Classroom Romance


Published on Jan 30, 2000


This is the story about gay relationship so if you're offended by it, go away. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy the story.

Classroom Romance

Chapter 2

Although I am really attracted to Jake, I could not express myself because I am not ready to let anyone know about me being gay. Sometimes I wish that there were someone that I could talk to about it. Keeping the secret inside is killing me. There is so much that I want to explore and so many questions that needs to be answer.

I guess I should give a little background about myself. I'm in college; this is my second year although technically I have enough credit that would put me half way in my junior year. I am 19 years old. I've known that I'm attracted to guys since I was 16 but that information has been kept inside me all these years. I could see the terror and disappointment in my parent's eyes every time I think about telling them. I guess I don't have the guts to let them know yet. What would they do if I tell them that their only son is gay? For now, I'll just have to keep it to myself.

We got to the restaurant and order our food. Then we sat down at the corner table waiting for our order.

"Have you live in this town your whole life?" Jake said.

"Nope, I'm just here for school. My house is actually about 2 hours from here. What about you?"

"Well...I'm originally from LA. I'm here for school purposes and to get away from family. They drives me crazy sometimes."

Our order was called so I went and pick it up. We started eating, and talk some more about how our life has been going. It turns out that Jake is an only child also. Jake is 20 and this is his junior year. He will graduate the same time that I am. We are both in the same major also so we will have a lot of classes together.

After we're done eating, I drove Jake back home since he lives right by me. He invited me into the house to hang out for a while and I agree and followed him inside. He went to put his backpack away in the bedroom and I look around the living room. I was suspicious when I saw a copy of Playgirl on the coffee table so I said.

"Do you live here all by yourself?"

"Yep, I got the whole place all to myself. What about you?" Jake said walking out to the kitchen and grab some soda's from the fridge.

I turned to him and said "You lucky bastard" and gave him a wicked grin. "I share a house with 4 other guys. It must be cool to have the whole place to yourself. What do you do after class anyway, Sit there and jerk off all day?" He turned and looked at me with a surprised and terrified look. I started laughing and said

"Relax, I'm kidding"

He then tried to force out a smile back

I'm still laughing and turn around to pick up the copy of the Playgirl magazine. Hold it up and raised one of my eyebrows and gave him a grin as I point to the magazine. His face turned totally red and he walked up to me quickly and took the magazine. I gave him a wink and said

"So is there anything I should know?"

He looked straight into my eyes and said "so now you know I'm gay" with a shaky voice.

"Jake, it's cool. I am too and you're the first to know"

He looked at me and smiled. Then all of a sudden he kissed me. That was so unexpected, I stood there froze in shock and excitement as he wrap his arms around my neck and pull me into him and stick his tongue down my throat. My eyes open wide and I saw his eyes closed and he was totally into the kiss. I finally recovered from the shock after about a minute, and then I wrap my arms around his waist and respond back to his kiss taking his tongue in my mouth willingly and start playing with it with my tongue. The only thought that ran through my mind was how awesome this is that I am actually kissing this gorgeous stud. We moved to the couch and both fell on it sill making out. Our hands rub each other's body. Our body heat was hot and intense as we hold each other tight on the couch making out.

Then we were interrupted by a knock on the front door. Jake jumped when he heard the knock. He got up and walked to the door and I stood up after him tried to recover from what just happened. He opens the door, then a minute or two later, a girl walks in. I recognized that it was Jennifer from the class earlier. Jen and me hang out a couple times during the past month but we weren't close friend.

"Hey Jen, what's going on with you lately?" I said.

I've always called her Jen ever since we first met. Her other friends all called her Jenny.

"Not much, just stopping by to give Jake the notes that he let me borrowed."

She then turns to Jake and said "Is this a bad time to work on our project?"

Jake looked at me with a question on his face. I said.

"No, I was just on my way out." I grab my car keys and head toward the door. I turned and look at Jen and smile. "I'll see you around Jen" Then I turn to Jake and said, "Catch you later Jake." Then I head out the door.

Getting in my car when I saw Jake running out after me and said "AJ, can I call you?"

"Sure" I reach in my car and grab a piece of paper and a pen, then scribble down my number. Then hand it to Jake.

After that, I got in my car, drive out of the driveway, and then wave goodbye to Jake and head back home. I kept thinking about that kiss and wonder what that meant. My head is filled with a bunch of questions. I drove up to my driveway and grab my stuff out of the car and head into the house. Opening the door, I saw a blinking message on the answering machine. I called out "Anyone home?" No one answered, then I turned on the answering machine and it was Jake.

He said, "Hey AJ, This is Jake. We gotta talk about what happened earlier. Meet me at my place tonight around 8. We gotta talk about that kiss."

Then he hung up after giving me his phone number just incase. I erased the message. Then I turned around and froze as I see my roommate Chris standing right behind me.

Stay tuned for the next chapter guys. Let me know what you think about the story. Be gentle. He he. This is my first attempt to write anything like this. Hope to hear from you guys. E-mail me at

Next: Chapter 3

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