Clay Takes Control

By Prups

Published on Jan 16, 2022


Clay Takes Control

Authoritarian, Dominance, Alpha- sub

Part 2

Happy to hear comments or feedback Appreciate all the responses to Part 1. More parts to come. All rights reserved, including the typos!

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It took me a few days to come back down to Earth after my first experience with Clay. The next day I was in a complete fog. My lips were bruised and swollen from his brutal face fuck, but it was more than that. I felt altered, changed, and different somehow. One thing was now immediately clear: I was completely and utterly under Clay's control.

I checked my phone compulsively waiting for him to call or text, but the hours stretched to days to a week plus. I began to wonder, with a cold strike to the gut, if he'd just dropped me. I was, of course, on Claywatch every time I went to the Y, but to no avail. After all this time, I began to resign myself that maybe I'd been a one and done for Clay. My pride was definitely smarting. And then, out of the blue, in the middle of a Tuesday afternoon staff meeting, my phone vibrated with a message.

"6pm your place"

It was him. I felt the floor sail out from underneath my feet. It was happening. He was coming to my place. I checked the time. How the fuck was I supposed to stand waiting the next 3 and a half hours? I bit my lip and clenched my ass.

I sat in a daze through the rest of the meeting. It occurred to me as I sat back down at my desk that I'd left Clay on read for the last 45 minutes. I cold chill flashed through me. I knew I needed to be more attentive to him. Even after only one encounter, I knew he expected that of me.

"Sorry Clay. Was in a staff meeting & wasn't able to text"

"See you at 6"

The three reply dots immediately began pulsing. My stomach knotted.

"Don't EVER make me wait, boy"

"And have a spare key ready for me when I get there"

"Yessir" I texted back, figuring brevity was best to show my contrition.

I tried focusing on the last several items on my task list for the day, but I finally gave up and started googling slash internet stalking Clay for the umpteenth time since out first encounter.

I knew from my past sessions of light stalking that he was from a pretty prominent and wealthy family. They ran a very successful construction company. Clay was one of the co-presidents. Clay didn't have any social media- at least none that I could find. His wife did and I'd become particularly obsessed with her insta. I was memorized looking at her carefully curated version of their seemingly perfect life. Every time there was a post of them together, I was like hold up bitch- that man had his big dick in my mouth! I was scrolling through her posts for like the fifth time in the past 20 minutes when I made the insta-stalker's fatal mistake- I like a post on accident.

I unliked it instantly, but, like, she'd get a notification, right? The mortification almost killed me.

"Get a damn grip." I told myself. I willed myself to send a few last emails I had to get out before the end of the day and then left work about 20 minutes early, hoping to beat rush hour, so I'd be home before Clay got there.

The traffic gods were merciful that rush hour and I made it home with about 40 minutes to spare. I raced inside and did a power clean-up of my place. Living alone for the first time in about 10 years, I'd picked up some really lazy habits around the house.

Just as I threw the last bit of mess in the laundry room and closed the door, I saw Clay's big Ford Raptor pickup truck pull in my drive. 6 on the dot.

"Oh shit, the spare key" I thought in a panic. I raced to my junk drawer where I'd stashed my spare keys and frantically rummaged around, trying, in vain, to find Clay a spare. Just as he opened the door without knocking, I found it. I turned, beaming, to show him, and slammed shut my junk drawer behind me.

He stood in the doorway, which cast his face and body in shadow. He loomed, totally filling up the door frame. I gulped.

"Well, fag, I have to say you made quite the impression on me. I haven't been able to get your perfect little mouth out of my head. So, I'm going to see if my memory lives up to the reality." Clay's voice boomed.

I was a little irked and a little panicked because my neighbor, Ms. Graves, was the nosiest bitch on the block and I was sure she was listening in, but I was mostly awed that Clay had been thinking about me. Probably not as much as I'd been thinking of him, but still.

"Hey Clay, come on in. I've got that spare key for you." I replied, sheepishly.

Clay walked in like he owned the damn place. It was natural for him, I suppose. I felt my cock begin to swell. I looked him up and down as he approached. He looked so damn rugged in his work clothes. He hadn't shaved and his dark stubble made him look even sexier. I still clocked his big, slightly crooked nose, deep set eyes, and big ears. Clay, while definitely not a perfect 10, still had something besides his looks that made him so hot.

His Carhart brown coat was dusty, so he must have come straight from an active construction site. Between a coat and the flannel button down, his upper body was pretty well hidden. His gray carpenter pants, on the other hand, accentuated him in all the right ways, showing off his thick thighs and bulging package. I looked down at his feet and was awed by his massive Ariat work boots. I stared open mouthed at his boots. They looked impossibly big.

Clay knew I was watching him- drinking him in- and he let me.

He dropped his heavy, dusty coat off by the door and watched me watching him as he approached.

Clay broke me from my fawning by offered up his massive mitt of a right hand, palm up. I was so horned up ogling him that I looked up at him, perplexed.

"The key, you stupid faggot." Clay said with a wicked smirk. I nodded and licked my lips. I placed the key in his open, wide palm and noticed the thick callouses. I wondered if they were from working out or working construction, or both.

Before I could withdraw my hand, Clay closed his much larger hand around mine. His long, thick, manly fingers easily covered my entire hand. I looked up at him again.

"You understand that by giving me this key, I have access to your house- to you- anytime I decide. With or without warning." Clay said with a sternness that hadn't been in his voice before.

I looked deeply into his dark eyes. I felt like could lose myself if I kept staring.

"I need you to say it." Clay said.

"Yes, you have access to me whenever, wherever. I'm yours and here to serve." I said, horniness making my voice thick. I knew to my core that I meant every single word.

Clay smiled and tightened his grip around my hand. I could feel his power and strength. My cock leapt and I started to leak pre-cum.

"Goddamn but you are a fucking bottom bitch." Clay said with a whistle.

I just looked up and blinked. He knew me better than I knew myself.

He released my hand and pocketed my- now his- key. Just as I was about to turn to offer him a drink, Clay said, "Get your faggot mouth open." His tone was even and ice cold.

Before I could comply, he reached to grab my throat at my jawline and jerked my head to look up at him. He looked so handsome, so powerful. My ass twitched and my mouth opened. His grip tightened on my throat, and I felt my pulse whooshing through my ears. I let him choke me, giving in to his control.

Clay smirked down and then spat all over my face.

I was shocked but blinked and remined in position, completely and utterly submitting to Clay. After several beats in which he flexed and relaxed his grip, he released my throat and moved his right index finger to gather his spit from around my face. My mouth remained open, watering to taste his skin. Clay didn't make me wait long. He showed me his spit covered finger and it glistened in the light. I marveled at how long and think his finger was, topped by a broad, rounded, and thick nail.

Clay dove that finger into my mouth dripping with his spit. I closed my lips and drank it in, savoring the taste of him. My tongue flicked and caressed his long, think finger as it fucked my mouth.

Clay chuckled as he said, "Fuck, what a pathetic bitch of a man you are. You like that don't you?"

I looked him in the eyes as I nodded with his finger in my mouth. Who was I to argue? Everything about my current situation felt right. I was in the exact place I needed to be.

"Ok fag, I'm assuming your ass is clean?" Clay asked me. I froze and he could tell I hadn't cleaned myself out today. As I was preparing to point out that he'd given me hardly any warning he still interested in me, let alone that he planned to fuck me, Clay tsk-tsk-tsked me.

"Naughty, lazy, good for nothing faggot. I'm very disappointed in you. Go clean yourself out, cause I'm going to fuck the hell out of you. GO!" I was froze in place, stunned that Clay was actually going to fuck me. He pulled his finger from my mouth with a wet plop.

"Don't make me wait too long or you'll regret it." Clay said, slapping me with my own spit, before he turned and began to make a call on his cell.

I made a beeline for my master bath and proceeded to clean myself out. I cursed myself for eating a cheesesteak and chili cheese fries for lunch. As quickly as I could complete the process, I rushed back to my den.

Clay was sitting in one of my wingback chairs looking like an absolute king, scrolling his phone. His long legs splayed wide with his free hand rubbing his crotch absentmindedly. Again, like a moth to the flame, my attention immediately settled on his Ariat boots. God, he had huge feet. His power was so intoxicating that I was almost stopped in my tracks. Almost.

As I came into the room, Clay looked up and then with his free had motioned for me to go down. So, down I went. He moved his phone to record me. I blanched but swallowed my objection. Clay motioned for me to come to him. So, I crawled towards him. I knew that this was exactly where I needed to be, my face burning with equal parts horniness and humiliation. My pride leaking out of me with each crawl forward.

Clay smirked, watching as these realizations hit me. As I approached, Clay raised his big right boot and kicked it out into my path. It landed with a thud on the edge of his boot heel with his rounded, boot toe pointing up. A bit of dusk and grit landed on my hardwood floor.

"Before you get any part of my cock, you're going to show me that you've earned it, you worthless faggot." Clay had a sternness in his voice.

"Yessir." I responded as a leaned into to kiss the top of his boot. His boot was dusty and grimy, but I knew he wanted me to do this, so I did it. I licked the boot up to his pants hem, and he rocked his foot.

"Shit," I thought, "he's going to make me lick the sole." I looked up and Clay smiled wickedly. He didn't even need to direct me. I knew what he wanted from me, so down I went. The sole of his boot was caked with mud and who knows what else. I wanted to crinkle my nose and shut my eyes, but I knew Clay wouldn't appreciate it if I did. So, I steeled myself and dove in. I licked the ball of his boot and moved down towards the heel.

"That's what a good faggot is for, cleaning his better's dirty fucking boots." Clay said as he stretched and laced his hands behind his head. He looked the picture of contentment. I plowed on licking his boot topside and bottom.

After spitting out what I hoped to be a small rock, I said, "How big are you fucking feet anyway? I'm going to be down here forever."

Clay laughed as he looked down at me. "Size 14s for you fag. Like everything else about me, they're big!"

God, this man is large in all the right ways, I thought to myself as I tongued his boot. I was very hard and I got even harder, much to my amazement, when Clay presented me his other boot.

"Jesus", I thought to myself, "I could come just from servicing his boots." This was all so overwhelming, my head swam.

"That's enough of that. Bring that dirty mouth up here" Clay said as he stopped recording me with his phone. I was relieved that was over at least as I rose up on my knees.

He unzipped his pants and I lunged, planning to free his dick and get to work sucking him dry. Clay's massive right hand palmed by forehead. His hand and fingers spanned nearly my entire head.

"Goddam fag, hold up. I didn't say you could suck this cock." Clay said with a sternness that made me immediately look into his eyes. His brown eyes burned.

I didn't even think, I just blurted out, "Sorry Clay. But I need your cock in me."

"I know you need this cock, but you only ever take it when I tell you to. Understand me?" Clay's eyes drilled into me.

"Yes, only when you say" I said. It was a simple exchange, but it meant so much more.

"You will get to suck this cock, but first, I need to use the toilet." Clay said, rising from the wingback, spreading his legs in a wide stance over me.

As I was about to give Clay directions to the powder room off the den, I noticed that wicked grin returning as I watched him.

Then it hit me: I'm the toilet he intends to use. My stomach clenched, then sank.

Clay watched me absorb this latest humiliation.

He withdrew his hand from my forehead and unbuckled his belt and then unbuttoned his work pants. I followed every detail of his movements like a hawk, as he hooked his long, thick thumbs under the band of his boxer briefs and then slowly began to lower them. I was numb. I am not a fan of piss play or water sports. Hell, I don't even like swimming. Even through my growing panic, I was glued to the unveiling of his massive cock and balls. I looked back at Clay's face. He was clearly loving my reaction.

"What a pathetic fag. Can't wait to see my dick, huh? You want to see it? Tell me." Clay said with his icy sternness.

"Yes, please, sir, show me your cock. I need to see it, please, please show me." I said utterly shamelessly. I was also pleading with my eyes. Clay stopped his downward movement just as the thick root of his cock came into view. I looked from his still covered cock to his face several times.

"Please, Clay, please." I said, again without shame. He put his hands on his hips and looked at me for several beats.

"Ok, fag, I'm going to let you do the rest. Take my pants and underwear down, but do not touch my dick." Clay said.

I reached out and pulled his pants down off his tree trunk thick thighs down to his knees. No easy feat. His package bulged obscenely in his black spandex boxer briefs. I could smell his musk. I reached out again, making sure to steer well clear of his cock, grabbed the waistband, and pulled.

Once freed, his dick and balls bounced, heavily. He was just shy of soft, and it was still one of the fattest dicks I'd ever seen. His neatly trimmed pubes making it look even more ginormous. His bull nuts hung low, heavy and powerful.

It took all my will power to keep myself from lunging to lick and togue and taste his cock.

"Yeah, that's it. See, if you're a good boy and follow directions correctly, you get rewarded." Clay said. "Look at that dick and thank me for allowing you to see it."

"Thank you, sir." I said, my voice almost quaking.

Clay folded down to take his boots off. I watched with bated breath. First one massive boat of a socked foot emerged from a boot, then the other. Clay reached to discard his pants and underwear. And then his unbuttoned his shirt, leaving only his undershirt on. I again licked my lips. He looked so damn hot. He liked me getting hot watching him.

Finally, he pulled off his undershirt, revealing that wide, thick torso. He pecks where molded by his workouts and dusted with light brown hair. His nipples were large and dark and hard, they stood out distinctly from his cream-colored skin. I noticed the slightest little hit of a pudge starting around his mid-section where a totally ripped muscle-head would have had a 6 or 8 pack. No wonder he spends so much time at the gym, I thought with a little laugh. But his arms and shoulders were another matter entirely- pure and total muscle. Power and strength radiated off him. I looked at Clay, totally naked, but for his over the calf compression socks, and marveled at what a specimen of man he was.

"Enjoy the show, faggot?" Clay asked. I nodded. "Yessir." I answered.

"Good. Now, open your mouth and get ready to drink my piss. If you spill any, well, this is your house, so I guess that sucks for you." Clay said with a laugh.

Despite myself, I licked my lips as I opened my mouth and let Clay maneuver his dick into my mouth. I closed around his girthy, still mostly limp dick. I was careful to keep my tongue down. I knew he wanted to piss, so I wanted to give him free reign in my mouth, his new toilet.

Clay chuckled. "Can't wait for any part of me to be in you, can you?"

I looked up. Goddam did Clay look like an absolute man standing over me. He looked down and I hoped he could see the gratitude in my eyes.

He let out a deep sigh and then started to piss. I was instantly horrified but so turned on. Then reality hit. My eyes bugged. It was like a firehose had been let loose in my mouth. He peed with a force that shocked me. I began to swallow like crazy and I grabbed his thighs to stabilize myself. The acrid taste exploded across my senses as his piss flooded my mouth. I made myself swallow again and again and again. I hated every minute of it.

"That's right, a good fag takes everything that his Daddy offers him." Clay said as he continued to unleash an absolute flood down my throat. So far, I'd not spilled a drop, amazingly.

"You actually make a pretty decent toilet, there Will." Clay said and I beamed at the compliment even through my disgust. "Jesus," I thought, and I swallowed another mouthful of his piss, "am I completely lost?"

Finally, his piss stream began to lessen. I felt as if it would never end. I could feel his piss sloshing around him my stomach. I began to feel queasy. He sent a few last spurts into my mouth and then his whole body shivered.

"Damn, I love a warm mouth to piss in." Clay said as he reached down to brush my hair back. "You understand that my piss his now part of you, right? That the waste from my body is what you are good for receiving. You understand?"

I swallowed my queasiness as he withdrew his cock from my mouth. "Yes, Clay, and I'm grateful for it. Thank you, sir. I'm happy to be your toilet." I said without thinking. I was stunned, but every word I said was true.

Clay smiled, genuinely this time, as he reinserted himself into my pliant mouth and began to rock his hips. This time, I immediately moved my tongue around his cock. His cock twitched at the attention. I could feel it begin to swell with each heartbeat. In short order, his dick grew to full mast, stretching my lips and completely filling my mouth. Clay began to slowly fuck my face.

"God, I think that mouth is actually as good as I remembered. Fuck. Yeah, I'm going to wreck you before we're done here." Clay's voice was husky with lust.

I moaned in response. Clay picked up the speed of his hip thrusts. I felt his cock begin to invade the back of my mouth. Without thinking, I reached up with both hands to feel Clay's body. When my hands made contact with his pecks, I realize what I'd done and froze. He hadn't told me I could touch him.

"That's right, feel your Daddy as he fucks your mouth. I know you need to worship me. Go ahead, fag." Clay said with a new benevolence in his voice. So, I complied, and I worshiped him with my hands as he slowly fucked my mouth.

As my hands explored Clay, I felt the deep power of his pecks and biceps. I moved around to feel coiled strength of his back muscles and then down to feel the iron steel of his thigh muscles. He radiated heat and power. All the while our eyes remained locked. His deep brown eyes drilled into my hazel eyes. I was exceptionally hard and horny. Just as he was working up to a hard, sustained face fuck, Clay stopped and mostly withdrew from my mouth, leaving only his swollen, white hot crown head on my tongue.

"I know you've still got that damn gag relax and you've also got a belly full of my piss. So, I'm not going to force my dick down your throat. Not in the mood for a fag wrenching and puking all over me because of my big dick. Been down that road too many times. I'm going to let you do all the work here. Show me what you got, fag. Make me sure you aren't a waste of my time." Clay said as he caressed my face.

My tongue flicked across his piss slit and I tasted his pre-cum for the first time today.

He could be gentle, then, and he certainly wasn't always unkind. I was thankful for that.

In appreciation I vowed to pull out all the stops and give Clay the best blowjob of his life. My tongue went into overdrive around his now fully hard, impossibly big dick. I bobbed and twisted my head. I went in rhythm and then when out of rhythm, always trying to optimize my Alpha's pleasure. I cupped his big balls and then used my hand to jack his cock as I sucked right after.

From the grunts, moans, and sighs I could tell that Clay was enjoying the ride. I decided that I would go for it and try to deep throat him. He was by far the biggest dick I'd sucked in a very long time, so I wasn't sure I'd be able to go all the way. I pulled off his cock and looked up at Clay. He looked down, his glistening cock between us.

I swallowed all the throat slimed I'd worked up, took a few breaths, and then dove to impale myself on his massive dick. I felt a way of gags welling up in me, but I forced myself to relax, inhaling deeply through my nose. I felt the thickness and fullness begin to grow down my throat and I pressed myself deeper.

Clay let out a deep, guttural moan as I felt my forehead press against his flesh, my nose crash into his scratchy pubes, and my distended chin slap against his ball sac.

I'd done it! A surge of pride washed through me. In celebration, I fishtailed my tongue forward, trying to reach his balls. He wrapped both hands around my head and pinned me onto his cock.

My mouth and throat were completely filled. Both he and I knew that I had no way to breath.

I completely let myself go into Clay's control.

"Holy fucking shit!" Clay bellowed. I reveled in giving this man so much pleasure, even as my brain kicked into flight or fight mode due to lack of oxygen. Instinct told me to pushback and flail against Clay, but I resisted. I was where I was meant to be.

I made myself let go again. I stained to look up at Clay and he was looking down, utter satisfaction painted across his face.

"Now you understand and now you've been cunted." Clay said as he began pulling his thick cock from my throat and mouth, ending his withdrawal with a loud wet plop. I gasped for air and crumpled on the cold hardwood floor, spitting a bit of throat mucus onto my hardwood.

Clay moved to stand straddled over me, as I heaved on the floor. No words, no taunts, no slurs, no commands, no compliments. He just stood over me, my throat mucus dripping off his enormous cock and down onto me. He knew he controlled me, and I knew he controlled me. That's all.

"Fuck, I am so glad I found you. Hot damn!" Clay said finally, stepping over me, joy and satisfaction ringing out in his voice. He moved over to my couch and plopped down with a heavy thud.

"Go get me a beer." Clay ordered. I hoisted myself up, still light-headed from the lack of oxygen.

I brought him back a Yazoo and opened it for him. He took it and drank nearly the entire bottle in one gulp.

"Here, you take the rest." Clay said as he handed me back the nearly empty bottle. I drank his backwashed beer and put it down on the side table.

"Lose your clothes, fag. I'm ready to fuck." I didn't need to be told twice. I stripped my jeans and then my t-shirt. I dropped my drawers and then looked at Clay expectantly. It's not like I'm a slouch in the body or cock department, but compared to Clay, I looked like a complete scrub with a small cock. My cock twitched. "Fuck," I thought to myself, "he's so much more of a man than I am." Pre-cum oozed from my aching dick.

"Not a terrible body, but we'll need to get you on a better lifting program. If you're going to be my regular fuck, you'll need more muscles that." Clay said as he apprised me. I became very self-conscious. I'd been a chubby kid and, once a chubby kid, always a chubby kid. I'd worked hard to get into shape.

But "Yessir" was all I said. I think Clay could tell he'd hit a nerve. He rose and, as he moved around me, reached out his right index finger and traced from my left nipple round my right peck, over my shoulder, down my bicep, and around to the middle of my back.

He stopped as he was directly behind me. His body radiated heat. I wanted to lean back into him and for him to envelope me in his powerful arms. He only pressed his big finger into my back. His wide nail dug into my skin.

"I only want you to be your true self. You are a pathetic, submissive, joke of a man. You need me to guide you. To build you. To shape you. And to direct you. You understand that, right?" Clay said, the sternness was back.


"If I tell you to lift more, you lift more. If I tell you to eat less, you eat less. If I tell you to eat only grapes and cabbage for a month, you'll eat only grapes and cabbage for a month." Clay continued. He remained directly behind me. Somehow him being out of my line of sight made this even more erotic. I was so desperately hard and leaking pre-cum like a faucet.


"I'm choosing to shoulder the full responsibilities of taking you as a sub, got it?"


"That means you give over to me my rights as your Alpha, as your Daddy. Are we 100% clear on that?"

"Yes, Daddy. I'm totally and completely clear on that." I said. I meant it but the room was so sexually charged, I would have agreed to nearly anything at that moment.

After a long beat I added, "But can I request a substitute for cabbage? I hate that shit."

I turned my head to look back at him, smiling a sly smile and hoping that my sense of humor wouldn't infuriate Clay too much.

Clay looked at me for a couple of beats- so long that my heart skipped- and then he smiled and leaned down to kiss me full on the lips. I was beyond shocked. He kissed me deeply. I opened my mouth to him and his tongue invaded. His stubble scratched in the best way possible.

"You can be a little bitch in a thousand different ways, huh?" Clay said as he broke our first kiss.

"Oh Daddy, you have no idea!" I said as I batted my eyelashes at him.

"Hot damn." Clay said as he pulled me back, enveloping me in his powerful arms, and pushing his fat cock into my back. I leaned back into him. I felt centered and right and content. Something bloomed in my chest I hadn't felt in a long, long time.

"Ok, now I really want to fuck you, you little bitch." Clay said, pushing me forward towards the couch. I reached out and steadied myself on the arm of the couch, lowering my torso and raising my ass. I kicked my feet apart and looked back at Clay.

"Come and take your little bitch, Daddy."

With my head turned back towards him, I watched as Clay padded up behind me. His big dick, still covered in my spit, bouncing all the way. He reached to grab my ass with each of his big mitts and squeezed my cheeks. He then pulled my cheeks apart, revealing my rosebud.

He leaned forward and inserted his index finger in my mouth. "Get me nice and wet so I can open you up."

"Yesth Dadlty." I said with his finger deep in my mouth.

Once sufficiently lubed, Clay took his index finger from my mouth and shoved it directly up my ass. I gasped, expecting some play before.

Clay began to finger fuck my ass. I marveled at how thick and long his finger was. I rocked back and forth as he fucked me.

"Yeah, that's it. Fuck yourself on my finger. What a complete faggot. Fucking himself on my finger." Clay said laughing and shaking his head.

He removed his index finger and I immediately wanted him back inside me. He brought that finger back to my mouth.

"Open and taste yourself." Clay ordered, I complied. He inserted himself back in my mouth. My ass tasted funky, raw, and hot on his finger. Clay then inserted his middle, then ring finger in my mouth. I strained to accommodate his thick fingers.

"Let's get you loosened up a bit more. You're so tight, I think I might split you open if we're not extra careful." Clay said, withdrawing from my mouth and reentering my ass. First again with his index finger, then adding his middle finger. He was right, it had been a while and his thick fingers were thicker than the last cock I'd taken.

Clay twisted and gyrated his fingers. He stretched them apart, opening me up. Getting me hot. I again began fucking myself on his fingers. Clay laughed as he added his ring finger. I winced at the pain, but I wanted every bit of him inside me, so I kept fucking myself on his fingers.

"That's a good faggot, boy. There you go. Get that hole nice and hot for my big dick." Clay said lustfully. He was getting hot, too.

"You think you're ready for it?" Clay asked about several more minutes of finger to ass play.

"Yessir. Fuck me." It was all I could manage to say in my extreme state of horniness.

Clay moved behind me and slapped his big hog on my ass crack several times as he said, "I'm going to really enjoy this." He reared back and lined his cock up with my asshole. I felt his big spongy crown head press against my hole and then he was in me.

It felt white hot. My hole gave way and he began his invasion.

The pressure was intense. I took some deep breaths and willed myself to relax. Clay was at least being somewhat gentle. Even so, I felt like he was splitting me into. He stopped and rocked back and forth. He felt incredible inside me. I rocked myself back onto him.

Clay began a slow and steady fuck. I started sweating. The pain was intense. I began to worry that we hadn't opened me up enough for his massive dick. As was becoming normal, Clay read my mind.

He slowed his assault and said, "I know I'm big. Let's take a beat so you can adjust. Goddam, if you aren't tight as hell. When was the last time you were fucked, anyways?"

I took a few more deep breaths and moaned. Even through the pain, his big dick felt amazing- and right- inside me. "It's been about 9 months believe it or not" I said. "Not since just after my divorce."

"Divorce, huh? Damn, sorry to hear- that's tough. But I absolutely cannot believe a slutty sub fag like you weren't out there slurping cum and fucking yourself on every dick in town after a divorce." Clay said with a chuckle at the end. "No offense, but I mean come on, you sucked my dick within an hour of me telling you my name."

"You're no ordinary man." I replied as I felt my ass ease a bit around his dick. "And my divorce is a story for another time. Now, are you going to fuck my slutty sub fag ass or not?"

I turned my head, looked back at Clay, and smiled slyly. He furrowed his brow in mock anger and smiled as he said, "Your faggot ass is about the get fucked into next week."

Clay thrust and I felt him hit my prostate. My eyes rolled. He began a smooth and steady fucking. About every third thrust, he'd hit my button. He knew exactly what he was doing. Clay was clearly an expert cocksman.

We'd only just started, but I wasn't sure how much longer I could last. I was in agony and ecstasy. His dick made me feel so full, but I needed that fullness. So, when he withdrew as part of his fucking, I started moving back further to keep him inside of me.

"Oh fuck, yeah, this is my ass now." Clay howled. I knew he hadn't bottom out in me yet and I wanted absolutely all of him inside me, no matter how much it would hurt to get him there.

"Come on daddy fuck my ass, go deep. Go all the way deep, please" I panted, pleading in every bit of my voice.

"You think you can take it all?" Clay asked. "I want to, but I also don't want to hurt you."

I was touched, but also horny. "Go deep Daddy, take this ass!" I said with a lusty yelp as he hit my button again.

"Ok fag, you want deep. Let's go deep" Clay said as his large hands grabbed my torso and flipped me onto my back on the couch, with his cock still buried inside my guts. He was so strong, he flipped me like a rag doll. I looked up at him as he positioned and then he pushed deep inside of me. I reached out to stroke his heaving chest. With the light dusting of fur over his wide pecs, he was the genuine picture of masculinity. Our eyes locked.

He was pushing deeper in me than any man ever had before. And I felt something deep inside me give way that I didn't know was there. I looked up at his face with amazement. He was watching me. We were both feeling something incredible.

"Oh god, fuck yes. Open your ass, give me every inch of it. Fuck, yeah, oh shit, oh fuck, there it is!" Clay said as he threw his head back. And I did, I opened myself in a way I didn't even know was possible to him. I gave myself to Clay, this man who was pushing me further than I knew I could go.

Clay watched me discover this about myself as he fucked me hard. Every thrust, he invaded my soul even more. And I craved him. I craved having him invade me, conquer me, cunt me. He fucked me hard and I began to lose myself.

"Who owns this ass" Clay said to me, breaking my revelry. "You. Only you, Clay. This ass is yours." I said breathlessly, with awe in my voice.

Clay withdrew from my ass with a loud plop. I felt barren. My hands reached for his hips to pull him back into me. "Suck." Clay said. So, I slid off the sofa and leaned forward. I engulfed his massive cock, coated with my ass juice and slime. I couldn't get enough and tried to deep throat him, hoping, as horny and depraved as I was feeling, that my gag reflex would cooperate. No such luck this time. But I gave him a hell of a mid-fuck blow job, anyways.

"I'm going to cum in your ass, so get up and bend over." Clay ordered, still breathing hard and sweating. I complied, reluctantly sliding his massive cock out of my mouth.

"I love that cock." I said has I bent over.

"Yeah, you do, because you're a cock-loving whore faggot and you were born to serve me." Clay said as he pushed full and deep into my guts. No messing around with being gentle this time. He pushed balls deep. I gasped in pain-pleasure-pain. Clay reached out and grabbed my hair, pulling my head back with a firm jerk.

He began an absolute pounding of my ass. It was then it fully hit me why Clay said I needed to muscle up. I was worried Clay was going to send me flying across the room with the power of his thrusts.

I started babbling though my moans of pleasure, which mixed with Clays guttural grunts. My ass was on fire and the pleasure radiated through my body.

I knew I was close and I could tell he was close.

"Cum, fag." Clay ordered.

And I did. I came hard, suddenly and hands free. I shrieked in orgasmic ecstasy. It was the most intense orgasm I'd ever experience. Colors and blinding lights flashed in my eyes and pleasure exploded across my mind and body. Clay kept fucking me hard throughout, which only heightened my senses as he pummeled my prostate.

As my body convulsed, my ass tightened around Clay's dick, pushing him over the edge.

"I'm cumming in you, Will. Take my fucking cum!" Clay bellowed as he climaxed. He reached around me and held me, both of us orgasming in tandem. I felt his cum flood my guts, hot as lava. I pushed myself back onto Clay as hard as I could, wanting him to plant his seed as deeply in me as possible.

I collapsed fully onto the couch and Clay collapsed on top of me. I'm not sure how long we stayed, but I was a long while. When my mind finally came back to me, I said, "You didn't fuck me into next week, you fucked me into next century. Damn." I was still panting.

"Hot damn, I thought your mouth was the best I'd ever had but your pussy is even better. And it's all mine." Clay said, also panting.

"All yours" I said.

Clay pushed himself off of me finally and said, "You're going to need to clean my cock, I've got to get home." As his cock slid out of my ass, I was left empty and barren, but still felt his cum in me. I rolled over on my back on the couch, my feet pushed out on the floor, getting ready to follow my orders. Clay stood over me, dripping sweat. I licked my lips. I took a beat to drink in the perfect picture of virile Daddy above me.

"Before you clean me up, you need to clean your ass up." Clay said, that wicked smile returning.

I looked at him quizzically. "Grab your knees and push my cum out. I'm not leaving without filling your belly on last time."

My mind was blanked from any hesitation or resistance. I simply complied. As I grabbed behind my knees, Clay knelt down on one knee, and cupped his large right hand just below my asshole. I pushed and with only a little effort all of his cum came flooding out of my ass in a burst. I moaned in pleasure as I felt it gush out of me. It pooled in his wide, calloused palm.

"That's my good faggot. You need Daddy's cum in your belly too."

"Yes Daddy." I said, lust growing in me again. Clay rose to his full height. I slid off the couch onto my ass and looked up at him, mouth open.

Clay looked down at me, his conquered and cunted faggot. He moved his hand down to my waiting mouth. He tipped the cum and ass juices in. He watched as I swallowed. Clay then flipped his hand, presenting it to me to lick the remaining slime. I reached out to grab his hand and lapped like a man who'd not had water for a week.

I licked his broad calloused palm up and down and then, greedily, inserted each of his fingers in my mouth in turn. Clay let me suckle on his fingers for a time, then brushed my hand away. He pushed his thumb over my lips a few times, then palmed my entire face, his thumb on my jaw and his other fingers splayed in my hair. The smell of my ass and his cum was overwhelming.

"Now clean me up." Clay ordered, I complied. I took his softening cock in my mouth in one long gulp.

"Careful, I'm sensitive after I cum, faggot." I took note and gingerly sucked every last trace of cum and ass off of him.

When he was satisfied with my work, Clay adjusted his stance and said, "Ok fag, here are some ground rules. Listen up. When I text, you answer immediately. You are to never contact me first. Keep yourself cleaned out and ready. Your new gym regime starts tomorrow, meet me at the Y after work and I will show you the form and sets I expect you to follow. Last thing and- this is the most important- the only time you are to cum is when my dick is in your ass. Do you understand and submit?" Clay said with icy sternness.

He removed cock from my mouth. I'd been tonguing it as he spoke. I looked up into his deep set, hard brown eyes.

"Yessir, I submit, Clay, to you totally and completely." I said.

"That's my good boy." Clay said as he presented me his index finger and middle finger. I opened my mouth and he pushed them nearly down into my throat. I licked and lapped him. He spread them and pushed against my tongue and then my cheeks.

"Now, I'm going home to fuck my wife." Clay said looking me dead in the eyes as he withdrew his fingers from my still somehow hungry mouth. He dried his fingers on my face and hair, then dressed and left, me still on my knees on the cold hardwood floor of my den in a blissed out daze.

<End part 2, thanks for reading! I very much enjoyed writing it. Stay tuned for more.>

Next: Chapter 3

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