Claytons Acquisition

By CJDenton

Published on Mar 7, 2023


Thanks for waiting for a new chapter. We were on a business vacation so I decided to take Tare on one too. Please send feedback to The formatting has been effed on my last two stories and I think it's yahoo mail. So I apologize if there's some weirdness in here.

-CJ :)

Chapter 13:

"Uhhhh," Clay doesn't really like me grabbing his hair when he's going down between my legs, working his tongue inside me, but I wasn't fully paying attention.

"Babe? You here?" a raised eyebrow peeked out over my hard cock. I couldn't help it. The sun was setting behind him over a blue, wavy ocean through the open glass doors that led out to the patio of the guest house we were at for the week.

Clay had business in Laguna and we'd never been apart since the day we met. I'd never left the state and we'd passed a wonderworld of neat things to see this afternoon as we made our way to the cliffhouse owned by Clay's friends. I wanted to go walk the beach, look at the little shops at the bottom of the hill, see the sights, but Clay was tired and just wanted to fuck and then have a low-key night with his friends who were probably downstairs wondering if we were really taking a nap after our long trip.

"Yeah daddy, it feels good." It did feel good. The man knows what he's doing, but the waves crashing below had me wanting to hurry things along, "Fuck me please? Please daddy?"

"Mmm yeah," Clay let his tongue slip out of me and raised up, his hard monster swinging between his thighs. "My baby," he leaned down and kissed up my tummy as he crawled up and over me, putting his sweaty, heaving chest against my cold, smooth frame. I shivered at the warmth as his arms wrapped around me.

Clay got up on his knees, pulling me up into his chest so my legs straddled his waist and my hole lined up with his cock. He lowered me down on to it. I wasn't quite as ready as I'd told him and I inhaled sharply as the tip pressed against my hole and tried to slide in. I bit down on his shoulder; he tensed at the pain but then laughed a little.

"Are you in that big of a hurry to go see the beach?" he laughed. I nodded, brushing my nose against his neck, "Yes sir."

Clay sighed, "You want me to stop?"

"No daddy, please don't," I started to push myself down on his cock, realizing how hard my cock was and how badly I did want to finish. Clay lifted me up and laid me back against the bed. He pushed two of his fingers past my lips and I sucked on them, he wiggled them against my tongue and pushed back into my mouth until I made the little gagging sound he liked.

"I love that," he laughed with that smile that he only uses with me. I tried to make it again but it wasn't something I could force without his fingers... or cock. Clay slipped the fingers from my mouth and began to work them inside me as I squirmed against the pillows, my cock throbbing and dripping boy juice.

Clay’s fingers gently stretched me as he bent over my frame and put his lips to mine, a day's stubble scraped against my cheek. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled myself up to him as one of his hands worked fingers inside me and the other supported my back. He took his time this round and soon had me ready for his cock.

He got back onto his knees and pulled me up into his chest as I kept my arms around his neck. He lowered me down on to him and soon I was bouncing happily on his cock. My head rested on his shoulder; I tried to ignore the last whisps of sunlight sinking under the Pacific and tried to focus on the waves of pleasure washing through me as my cock bumped along his tummy. Clay buried his stubbly chin into the side of my neck and inhaled deeply as we sped up our pace.

"New baby smell," he laughed as he pushed into me deeper, rubbing his teeth against my neck.

"Fuck daddy, that feels good," I bounced happily on the hard shaft filling me. His hands gripped my waist, slowing me down from hurting myself on him. Instinct took me when he was inside me and sometimes got the better of me but Clay knew how I worked.

"I cum!" I yelled, feeling the juice work its way up my shaft as my body shivered under his grip. I tightened my hold on his shoulder and felt his teeth working my left ear as my body began to lose control and shoot cum all over his chest.

"Me too, baby, me too," My hole tightened around his shaft, gripping it and coaxing his daddy juice my body so desperately needed. I bit into his shoulder lightly as he filled me and pushed another few spurts of cum out of my cock. We melted together, wiggling, shivering, moaning, biting, sucking, exploding. He let go of my waist and put his muscle daddy arms around his boy, holding me tightly against his sticky chest.

We bounced a few more times and then he fell back into the bedspread and balanced me on his chest. I put my head against his shoulder, recovering my breath. The warm, drying cum had our chests stuck together and I'm sure he'd have fun cleaning it out of his chest hair before we got into the shower. His heart beat steadily against my ear, slowly returning to normal as he rubbed my back proudly.

"You guys had a good nap?" Chance asked as we finally made it down the stairs to greet our hosts.

I had been yawning when we pulled up to Chance and Michael's house in Laguna, but not from being tired. Clay had surprised me with this trip to California and I've never been on a plane before. He gave me a pill and a juice box on the way to the airport. It was what his doctor gave him to relax and sleep on airplanes only he is over twice my size so it hit my empty stomach hard and fast.

The security people at the airport probably thought I was being drugged and kidnapped. I don't have a state ID and they didn't want to accept my high school photo id, but Clay had some paperwork proving he's my legal guardian and told the guards that "his son" has severe anxiety about flights. They let us through and soon I was falling asleep in the comfy leather seats of first class. I'd never been on an airplane and certainly not in first class, so I hope Clay wasn't upset that I wasted the luxury by sleeping through it. But Clay seems to ignore the luxury world he lives in.

I woke up as the pilot announced a weather report for Orange County. My ears were burning red and everything sounded severely muffled. I stirred against Clay's shoulder as he click-clacked away at his laptop and sipped a glass of wine.

"Mah OW hurt," I looked confused and put my hands to my ears, squinting against the burning.

Clay reached over me to the little messenger bag he'd strapped on me when we left the house. He pulled out a pill bottle and another juice box, put the straw in and told me to suck. The sucking eased the pressure in my ears and I quickly emptied the box, sucking the last bit of apple out of it. My hearing started to return to normal, but my ears felt like I'd been punched. He took a cup of ice water from the tray in front of me and set a blue pill on my tongue and then brought the cup to my lips. I swallowed both of them.

"The advil will help the swelling go down... I'm so sorry baby. Please don't cry," Clay looked down sympathetically and I realized my eyes were watering heavily from the pain. I sniffled and put my head against his side. Clay rubbed my shoulder and put his laptop up as the flight attendant came to our row and told us to fasten up for landing.

The landing was crazy, like a roller coaster and my fingernails left little bloody crescents in his arm, but he just held on to me, pet me gently and told me this was totally normal. Soon enough I was stumbling out onto a sunshine-filled terminal as his tight grip pulled me through to collect our bags.

We went to a special lounge that had a bar and little café. Clay parked me at a table and ordered us sandwiches as the rental car lady came over with an ipad and let him pick out the car we'd have for the week.

I picked at a turkey sandwich and sipped a glass of sprite as he ate and talked to the car lady. Soon, a guy who looked about my age came in with a cart that had all our bags on it. Clay checked that it was all there and gave him a twenty as he wheeled the bags away.

"Where's he going with them?" I asked, watching our stuff disappear out to the terminal.

"They'll load up the rental car for us and deliver it in a few minutes to the pick-up area," Clay looked at me as though this is normal. The last time I'd gone anywhere, the bus captain dumped everyone's stuff out on the sidewalk and you grabbed your bag before someone else could.

California was beautiful! We drove through a sketchy area around the airport but soon Clay made a left turn onto a large highway that ran along-side the water. Everyone here looks like they are in a commercial for living your best life. I wondered where they kept the homeless people or unattractive ones.

"Everyone here is beautiful," I remarked as Clay was complaining about the length of a stoplight, ignoring the miles of wide, beautiful beaches.

"Not everyone. I lived here a long time, it can get ugly fast," Clay mumbled and reached over to rub my neck; more to ease his frustration than mine. He pets me when he's upset or anxious.

"Can we get out? I think you can park over there! Please Daddy!" I begged as I pressed a button to lower the window and let in the cool sea breeze.

"No baby, I just want to get to the house. I need some time with my boy and then a nap," Clay had been anxious since this morning about getting here. He was in an unexplained rush.

We pushed on and pulled up to Chance and Michael's house, another set of beautiful people. They are about Clay's age and build; two beautiful, strong men with an amazing house in an amazing place. They greeted Clay with hugs and told me they'd heard all about me. I was apparently famous as the boy who claimed the eternal bachelor’s heart. I'm not sure why people kept saying that. Clay made a few minutes of small talk but then interrupted saying his boy really needed a nap from the travel. He tossed our bags into the corner of the room as I moved to open the large glass doors that led out to a terrace overlooking the empty beach below.

Clay was on me instantly and we had our playtime but it had used up the last of the daylight. We finally made it downstairs and greeted our hosts.

"You guys had a good nap?" Chance had asked.

"Yeah," Clay lied, "The boy was pretty worked up from the flight."

"We heard," Michael, the other host, said with a grin. "Made us need a... nap of our own." He hugged Chance to his side. I felt my face go red with flustered heat and buried it in the back of Clay's t-shirt.

"Oh don't be gross, you embarrassed him!" Chance pushed Michael away and came over to hug Clay. It was a mash of muscles as the two men intertwined. Clay hugged him and then pulled me from behind him and pushed me towards Chance who gave me an uneasy hug. I felt small and ugly surrounded by the three works of art. They were towers of masculinity; those guys who just happen to like other guys. Clay fit right in with these guys. It made sense all the magnetism he held over guys at home. He didn't belong there. He was formed in this beautiful place.

"Welcome to California, Tarrant. Am I saying that right? Such an adorable name for an adorable boy!" Chance tried to ease me into the situation.

"He's beautiful, Clay. I can see why you settled down. If he's not done settling down, I'll sign up for next in line," Michael eyed me appraisingly with a smile. I felt like a show dog and hung my head in a blush as Chance kept an arm across my shoulders.

"Aww, he's a shy one. Beautiful and modest," Chance squeezed my shoulder.

"He has no idea how beautiful he is," Clay said matter of factly, "God help me if he ever figures it out..."

I looked up at him with a raised eyebrow wondering what he meant. He spread his arms and I walked into his embrace, turning around to face the two men and Clay crossed his arms over my chest. I always felt ok with his arms around me.

"Well," Clay started, "The baby's been pawing to get out in the sand. Should we walk to dinner?"

"Yes," Michael said, "There's a new place a few blocks down with Russian fusion tacos. It's amazing!"

"Hopefully they have a kids menu," Clay laughed, "As long as they have vegetables, Tare will find something to eat. We'll get changed and be ready in five."

"Can we get it to go and eat on the beach?" I begged.

"No baby, we'll go to the beach later, I promise," Clay dismissed.

It was warm when we got to the house, but Clay insisted on dressing me in jeans, a long-sleeved thermal top and a soft, red hoodie I hadn't seen before. Clay said he'd ordered some new clothes for me for our trip. He said it gets very cold at night along the beach so I'd be thankful to have the hoodie, but he only put on a very thin polo shirt, jeans and flip flops.

It was dark as we made our way down to the shore along creaky wooden steps. I could hear the waves crashing and wanted to take off my shoes as we touched the sand. Clay wasn't interested in playing in the sand and the other guys seemed indifferent to it. It felt so soft under my shoes. I wanted to strip down to my jock and run out into the water.

"Please can we put our feet in the water? Just a few minutes, daddy?" I whispered and tried to pull him towards it, but he held my hand firmly and trudged on behind the guys.

"No baby, let's go eat now," Clay pulled me along.

We had a nice dinner at the little place with an ocean view and then they decided to stop into a bar called "boyz room" a few blocks down.

"Hey, you can't bring that kid in here!" a man called from behind the bar. It was a younger crowd, aged somewhere between Clay's friends and me. A few of the guys turned to notice us as we came in.

"Let's go to the beach. I don't want to get in trouble for being in here," I turned to Clay and begged, feeling awkward at causing a scene. But before Clay could respond the man came from behind the bar and squished me against Clay's chest in a hug.

"Claybee!," he yelled in a high pitched tone, "You didn't tell me you'd be in town."

"Just in for a few days on business. I'm surprised no one shut you down yet!" Clay joked as the man backed away. Clay turned me to look up at the bartender and introduced me as his "boy."

"You've had quite a few boys over the years," bartender laughed, "I didn't think anyone would ever pin you down, but he's certainly cute enough for it." He led us back towards the bar and then went around and made us some drinks.

"I can have alcohol?" I looked up at daddy excitedly.

"No," the bartender and Clay said in unison. He made me a mix of fruit juices and sprite that tasted really good. He even put a little umbrella in it with chunks of pineapple. "Aloha," he winked as he set it in front of me.

A cute surfer looking guy moved up to the bar to my right and smiled at my drink, "You got the jailbait special?" he laughed. I didn't think he was being flirty, he was way too hot for me, but Clay settled in on a barstool and pulled me over to stand between his legs. I pulled my drink over and smiled at the boy who rolled his eyes at Clay and ordered a few beers.

"Why did you do that? It's kind of mean," I looked up over my head at Clay who took a swig of his beer and laughed.

"You have no idea the way guys look at you, do you? You can't smile and talk to every guy who comes over to you at a bar, they take it as you're interested." he gave me that look like I'd just crawled out of a hatched egg and then leaned down to kiss my forehead.

I turned to look at the surfer guy carrying his beers over to a table of equally cute guys. He set the beers down and turned back to look at me. He raised his eyebrows with a sly smile as our eyes met. He nodded over towards the dance floor with a look of invitation.

"Can we dance, daddy? I've never done that. Please?" I turned back towards Clay who was talking to Chance and Michael.

"I'm pretty wiped out, muffin, I thought we'd just get a drink and head back for the night. We can come back another night to dance and get crazy." Clay gave a fake yawn and raised his hands in the air.

"I'll take him," Chance stood up and offered me his hand.

"No no no, We're not going to be here that long anyways," Clay said.

"Please daddy! Please Please Please!" I begged, "I'll be right over there and you can see me."

Clay reluctantly nodded and kissed me before Chance dragged me over to the dance floor. The music was thumping loudly in this part of the bar and the floor was getting pretty full. I wasn't sure what to do, but I tried to follow along with the mass of wiggling white boys in various states of undress.

"You've never done this before?" Chance laughed and I nodded and blushed a little, "Just loosen up and move to the music. There's no right way to do it, but you look really tense." He put his hands on my hips and pushed me around with the beat. Soon he let go and I was getting the hang of it.

I felt someone at my back and turned to see the cute surfer guy about an inch away from me, smiling down at me with ocean blue eyes. I smiled up at him as he put his arms around me and pulled me back against him.

"Woah," I pushed away from him gently and checked to see if Clay was watching. He was standing at the edge of the bar, leaning against it with another beer. He was turned towards Michael and probably catching up on old times. The surfer guy leaned down to me.

"I didn't mean to scare you, just wanted to say hi since your security detail seems distracted at the moment." He smiled, "I'm River, what's your name bright eyes?"

"I'm Tarrant," I blushed, "Tare, that's my boyfriend, Clay. He's a great guy, just not always to other people."

"I'd probably be as big of an asshole if I had you in my lap," River joked.

"Play nice boys, I'm going for another drink," Chance interrupted and then ruffled my hair before walking towards the bar.

"I should probably go too..." I said regretfully. River had his eyes locked on to mine as we danced towards the middle of the floor.

"I wish you wouldn't. Adorable accent, you're not from Cali?" River put his hand against my chest.

"Um... no. This is my first time leaving Texas," I was growing increasingly nervous by his attention and he seemed kinda drunk. I turned to see where Clay was but River's friends had surrounded us on the floor.

"I'm sure your dad is fine at the bar, little cowboy. Feel like ditching him? The beach is beautiful this time of night if you haven't seen it." River moved his hand to my shoulder and nodded his head towards the back exit.

"We're staying on the beach, it looks so beautiful but we didn't get to go to it yet... Clay doesn't seem interested in that. I really want to go put my feet in the water... but I should get back to..." I started to back away but River grabbed my wrist.

"Cmon, if he was that worried, he'd be over here grinding on you. You're not his prisoner. Let's go to the beach!" River looked a little less friendly. He was fumbling over words and smelled like he'd been drinking for awhile.

"I don't want to dance anymore, please let go," I lowered my head, not used to having to speak up for myself as River was gripping me a little too tightly. I backed up and bumped into another guy who gave me a scowl that quickly faded into a smile. "Sorry," I said, but River wasn't letting go. He pulled me away from the guy and stumbled towards the back exit.

"C'mon. Don't be a little bitch worrying what daddy will think. You're way too cute to settle down with a sugar daddy anyways," River got me to the back exit and I looked around for Clay. He was looking away from me, scanning the dance floor and looking worried. I called out but he didn't hear me over the thumping music.

"I don't want to go with you, you're scaring me,” I said as River pulled me out to a dark parking lot behind the bar. There was no one around the parking lot and River got me over to a small, blue BMW.

"Calm down," River slurred with a laugh, "You don't need to play hard to get with me." He pushed me against his car and leaned into me, pressing his lips to my neck. His hands slid up the back of my shirt.

"Please stop," I struggled against him, pushing him away. He stopped kissing my neck and grabbed me by the arms, holding me steady and pinning me up against his car. I tried to push him away. He was slim but solid; much stronger than me.

"Don't!" I yelled for help, knowing the music in the club would be too loud for anyone to hear me, but I hoped someone was around the dark parking lot hidden behind the bar.

"Stop yelling, I'm right here!" River laughed at me as I tried to break free from his grip. He went back to work on my neck and I felt his bulging jeans pressing against my tummy. I tried to bring my knee up but he pinned my legs with his and held me tightly.

I tried to sidekick his leg and smashed his foot with my shoe. He backed up, looking angry and I thought I had gotten him but then realized he was being pulled by the back of his shirt. Clay was behind him and picked him up by the shirt collar and threw him into the side of his car. It gave a loud beep at the impact.

"Daddy," I locked eyes with Clay and was worried that he thought I was trying to cheat on him. I felt dirty like I'd betrayed him by leaving the club with the surfer. He paused for a minute, checking that I was ok and then turned his attention back to the object of his anger.

River was coming towards him, swinging clumsily. Clay grabbed the boy's wrist and turned it painfully behind his back. He smashed River up against his BMW again, this time into the side mirror which cracked with a smashing sound.

Chance and Michael came out of the back door and Chance came over to me. I slid down the side of the car and pulled my knees into my chest and crossed my arms around them. Chance knelt beside me.

"Take him out of here," Clay said as he pushed River down against the hard top of the parking lot.

"My dad's a lawyer, fucker," River said just before Clay kicked him in the ribs.

"Too bad he's not a doctor, you'll need one sooner than a lawyer," Clay retorted and kicked him again.

"Hey, it's ok, little one," Chance whispered to me. He offered his hand and helped me up off the pavement. I stumbled a little and Chance whisked me up into his chest. Instinctively, I wrapped my legs around his waist and pushed my head into his shoulder. He supported me with one overly muscled arm under my butt and the other rubbing my back soothingly.

"Aww, sweet baby," he said, "It's ok now." I wasn't crying. All I could think about was Clay being mad at me for not going back to the bar when Chance left for another drink and for talking to the guy he'd already warned to stay away from me.

Chance carried me away from the scene and Michael followed. We waited in front of the bar and I stayed in his arms. Michael hugged me from behind and kissed the back of my neck. I felt like a two year old.

"Is he ok? That's crazy!" Michael said.

"I think so... poor little guy," Chance hugged me to him, "Let's head home."

Clay joined us a few blocks later. I saw him from over Chance's shoulder as he ran towards us sweaty and red-faced but without a scratch.

"Is he alive?" Michael asked, trying to sound light.

"Unfortunately," Clay said as he slowed from running to catch up with us.

Chance stopped walking, turned towards Clay but hugged me to his chest, "I can carry him home; he's pretty light. You look shaken up." I felt Chance's body tense up under me. He didn't want to let me go.

"Is he hurt?" Clay asked, "Set him down so we can look him over." Chance set me on my feet but kept his hands on me as though I would crumple down to the sidewalk. The three men lifted my arms, examined my face and neck for injuries.

"Stop it," I finally said, "I'm not a dog. I can tell you if I'm hurt. I'm ok."

"He has a little hickey on his neck," Chance pointed at it.

"That fucker marked my boy?" Clay leaned down to me. "Oh wait. I might have done that this afternoon... I'm so sorry baby. I shouldn't have let you go alone like that. This is why I don't let you out of my sight."

"You didn't do this to me..." I said and looked down at my shoes.

"I know... but no one has the right to put their hands on you and I took you into that place and didn't keep you safe. I'm sorry baby," Clay lifted my chin, but I turned my head and stared down the block to where the road ended against the sand and beyond the waves crashed lightly against the shore.

"I just wanted to go to the beach," I sniffled, fighting back the mix of emotions that was starting to unfreeze inside me.

Clay knelt down in front of me and took my hands, "I'm so sorry baby. Tomorrow we'll do every crazy beach thing California has to offer, ok?" He bit his lip with expectant eyes.

I nodded and lifted my arms, my sign for needing to be picked up. He lifted me up in to his warm, sweaty chest, told me he loved me, apologized again and carried me back towards the house.

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