Claiming Kelly

By moc.loa@1212lluST

Published on May 8, 2006


Kelly awoke to a knocking on his bedroom door. He sleepily dragged himself out of bed and cautiously unlocked the door and opened it slightly. The driver that picked him up from the airport was standing outside with a tuxedo in his hand. Thrusting it through the opening of the door he said to Kelly.. " Here is your tuxedo sir, the party is at 9pm.. I have been told to inform you that until that time, the day is yours to do with as you will, but to be back here promptly at 7:30 for dressing and instructions." The driver walked away, and Kelly looked at the tuxedo. Wrapped in clear clingy plastic and on a hanger, Kelly marveled at the sight of it. He had never worn a tuxedo before.. he and my sister had gotten married at City Hall, and since he dropped out of High School, he had never gone to the prom either. Kelly put the tux in the closet, grabbed his debit card, sneakers, sweat jacket and threw on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. It was only nine in the morning, which left him ten and a half hours to do whatever he wanted. First of all, he went to the ATM machine to check his bank account balance that Brent.. his brother-in-law.. had set up for him. Looking at the receipt, Kelly was once again dumbfounded. The balance had said twenty-three thousand five hundred dollars!! Apparently, Dominic had paid GOOD money for Kelly's services for the week. The first thing that entered his head was `SHOPPING SPREE'. Kelly went to the finest stores in town, buying gifts for his wife and for Brent, and for his mother-in-law.. as well as for his soon to be born baby. The driver had been called to collect the purchases, and Kelly continued on his way. After four hours of shopping, Kelly had to take a wicked piss, so he headed to the nearest restroom. As he entered the bathroom, he heard familiar sounds. Whoever was in there with him... in the end stall... was jerking off. Kelly paid no attention to the sounds and just headed towards the urinal and relieved himself. Washing his hands, the sounds from the last stall got louder and louder. He couldn't resist.. quietly he snuck over to the door of the stall and peeked through the crack in the door. Inside the stall was a young kid.. probably about 16.. slightly younger than himself. Kelly leaned too closely to the door, and it swung open. He stumbled into the stall and fell to his knees in front of the teenager. The kid was startled, but took immediate advantage of the situation. "Since you obviously enjoy watching." The kid then grabbed Kelly by the back of his head and shoved his cock down Kelly's throat, pumping furiously in and out of his mouth. In seconds, the young kid blasted his cum down Kelly's throat. Kelly fell back on his knees as the kid got up, pulled up his pants, then pushed Kelly onto his back as he stepped over him. "Thanks for the blowjob faggot." He said as he left the bathroom. Kelly got back to his feet, washed up, and continued his shopping spree. Around four o'clock, Kelly began tiring, so he decided to head back to the hotel suite. The driver picked him up and helped him bring his bags up to the room. After taking a quick shower, Kelly hooked up his new video game system to the television in his room, locked the door, and played video games for about two hours. Kelly, winded from his day out, decided to take a nap, but at seven p.m. there was a knock on his door. "Who is it?" he asked. Dominic said it was time for Kelly to start getting ready, and that he had to take a shower. Kelly said he already took one, and that he would be out in about a half hour in his tuxedo. Dominic replied "I don't think you understand me faggot.. I said you need to take a shower, now get out here." Kelly walked slowly out of his room with just a towel around his waist. Dominic looked him up and down and smiled as he ripped the towel from Kelly's waist. He then slapped Kelly hard on the ass and said.. "Get to the bathroom." Kelly shuffled off, with Dominic right behind him. As they entered the bathroom, Dominic stepped out of his clothes and pushed Kelly into the shower against the wall. Following him in, Dominic then turned on the water and pressed Kelly against the cold tile wall. With one hand on the back of Kelly's head (forcing his face hard against the wall) Dominic shoved his cock back up Kelly's ass. He fucked him harder than he had the day before, slapping him in the back of the head and biting his shoulders and neck. After ten minutes of brutally raping Kelly's ass, Dominic's body trembled and he shot his load. He pulled out of Kelly and forced him to his knees.

Dominic reached over Kelly and turned off the water. "Now HERE is the shower I was talking about bitch!" Kelly looked up just as Dominic began pissing in his face. Kelly sputtered and tried to turn his head, but Dominic grabbed his chin, turned his head to face him, then pissed on his face. Prying Kelly's mouth open, Dominic filled his mouth with piss and made Kelly drink it all. This disgusted Kelly but he had no choice. Reluctantly, he drank Dominic's piss then crawled out of the shower. Dominic slapped Kelly in the back of the head as he exited the bathroom, then said "You have ten minutes to get ready bitch, make it quick." Kelly reached into the cabinet and found some mouthwash. He drank nearly half the bottle, trying to get the taste of piss out of his mouth. Walking back to his room, Kelly got dressed in his tuxedo and waited in the main room for Dominic. As they entered the business party, Kelly refused to speak to Dominic, or even look at him. They stood side-by-side as Dominic made small talk with the businessmen, and Kelly downed drink after drink, staying as far away from Dominic as he could. Unfortunately, Kelly couldn't hold his liquor as well as he imagined, and shortly he was stumbling around the room. After nearly crashing into a waiter, Kelly walked out onto the patio for some fresh air. The waiter he had nearly ran into followed him outside and stood next to him. "Excuse me sir, but I couldn't help noticing that you seem to have had a little more than you can handle. It is customary that when any of us notices a guest in such a way, that we make sure they are alright. Is everything ok? Would you like me to get you some water and perhaps an aspirin or something?" Kelly looked at the waiter and smiled. Sitting down at a nearby table, he slurred.. "That would be great, thanks." The waiter disappeared for a moment, and returned with some water and aspirin. "I talked to the man you came in with and told him you weren't feeling well. He thanked me for keeping an eye on you and gave me a one hundred dollar tip if I would sit with you until you feel better." The waiter sat down across from Kelly and smiled. Kelly grumbled under his breath "Stupid fuck." The waiter said "Excuse me?" Kelly apologized and said "I am sorry, I didn't mean YOU... I meant the asshole I came here with. I can't fucking stand him." The waiter looked at Kelly and said... "Then why do you stay with him sir? Can't you just leave on your own?"

Kelly smiled again and said "I wish.. but I'm.... paid for, so to speak. That asshole has me for the rest of the week.. Thank God there's only two more days til I get to go home." The waiter looked at Kelly again and said "Paid for? You mean you're an escort? A GAY escort?" Kelly's head snapped upward and he said "I am NOT gay! It's just.. my asshole brother-in-law trapped me and now I have to do what he says otherwise he is going to tell my wife and his mother that I have sex with guys for money." The waiter looked at Kelly and reached across the table, holding his chin in his hand. "There's nothing wrong with being gay you know. MOST of the guys in there are gay, and I can tell you something else. This party is what they refer to as a trophy boy buffet' where pretty much these high power businessmen hire the best looking escorts they can find, and see who hires the prettiest. It's really disgusting, since most of those guys in there wouldn't even get a second look from any self respecting gay boy anyway." The waiter patted his chest and winked at Kelly when he made his last statement, and Kelly asked... "So you're gay too huh?" The waiter stood up, bowed to Kelly and said "Yes sir! And proud of it. Of course I don't go around with rainbow stickers or flags all over the place, or pink triangles.. but it's pretty well known around here that I am, and nobody gives me shit for it. So how about you? You bi-sexual then?" Kelly hung his head to his chest and said "I don't know. I mean, I LOVE my wife.. she's going to have our first baby real soon, but like I said.. my asshole brother-in-law tricked me into doing this, so now I am stuck. Fucking asshole Brent! I hate him, and I hate this!" The waiter looked up as he heard Kelly mention his brother-in-law's name. " Did you say your brother-in-law is named Brent?" Kelly said "Yeah, why do you ask?" The waiter laughed and said "Brent Connelly by any chance?" Again Kelly agreed, not understanding where this was going. "Well I am not sure what exactly he had told you about his time here.. but let me tell you.. Brent has been used by nearly EVERY one of those men in there ... some at LEAST twice! I met him one time at a bar downtown and he tried to pick me up. Of course I was considering it, but when he told me I had to pay, I told him to fuck off. Two weeks later, I am working a banquet just like this and there is Brent.. downstairs in the playroom' naked, tied down to a table, with at least twenty five men in line.. all taking turns at his ass.

Well, I snuck into line and took my turn at him and when he finally looked up and realized who was fucking him.. he nearly shit!" Kelly laughed hysterically and stood, wobbly. The waiter jumped and put his hand on Kelly's shoulder, holding him steady. It was then that Kelly introduced himself. The waiter replied "Well it's nice to meet you Kelly, my name is Carlo. Why don't we go back inside.. I think I can save you some trouble with the guy who bought you here." Kelly looked confused at Carlo's statement. Carlo leaned in

and gently kissed Kelly on the lips. "Trust me" he whispered, and the two went back inside. Carlo walked over to Dominic and whispered something in his ear while motioning at Kelly. Dominic's face went pale and he came over to Kelly and began apologizing. Shaking his hand, Dominic told Kelly that he could leave whenever he wanted to, and he would even give Kelly a ten thousand dollar bonus.. between the two of them so that Brent wouldn't know. Kelly took the check from Dominic and looked at Carlo, who was laughing hysterically. Carlo then grabbed Kelly and they both left the party and had the driver take them back to the hotel to get Kelly's things. Kelly asked Carlo what he had told Dominic that made him so scared. Carlo said that he whispered to Dominic that Kelly was the nephew of a powerful political figure who was lobbying against Dominic's company trying to prevent them from importing their oil business into the United States, and that if he had found out that Brent had sold him to Dominic for a week, that his uncle wouldn't hesitate to destroy Dominic's business and out him to the entire business world. Kelly laughed and thanked Carlo for helping him, and as Carlo rubbed his hand on Kelly's thigh he whispered "No problem buddy." Kelly looked into Carlo's eyes, then down at the hand moving up and down on his thigh, and said "Ah what the hell!" Kelly clamped his mouth over Carlo's and the two began kissing furiously. It was a matter of seconds until Kelly had his tuxedo off and was laying on his back across the seat of the limousine. Carlo looked into Kelly's eyes and leaned forward, kissing him as he shoved his cock up inside Kelly's ass. The driver circled the hotel block for forty-five minutes as Kelly allowed Carlo to do anything he wanted to his body. Carlo fucked every part of Kelly he could.. his throat was raw from Carlo's cock sliding in and out, his ass was sore from the constant pounding.. but Kelly loved every second of it. He turned so that Carlo was sitting straight up on the seat, then Kelly straddled him, their chests facing eachother. Kelly wrapped his arms behind Carlo's neck and kissed him deeply as he impaled himself on Carlo's cock. He rode Carlo for what seemed like forever until Carlo once again shot his load up inside Kelly's ass. They cleaned themselves up and went up to the suite. A few minutes later, they returned with all of Kelly's things and loaded them into the car. The driver took them to the airport, and Kelly got a plane ticket home. He looked at Carlo and asked him what he planned on doing. "Just bum around, wait for the next banquet to come around for me to work.. the usual stuff." Kelly looked at his new friend and said.. "Why don't you come back with me?

Brent isn't expecting me for a few more days so we can spend some time together and find you a job. That is, if you want to of course." Carlo looked at Kelly and rubbed his chin as he thought for a moment. "You know, that doesn' t sound like a half bad idea. Why not!" Kelly turned around and bought another ticket, and the two boarded the plane. Kelly couldn't wait to see Brent's face when Carlo showed up at the house. Revenge would be sweet no doubt!

Next: Chapter 6

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