Classroom Romance


Published on Feb 7, 2000


Thanks to everyone that e-mailed me. I'm glad you guys liked the story. I'm sorry that I took so long to write chapter 3. I've been busy lately with school work and other things. I hope you guys will like chapter 3. Also some people asked me if this was a true story. There is a mixture of made up scenes and real scenes in the story. Which scene is made up and which is real? Well I'll leave that for you guys to wonder. One more thing, check out the story Bedroom Romance. My boyfriend wrote that, and it has a lot of juicy sex details. Hehe. Ok, here's the same stuff as always. If you like reading gay relationship stories, then continue down the page, if not, then go away. Enjoy guys. I'll be waiting to hear the feedback for chapter 3.

Classroom Romance

Chapter 3

"What the hell are you up to AJ?" Chris said.

"None of your business Chris. Since when do you start sneaking up on people" I said with a dirty look, "how long have you been standing behind me anyway?"

"Long enough to know that you're a damn fag. Got anything else to say before I beat the crap out of you?" Chris said with an angry tone.

"Whatever Chris, back off." And with that I stepped to the side and walk away.

Chris grabbed me by the back of my shirt and pulled me back "Get your ass back here, I'm not done with you." He slammed me into the wall real hard and said "I've always known you were a fag, now I've got proof and you're dead."

I looked straight into his eyes and saw that he was serious. I was terrified by what he just said so I tried to get away but he had a firm grip on both of my shoulder forcing my back against the wall. I tried to push him away but he grabbed both of my wrists and pin it to the wall. I kicked him in the balls real hard with my left knee. He finally let go of my wrists and gasped in pain. I took the opportunity and ran toward the door. Then I saw Joe and Eric, two of my other roommates walked in the door. They both looked at me, and then at Chris. I ran toward the door but I heard Chris yelled out to Joe and Eric telling them to stop me. Joe quickly ran after me and jumped on my back. We both fell onto the floor.

"Let go of me you piece of shit" I yelled out to Joe.

"Oh no, you're not going anywhere until I find out what the hell is going on with you and Chris" Joe said. With that, Joe quickly stood up and he pulled me up and then wrapped his arms around my chest tried to make me stand still. I turned to Eric with a terrified and helpless look in my eyes. He just stood there with a big question mark on his face.

"Ok, start talking Chris, what the hell is going on?" Joe said. Chris walked over and looked at me straight in the eyes and said "Well boys, it seems that we have a fag living with us."

At that moment, I felt terror inside me. Chris, Joe, and Eric were all Jocks. Chris was about 6'4" and on the basketball team. Joe was 6' and on the football team. And Eric, he was about 5'11" and he was on the football team as well. I knew that there's no chance in hell I could get away from these guys. I struggled and tried to losen up Joe's grip around me but that did no good.

Joe and Eric looked surprised when they heard what Chris said. Joe turned me around still with a firm grip on me and said, "Is that true AJ?"

I looked into Joe's eyes and saw the same look that I saw in Chris's eyes. I didn't say anything and just stood there with a terrified look on my face.

Out of nowhere, I felt a hard punch right on the left side of my face knocked me out of Joe's grip and onto the floor. After a couple seconds, I finally got a hold of myself and looked up from the floor and found out that was Eric. I was terrified but anger killed that terrified feeling so I stood up and jumped on Eric and started to punch him. "You piece of shit, I'm gonna kick your ass," I said, and tackled his ass down to the floor. I got on top of him and start punching his face like it was a punching bag. Then Chris kicked the side of my waist knocked me off of Eric. I felt a sharp pain inside me as I lay there on the floor. Chris walked over and started kicking me some more. I lay on one side curling up holding my face and waist as he kicked and pushed me with his legs. I felt pain all over my body.

Joe finally came and pulled Chris back and stopped him from kicking me. I heard Joe's voice faintly in the background talking to Chris and said, "shit dude, cool off man. What the hell are you trying to do, kill him?" That was the last thing I remembered. I must have passed out from the pain. The next thing I remembered was waking up on a bed. I tried to move but the pain was too much. My vision finally cleared up as I saw that I was actually in the hospital. I checked out the room but no one was in sight. I was so tired that I dozed off again. Then I was awake with a cold feeling on my chest. I looked around to see what was going on.

"Good evening sleepy head. I'm just checking up on you. How are you feeling?" He said and smiled at me.

"Still a lot of pain" I replied back with a scratchy voice.

"Well, we can take care of that." He handed me some pain killer pills. I took it and swallowed it. "You're lucky, nothing seems to be broken."

I looked at him and said, "You haven't notify my parents yet have you?"

"No, we couldn't get a hold of them yet." The nurse said.

"Ok, please don't call them, I don't want them to freak out. And I'm not ready to explain what happened to them yet." I said.

"I guess we can skip calling your parents since you're getting better" he said.

"Thank you so much" I replied.

"No problem. You just get some rest and get better, or else I'll have to pick up that phone." With those last words, he smiled and walked out the room.

Those pain killer pills started to kick in, I felt a lot better but still too weak to move around so I just lay there and fell back asleep. The next morning, I woke up to find a doctor in my room. He said, "good morning, looks like you're getting better faster than we expected. You can get out of here today."

I smiled and thanked him. He headed toward the door and left. Then it hits me, I have no place to go. I can't go back to my place now after what happened yesterday. A nurse knocking at the door interrupted my thoughts. She came in and gave me some release paperwork for me to sign. I signed it, and then asked her if she could do me a favor by calling me a cab. After that, I got out of the bed and changed into my clothes and walked out of the room. I sat down on the bench near the hospital exit door and wait for my cab. Then I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw that it was the male nurse from last night. He looks so cute all of a sudden.

"Hey there sleepy head. How are you feeling?" he said.

"Hey, I'm getting better. What are you up to?"

"Just getting ready to head home. My shift is over." He said. "What about you? What are you sitting here for?"

"I'm just waiting for the cab."

"Where are you heading to?" he said.

"I don't know." I replied, lowering my head down and look at the floor.

"Are you alright?" he sat down next to me and lifted my face up by the chin and found a confused teary eyes looking straight at him. Then I heard a honk and looked out the door to find that it was my cab.

I got up and wiped my eyes and said, "I gotta go, thanks for everything." I tried to force out a smile. He stood up and said "no problem, just doing my job." And smiled at me. Then he pulled me in and gave me one of those shall we say "more than friendly" hug. I was kinda confused but didn't pay much attention to it because the cab honked again. We said goodbye and I walked out the door.

Looking out the cab window, I could still see him in the hospital looking out at me. A couple seconds later, the cab left the parking space and we drove away from the hospital. Still no clue about where I want to go. I decided to go by Jake's house and explain to him why I didn't show up last night. The cab pulled into the driveway; I got out and paid the fare.

I walked up toward the door, and then I knocked. There was no answer so I tried the doorknob and it wasn't locked. I stepped inside quietly, calling out, "Jake? Are you home?"

There was no answer so I decided to look around and find out why his front door was unlocked and no one was in sight. I walked down a short hallway and heard some noise. I couldn't make out what kind of noise it was so I peaked in the room. I felt like my heart has been pulled out of my chest, stomped on the floor, and broke into a million pieces when I saw Jake on his bed naked with another guy having sex. Tears started rolling down my face, I quietly walked back out of the house.

I got out and started to walk back to my place still crying. I don't know why I'm so hurt, it's not like we were dating, and he has the right to do whatever he wants. I kept on thinking that but still I felt this pain inside me that could not be described. Finally I got back to my place. None of my roommate was home; I went up to my room and changed clothes. Then I decided to head out to the beach just to clear up my mind. About an hour later, I drove into a parking space. Got out of my car and walked the rest of the way to the beach. I took off my shoes and tied them together and put them on my shoulder, then rolled up the legs of my pants and headed out to the sand. For some reason, walking on the beach always make me feel better. There was no one on the beach so it was nice to enjoy the peace and quiet. I walked slowly on the sand looking out to the horizon. Then all of a sudden, I was knocked down to the sand.

"I'm so sorry" he said. "Are you alright?"

"Yea, I'm fine, don't worry about it."

"Sorry, I didn't pay attention and I ran into you."

"It's ok. I'm fine really." I said.

"Are you sure you're ok? You seem like you're hurt...or is it sadness?" he said. "I'm Tim by the way," then a dog ran and jumped on me and started to lick my face. "And this here is Jamie"

I started to laugh and pet the dog. Then I said "I'm AJ"

"Do you live around here? You don't look familiar." Tim said.

"No, I live about an hour from here. I just come here once in a while to clear my head and enjoy the ocean."

"Great, well I'm heading back to my place just up the street here. Why don't you come along with me and hang out until you have to go back home." Tim said.

I thought it over to myself and said, "sure, I guess I could do that."

We headed back to Tim's place with his dog running behind us. I kinda checked out Tim's figure a little bit and he looked so hot. I guess most guys that live by the beach have hot bodies. His dark brown hair and brown eyes has an exotic sexy appearance. Then all of a sudden, Tim turned to me and said "I hope you're ok with gay guys because I am gay."

Well guys, hope you guys like chapter 3. Please e-mail me any feedback of the story. And look forward to chapter 4 and find out what will happen to AJ and Tim. Please e-mail me at Thanks for reading guys. AJ

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