

Published on Sep 29, 2011



Hope you enjoy this story! As ever - let me know what you think or if you have any suggestions or ideas. Love hearing from you all.

Class, part 1

"So the true point of intersection could be anywhere between these two points - the formula simply interpolates the result."

I'd been a university professor for three years now, teaching business and finance. I knew it wasn't a glamorous job, but I was good at it in college and I enjoyed teaching, so it just felt right.

Life was pretty good, all in all. I was thirty one, happily married and had a good job. It was nearly time for my student's finals - meaning that there was a nice long holiday coming up soon as well. Not bad.

Today I was giving one of the last lectures to my students before their real exams. It was on internal rates of return - a really dull subject, but I loved the way that before the finals, all the students paid rapt attention to my classes. The dullest topic becomes amazingly interesting when it could help you pass an exam in a couple of weeks.

I'd been rattling on for an hour or so when the bell rang. I looked up around the small auditorium with its tiered seating at my class of thirty or so.

"Finish having a look at the examples in chapter 25," I called out, "next class we'll be looking at costs of capital in chapters 27 and 28."

There was a moment of silence before thirty students began packing their books at the same time and quickly bolting out of the room through the exit to my left as I started tidying up my papers.

After a minute I looked up and saw one student was left. He stood over me, looking a little nervous.

It was Harry, one of the better students in the class. He was about twenty, though he looked a little younger. He had really dark, almost black unruly hair. He wore baggy clothes, but he looked pretty skinny underneath them. He was bright too - he had some of the highest scores in the class on his tests.

I smiled up at him.

"Anything I can do for you?" I asked.

Harry nodded, his brown eyes looking straight into mine for a moment, before he blinked and looked away.

"I wasn't quite sure I understood how you choose the second rate in the calculation?" he said, pulling his notepad out and putting it down on the desk in front of him.

I was a little surprised - Harry rarely, if ever, asked questions - and when he did they were usually much harder than this one.

I moved around the desk and stood next to him. Harry was about my height, but slight where I was broad. I leant over the desk and talked him through the notes he had written. Harry nodded along with what I was saying and asked a few more minor questions.

As I finished off, I suddenly felt pressure on my butt. My words dried up for a moment as I realised that Harry's hand was actually on my arse. I felt his fingers flex slightly as he squeezed my left cheek.

I was startled for a moment, wondering what to do. Then I straightened up abruptly.

"What do you think you're doing?" I asked. I felt the hand slip away from my rear.

Harry didn't say anything. He just quickly grabbed his book and fled the classroom. I called after him, but he was long gone by the time I got to the classroom door.

I absently rearranged a slight bulge in my trousers without a second thought, gathered up my files and left the room.

About half and hour later I was stood in my office, looking at myself in the mirror. I saw a broad shouldered thirty-year old guy in a nice suit that showed off his toned physique. I wasn't heavily muscled or anything, but I kept in shape. Short brown hair, blue eyes and a bit of stubble. ( I'd had some interest from students before - but always girls. This was the first time a male student had come onto me. I wondered what it was that had made him think I would respond to him. ( I shook my head and sat back down at my desk to grade some student practice papers.

I became engrossed in the papers and when I finally looked up at the clock it was 5.30pm.

"Shit," I thought. The campus would be virtually empty by now. And I was going to be late for dinner.

I left a quick voicemail for my wife, letting her know I would be late and started putting the papers on my desk away, when there was a knock at the door to my office.

"Come in" I called, wondering who would be around at this time of the evening.

The door opened and Harry walked in. He was the last person I expected to see.

"Can we talk?" he asked.

I nodded and gestured for him to take a seat. He ignored my direction and sat on the edge of my desk, right next to my chair. I leaned back slightly.

"Do you want to talk about what happened earlier?" I asked. I expected him to look down at his feet or something - or show some sign of discomfort, but Harry seemed confident and unembarrassed. He shook his head, looking me straight in the eye.

"Not really," he said in a low voice, "I know what I did wrong."

I felt a little knot of tension release in my chest.

"I'm glad to hear it," I said, "You can't go around.. groping your tutors - male or female."

Harry was shaking his head.

"That's not what I did wrong," he said, smiling and pushing his dark hair back with one hand. I'd never noticed, but he was a handsome young guy.

I was confused.

"What do you think you did wrong?" I asked.

"I didn't just do this," he replied.

To my total surprise, he leaned forward and kissed me. Hard.

I felt our lips touch and I felt a jolt run through me. I opened my mouth to say something, but before I could speak, his tongue slipped into my mouth, silencing me. I struggled to do anything - it was as though my brain had been wrapped in cotton wool.

I weakly tried to push him off me, but he pushed me back further into my chair, sliding off the desk and actually kneeling over me in the chair, his baggy clothes hanging off him.

This was ridiculous. He was younger and scrawnier than me - certainly no match for me. I gathered my thoughts together and made to push him off me, when I felt his hand start to caress my crotch. My thoughts scattered again.

I felt his hand rubbing round my cock, through the suit material and I absently wondered when I'd got hard. After a few moments of his touch, I felt like my dick was going to burst through my trousers. I heard myself moan slightly as he traced my shaft with one of his fingers.

He pulled his tongue out of my mouth and leant back slightly, locking me into his gaze. His other hand carried on rubbing my cock.

"I knew it," he said, grinning at me, "I've been watching you for the whole term and I knew this was what you wanted."

I tried to protest, tried to yell at him that I wasn't interested in guys. That I was a happily married man with a wife at home who was waiting for me. But I couldn't escape from this kid and that hand on my crotch. And the excitement that ran through me when our lips touched.

I opened my mouth to speak, but Harry leant in again and started kissing me. This time I felt myself kissing him back. I felt my hands running themselves over his thighs. I'd never been interested in guys, but something about what this student was doing to me was just pushing all my buttons. I felt his smooth chin grating over my stubble.

Harry abandoned my crotch and pulled away from our kiss once more. In spite of myself, I groaned with disappointment.

The kid looked at me again with those eyes and slowly undid my tie. I was mesmerised. Then he slowly started unbuttoning my shirt. With each passing moment, I could sense his confidence growing.

"Wow," he said, once he'd finished with my shirt and stripped it off me, leaving me naked from the waist up. He rubbed his hands over my chest an abs.

"You're gorgeous," he said. I actually felt myself blush. How did this young man manage to make me feel like this? It wasn't right.

I tried to gather my thoughts again, but my young captor leaned in and started kissing me again. I felt his fingers close over my nipples and I was his again, as I felt him start playing with them, slowly rubbing them until they stood to attention for him.

Harry slowly broke away from me, keeping his grip on my nipples as he stood up. I had no choice but to follow him and stand up as well. My dick was tenting in my pants uncomfortably.

My student pulled off his t-shirt, revealing his upper body. He was just this side of skinny. There was no fat on him at all, so I could see every muscle in his chest and torso slid under his smooth skin every time he moved. He was no twenty-year old jock, but somehow I still found him intoxicating.

He moved towards me and threw his arms around me. I felt our bodies press against each other - my short chest hair rubbing against his smooth skin. I thought I was going to cum right then.

Eventually, Harry broke the hug and turned his attention to my trousers. My cock was actually aching it was so hard. I noticed that I was leaking pre-cum and staining the front of my suit.

The younger man just laughed and slowly, teasingly, unbuckled my belt and pulled down my trousers and underwear. I stepped out of them, sliding my shoes and socks off and stood in front of Harry totally naked, with a thin stream of pre-cum sliding slowly down my seven inch cock and pooling on my low-hanging nuts.

I reached for Harry's belt, but he knocked my hand away.

"Not yet," he said, "Let's look at you first."

With that he made me turn around slowly on the spot. Every now and then he asked me to flex different parts of my body for him - my arms, my stomach, even my dick. I did as he asked.

I couldn't believe this was happening. There was no reason for me to be doing this, but here I was, actually posing for this student. As I grew increasingly humiliated, Harry seemed to be getting more and more confident. And part of me just couldn't get enough of that. More clear pre-cum was leaking from the tip of my cock.

Eventually he seemed satisfied. ( "Nice," was all he said. I felt that odd stab of pride again, but tried to ignore it.

"Do you want to see my cock?" he asked, smiling. I hesitated, so he reached out and caressed my balls. I shuddered at his touch and nodded. I couldn't help myself. Harry slowly unbuttoned his flies and pushed his boxers down a little, letting his cock spring out. It was the biggest dick I'd ever seen. I'd seen plenty in the gym, but this dwarfed my seven inches.

He stroked it proudly, obviously pleased with the look of shock on my face.

"10 inches," he said. He nodded towards my dripping dick. "What's yours - six or seven?"

"Seven" I croaked.

"Mine's seven inches thick." he gloated - and looking at that monster jutting out of his trousers, I believed him. "What about yours?"

"I've no idea," I said, "I haven't measured it since I was - well, your age."

"No time like the present!" he said, merrily, "I want you face up on your desk."

Again I hesitated. This was way out of hand. I could get fired for this - never mind the fact that I was married.

Harry sensed my doubt and slowly massaged by balls again. I was lost.

"Now," he growled.

I did as I was told.

Soon I as sprawled over my own desk, with my butt on the edge of the desk and my legs hanging down. It would have been cold to be laid out on so much wood, but I was insulated by the papers I had been marking before Harry had entered and taken me.

My rock hard cock was pointing straight up in the air.

Harry had found a piece of string and a ruler and wrapped the string around the thickest part of my dick. His other hand rested casually on my balls. I felt weak with the sensation. He removed the string and measured it against a ruler on my desk.

"Hah," he said, showing me, "Four inches! Call that a dick? Tell me how big your cock is compared to mine."

I could see Harry really getting confident now, but I was helpless to stop him.

"It's tiny. My cock is so much smaller than yours." I said, wincing.

"And what does that mean?" he asked, sounding for all the world like he was my teacher.

"That I'm less of a man than you." I replied, dying slightly inside. I might have been older and stronger than him, but I was the one naked and dripping on a desk - not him. I couldn't argue.

"Damn straight," he said, walking round to the side of the desk next to my cock. I watched his skinny frame swagger around me, his tight little abs clenching and his enormous, hairless dick swinging as he walked.

He reached over and made me suck on one of his fingers.

"And the closest you're going to get to being as much of a man as me is for this," he grabbed his cock, "to be all the way inside you."

That was too much. It was time to end this. I had no desire to have something that huge split me apart. I sat up and started to lever myself off the desk.

That's when Harry shoved the finger that I'd licked deep into my hole.

I'd never had anything up my arse before and I was overwhelmed by the feeling. I felt his finger stretch my hole before pressing up inside me. I felt the rest of my body go limp and I fell back over the desk.

"I thought you'd like that," laughed Harry, twitching his finger and enjoying watching my body spasm.

"I've watched you for months, you know," he continued, slowly starting to pull his finger out before making me gasp by pushing it back into me.

"I just knew that you were desperate for some cock," he added, adding another finger to the stretching of my hole. I heard myself moaning loudly. I absently hoped no-one was outside the office door.

I heard Harry rustling through my desk drawers. I tried to ask him what he wanted, but I couldn't find my voice as the student added a third finger to my hole. I couldn't believe the feelings I was getting from my arse. By the time Harry had added a fourth finger, it felt like his whole hand was inside me. I twitched like his puppet every time he moved in me.

Eventually Harry emerged with a small bottle of shower gel that I keep in my drawer for if I have to go to the gym.

"Well, it's not perfect, but it is slippery, I guess," he said, cracking it open and putting it on the desk. Then he fished around in his pocket with his spare hand an came out with a condom. He pushed the fingers of his other hand even deeper inside me and I felt a pressure building deep inside me. I yelled and spurted a string of pre cum.

"Well there's your prostate," said the younger man, smiling. He withdrew his fingers from me and I sagged against the desk, feeling somehow empty.

Harry opened the condom wrapper and blew into it, like a professional. Then I watched him helplessly as he unrolled it over that monster cock of his. There is something about watching a man put a condom on as he is stood over you that puts you in your place. I knew I was going to have that dick inside me - whether I wanted it or not. ( Harry slathered some of the shower gel over his sheathed cock and grabbed my legs, forcing them apart. I felt the cold gel first, followed by the tip of his dick parting my butt cheeks. ( Then the pressure started building on my ring. Fortunately it had been loosened by Harry's earlier work, but his dick was huge. I felt the pressure building until it was almost unbearable, before the gel finally lubricated me sufficiently and the head of my student's cock moved past my ring and slowly, so slowly, inched its way up inside of me.

I felt his dick push all the way up into me, until his smooth balls were resting in the short hairs around my hole.

"God you're tight," he said.

Then I felt his cock grew even further, swelling inside me as he became even more aroused, locking him in me. I felt the pressure on my prostate again and pre-cum started running down my shaft.

I reached for my dick, desperate for some release. Harry frowned and slapped my hands away, before pulling his dick out slightly and pushing back into me.

"You won't need that," he said, his voice low and oddly thick, "wait and see."

He started slowly pumping in and out of me. With each thrust back into me, I felt my back arch as my body tried to push him even deeper inside of me. I felt Harry slowly start picking up the pace, sweat making his hair even darker.

Every now and then he would vary his pace, making me see stars. This kid was a pro. I couldn't believe it - it was the most mind blowing sex I had ever had.

Harry had total control of me. This skinny young student had actually seduced a thirty year old professor, taken total control, stripped him and proceeded to breed him. And knowing that made me ever hornier.

Harry's abs flexed as he started pounding me. My dick was swaying back and forth with Harry's motion, liberally dribbling sticky pre-cum over my abs and pubes. I felt like I could hardly breathe.

Eventually, I noticed Harry's breath shortening and finally he yelled loudly as he shot his load into the condom deep inside me. He pulled out of me with a sucking noise and carefully pulled the condom off his dick.

He quickly upended the contents of the condom into my mouth. I felt his jizz slide slowly down my throat. I tried to spit it out, but Harry wrapped one hand over my mouth until he was sure I had swallowed every drop.

I felt exhausted already, but there had been no attention paid to my dick. I reached for it again, but Harry responded by thrusting his now naked dick all the way back inside me in one motion. I almost screamed and my hands dropped back to my sides.

"I said you wouldn't need that," he said. His cock was smaller than it had been, but it was still at least seven inches long post-orgasm. I felt him push his dick up against my prostate again. My cock spasmed and I yelled again.

He pushed inside me again and I moaned. My abs were now slick with sweat and pre-cum. Still Harry hadn't touched my dick.

"What do you want?" he asked. That's when I knew he was trying to break me - once and for all. He wanted me to beg.

Another thrust, another moan from me - even more pre-cum. I couldn't do what he wanted - it was just too much. ( Harry thrust into me again and again relentlessly. I moaned, I twitched and wrenched as the desperation to cum ripped through me. Each thrust was accompanied by the same question.

After about five minutes I couldn't take it any more.

"Please," I said.

Another thrust ripped a cry from me.

"Please what?" he asked. Bastard.

"Please make me cum," I asked.

Another thrust. I thought I might actually start to cry with frustration.

"I'll need a little bit more than that," he said, actually laughing at me.

I just couldn't take it any more.

"I'm begging you," I pleaded, "Please, just let me cum. I can't stand it. I've got to cum. I need you to let me cum."

I felt more tired than I had ever felt in my life. As this young student smiled down at me I knew that he had me. I'd never felt this before - not from my wife or any of the girlfriends I'd had through my life. Someone had taken charge of me and made part of me theirs.

Harry nodded. He reached round me as he started on a heavy fucking rhythm in my ass and started pumping my dick with his hands.

Within about ten seconds, I felt the cum churning up from my balls and I came everywhere. I felt Harry move the position of my cock at the last moment, making me spray down my side and over the desk, including many of the papers I had been grading.

When my shudders had finally subsided, Harry leaned forward and kissed me again. I sunk into him like a little kid as he hugged me.

While we were embracing, he pulled his cock out of me for the last time. I felt him button his flies up and pull away from me.

"That was great," he said, pulling on his T-shirt, "You're a great teacher." ( Harry actually winked at me as he gathered his things. He ran his hand over my shaking abs one more time and headed for the door.

"You know there are still two or three weeks of term left," he said as he opened the door, "So we'll be seeing plenty more of each other."

He smiled again, looking back over my office and me - his professor - spread out naked on the desk, dripping with sweat and cum.

"See you in class," he said, shutting the door behind him.

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