Claytons Acquisition

By CJDenton

Published on Feb 6, 2023


Thanks for reading, please let me know what you think -CJ

Chapter 11: The white party

"C'mon baby, you'll look adorable," Clay held up the pair of small, white, painters' overalls with a tight, long-sleeved, white thermal shirt to wear underneath it. He pressed his lips into an adoring smile as his eyes twinkled down at me.

"I don't know. It makes me look four. I was thinking jeans and the new black button up that we got at the mall," I looked up with a hopeful frown.

Clay isn't used to me having opinions about what I wear, but we're coming up on our two-monthiversary. The whole dress up doll thing was starting to get to me.

"It's a white party," Daddy flourished a hand over the white, pressed pants and white, gauzy V-neck he had on. Against his tanned, toned muscles, the clothes framed his sexuality; cupped his bulge, hinted at dark, pink nipples and left little to the imagination of his non-existent tan lines.

"Yeah but...

I... Yes sir," I hung my head, gave in and set my towel down on the counter as I took the white boxer briefs he held out for me. I dressed, and then He adjusted the straps on the overalls after he secured the suspenders, eyeing me proudly.

"That's my baby," Clay said, leaning down to kiss my forehead as he pulled me into him by the suspenders. He finished his vision by changing out the two little black studs I had in my ears for two little white blingy studs. "Perfect"

"I feel like a little kid, daddy."

"You're my kid, kiddo. My beautiful boy,"

Clay turned away dismissively, ignoring my feelings with his happy air of the world being as he planned it. He put my towel away and then came back over to me.

I leaned into his chest. He had on the cologne that made him smell like new wood and leather. Clay hugged me to him and sniffed at my hair, then kissed it.

"You're so beautiful," he sighed and kissed down my cheek to my neck. "I think we're going to be late. Is that ok?"

he laughed and lifted me up as I wrapped my legs around his waist and he carried me over to the bed. He laid me down and kissed down to my chest.

"Yes sir," I said as he undid the straps he'd just spent time adjusting and pushed the overalls off of me as I wiggled out of them. Clay pushed my shirt up, kissing a path from my boxer briefs up to my belly button. My body shivered as the cool air of the room hit my nipples as he pushed the shirt up and secured it behind my neck.

"Clean baby, tasty baby," he smiled as he took my nipple between his lips and started to bite and suck each one in turn until they pointed up.

"Yeah daddy," I whined and put my hand on his head to push him down towards my cock. Clay kissed down my tummy and used his teeth to pull down the waist band of my boxer briefs. He pulled them down and off, periodically stopping to kiss my thighs, my knees, my legs, my ankles.

He held them between his teeth like a dog with a toy and turned to fling them across the room. He slipped his shirt over his head and set it on a chair, then added his pants and a pair of white briefs with a silver band and then went down and kissed at my toes. He has a new thing for my feet, mostly because he likes how I squirm and whine as he hits the ticklish spots. He knelt on the bed, his slightly thickening cock swinging between his thighs. He looked funny, a hulking muscle of a man using his tongue on his boy's foot. He had a five-year-old's grin spread across his face. He loved to make me squirm.

"Daddy!!" I squealed and tried to crawl away as he took my foot and brushed his lips and tongue over the sensitive spots. He finally relented and kissed his way back up between my legs. He pushed them up and I secured my knees behind my shoulders, giving him full access to my hole.

"Yeah baby," he smiled as he crawled up onto the bed and knelt in front of me, kissing at my erection, tracing a tongue around my nuts and then diving into my hole. He spread my cheeks with his hands and worked his warm tongue inside me.

"Ohhhh fuck," I yelled out as he hit the right spots and opened me up in anticipation of his tool. His warm eyes peered over my cock and he raised an eyebrow at my cursing, but drove his tongue in farther.

"Uhhh Uhhh Uhhh," I moaned and reached down to guide his head on my hole. He knew how to angle it just right to drive me crazy. My hard cock throbbed against my tummy and started to leak a small pool of early boy juice. I bit my lip and laid my head back against the pillow as his expert tongue worked its experienced daddy magic.

"That's my baby," Clay slipped his tongue out of me and fed me a finger to lube up with my spit. I sucked on his finger as he worked it uncomfortably past my mouth capacity. I gagged a little and he slid it out, swiping it over my tongue. He put one hand on the back of my neck to angle my head up to look at him as he started to work the finger into me, swirling it around and massaging my special spots that had me flailing against the mattress.

"Yeah, you want daddy inside you? Filling his boy with daddy juice?" Clay asked, staring intensely down at me, judging his finger positions by the twinkles in my eye.

"Yes sir, please fuck me, daddy," I begged.

Clay reached over me and grabbed the lube off the nightstand. He worked a lubey finger into me and then used some on his cock. He positioned the tip against my hole and slowly slid into me, eliciting oohs and ahhs with every centimeter of his thick pole.

I squirmed on his cock, wanting to take as much as I could. He felt so warm inside me and knew the hows and wheres of owning a boy hole. He kept his eyes locked on mine, looking for that right mix of pain and pleasure by which he paced his entry.

"That feel good, baby boy?" he asked and waited for my nods and pleas for more before he slipped deeper into me.

He buried his cock as far as he felt comfortable going and then slowly slid out and in again. He started to work up a rhythm and leaned over me to work his tongue past my lips as his arms spread under me, pushing me up into his chest.

From this angle, he laid some deep pipe inside me, pushing over new spots that brought my leaky erection close to the edge as it brushed against his hard abs. I put my arms around his chest and held on to his back as he lifted me off the bed and started to swing me on his pole.

"Fuck daddy, fuck, fuck uhhhhh I'm so close," I whined as he bared his teeth against my chest, sucking a nice little purple mark on my shoulder. He started to piston in and out of me with urgency as I felt his cock push through me.

A few more expert strokes and my cock started to tense up just before it coated our chests with hot cum. My body clenched down on Clay's cock and started to milk it as he held me tightly and growled against my ear, "Fuck yeah baby, work daddy's cock, take daddy's cum,"

he encouraged.

"Yeah daddy, uhhhh," I shot a last few drops as my body jerked in tense, short aftershocks.

"Oh fucckkkk," Clay pushed all the way inside me as he filled my hole with his juice. He held me tightly, lifting us up off the bed in a one-armed push up. "Fuck yeah that's my boy."

We laid there, recovering, kissing, petting, my legs wrapped around his waist as I gasped for air. Daddy kissed my cheek, then pushed my head into his chest.

Clay rolled over onto his back, holding me against his chest as his heart beat wildly against my ear. "Fuck...

baby... yeah... my boy," he breathed in recovery and kissed my hair. `' We laid for a few more minutes before he carried me back to the shower I'd just finished with ten minutes before. We washed anew and Clay wrapped a towel around his waist and then wrapped me up in another towel and kissed me again.

We collected our clothes from around the room. Clay still hadn't changed his mind about the outfit he'd picked out for me.

"C'mon," he laughed as I again protested his choice in clothes. "Obviously it was hot enough for me to rip off of you the first time. You look adorable."

"But daddy," I started to whine again but felt so good from our session that I quickly coalesced to his choices. Clay ignored my whine and went to get jackets for us out of the closet; a white leather biker jacket for him and a white jean jacket for me.

We pulled up to another of the nondescript mansions that dotted Clay's world and a slim teenage boy in a white jumpsuit came out to valet our car. It was unzipped down to his belly button and Clay slipped a 20 between his zippers eliciting a "Thank you, sir!"

Clay came around and opened the door for me and put a hand on my shoulder as I started to walk towards the door where another chiseled guy stood ready to great us and take our jackets.

"Stay with me," Clay said, taking my hand and holding it tightly.

I hadn't seen slavetoy in a while and I wanted to see if he'd be here tonight. Clay had been busy all week with work and we hadn't gone anywhere except a trip to the grocery store because he was out of protein powder and we desperately needed food. I was kind of looking forward to being around other people, even if I was dressed like a little boy.

Clay pulled me to his side and held on even when he stopped to greet his friends as we pushed our way through the crowded party. Everyone was wearing white, at least for the parts of their body they wanted to cover. We found Marshall in a large, central living room wearing a white suit with a white textured tie and matching fedora. He always went with the theme of the party but modeled his place as the respected, powerful patriarch of this strange club.

Slavetoy knelt vigilantly at Marshall's side with his head bowed and his arms crossed behind his back in the standard display form. He had on a small pair of tight white leather shorts and white armbands.

His collar was a gleaming white leather with a silver buckle. He'd painted a star covering each of his nipples in white glitter. A little part of my stomach fluttered as I saw him there, graceful and strong.

"He looks adorable!" Marshall eyed me as we neared. Clay nodded and ruffled my hair. Marshall rose to kiss Clay on the cheek and then leaned down to kiss my forehead. "How are you, Tare?"

"Fine sir, thank you," I remembered my manners. Marshall offered to have slavetoy fetch us drinks and slavetoy rose to his feet, but Clay waved him back down and said he needed to talk to a few people before we settled down.

"Can I sit here please, daddy?" I asked.

"No, I don't want you wandering off like you do at parties," Clay grabbed my hand again and started to pull me away.

"It's too crowded, Mr. Marshall is here. I'll sit still, please just let me stay here," I begged, wanting to get some catch-up time with slavetoy.

Clay ignored me and started to pull me away into the crowd. I resisted a little but he barely turned to me as he pulled me along to whatever mission he was on. We went through to the kitchen where Clay greeted some guy I had never seen who was apparently a very close friend. A cup of ice and sprite was put into my hand as Clay pushed me between his chest and the counter, his hands on either side of me, pouring a drink for himself.

Clay rubbed my hair lightly as he sipped his drink and exchanged stories and jokes with a few other people at the drink station and then he pulled me out to a patio to greet a few others.

It wasn't until we made our way back into the house, Clay pulling me along behind him, that a crowd of strangers separated us. I felt a quick moment of panic as his hand let go and I was staring at a stranger's white hooded sweatshirt. And then... I caught a glimpse of a dark hallway and something in my head flipped on. I followed the crowd of strangers as I heard Clay call my name. I broke away and went down the hallway that led through a laundry room and then through a small guest bedroom that connected to another hallway lined with bedrooms.

It was dark, quiet. I felt like a cat escaping through an air vent, not sure where to go. I crept down the dark corridor, not that anyone was around in that part of the house, until I found a sitting room with large windows that spilled moonlight across the leather couches.

I felt a buzz in my pocket, the small cellphone Clay tucks into my pocket when we're out and about. I ignored it and walked over to the window. I stretched my arms up and breathed in uncrowded air. How do you tell the man who completely saved and changed your life that you're not a puppy.

It wouldn't take long for him to find me, so I went back out into the hallway and down further until I found a door that led to a side patio. A few guys were standing around drinking and talking by a cooler full of drinks. I straightened my shirt and walked towards them like I belonged here.

"Sup, little dude," One of them greeted me with a nod, "Looking for the drinks?"

I nodded my head and he fished me out a clear bottle of something and put it in my hand.

"Thanks," I looked around for a bottle opener. The "dude" took the bottle back and opened it on his arm, then handed it back with a smile.

"You're not here alone, are you?" He asked. "I'm Andy, this is Taylor and Suris," Andy pointed at the others.

"I'm Tarrant," I said, ignoring his first question.

"Like the county?" Andy asked with a smile and wrinkled nose. I nodded.

"You're Clay's boy, aren't you?"

Taylor interjected.

"We go out," I shrugged and took a sip at the very sweet drink I'd been given. I spluttered and swallowed it with a few coughs.

"Easy there, renegade," Andy laughed and put his hand on my back with a few soft pats.

"Not my usual brand," I covered, blushing lightly.

"Yeah you look like more of the organic juice type," Andy laughed. "So what's a nice boy like you doing alone?"

"Just needed a minute..."

"It can get pretty crowded in there," Andy kept his hand on my back and ignored the other two guys as he looked down at me with a smile.

And then Clay came around the corner with that look of anger mixed with relief. "You got lost?" he asked as he came over and inserted himself between me and Andy. He pushed Andy's hand off of me and looked down at me with those eyes of, "now you have my attention."

"Hi daddy," I looked up sheepishly and held the bottle of alcohol behind my back.

"This is why I didn't want you leaving my side. You cannot wander off. You don't know what could happen," Clay said in a voice that conveyed the unimportant status of the guests with whom I'd chosen to associate. "Come on, let's go inside."

"I don't want to go in..." I said softly, not able to meet his eyes and feel his disapproval.

"It wasn't a question," Clay grabbed my hand and started to pull me through the group of guys, but Andy stepped in front of him.

"He said he wants to stay. He looks old enough to speak for himself," Andy put a hand to Clay's chest. They were evenly matched but Andy looked like the type who'd scrapped it out a few times more than Clay's personally trained gym muscles.

Clay backed up, holding my hand firmly. He looked down at Andy's hand and then back to me. He noted the bottle of alcohol I held with a disgusted sound.

"You gave him alcohol? He's underage and my boy doesn't drink!" Clay took the bottle from my hand and sipped it then frowned, "Cheap shit." He set it down atop the cooler.

"Fuck you, I'm not the one who has to push a little kid around to feel important," Andy spat. He put his face threateningly close to Clay's and gave him that wide-eyed, "What you gonna do about it," look.

Clay turned to me and said, "back up while I show your new friend whose bitch he is."

Clay turned back and took a swing at Andy who went left and avoided it but brought his fist into Clay's stomach.

Clay recovered quickly and brought his elbow up to make a painful sounding snap against Andy's jaw. Andy backed up, holding his jaw and shaking his head as pain turned to rage.

"Dude stop, please," I rushed forward.

I hate fighting. My uncle was normally a happy drunk, but I'd seen him fight it out with people who crossed him. I hated it.

"Please, this is stupid, let's go inside. This is really dumb," I said as I positioned myself between two heaving bulky chests and racing hearts.

They both stood there for a minute, breathing heavily and staring each other down, but neither stepped forward with me in the middle. Taylor came up next to me and put his hands on Andy's chest and pushed him backwards saying, "Cmon, let em go."

I got right in front of Clay and put my hand on his cheek, lowering his eyes to meet mine, "Please stop this. You have nothing to prove." His hot gusts of anger exhaled down to my cheeks but he kept his eyes on mine and slowly calmed.

"Let's go inside daddy," I said calmly with pleading eyes. He nodded, leaned down to kiss me and then allowed me to pull him back towards the house. I felt his racing pulse as our palms squished together, he held on tightly. I turned back to look at Andy and nodded my head in thanks for not fighting back. He shook his head and gave me sad eyes then shrugged as I pulled Clay back inside.

We made our way back to the couch and sat next to Marshall. Clay held me in his lap; his body shaking with angry tension. His eyes narrowed against his scowl. "I should have kicked his ass, touching my boy.... Telling me what to do with my own boy..." I just sat there and let him calm.

"You can't wander off like that," Clay said when he'd calmed down. "You can't do that to me, Tarrant, it's not fair."

He used my full name for emphasis. I hated the way it sounded on his lips.

"YOU want to talk about fair?" I felt the anger stir inside me again. I turned in his lap to sit sideways so I could look up at him. "You drag me around like a dog on a leash, like I'm an accessory to your outfit. You listen to me about as much as you would a pet. I might as well be barking. I'm not a pet!"

"I know you're not. You're my baby. I love you. I do everything to make you safe and happy," Clay looked severely taken aback at my seemingly ungrateful outburst. I'd never talked to him like that.

"You say that, but I'm not a baby. I'm seventeen. I can pick my clothes and look just fine. I can pick my food and drink and still be alive. I can pick if I don't feel like being pushed around a crowded party on your arm and ignored by the people you think are worth talking to. I can pick the people I think are worth talking to," I slid off his lap to emphasize my maturity as most men don't take you seriously when you're atop their laps.

"Yeah I saw the fine people you think are worth talking to. You think he was just talking and would have let you walk away? Do you know what you look like to guys like that? What most men wouldn't do to get a chance with you? You think he would have let you go without getting something more?"

"I know he would have! Not everyone is out to rape me! Especially when you have me dressed like a toddler." I'd raised my voice a little too loud at that last comment. Several men, including slavetoy, turned to stare at us. Marshall put his hand atop slavetoy's head and gently turned it away.

"You don't know that! You don't know him and with five minutes of freedom you wander off to a dark side patio and start drinking with strangers. You are too young for that! I don't want you drinking. That's not an option for a 17 year old boy... Not my 17 year old boy!"

Clay's eyes widened with shock as if I really were a talking pet.

"Ok so maybe that wasn't a good choice but... I just needed to be myself for a minute. It's a lot of pressure being your toy. And what happens when I'm not cute anymore?" I hadn't thought about that until I said it.

"You..." Clay lifted my chin and lowered his forehead to touch my own, "are NOT my toy... You're my boy and I get to worry about my boy. You've had so much disappointment in your life. I just want it to be perfect from here on out. I love you so much, but you're so young and naïve and what happens when you get out of my protection and something bad happens?"

"Bad things happen... You can't always lasso the sun for me. I took care of myself before you. I didn't have nice things, but I took care of myself; found my own food and clothes and managed to not get... violated. I can take care of myself."

"But now you have a daddy," Clay said in a voice you'd use to talk to a small child, "That stuff is taken care of. I worry about those things. You don't have to."

I didn't know how to respond to that. I looked over to Marshall who was pretending not to notice our conversation but was stirring his drink with intensity. He finally looked over at me and then sighed.

"That is the dumbest thing you've said in quite some time," he let out a laugh and then turned his head to the side.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry," he waved an apologetic hand. "It's not my place to intervene."

"What?" Clay said with a shocked expression as he pulled me back into his lap and held on tightly, putting his head against my shoulder and looking over at Marshall.

"I think you've had control over the world for a bit long now. You push a boy past his explosion point; don't complain about getting hit by shrapnel," Marshall shrugged.

"So says the man with a boy kneeling in leather shorts and a collar at his feet!" Clay pointed.

"Oh I think he looks precious,"

Marshall defended coolly. "Besides, this is a trained serving companion,"

Marshall patted slavetoy on the head. "And this," Marshall ruffled my hair gently, "This is the love of your life. My boy knows he is being trained for greatness. In a few months he'll be ready to start spreading his wings a little and I'll ease up. Then he'll be ready to learn to do business on his own and finish his schooling and be off to control the world on his own. He is here by choice. Isn't that right, son?"

"Yes sir, and I'm very grateful to be at your side," slavetoy smiled up at Marshall who was scratching him behind the ears.

"But I was under the impression you wanted a life with Tare and I'm pretty sure he wants it with you too. It's going to be a very lonely life if he doesn't get to express his wants and needs. Even with slavetoy I get his input sometimes. He's a smart little guy, so is yours... but it's not my place to get into your relationship." Marshall shrugged and shook the ice in his empty glass. Slavetoy jumped up, took the glass and scurried off to the kitchen to refresh it.

"I don't treat him like that," Clay talked over my head, defending himself to Marshall. "It's not like that... It's not." Clay buried his lips against my neck, searching for reassurance. "I love you baby."

I sniffed back frustration, sighed and whispered, "I love you too daddy."

The rest of the night was uneventful until Clay slipped my jacket on me and led me out to the car. Andy was walking past and stopped as the valet brought up our car.

"Later, Tarrant! Look me up when you're tired of this pussy," Andy winked at me. Our car pulled up and Clay opened the door to put me in the passenger seat, handed me the seat belt clip and then shut the door.

Clay started to walk around to the driver side but paused to look at Andy who must have said something else. Clay took a few steps toward him, looked back towards me with a sigh and then turned to knock Andy squarely on the jaw.

Clay turned back towards the car and Andy jumped on his back, they rolled into an unfriendly hug on the driveway. They did a few flips before Clay kicked Andy off of him and jumped up. He strutted around a few times, yelling at him to "bring it." Andy struggled to his feet and tried to bring it but Clay quickly knocked him back to the ground and leaned over him, putting a finger to his face and saying something too low for me to hear.

Clay backed up and brushed off his pants, then came over to the car and got in the driver's side as Andy stayed down. He huffed in disbelief and shook his head as he started the car. I looked back over at Andy, getting to his feet. What makes guys do that? Why do they need to fight like that? Clay reached over and took my hand as we cruised home through the hills. He settled our hands against his right thigh and squeezed it lightly.

Nothing was settled, but a growing feeling inside me felt like this really wasn't how I wanted my life to end up; nailed down to the submissive quiet boy routine before I was even an official adult. I looked over at him, a powerful, sexy man who wanted nothing more than to have a happy, agreeable boy to "share" his life with. But he wasn't sharing much of anything.

"I'm sorry, baby," he said as we pulled into the opening garage at home, "People like that just aren't going to learn to shut their mouths without a little help. But I shouldn't have hit him. I don't like that and I know you don't either. I hope I didn't scare you. I can hold my own against a man who would talk like that to my boy.... And damnit that felt awesome!"

I realized I wasn't at all upset that he'd hit a guy. I also realized that Andy wasn't being disrespectful to me with what he said. Was Clay thinking he'd done this as a way of defending me instead of simply protecting his pride? I think the fact that he hit a guy was kind of the least of our problems at the moment.

I wanted to talk through this, but at the moment I really just wanted to curl up in bed with monkey and daddy's warm chest and strong arms. I leaned over the center console and put my head against his shoulder. He lifted his arm up for me to settle against his side and put his arm around me. He rubbed my shoulder.

"Sorry baby, let's get you home and in to bed," Clay leaned down to kiss my forehead as we pulled into our neighborhood.

Thanks for reading! CJ :)

Next: Chapter 12

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