Claytons Acquisition

By CJDenton

Published on Jan 14, 2023


Feedback is really appreciated! Thanks for reading -CJ :)

************************************* Chapter 10: The Hendrix Family *************************************

It was dark by the time I woke up; Clay nudged me awake as we coasted along through the sunset headed to see what was going on with his parents.

"I'm tired, talk to me, muffin," he said, rubbing my back as I sat up.

"You want me to drive, daddy?" I offered.

"You don't have a license. Remember? I got all your files," Clay laughed.

"You could teach me! I'm 17 now. I'm old enough, sir," I said with hope and no whining.

"No way, not my boy. There's no need for that. I worry enough about you without thinking of you being mobile. We'll be there in an hour," Clay assured. He pulled me against his side and put my left hand in his lap and held it.

"So you have brothers and sisters?" I asked, thinking I probably should know that, but then he'd never really talked about my brother either.

"I have three brothers, the youngest is a few years older than you. So there's me, then Colt who is 2 hours younger than me, Chane is 28 and Caden, he just turned 22," Clay rattled off.

"Wait, what? You're a twin? For serious? So yall are Clayton and Colton?" I was shocked.

"For serious," Clay said in a mocking tone, "Yeah, Colt's an ass, always trying to best me."

"So I am going to meet all these people?"

"Maybe," Clay said thoughtfully, "If they're all in town. Colt has four kids and they live an hour away. It's fine though, our house has five bedrooms and only Caden is still at home. So we'll have my bedroom."

I started to panic. I didn't think much about what it would be like to meet his whole tribe.

"So they know about you?"

"About what? Me liking guys? Ah babe, I don't give people the option to be ok with me. You can't go through life hiding and fearing yourself," Clay squeezed my hand, "You're good enough just as you are. You're the sweetest, most beautiful boy I've ever met. I hope you see that someday."

"Do they know about me?"

"They know I've adopted a boy who I love very much who some day will grow to partner my business with. You have nothing to worry about," Clay sighed and put his arm around me.

We pulled off the highway at a small exit with a hotel and a few small businesses. Clay barreled off onto a smaller road that twisted and turned as it passed large houses in a deeply wooded area. Clay turned off onto several smaller roads that led deeper into the woods before pulling into a long driveway that led up to an impressive stone house in a small clearing. Clay whipped around to the side close to a garage and put the car in park before taking a deep breath.

"Ok baby, let's do this," he said, picking me up out of the truck and setting me on the walkway before grabbing the bags from the small back seat.

A tall lady who looked only a few years older than Clay opened the front door and flung herself against my daddy. "Oh Clay," she sobbed dramatically, "He's fine, he's coming home tomorrow. You didn't need to drive all the way down here."

"Aww Mama," he said in a good southern boy accent, "I'm here." They hugged for a few more minutes until she blinked at me from behind his shoulder. She was an absolutely beautiful lady who obviously did a lot to beat the clock.

"This is the underprivileged boy you rescued! White babies in the ghetto. Who ever heard of such a thing?" She started as he pulled away from her and set the bags down inside the doorway. She raised her arms towards me like a hug could erase whatever she imagined I'd gone through.

"This is Tarrant," Clay said, pushing me towards her. She gave me a dramatic hug as though I'd just come off a life boat.

"He's so... small," She said with an even politer smile, "Are you feeding him? Oh the poor life he must have endured!"

"Yes, mama," Clay laughed and pulled me back against his chest, "He's growing now, you should have seen him when I got him." They continued talking as though I were the new puppy. Clay rubbed a finger behind my ears. I nearly barked.

"Oh I can only imagine!" She cooed, "Probably had crack in his system! Poor little darling, we will feed you!"

I smiled politely, knowing better than to contradict his mother. I can't imagine what he told her about my life before him.

Clay's mom closed the door behind us and we bounded the steps up to Clay's old bedroom. There was a small double bed in a dark blue room with stars painted onto the upper part of the walls and ceiling. He flicked on the light and let me look around as he put our clothes away and made a pile out of the dirty laundry.

Clay's room was an homage to a picture perfect childhood. There were trophies for every sport played in this part of the world, pictures of fishing trips, scout camps, church celebrations and family vacations. Everything was probably as he'd left it the day he went off to college, dusted, clean, preserved in time by a well paid housekeeper.

"Wow daddy," I said, turning to take it all in, "You were like superkid."

"What? No! Haha, baby. I just had a very active life. I played everything, excelled at everything. I'm a catch!" he joked.

"Yeah daddy, I see that." I suddenly felt very very small. "I... wow. I feel really lazy now."

"Baby, you excel at keeping a man very happy. What more could I want?" He scooped me up and set me on a low dresser and leaned in to kiss me.

I leaned into daddy, enjoying his strong embrace; thinking how special I was to be in his arms. He got our clothes settled and took the pile of laundry down to the washer then came back up and pulled me away from his high school year book.

"Cmon babe, it's dinner time." he grabbed my hand and led me downstairs, letting go when we got into the kitchen where his mom and youngest brother were sitting around a small table.

Clay's youngest brother looked like a younger, smaller version of him but with a lip piercing, blonde hair and a chain link tattoo around his forearm. It must have been new because Clay went right for it and pulled on Caden's arm.

"What? Why?" he asked and Caden blushed a little.

"I... I like it," Caden pulled it back from Clay's grip; looking unsure of letting down his big brother. He rubbed his forearm as though Clay had injured him which led Clay's mom to remind him to go easy on Caden.

Clay pushed me around to the other side of the table, between him and Caden. He took my empty plate and began filling it with the assortment his mom had prepared. Caden looked over at me appraisingly.

"How old is he? He looks 14." he asked Clay. No one in this family seemed to want to address me directly.

"He just turned 17," Clay said, setting an overfilled plate in front of me.

"Oh, how far behind in school is he? He must have missed a lot with all of the tragedy he's been through." Clay's mom interjected.

"I went to school," I finally piped up. Clay put his hand to my chest.

"Oh of course, dear. I just meant it must not have been easy to get yourself there everyday. Do you like your new school better?" She finally addressed me.

I looked over at Clay questioningly and he quickly jumped in with, "He's doing well! Good grades, good friends, he's blossoming." Clay gave me a wary eye. I nodded and smiled, "Yes ma'am. I am." I nodded emphatically.

"It's gotta suck to have Clay for a father," Caden laughed and looked over at me. "I'm surprised you haven't run back to the orphanage! Seriously, you haven't punched him yet?"

"I'm sure the boy's happy to finally find a stable home life with some direction," Clay's mom defended, "I don't think you should make such thoughtless comments, Caden."

"He's a very sweet boy," Clay rubbed my hair playfully. "Eat your dinner, Tare," it felt weird for him to call me by my name. I looked up at him with confusion, then turned my head down and tried some of the food. It was definitely not the healthy natural cooking Clay usually did, but it tasted good.

The rest of dinner went on like that. Caden seemed to have it in for his older brother, but it came across as jealousy and wanting to prove he was just as good. Clay praised Caden for getting through college and starting his career, but Caden seemed to take that as a jab. Clay's mom was exhausted by the whole thing. I helped her clean up the dishes but she told me to go get ready for bed and she'd clean everything else.

We got up to Clay's bedroom and showered together in his small bathroom. It felt nice to have some warm naked time with daddy, but he seemed distracted. He rubbed the sponge over my body and rubbed shampoo into my hair, but didn't do his normal exploration of my hole or nibble on random parts. He just seemed to want to get me clean and ready for bed.

I put on the pajamas Clay handed me and he pulled back the covers of his bed as I exclaimed, "Daddy we left monkey in the truck."

Clay ran down to the truck in his boxers to get the stuffed animal that usually cuddled between us at night. Meanwhile, his mom wandered up to check on me and found me sitting on the bed in pajama pants and a t-shirt.

"Oh, Clay put you in his old room? I made up Chane's bed for you. It's a twin size." She said. I froze. I hadn't thought about her thinking we slept separately. In her mind it would have seemed weird.

Clay came racing back in holding Monkey and his car keys.

"Oh he has a stuffed animal! How precious! Clay put his in the garage sale pile when he was 8. I saved it... Actually," She walked over to the closet and reached for a high shelf and brought down a weathered old teddy bear. "Here it is!" She handed it to him with a laugh.

I held up my arms with a smile and Clay put it in my lap, "I guess you can have this, but you have to be good to Mr. Bear. He never recovered from almost being sold."

"Well I made up Chane's room for Tarrant here," Clay's mom said.

"Oh, no Mom. We don't want to mess up two beds. He'll be fine in here with me," Clay started and then turned to her and whispered, "He gets really bad nightmares from being left alone in awful places. Abandonment issues and all. He usually creeps into my room in the middle of the night and curls up on the couch."

Oh Jesus Clay was making me out to be some needy crackhead orphan with abandonment issues? I took a deep breath and tried to ignore them and hugged Mr. Bear and told him, "Hello, new friend."

"I think he's talking to the teddy bear. Poor, poor boy," his mom whispered with a head shake.

"It's all right. Good night mom, we'll figure this out," Clay pushed her gently towards the door and shut it with a sigh.

Clay turned to lock the door and turn on soft music. Then his mood changed, "I am so horny." He had that look like he was ready to get down to playtime.

"I can't," I said, shaking my head, "I need crack first. It's been a few hours."

"Aww babe, don't be mad," he flopped down next to me on the bed and pulled me and the bear back against his chest. "C'mon baby, you know they wouldn't understand. What matters is you and me."

"I know I'm not good enough to be your boyfriend, but," I started, putting my hand to his chest.

"How could you ever think that? You're beautiful and sweet and my good baby boy," Clay kissed down my shoulder and started to lift my shirt up. "But you have to admit you do look 14 and they see you as that."

I softened against his kisses and secure hold on my frame. "I know, daddy. But they think I'm some kind of project... I guess I am..." I lowered my head. Clay slipped my t-shirt over it and off my arms. He kissed down my shoulder, rubbed my tummy and pulled me into his lap.

"Hey!" Clay stopped and turned my head to meet his eyes, "You're my boy, you're all I ever wanted. You never see how my friends and other men look at you. If I left you alone for a minute there'd be a line trying to take my place. I know this situation is weird but I want them to get to know and love you like I do without things getting awkward. Ok? I'm sorry. I'll get you a pony when this is over."

"A pony? Really? How about a car? Can I get a car, daddy?" I smiled.

"You have something better than a car. You have a driver who will take you where you need to be. And right now you need to be on daddy's cock before it turns blue," Clay laughed and leaned in for a kiss.

"You fuck me now?" I looked up at him with wide green eyes in my best cute boy look.

Clay nodded and kissed my forehead, "Yeah but we have to keep it quiet, kay?"

Clay lifted me up and laid me back against the pillows and kissed down my chest, stopping to bite and kiss my nipples. He kissed his way down my tummy, he has a weird thing about my outtie belly button. It's the one thing down there he likes to suck... His chin brushed against my pointer pushing out against my pajama pants.

"Baby's ready to go," he laughed and kissed at my erection before backing off, putting his hands on my ass and pulling off my pajama pants and briefs. He pushed my knees up into my chest and I secured them behind my shoulders giving him full access to the hole he owned so well.

"Yeah daddy, please daddy," I encouraged as he kissed between my thighs, nudging my balls with his nose. He inhaled sharply, smiling at the boyscents he loves. I felt his tongue work it's way inside me and I raised my head to meet his eyes. He loves to watch my reactions to his expert tongue. He put a hand on the back of my head to keep me in that position and rubbed my hair gently.

Clay's tongue worked its way inside me, making small circles to stretch me. I started to squirm on his tongue and my breathing picked up as he started to hit the right spots.

"Uhhhh fuck," I yelled and Clay's hand immediately went to cover my lips and he gave me a warning look.

"Sorry daddy," I said muffled through his palm. He shook his head disapprovingly which only made his tongue do nicer things inside me. He started to ease his hand but then caught my eyes and increasing pleasure and kept it firmly over my mouth.

Clay worked deeper into me, licking and pushing out on my hole before he replaced his tongue with fingers. He dug in deep inside me, fucking my spit lubed hole with two thick fingers. I moaned under his exploration and Clay quickly leaned down to fill my mouth with his tongue, silencing me to muffled cries.

"Baby," he laughed as he pulled his lips away from mine, "You seriously can't make noise. I want to fuck you so bad but people are asleep. I promise when we get home, you can get loud. I love when you do that. I'll even get you an airhorn for when you cum, but you have to settle down," he held my face in his hand to stare intently into me. Daddy was serious. I nodded, "Yes sir."

Clay kissed me deeply as his fingers opened me and worked their magic on me. My cock was rock hard and rubbed along his arm as he fucked me with his fingers. His tongue kept me quiet as he got his boy ready for daddy's seed.

Clay pulled out and fished a small bottle of lube from one of the duffel bags before pouncing on the bed and tickling me with his nose against my armpit. He lubed his cock up and prepped my hole as he licked at my sensitive pit, another place he loved boyscents.

"You ready for daddy?" he asked, always making sure I was comfortable accepting his plow. I nodded and he lined his cock up to my hole and began to push into me. He slowed it to an agonizing pace, checking my expressions, analyzing my reactions.

"Please daddy," I whispered, "I need it." I begged as he worked his cock deeper into me. My cock was on the edge, too much stimulation would push it over. I knew better than to touch it without his permission but he collected my wrists into his left hand and pushed my arms up and back against the headboard.

"Fucckkk," he hissed as his cock sank deep into me. It wasn't even halfway in but I felt full and happy with his thick pole. I leaned up and kissed his chin as he looked down at me.

"Yeah baby, take daddy's cock," he whisper-growled. He started to slide out of me and then work his way back in. I greedily pushed against his cock, wanting it deeper, but he knew his way around a boy hole and slid in to familiar ground.

"please daddy," I whispered expectantly, "Please more sir," I whined as he shushed me and leaned down to kiss my nose.

"Be patient," he warned as he started to pick up the pace. His cock bumped along happily inside me, pushing out and stretching my hole to learn his cock. He hit all the right spots along the way and my cock started to throb.

"I can cum daddy?" I begged, feeling the boy juice rise up my shaft. Clay smiled and nodded, "Yeah baby, but don't touch," he warned. I couldn't have touched it if I'd wanted as he had my arms pinned back against the pillows above my head. Clay leaned into me and sucked on my neck and then down to my shoulders as he plowed his boy territory.

I started to lose control and buried my mouth against his neck to keep from yelling out.

"Ahhhh," I muffled my whines as Clay quickly moved to cover my lips. My body shook under his and he pulled me against him as my cock started to cover his chest with pent up seed. I was gasping for air as his lips subdued my own and his tongue swirled around in my mouth. The air constriction only increased my body's reaction. I felt light headed as he pressed me against him and kept up his pace.

"MMMMM," I begged as my body released waves of pleasure and hours worth of juice. We were sweaty and sticky as our cum coated chests pushed against each other. Clay began to erupt inside me as my hole squeezed against his cock. It was so tight in there that I felt each burst of daddy juice as he bred his boy properly.

"Ahhhh fuck," Clay arched his neck, giving me space to gasp for air as he quickly pounded out every last drop into my needy boyhole. He raised up off me and fucked in a few more times as he raised his head and silently howled at the moon like the rabid weredaddy he was.

I laid back against the pillows, recovering and awed at his power and strength. Every muscle in his thick daddy body was tensed and focused as he drove deeply into his boy.

He finally relaxed, looking down at me with red-faced exhaustion. He sleepily eyed his boy and then let out a lazy smile. "Fuck yeah," he breathed and laughed gently. "Fuck.... yeah."

Clay collapsed and pulled me on top of him, sweaty, cum coated and desperate for oxygen. I laid my head against his chest, listening to his racing heart beat. I closed my eyes and dozed for a few minutes until he recovered enough to lift me up into his chest and off the bed. We took a quick shower and then he laid me back against the bed as he slipped on my briefs and then his boxers. He crawled in next to me and pulled me up onto his chest, put teddy bear into my arms, kissed my hair and turned off the lamp.


Sunday morning Clay got up to his mom knocking on the door asking for his help. He pulled on a pair of running shorts and barreled out, leaving the door halfway ajar and me curled up around his teddy bear with my brief covered boy butt exposed.

I blinked a few times and saw a silhouette staring down at me from the doorway.

"Daddy?" I grunted sleepily.

"Uh no," Caden responded, stepping inside the room. He had on a pair of boxers and a ballcap covering his shaggy blonde hair as he looked down at me and cocked his head appraisingly.

"I knew something weird was up," he said smugly.

I froze, stared up at him with scared eyes, "I..." I had nothing to say. I felt tears coming on.

"Oh woah, no, dude, it's cool," his look softened and he sat down on the bed next to me.

"Please dont... don't cry, seriously. I was joking. I won't... I wasn't here," Caden said and patted my head.

"Don't be upset, Clay'll be pissed," Caden backtracked.

"Me too," I whispered.

"Oh," he gave a short laugh, "I guess we're both kind of scared of him."

The light from the doorway was blocked again as Clay came in and shut the door behind him. He flicked on the light and I buried my eyes into the teddy bear.

"What are you doing in here?" he asked Caden.

"I just wanted to see if he was up... Thought I'd show him the pond," Caden said nonchalantly, "Thought you'd be busy with dad stuff since he's coming home in a bit."

"You ok, Tare?" Clay asked in a slightly alarmed tone.

"Yes sir," I said in a care-free smile, betrayed by a last sniffle.

"Your eyes are a little red," Clay sat next to Caden and rubbed a hand over my back.

"I think I have an allergy," I blinked up at him, wanting to express the ok-ness of the situation.

"You kinda stink. Did you shower?" Clay turned to Caden and pulled down the bill of his cap.

"Stop dude, You have a son to do that to now. I'm not twelve...daddy," Caden joked, then rubbed his head against Clay's shoulder to imitate a little boy.

"Ok, I'll get Tare a pill before yall go out, c'mon, lets get you dressed," Clay said. He pulled out a pair of jeans and a clean t-shirt from the bag he'd packed for me as Caden got up and left.

Nothing was said about Caden's discovery as we went down to join his mom and Caden for breakfast. Clay rode with his mom to pick up his dad and Caden stayed behind to show me around.

"He's never brought a guy here before," Caden said as I followed him out to the back patio that opened up to an expansive property. Huge spreading oak trees covered a large semi-open space rectangularly back to the thick forest preserve. A few dogs ran up towards us and Caden picked up a stick and threw it as he walked me back towards the woods.

"Really? But he's had relationships, right?" I asked, wanting a little insight that Clay never offered.

"Well yeah, I met a few when I came to stay with him for vacations. But they weren't like you. Mostly loud, like really gay dudes. Not fun to be around. You're pretty quiet." Caden said.

"But he never brought them here to meet your parents?" I said, walking quickly to keep up with his long, Clay-like stride.

"Nah, they weren't the kind of guys my parents would've liked to meet," Caden laughed. "I don't think he saw them as long term anyways. He was even ashamed when I'd come to visit. They were really gay. You know, like loud and obnoxious gays. But he still thinks I'm a little kid. It's annoying sometimes, like last summer he tried to take me to the zoo up there."

"He loves the zoo. We haven't gone yet!" I said excitedly before picking up on the fact that Caden though the zoo was beneath a man of his age.

"Oh yeah, you'll work just fine for him," Caden laughed and put his fist to my shoulder playfully.

The pond was pretty cool and Caden's eyes lit up as he told me how he and Chane and their dad had spent a summer digging it out and all the types of fish they had added to it. He picked up a turtle that had wandered near him and showed it to me. He was definitely an outdoorsy guy. We sat on a large rock meant to be a bench and Caden pointed out the "fascinating" details of pond life as I nodded in rapt attention.

Caden raised his arm to point out something and leaned over me. It sent a warm shiver through me and he reacted, "Oh, you're cold," he stated. He slipped out of his hoodie and pulled it around me. It was too big for me and he laughed as he pulled the hood up over my face.

"You're a cute kid," he stated, always talking in facts. "I can see why Clay couldn't leave you alone. He always needs to save the day.... and you're a nice day."

"Thanks," I blushed and pushed back the hood. He slipped his arm around me and pointed towards the edge of the woods.

"The deer are back. We leave food out and they come when it's quiet," Caden whispered.

"They're so pretty!" I leaned forward and Caden kept his arm around my shoulder.

"They are," Caden's lips brushed against my ear as he whispered, to not frighten the deer, but it sent another chill through me.

"Do you want to go in, Tare?" his lips nibbled on my ear lobe, kissing at the small black stud pierced through it and I thought for a minute it was Clay. They had similar effects.

" s-sir," I leaned into his chest. His lips brushed against my cheek.

Caden's lips found the back of my neck and he bit at the chain of the dogtags tucked into my shirt.

He pulled at it until the dogtags came out and he held them in his hand.

"Always has to put his name on his toys," Caden laughed disgustedly as he read that I was property of his brother. "I'm sure he'll mark you in ink soon."

"I'm not... a toy." I raised my head off of him, suddenly feeling that this wasn't right.

"You seem to be his most prized so far," Caden said ruefully.

"That's mean... Clay doesn't..." I started defensively.

"Clay," Caden interrupted and looked past me.

"Clay?" I repeated.

"No, I think they're back," Caden sat up and I heard wheels crushing gravel and then a soft quick honk.

"Oh!" I sat up right and bounced a few times nervously. "Oh!"

"No, no no," Caden said and put his hands on my back. "Seriously, I'm sorry. I..." he leaned in again and pressed his lips against mine.

I pushed against his strong chest, "No!" I said firmly.

"Right, No, right. I upset you...," Caden stood up and offered me his hand. We got halfway to the back door when Clay poked his head out and smiled at me. Caden backed away a little.

"You liked the pond, baby?" he called, stepping out and closing the door behind him.

"Yes, daddy," I smiled, then realized Caden's hoodie was wrapped around me. Clay leaned down and pushed back the hood from my hair and gave me a quick kiss before opening the door and pushing me back into the warm kitchen.

An older, taller, no less fit version of Clay in a dark grey muscle hugging polo tucked neatly into pressed khakis was setting his coat against a chair in the breakfast area.

"Daddy, this is Tarrant," Clay said from behind me. The man smiled at me. It was weird to hear Clay call someone "daddy." But this is the deep south where no matter your age, your parents are always momma and daddy.

"Hi... Mr. Hendrix, I'm glad you're ok... sir," I said, not sure of what to call him.

He leaned down and ruffled my hair, older guys liked to do that. "Well he's perfectly polite," Clay's dad laughed with a warm, welcoming smile, "How's my son treating you?"

"Well, sir, Thank you," I bit my lip nervously against his intense, appraising stare. He gave me a wink and nodded before raising up.

"Hi daddy," Caden said from behind me and flung himself into his father's chest. Clay's dad brought Caden in for a tight embrace, treating the younger, Clay-like man as the youngest boy that he was. He put his hand on the back of Caden's head and pushed Caden's face into his shoulder, rubbing his hair soothingly. Clay's dad kissed the top of his boy's head. "It's ok, son. I'm ok," he said reassuringly.

For a moment, I felt jealousy burn in me. My father had never held me like that. But then Clay pulled me back against him and rested an arm across my chest and leaned down to kiss the top of my head. His dad released Caden who gave me a slight blush.

We spent the afternoon in the living room as the family told old stories and jokes that I didn't get but laughed politely at. Caden was eager for his father's attention and redirected the conversation when it strayed from him. Clay didn't seem to mind when his father would ask about business and Caden would interrupt with something he had going on in his fledgling career.

Clay's mom brought in lunch, plates of turkey sandwiches and chips. I spent most of the rest of the afternoon with my head against Clay's shoulder lost in my thoughts to give him space with his family.

About 4, Clay's mom insisted his dad take a nap and Clay said we'd go into town to check out the mall for a little bit. Caden hopped in the front passenger seat of Clay's truck and Clay put me in the tiny backseat behind him.

I leaned forward as the brothers cruised around the town pointing out old memories and funny stories. We paused in front of a beautiful victorian house set on a quiet, brick street and Clay pointed out the top right bedroom where he'd spent his first few years before they'd bought the expansive property where his family now lived.

We pulled up in front of a small town mall with two department stores facing each other at opposite ends of an old tile walkway lined with the standard retailers. Clay picked out a few t-shirts and another pair of jeans and a warmer, lined jacket for me at the department store as Caden wandered around the tool section. It was pretty dead for a Sunday afternoon.

"What did you and Caden talk about?" Clay asked as he held up a boy's sized t-shirt with the local high school's kangaroo mascot on it and smiled adoringly.

"The pond and... animals. He's really into that stuff. He's nice, daddy," I responded, omitting how he had kissed me.

"Yeah, he can be a good kid. He wasn't mean to you? He doesn't always use his manners," Daddy picked up a pack of briefs from the boy section.

"He was... you know... he was... nice," I fumbled, pretending to read the tag on a pair of flannel boxers, "Can I get these sir?"

"No, boxers are for men," Clay started but then redirected back to the Caden topic, "What do you mean by nice?"

"What? Um what? Nothing, just... you know," I said nervously, putting back the boxers and pretended to adjust the hanger.

"Baby, what happened?" He put his hand on my cheek and gently turned it to face him.

"I... nothing. What do you mean?" I shrugged but lowered my gaze.

"Did he say something inappropriate? Did he make you feel uncomfortable?" Clay raised an eyebrow and pushed my chin up to meet his eyes.

"No sir," I lied, "No, daddy," I whispered.

He didn't believe me, but I think he was taken aback that I wouldn't open up so easily. "Tarrant, you don't lie to daddy," he said solemnly, keeping his voice low but threatening.

"It's fine, he just got... I thought it was you, he feels like you," I felt my eyes get red.

"Oh," Clay sighed, "He's always tried to get what I have."

"He didn't get anything. It wasn't like that. Daddy, I... I wouldn't do that." I felt a panicky knot form in my stomach. "Please don't tell him I told. He just kissed my cheek. It wasn't... don't hate me." I felt tears roll down my cheek and I lowered my head.

"Hey, hey," Clay pulled me into his chest, "He's done that before. I shouldn't have left you alone. I knew better. It's not your fault, baby. It'll be fine. I'll put an end to it. I'm sorry I left you with him," Clay rubbed my back and pulled a worn tissue from his pocket, wiped my eyes and put it to my nose for me to blow.

He sent me off to the truck and told me to wait inside while he paid for the clothes and collected Caden. He came out a few minutes later, put the bags in next to me and then we drove home quietly.

At home, he sent me up with the bags to put the clothes away and took Caden out to the pond to talk. I watched from the window as I unpacked the overabundance of things Clay had thought would look cute on me.

They stood in a face-off, both with hands shoved in their pockets. Caden looked down at the dirt and kicked at it as Clay's mouth moved in that slow commanding, "I'm in control here" way he had. Caden nodded a few times and looked up at the window as I ducked down.

Clay had bought me a few extra things and at the bottom of the bag I found an MP3 player in bubble packaging. I held it up excitedly and wondered if it was for me or him, but then decided to see how their conversation was going. Hands were out of pockets now. Caden was holding his up in a defensive pose as Clay held him tightly by the collar and had a finger pointed into his chest.

Caden was nodding furiously as his shoulders raised to signal he wasn't looking for a fight. Clay released him, finally, and smoothed his shirt. Caden backed up a few paces and lowered his head. His face was red and he looked a little teary. He raised his head and sniffed, bit his lip and nodded again.

Clay put his hand on Caden's shoulder and brought him in for a hug. He rubbed Caden's hair and kissed his neck and then pushed him back towards the house. I dove onto the bed and pretended to flip through a magazine on the nightstand as Clay's footsteps fell up the wooden stairs. He pushed the door open and closed it behind him, came to the bed and sat next to me.

"It's ok?" I looked over at him. Clay kissed the back of my neck and nodded. He slipped off his shoes and laid next to me, then pulled me up to straddle his lap.

"This is for me?" I asked, excitedly holding up the bubble packaged electronic.

"Maybe, if you're being a good boy," Clay laughed and traced a finger down my cheek as I studied the packaging. "The whole family is coming tonight for dinner, so you'll be on your best behavior and eat what I put on your plate."

"I will be, daddy. I promise I'll make you proud! I can open it, please?" I raised my hopeful eyes to him and then back down to fumble with the package I had no hope of prying open without a blow torch.

"After dinner. Now come on, it's naptime," Clay said and took it from my hands and set it on the nightstand. He put his hand on the back of my neck as I reached toward the package and pulled my head down for a kiss. He snuggled me into his chest and I lulled to sleep against his heart beat.

-CJ :)

Next: Chapter 11

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