Cj in San Diego

By ten.xoc@hcaocswerd

Published on Feb 9, 2009


The following story contains graphic descriptions of male to male sex. If you are not into that or if it is illegal for you to read it, leave now.

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CJ in San Diego, Part 17

Waking up to go to class is not my favorite thing. Waking up with muscle soreness from a workout and then having to go to class is even worse, and that's what happened to me Wednesday morning. Damn. Oh well, at least I'd managed not to drape myself all over the grumpy gymnast this time! I was a little groggy when I clambered over CJ and got out of bed and I managed to stub my toe on the weight rack. Ouch! Stupid muscle head and his stupid weights! And of course I still had to help the sleepwalking idiot to the showers. Why I do it I really don't know, it's not as if CJ is thankful or anything! All he does is (unknowingly) giving me a boner, and I can't even take care of that while he's around!

Classes sucked that day, I was in a grumpy mood and I think it showed. Even sitting next to Marc while he played with his chest hair didn't brighten my day like it usually did. What finally did the trick was that Chris showed up after classes to work out. This may surprise you, since I'm not really into working out, but Chris seemed to know how to lift my spirits: during the workout he was very touchy-feely and kept giving me little muscle rubs whenever I complained of muscle soreness. I've always been a guy that is really turned on by touching and being touched by athletic guys (I actually prefer massaging and cuddling and touching over sex, I think...), so without knowing it, Chris was finally making me feel at peace with the world. Well, at peace with the world, but massively horny! Damn, he's so sexy! He's got this whole athletic look to him, beefy yet slender, and this very graceful cat-like way of moving. And of course while he was working out, he was encouraging me to touch him all over so I would be able to feel which muscle groups were worked by a specific exercise and which weren't. Holy shit did I ever enjoy that! It did make me wonder though...is this normal behavior between workout buddies? Or was there more going on here? Shit, how would I find out? I've never been very good in social situations, but I DO know you can't just ask your workout buddy whether he's gay or not! Or can you?!? When Chris was doing his dumbbell presses I was feeling his chest, so that I could feel the difference between presses and the flyes he had done earlier. Or at least that was what I told him! Anyway, I used the opportunity to not only feel up his straining pecs, but to rub his nipples as well. It wasn't long before he laughed: "Dude, you'd better stop doing that, or you're gonna wake up Chris Junior!", as he looked down at his crotch. So I let go and sure enough, it looked as though he had the beginnings of a boner! He finished his set, then got up off the bench and said: "Your turn!"

When I was doing my dumbbell presses, Chris kneeled at the head of the bench and whispered: "Just concentrate on your chest. Think about how each rep works the pecs, and makes them grow bigger and stronger. Think about how they're going to become mountainous, rock hard muscle." Damn, it was turning me on! It may have simply been meant as encouragement, but it sure was like dirty talk to me! It took quite a bit of effort to stop myself from getting a raging hard-on. And even then I guess Chris noticed, because when we got ready for our post-workout shower, he glanced down at my semi and said: "Aha! I see that workout got your blood flowing!" I blushed and didn't know what to say.

Back in my room, I knew I had to jerk off right away! I wanted to lock the door, rip off my clothes and fucking blow the load of my life! Unfortunately, CJ was in the room, sitting at his desk studying. Shit, of all the times to study he chose to do it now?!? There wasn't much else to do except wait him out (it seemed like CJ's studying sessions never took very long, I really didn`t understand how he ever made it into college like that) so I grabbed my own books and went to work at my desk. Sure enough, it was less than twenty minutes before CJ angrily threw down his books, ripped off his shirt and started doing pushups. I struggled to concentrate on my homework after that, because CJ proceeded to do a full-blown workout: dumbbell rows, bent-over rows, deadlifts, military presses and a whole bunch of other exercises that I don't remember the names of. Meanwhile, there I am trying to concentrate on books about concrete and gravel! I tried explaining to him that the clanging weights were distracting me from studying, but the little asshole didn't even answer me. Fortunately Justin showed up after about an hour of me trying to look at my books instead of the stupid gymnast's body, and Justin and I went to grab some dinner downstairs. Justin actually invited CJ to come along, but CJ gave some crabby response about how he was working out, so he "obviously" couldn't come along. Such an asshole! Anyway, after we fed ourselves, we ended up back upstairs watching TV in the lounge. Dave joined us shortly afterwards, and in typical gregarious Dave style, he soon had his arm resting on the back of the sofa end eventually he pulled me into him just a bit in a sort of masculine buddy-hug. I don't think anybody walking by would have noticed anything weird, since we were watching some football game and yelling at the TV, but I knew Dave had picked up on my mood earlier in the day and was simply comforting me a bit. He's such a sweet lug!

Anyway, at the end of the evening we went back to our rooms and got ready for bed. CJ was already in bed, asleep, so I had to undress in the dark and then crawl over him to get to my own bed. Sleep came quickly.

I think it was about 2am when I woke up. It didn't take me very long to figure out why I woke up. Have you ever had a boner that was so hard that it actually hurts? Such a fucking throbber that it feels as if it is going to split right out of the skin? Because that's what I had that night! CJ was in his bed, lying on his back. Meanwhile, I was sprawled out diagonally. My feet were still in my bed, where they belonged, but my upper body had crossed over into CJ's bed, with my face burrowing into his armpit! No wonder I was hard! I started to move back to my own bed, but I just couldn't do it. I was so fucking horny that I just rolled onto my side. I started jacking off furiously while I sniffed CJ's armpit scent and started licking his shoulder and chest. Of course I pretended that it was Chris I was doing it to! Damn, images of him working out flooded back into my brain as I remembered the feel of his body as it strained against the weights. My tongue ravaged the gymnast's armpit and my hand felt up his chest as I dreamt about doing the same to Chris. Meanwhile, my other hand was a blur on my aching cock! Goddamn, I wanted to lick Chris's nipples while he was doing bench presses, I wanted to tongue his armpits while he was doing flyes, I wanted to feel up his delts and French kiss him while he was doing military presses, I wanted to...UGHHH!! The sperm flew out of my dick, shot after shot spraying my abs and chest as I nearly went into convulsions. Holy SHIT I don't think I'd ever come that hard! When I finally came down to earth, I quickly scooped my cum off my abs and licked it off my fingers. Then I carefully moved back into my own bed, rolled over facing away from CJ, and fell asleep.

Thursday was kind of unexciting, other than being another day closer to the Caveman Camping Weekend. Friday was much the same until I got back to my room to pick up my backpack with clothes and stuff. Soon, Justin stopped by with his own gear and we headed for my car. Dave came along to help carry our packs, while CJ just ignored us. When we got to the Fiat, I opened the door, put Justin's backpack in the backseat and my own pack in the trunk. We said goodbye to Dave (who, like CJ, had to work that weekend) and drove over to the camping goods store to pick up our rental tent. We stuffed that in the back seat as well, and we were on our way, first heading east out of San Diego, then turning onto the road north into the mountains. It was quite a nice drive, much more forested than in the lower elevations and every once in a while you get a sneak peek down the cliffs looking out over the desert to the east. Finally we got to the group campsite and parked. There was some laughter from the other guys about my car, since it was about half the size of the other cars there, but it was all in good fun. In fact, it was a pretty good group of guys, split about half-and-half between Marc's friends and the guys from the jock floor that I had brought along. Justin and I set up our tent and rolled out our sleeping bags so we wouldn't have to do it later in the darkness. I thought it was time to crack open a cool beer, but... Chris came over and said: "Hey Eric, ready for your workout?"

I groaned and replied: "There isn't even a gym here! Don't I get a day of rest?"

Chris grinned, replying: "No rest for the wicked! Come on, get changed and let's get to it".

So I changed into a tank top, and Chris and I headed off into the meadow near our campsite. Soon we found a nice flat spot in the high grass and shrubbery where we started our warm-up and stretches. Chris pointed out the muscles he was stretching. Then we moved into push-ups, both of us by now shirtless, doing them side-by-side. It was hot seeing the baseball player working up a sweat just inches away from me! After the push-ups, Chris demonstrated doing lunges, again pointing out the muscles in his legs that were being worked. It was tough to look at them, and not be distracted by his crotch! I soon joined him, and we did our lunges together. He pointed out the muscles being worked in my legs, and grabbed my hand and put it on his thigh to feel the muscle action. Damn, my hand was just inches from his junk! And feeling up that flexing muscle was NICE! And then he started squeezing my legs, and it was tough to avoid getting a boner... We finished our exercise with squats. We didn't have any weights, so we did them faster and did more of them to compensate. Chris was having me feel his quads while he grabbed mine to point out the benefits of squats. Then he grabbed my ass, or `glutes' as he called them! And he let me do the same to him! He was saying something about how squats are one of the best exercises for working the glutes, but I couldn't hear anything because the blood was pounding in my ears and I got a giant hard-on! I knew my dick was tenting out my shorts and sure enough, when Chris moved his hand back to my thighs, his hand bumped into it. Fuck! He apologized, and so did I, and I think I made some lame excuse about how working out got me excited. He laughed at that, and replied that that was the right attitude. Well, we finished our workout soon after that and headed for the shower that the other guys had rigged in the meantime. It consisted of one of those solar heated shower bags hung just outside the toilet stalls, and a large shower curtain to provide privacy. I grabbed a change of clothes from my backpack went to the shower. When I got there, Chris was already there and he started stripping when I closed the curtain behind us.

"Uhm, you wanna go first?", I asked.

"I think we'd better share, there isn`t much warm water in here. I'll get started and then while I'm soaping up, you can start". And with that, he dropped his shorts and was buck-ass naked! I'd seen him naked in the dorm showers before, as well as in the gym showers, but now we'd basically be bumping into each other while showering naked! I stripped down in one of the stalls while Chris got his body wet. Then I stepped into the shower while Chris soaped up. Damn, there wasn't much space! There was no way to avoid rubbing against each other, especially when it was time to trade places so Chris could rinse off and I could soap up. In the end we ended up sliding past each other face-to-face, our boners rubbing against each other. Yes, both of us had gotten boners by now!

"See, exercise does the same to me!", Chris laughed and winked at me.

Damn, did this mean he was gay too? It couldn't mean much else, could it?

Just then, I heard Andrew call out: "Hey Chris and Eric, are you guys ready for a beer?"

Chris yelled back: "Yeah, we'll be right there!", and with a quick smile at me, he ducked into his stall to dry himself off and get dressed. I soon rinsed off and followed his example. I was just pulling up my jeans when Chris slapped my ass on the way out: "I'll see you out there, buddy".

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