dragged across my lips, forged across my tongue and aimed at my throat.

It didn't take long. We'd had so much build up and soon he was pushing me down as his cock tensed and shook in my mouth. His body lifted up off the bed as a stream of obscenities left his mouth, positive obscenities.

"Fuck... fuck suck that cock, that's my boy mouth. fuck yeah take daddy's cock, take it boy," he was growling, cursing, shaking as he filled my mouth with his juice. I swallowed around it, trying to keep up. I was breathing through my nose and my eyes started to tear up as I choked on his cock and gulped at his jizz.

He filled me up several times over. It went down my throat, even a little out of my nose. I wanted every drop of his precious seed, to make him proud, keep him wanting me.

He sent one last skull jab at me and then laid back down, his tummy jerking occasionally. He pulled me off his cock by the hair and led me to crawl back up on top of him. I put my ear against his heart and closed my eyes, this time knowing I'd done all of my jobs for the day.

We were a sweaty, sticky, exhausted mess. He laid there for a few minutes stroking me, praising me, and then he carried me off for a quick shower. I was so tired that he had me propped up with one arm as he soaped me down and finished his own cleaning.

We dried off and crawled under the covers, naked and intertwined. I was soon back in my warm cocoon of Clay's arms, stuffed turtle and down comforter. He had me on my side, spooning me from behind, his arms around me. We shared the pillow since my head fit right under his chin. I wanted nothing more than to stay this way, in his arms, warm and protected, adored and praised.

Soon a light snoring emanated from above my head. I closed my eyes and smiled at how lucky I was to be picked, plucked from bad life and placed into his world.

The rest of the week went better. I started to figure out the computer thing and I got quicker with finishing work and doing workout routines. He called every morning, interrupting my schoolwork. He liked to listen about my morning, my thoughts, how this new world felt.

Friday he came home really early and picked out some clothes for me. It was the first time in a week that I'd worn real clothes other than a jock and tank top. It wasn't until the car pulled out of the driveway that I realized I hadn't left his house in a week and I was ok with it, my million dollar cage.

Clay tore down the hillside and I squinted at the sunlight. We went to lunch and he ordered me a hamburger and fries and a steak for himself. I picked at it a little and then noted him watching me.

"That's... hmm, that's something we need to talk about," Clay began, "I've noticed the last few days you skip breakfast to get your morning finished sooner. You barely eat lunch and then you pick at the dinners I make."

"I... I eat... sir," I stared down at my plate. No one had ever really noticed my eating before. No one had really noticed ME before.

"I'm taking you to a doctor this afternoon to get everything checked up, You probably haven't been to one in awhile. I just want to get things checked on and see if something is going on," Clay reached across the table and covered my hand with his.

An hour and a to-go box later, the doctor was conspiring with Clay to invent an eating disorder. He said I was "well below" the healthy wait for someone my age and it was affecting my growth and health. He printed out an eating guide that was to be the daily minimum and Clay assured him he was on the case.

They both talked a lot but neither of them talked to me. I felt like a dog at the vet. I sat there with a sucker in my mouth and looked down as they forged out a plan to fix me.

On the car ride home, Clay said things were going to be a little different now. We'd eat meals together and he'd make a lunch for me to keep in the little fridge downstairs and have after my lessons.

"I'm sorry...." I said as Clay pulled in to the driveway. He pulled into the garage and turned the car off, then turned to me and put an arm around me, pulling me in to him.

"You didn't do anything wrong. But this is serious and we're not playing around with your health. You're a beautiful boy and you'll be even more beautiful with a few pounds of protein built muscles on you. Your my boy and I have to take care of this, got it?" he hooked a finger under my chin and brought my eyes up to his, "Daddy's got this. No worries, right?"

I nodded, "Yes sir."

We went in and I set off to do my chores as he finished up some work in the office and then made dinner after inspecting my work. We had some grilled vegetables and some weird fish. I did eat it, but not the bread. He seemed ok with that.

I cleaned the kitchen as he flicked through tv channels. As I finished up, he sneaked up behind me and pushed me up against the counter. I wiggled my bare ass against his khakis and felt his cock already ready to go. He leaned in to my back and slipped his arms around my waist, rubbing up under the tank top I had on.

I think I was ready, tonight was going to be the night.

Thanks for reading. Let me know what you think please: mcitywriter@yahoo,com

Next: Chapter 3

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