Cj in San Diego

By ten.xoc@hcaocswerd

Published on Jun 10, 2006


The following story contains graphic descriptions of male to male sex. If you are not into that or if it is illegal for you to read it, then leave now.

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CJ in San Diego, Part 5

The second day of classes was much the same as the first. It started with my alarm going off, gently waking me up (I'd set my alarm a little earlier, to avoid being woken up by CJ's earth-shattering alarm). I put my briefs and jeans on just as CJ's alarm went off. Once again, CJ snored on soundly. Why did he even bother with an alarm? Oh well, I turned it off and got ready to shake CJ awake. CJ was sleeping on his stomach, and had slid the covers off his body since it was warm at night. Oh god, he was beautiful! I've always had a thing for short muscle boys (because muscular guys have hot bodies to look at, and because those hard muscles give me an absolute boner, but especially because the combination of impressive muscle with the fact that short guys look cuddly is just too hot to handle!). Well, I can tell you that short, muscular SLEEPY guys turn me on even more. They just look so innocent, yet so powerful! And in CJ's case, the fact that he was on his stomach meant his right arm (the one that's covered in tattoos from his wrist all the way up to his shoulder) was right there, near my crotch! Damn, how can someone look innocent and have that bad-boy look all at the same time, without even trying? I couldn't control myself. My hands slid over CJ's right thigh. Damn, that guy has some powerful legs! My hands rubbed all over the muscle, massaging their way up to his ass. MMMMmmmm! Fuck, that thing is rock hard! In the oversized jeans and shorts that CJ wears, you can't really see the shape (other than a bit of the top of his ass , which tends to peek out when his pants slide down a bit) but the little gymnast has one hell of a bubble butt! I was SO tempted to slide a finger up his hole, but I figured that would probably wake him up (I do have SOME self-control. LOL!). So instead, I just massaged the hell out of those cheeks, and then slid my hands up his back, marveling at the granite-like hardness. Fuck, all that swinging on the rings sure built up his back and shoulders! Holy shit, even if I dug in my fingers as best as I could, it was impossible to penetrate through the muscle! Then finally, my hands reached that humongous, tattoo covered right arm. My right hand gripped his right biceps, while my left hand massaged his horseshoe triceps. Meanwhile, I was grinding my jeans-covered crotch against CJ's forearm. Before I knew it, I groaned as I squirted cum all over my briefs. Fuck, now I'd have to change. But just then, there was a knock on the door and Justin's voice saying: "Are you guys up for breakfast this fine morning?"

"Uh, hey Justin, uh, yeah, I'm just waking up CJ."

With that, the door opened and Justin stuck his head in. "Need help? I`m sure I can find some ice cubes!", he laughed.

Oh fuck, well, there went the chance to change my underwear! "Hmm, although that sounds like fun, I don't think that would do much to improve his attitude toward me." With that, I grabbed CJ's shoulder with both hands and shook him.

"Damn, Eric, you're pretty rough!" Then he noticed that CJ was still snoring. "He sleeps through THAT?!?"

"Yeah, he's a pretty solid sleeper alright!" I grabbed CJ's shoulder again, and really shook him hard. Finally, there was some movement. CJ's tattooed, muscular arm started rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. "Whazzup? Izzit morning yet?"

"Yeah, time to wake up, buddy!" I started dragging him out of bed, wrapping one arm around those powerful shoulders to keep him upright, while grabbing our towels with the other hand. Justin opened the door wide for us, scarcely believing his eyes : "You do this every morning?"

"Well, yeah, so far!", I answered.

We made our way to the showers, and each got into our own stall (well, okay, I kinda had to push the sleepwalking CJ into his stall). Once into my own stall, I took off my jeans, and then I could finally pull off my cum-soaked briefs. Damn, what a mess! Oh well, I showered myself clean and toweled off. And then I had a dilemma: was I going to put the wet briefs back on, or was I gonna go commando in my (fortunately unstained) jeans, hoping to be able to put some underwear on before breakfast? I decided on the latter course of action., hoping to beat CJ back to our room.

Well, that plan went out of the window as soon as I left the stall, since CJ was right behind me. I opened the door for him, since one of my favorite things was to watch him walk back to the room, naked as a jaybird, while toweling himself off. Damn, it was a nice sight: those rock hard buns flexing with each step, while the muscle flexed all over his back as he rubbed the towel over his body! Back in the room, I tried to stall for time, hoping CJ would get dressed and head for breakfast so I'd be able to slip some briefs on. I managed to slip my cum-soaked underwear from my pocket into my laundry hamper without being seen, but then CJ said: "Are you ever gonna put a shirt on? Or are you planning to show off that puny body to the entire campus?" I had to put a shirt on and, now fully dressed, no longer had an excuse to hang around in our room. Just then Justin knocked and opened the door: "Are you guys ready?"

"Yeah, I'm ready!", CJ responded, pulling a shirt over his wide shoulders. "Are you all done primping, nerd-boy?"

"Yeah, I'm ready, I guess.", I answered, shooting CJ a dirty look. What an asshole!

At breakfast, I decided to ask CJ a question: "So CJ, given that you never wake up from your alarm anyway, would it be okay not to set it? Then I can just wake up from my own alarm, instead of that incredibly loud one you've got."

"What do you mean I never wake up from my own alarm?", CJ grumbled, "I'm here, aren't I?"

"Yeah, because Eric shook your sleeping ass out of bed!", Justin laughed.

"You woke me up this morning? Why?", CJ asked, incredulously.

"Because you snored right through that incredibly loud alarm, like you've been doing every morning so far! Don`t you remember?"

"Nah. You're just making this up, aren't you?"

"No, man! I saw him drag your lazy ass out of bed this morning! And I saw you sleepwalking into the showers yesterday, with Eric trying to stop you from falling over! Who did you think woke you up each morning?"

"I don't know, I thought the alarm woke me up. I don't remember much from that early in the morning."

"That's because you're fast asleep until you're in the shower!", Justin laughed. "And this poor guy", he draped an arm around my shoulders, "has had to man-handle your naked, sleeping ass into that shower every morning so far!"

Damn, I REALLY wished I was wearing underwear at that point! With CJ sitting across the table from me in his skin-tight T-shirt, Justin sitting next to me with his arm around my shoulder, basically hugging me to his chest, and the two of them discussing CJ's naked early-morning sleepy routine, I was hard as a rock! And I might not be porn-star material, but my 8 inches were still enough to cause a sizeable lump in my jeans. I just hoped it would go down before breakfast came to an end and I'd have to get up! At least with briefs on, I could point my dick straight up so it wouldn't be as noticeable behind the zipper bulge (especially if I untucked my shirt, covering it a bit). But going commando, I knew my dick would slide around and end up tenting out my pant leg!

Dammit, Justin kept his arm on my shoulders while we discussed odds and ends. Now don't get me wrong, I LOVED it (I'm a TOTAL sucker for muscleboy hugs) but having him hug me and squeeze my shoulder gave me a RAGING boner! How the hell was I ever gonna get up without everyone noticing it?

Sure enough, when breakfast came to an end I was still horny as fuck. And Justin was still squeezing my shoulder every time he emphasized a point. So when CJ and Justin got up from the table, I had to stand up as well. I tried to hide it as best I could (and I think I succeeded in keeping the tent in my jeans out of CJ's sight), but Justin wrapped his arm around me and whispered to me: "Nice one, buddy! Just don't poke anybody's eye out with it!" I could feel my face turning red with embarrassment.

Then it was time to catch the shuttle to class. We were too late to snag a seat, so we ended up standing the whole way. With the bus as crowded as it was, we were crammed together. Normally I would have enjoyed that, since Justin was standing in the aisle right in front of me and I could smell that wonderful aroma he has about him early in the morning: a mixture of soap, shampoo, aftershave, deodorant and just downright jock-pheromones! This morning however, I still had a hard-on, and with my dick rubbing up against the rough texture of my jeans, it wasn't about to go down either. And every time the bus driver slammed on the brakes or swerved around a curve, I was pushed into Justin and I just KNEW he could feel my hard cock poking into his ass. He looked back at me once or twice, with a weird smirk on his face. If it had been CJ, I probably would have had a black eye by now! I was hoping Justin wouldn't say anything about it in the crowded bus! I didn't want to be outed like I'd been in high school, but at this point, could he really still believe that I was straight?

Fortunately some people (including CJ) got off the bus (because I was damned close to ...uh... GETTING OFF myself!), so I could give Justin a little more space. Good thing too, the last thing I would want to have to do right now would be explaining a big wet spot in my jeans to Justin!

My stop came up shortly afterwards, and I managed to exit the bus without being outed in front of everybody, so I guess I was lucky that Justin was discrete enough not to bring up my hard-on in public. I wasn't looking forward to that evening, though! I was sure he'd say SOMETHING about it, and what could I say in return without admitting that I was attracted to guys? I spent virtually all my time in class worrying about that. Especially since, not being used to going commando, my dick stayed hard almost the entire day. And Marc, the good-looking stud, didn't make life any easier on me. He sat down next to me in math class, and spent the whole hour playing with the little tuft of black chest hair that was peeking out the collar of his polo shirt! I'm sure he wasn't even aware of doing it, but I sure was!

Next: Chapter 6

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