Cj in San Diego

By ten.xoc@hcaocswerd

Published on Mar 30, 2006


The next morning, I was once again awakened by earsplitting noise. "CJ, will you turn off that GODDAMNED alarm clock?"

The only answer was a soft snore. Well, that and the INCREDIBLY loud alarm clock. So I rolled over, opened my eyes, and was greeted by the sight of CJ's sleeping body. He was lying in bed, face down, and I guess he had thrown the covers off during the night, because his magnificent butt was on full display. Damn, talk about a bubble butt! It looked hard as a rock, which quickly led to my dick getting hard as a rock as well! I thought about jacking off again, but decided I had better turn that damn alarm clock off before the neighbors busted down the door. Besides, I had risked my life enough the evening before! So I got out of bed and turned the blaring alarm off. I grabbed some briefs and slid them on, wrestling my hard dick into them, put on some jeans, then went over to CJ's bed. Just then, my own alarm clock started to beep gently, so I reached over and shut it off. Back at CJ's bed, I patted his shoulder. "CJ, wake up." The snoring continued. Damn, was I going to have to do this every morning? I grabbed his arm and shoulder with both hands (yes, they felt nice and warm, yet hard as steel, causing my dick to jerk and spit out some pre-cum) and shook CJ violently. That finally got some response. He rubbed his eyes and moved his legs (and his body fat was so low, that I could see the muscles move around under the skin), rolled over on his side, but then he grabbed his pillow and buried his head in it. This put his hairy armpit on full display, causing me to moan involuntarily. Well, and the sight of his morning hard-on (about 5 ½", and real thick) didn't help either. At this point I almost gave up on going to class, so that I'd be able to just whack off while looking at the little muscle freak. And that tattoo on his right arm made it even more tempting! I'd never really been into tattoos, but the one on CJ's right arm (running from his wrist all the way up to his shoulder) looked hotter than anything I'd ever seen before!

But I decided to be good, and get both myself and CJ to class on time. So I pulled his pillow from his strong (but sleepy) arms and threw it on my bed, safely out of his reach. Then I grabbed hold of CJ's shoulder once again, and shook him until he grabbed my arm. Then I started pulling him out of bed, and (miracle of miracles) he actually got up. One eye opened just a tiny bit, but I could see he wasn't going to get any further on his own, so I grabbed our towels, wrapped his towel around his waist, draped my arm around those powerful shoulders to steady him, and guided the sleepwalking CJ out of our room and over to the showers.

Once in the bathroom, the first person I saw was Justin, half naked and ready for the showers! I immediately made sure that my towel was in front of the now VERY obvious bulge in my jeans. Damn, with my arm around CJ's mega-muscular shoulders, and looking at Justin's baseball beef, mussed-up blond hair and piercing blue eyes, it was a miracle I didn't cream my jeans right then!

"Hey Eric! Hey CJ! Wait, are you alright CJ?"

"Mmmmuuhhhmmm", CJ murmured in response.

"Yeah, Justin, he's alright, he's just still asleep!"

"Hmm. What do you say, Eric, should we give him a cold shower?" Obviously Justin had just as devious a mind as I did, so I whispered to him: "Actually, I already did that yesterday. But I think if I do it two days in a row, he might catch on who did it."

That cracked Justin up. "Ha ha! Good one! Well, tell him hello for me if he ever wakes up. I'll see you guys later." With that, the Paul Walker look-alike disappeared into a shower stall. I opened another stall for CJ, turned the water on (nice and warm this time), pulled off his towel (DAMN what a nice butt!) and gently pushed the sleepwalking muscleman under the stream of water. Then I quickly left his stall, went into my own, pulled off my jeans and briefs (my hard-on jumping up in joy) and started my shower. I was SOOOO tempted to jack off, knowing both the gymnast and the baseball stud were lathering up mere feet away! I decided to just go for it. I leaned back against the wall, one hand pumping my dick while the other hand was sliding all over my body, dreaming it was Justin feeling me up. I imagined him walking into my stall, putting his hands on my chest, lathering me up. In my mind, I pictured his golden, slightly curly hair getting wet as his steel-blue eyes looked right at me. His sweetly smiling face coming closer and closer, and suddenly he was kissing me! His tongue darted in and out between my lips, as one hand felt up my chest and the other jerked my dick. I could even imagine what he tasted like! I thought about what it would be like to cup those nice, by now wet ass cheeks of his, and that was it^Å. Gobs of cum spurted out of my dick and my body jerked as I tried to stifle my grunts. Damn, that felt real! And it felt GREAT!

I finished the shower, washed away the "evidence", toweled off, got my briefs and jeans back on and stepped out of the stall. CJ stepped out of his stall at the same time, butt naked, while Justin was just leaving. "Oh, hey Justin. Good morning!", CJ said, surprised to see him.

"Morning again, CJ!", Justin said, winking at me and smiling his golden boy smile as he walked out.

CJ looked puzzled about that comment, so I explained: "He was here when we came in. Don't you remember?"

Noticing me, CJ's happy disposition seemed to fade as he grunted: "Oh. I was probably still asleep." With that, he walked out of the bathroom, still drying his awesome body. I quickly followed him, not wanting to miss out on the show of muscles writhing under his skin while he rubbed himself dry with the towel. Damn, swinging on those rings had certainly worked out well for his body! His shoulders seemed about twice as wide as mine with big, boulder-like deltoids, and he was absolutely ripped, not a shred of fat anywhere! Meanwhile, his lats flared every time he moved the towel forward to his chest (okay, so at the time I didn't know all the names for the various muscle groups like lats, deltoids etcetera, but I've been a dedicated student of the athletic male body ever since!). Needless to say, despite my jack-off in the shower, I was hard again!

Back in our room, I made sure CJ couldn't see the hard-on bulging in my jeans. I hung up my towel, slapped on some deodorant and put on a shirt, while of course stealing glances at CJ who was getting dressed himself. He wore really oversized jeans (which looked like they would slide right off again) and a t-shirt which stretched nicely around his shoulders and upper arms. Just then, there was a short rap on the door, which was opened immediately and Justin stuck his head in: "You guys ready for breakfast yet?"

"I'll be right there, buddy!", CJ replied.

"Yeah, I'm ready", I answered, reluctantly tearing my eyes away from the little muscle monster, but I didn't want to be caught by Justin! Besides, having breakfast with the blond baseball player would be pretty good too!

The three of us made our way downstairs and headed for the food. When we sat down at a table, Justin sat down next to me, across the table from CJ, and wrapped an arm around my shoulders. "So what's going on between you guys? How come you can't get along?"

It was quiet for a while, I looked at CJ, who kinda squirmed in his seat, and tried to look away. So I answered instead: "I'm not sure. It started off the moment I walked in. Is it really such a big deal that I'm not a jock, CJ?"

CJ stabbed at his food with his fork, not looking at either one of us. Finally he answered: "Yes, it IS a big deal! It's the jock floor, dammit, it should be for jocks only!"

Justin responded: "So if I wasn't a jock, you wouldn't want me there either?"

CJ's broad shoulders slumped. "That would be different. You still wouldn't be a nerd. I just don't want any damn geeks on the jock floor. Especially as my damn roommate! I should have a cool roomie!"

"So if I start wearing a pocket protector, I'm out?", Justin laughed.

"YES! If you were a fucking bookworm and not a jock, you would have to be on a different floor too!", CJ spat out.

I could see Justin was a little stung by this response, so I joked: "Damn. I guess I'd better not show you my graphing calculator now. I wouldn't want you to get the geek-cooties!"

Justin smiled at that, and squeezed my shoulder, while CJ just glared at me. Well, I didn't care about that. As long as Justin had his arm draped around my shoulder and was smiling at me, the world was fine with me!

Unfortunately, breakfast came to an end eventually, so we got up from the table. On the way to the shuttle bus that would take us to our respective classes, Justin said: "Well, I hope you guys work things out, because I'd like to be friends with both of you. Don't make me choose, CJ."

CJ seemed startled by that comment. He probably thought Justin would automatically prefer him, because he was a jock!

"Don't worry, we'll figure something out, Justin.", I replied. CJ just grumbled something.

Next: Chapter 4

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