Cj in San Diego

By ten.xoc@hcaocswerd

Published on Jul 27, 2008


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CJ in San Diego, Part 16

Have you ever had one of those mornings where your bed is just too damn cozy to wake up? That's what happened to me the next morning! I could hear my alarm going off, but I was still sleepy and my bed was just so nice and warm, and I was pressed up against this nice warm...wait a minute!?...my eyes suddenly flew open and sure enough: during the night I had wrapped myself around CJ's sleeping body! FUUUUUCK! I jumped back, nearly hitting my head against the wall behind me! My heart rate now suddenly at about 180 beats per minute, I realized that CJ was still asleep. Phew! I guess I get to live another day...thank god for deep sleepers! As I gathered my senses, I realized that a) my dick was rock hard, and b) I must have been drooling precum while I was sleeping, because there where streaks of it all over CJ's thigh and waist. Shit. I carefully climbed over CJ to get out of bed, turned off my alarm, put on some briefs and jeans and then grabbed some Kleenex to clean the streaks off CJ's body and my own abs. Finally done, I shook CJ awake, grabbed our towels and led the sleep-drunk gymnast around the stupid gym equipment in our room, and down the hall to the showers.

After school, I was getting ready to do some studying when Justin poked his head in. "Hey Eric, ready for a run? Oh, hey CJ, cool set-up you have here with the weights and stuff."

I replied: "Yeah, but the shit takes up way too much space. He bought too damn much for this little room!"

CJ grumbled: "What, it all fits doesn't it, mister smarty-pants? I told you it would!"

I replied (while changing into my running outfit): "No, it doesn't! If it fit, I wouldn't have to climb over your stupid bed to get to my own damn bed!"

"Fucking nerd, I need this stuff!"

"Stupid muscle head!" Fortunately I was done changing, so I could leave before I had to think of a snappier response than that (unfortunately I've never been very good at verbal sparring).

Once we got into the elevator, Justin asked: "So, I take it you don't like CJ's workout gear very much?"

"No, he's taken up the entire room with that shit, and the only way it'll fit is by pushing his bed right up against mine. So now I have to climb over him every time I get into or out of bed!"

"Hmm, I thought those two beds together looked kinda cozy. I figured you'd like having a butch gymnast sleeping right next to you!", he grinned.

"Well, it gets to be less hot when I have to worry about that gymnast bashing my head in when he finds out I have a hard-on for him! I mean, this morning I woke up practically wrapped all around him!"

"Holy shit, how did he react?"

"Well, fortunately I woke up before he did, so he never found out. But I must have done it in my sleep, and I doubt he'll appreciate it if he ever found out..."

"Fuck, so what are you gonna do about that?"

"What CAN I do about that? A great big heaping bowl of nothing! I just have to get him to get rid of some of his weight stuff so we can move the beds apart."

"And you can't control yourself?"

"I can when I'm awake, but let me ask you this: if you were in my situation, and the person whose bed was jammed up against yours wasn't CJ, but some sorority girl that you had a crush on, wouldn't YOU worry about cuddling up with her in your sleep?"

"Hmm, yeah, I see what you mean. I've always loved cuddling up with someone, so although I'd probably be able to stop myself from doing anything in my sleep, there'd be no way to guarantee it."

"Exactly. And yet somehow I doubt mister bad-ass tattooed muscle boy CJ would let me explain that if he found me humping him in my sleep!"

"Yeah, he does have a temper, doesn't he? I wouldn't ever wanna see him mad at me, that`s for sure."

"Oh, gee, thanks for that encouragement, Justin! Like I wasn't worried enough already."

"Sorry, bud, just stating a fact. Do you wanna trade rooms for a couple of days, until things resolve themselves?"

"You mean I sleep in your bed, and you sleep in mine? How would we explain that? `Oh, CJ, Justin will be sleeping here for a couple of days because Eric has a hard-on for you', I don't think that would work..."

Justin laughed at my dramatization.

"Besides, Justin, that would only delay the problem for a few days. No, there are only two solutions here. I either have to get my room assignment changed, and that won't happen until the end of the semester, or I have to get CJ to move his bed."

The elevator reached the ground floor, and we went outside and started our run.

"Well, Eric, I guess I don't see any easy ways out either. So lets forget about it and start talking about something else. Like the camping trip coming up."

"YES! I'd almost forgotten about that. A whole, glorious weekend camping without any grumpy gymnasts around. It's gonna be GREAT!"

Next: Chapter 17

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