Clay Lost Often

Published on Oct 11, 2011



"You owe me a two thousand" Blu stood massive in front of where Clay sat outside the building.

"I'll get it to you" he said

"It's been four weeks, you have till the end of the week and you better show up" Blu walked away. He used to play football. His build said TACKLE and his large hands had met the faces of those who didn't pay their debts.

Clay had returned to the campus on his own volition. Getting a Master's degree seemed the only way to survive in today's economy. And he returned to old habits, placing bets on football games, baseball games, playing poker..Whatever promised a big payoff.

He had debts for school, car, rent and lost bets. The days were filled with classes and writing thesis. The evenings delivering pizzas didn't put a dent in the debts he had.

So he kept betting.

"So?" Blu let Clay enter the garage which he had turned into living space. There were others sitting around, drinking, watching TV and watching them.

"I have two hundred" Clint held up the stack of twenties. Blu grabbed them.

"Two hundred instead of thousand, are you serious?"

"I can get it, spot me for the games this weekend" Clay begged.

"Tell you what; I own your ass right?" Blu said and Clay reluctantly nodded.

"So each game you lose you either pay me immediately or I let one of them have your ass" Blu said. He had a smile that bordered between evil and lecherous. "What?" Clay didn't understand.

"Simple, your ass or money. I know you're queer, so it shouldn't be a big deal, in fact you should be paying me. Guys get him."

The rush surprised Clay. He was stripped and tied into place on the bed, wrists tied to the headboard and legs spread apart. His butt was propped on two pillows.

"There he's ready. He already owes me one thousand eight hundred. Whoever wants a tight fuck, pays me a hundred. And for each fuck, your debt goes down by double. Not bad batboy, you only have to take nine fucks to get even." Blu slapped Clay's bare asscheeks.

"Who's first?"

"Blu you own me a hundred" a voice said

"OK you first"

Clay tried to relax. He was about to be gang fucked he knew. If he could last through it, he'd be out of debt.

His mind traveled as the first cock jammed into him sending little screams through his brain.

"I'm gonna fuck you" Clay heard the man. He had lost the bet. Only his jaws had engaged in sex with other males.

"Understand? Get undressed" the man watched as Clay stripped naked. The motel room was shoddy. Clay had waited by the convenience store asking for money. He'd seen other guys do it, but that was his first time.

"You need money?" the tall older man muttered to him. He nodded and followed the man across the lot to the neighboring motel. He had seen other boys his age do the same thing.

"My uh first time Sir" he stuttered. The man laughed "You all say that" It hurt. But Clay took it knowing his hand would have fifty dollars in it afterwards.

"Shit kid I guess it was your first time. Want to try it again? Stick around" The man offered Clay the bottle whose contents burned his insides after the first swallow.

Clay wanted to stay naked. He took the man's cock in his ass a second time. He sucked it afterwards then straddled the man stuffing the cock back inside him.

He rocked until the man ordered him to stop.

The one hundred dollars he clenched afterwards made Clay return to the store and stay outside in case he could take more. He did.

"Shit I knew you were queer" Blu said "but I didn't think you could take it"

Clay rubbed his wrists. Time had passed. His ass was not only sore but stretched open to the point he could feel the cool air there.

"Can I stick around? There are games I want to bet on" Clay said. Only Blu remained. The others had watched some fucked and all drifted away.

"What if you lose?" Blu asked

Clay smiled.

"You said it before, you own my ass"

Clay didn't have to worry about rent after that weekend. He had chores to keep Blu's place clean. He did them. There was the Pizza job still and school debt was one he could pay after Clay found a job.

And he still had a gambling problem. But he was always happy to pay off when he lost.

And Clay lost often.

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