Cj in San Diego

By ten.xoc@hcaocswerd

Published on Apr 21, 2008


The following story contains graphic descriptions of male to male sex. If you are not into that or if it is illegal for you to read it, leave now.

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CJ in San Diego, Part 15

The next morning, I woke up with a hangover. When I looked over, I saw that CJ had already gotten up and left. Good, because I really wasn't in any shape to deal with him right now! I slowly got up, wrapped my towel around my waist, and headed for the showers. After the shower, I started to feel a little better and I got dressed. Then I headed over to Dave and Justin`s room, to see what they were up to. When I knocked on their door, Justin opened almost immediately. "Hey Eric, are you here to help me wake up Dave?"

"Is he still asleep?"

"No, hes kinda dozing and doesnt want to get up yet, the lazy bum."

I stepped into the room, and sure enough, the football player was still stretched out in his bed, only half awake. "Hey Dave, how are you doing?"

"Sleeeepy", he drawled.

"Come on, Eric", Justin said, "You have lots of experience waking up sleepyheads, don`t you?"

I laughed. "Hey Dave, you wanna get up and explore San Diego?" I reached out and grabbed his hand, to drag him out of bed.

"Yeah, but I wanna sleep first...", Dave said as he grabbed my hand and...pulled me hard, causing me to tip over and fall into bed with him. Immediately, he wrapped his arms and legs around me to hold me in place while he dozed off again. While almost being crushed into the mattress by the football player's weight, I realized he obviously didn't wear anything when he was sleeping, since there was a hard, fleshy cylinder pushing against my back!

"Damn, Dave, is that a flashlight in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?"

Justin laughed: "Oh yeah, Dave always has a morning hard-on."

Dave murmured: "Am I turning you on?"

I laughed: "I always dreamed about sleeping with a football player. I just never thought the football player would actually be asleep!"

Dave answered: "Mmmm, sleeeeep!"

Justin replied: "Uh oh, now I have TWO guys asleep in the bed. Come on, Eric, help me get Dave out of bed." Justin pulled me out of Dave's grip, and once I was standing again, both of us pulled the football player out of bed. Once I saw him standing there naked, with his hard-on pointing to the ceiling, I involuntarily gasped. "Damn!"

"Yeah, he's big all over, isn't he?" Justin joked. "Alright Dave, you go shower and meanwhile Eric and I will go get you some coffee."

As Justin and I were walking down the hallway to get the coffee, he wrapped his arm around me and whispered: "So how did it feel to lie in bed with a naked football player?"

I laughed and whispered back: "A naked football player with a roaring hard-on no less! I wish he was gay, I think he'd make a great boyfriend. Then again...", I continued as I saw Chris walking towards us in a tight tank top and shorts, which really showed off all his assets, "...there are a lot of guys here that I wish were gay!"

Justin replied: "So you'd date Dave if he was gay, and you hope Chris is gay, what about me? I'm feeling left out here!"

I quickly looked around to make sure no one was looking, then slid my hand behind Justin so Chris wouldn't see it, and pinched Justin's butt. He jumped, and I said: "Of course I'd date your gay ass! But unfortunately you're under the delusion that you're straight!"

Hearing that, Justin grabbed me in a playful headlock and administered a noogie as he whispered: "I AM straight, you homo! But don't worry, I'll find you a boyfriend yet!"

By then, Chris had reached us and said in a falsetto voice: "Now boys, there will be no fighting in the hallway! What would mother think of you if she saw you?"

Justin and I laughed and replied: "Sorry, Mrs Bartram!"

Using his normal voice again, Chris asked: "So what are you guys up to today?"

"Right now we're gonna get lazy-bones Dave some coffee, then we'll have breakfast and after that we're gonna explore San Diego", Justin responded. "We haven't quite decided which part of San Diego yet, but we'll probably figure that out over breakfast". He looked at his watch: "Make that brunch!"

Half an hour later, Dave, Chris, Justin and I were at brunch where we decided to go see Coronado that day. It was a bit of a tight fit getting all four of us in my little Fiat, but we managed and soon we were driving across the bridge into Coronado. "Look, there's an F18 fighter jet taking off from North Island Naval Station!", Dave pointed out. "Yeah, and there is an aircraft carrier right there in the bay!", Chris replied.

We found parking for my little car near the Hotel del Coronado, and headed for the beach. Soon we were spread out on our towels on the sand. Justin, Dave and I wore board shorts, but Chris wore square cuts that showed off his magnificent body. Damn, that guy looks good! Meanwhile, Justin's board shorts, being fairly tight, revealed his nice butt whenever he stretched or bent over. And Dave's board shorts were loose, but you could see the outline of his big dick in his wet shorts when he got back from a dip in the ocean. Damn, I would have to make sure I wasn't gonna get a hard-on right here on the beach! And having these guys smear sunscreen all over themselves didn't help, because the shiny lotion just highlighted their bodies!

After tanning ourselves in the sun while talking about sports and other stuff, Dave decided it was time to go throw around the football that he had brought with him. So soon the four of us were standing in the surf (to keep cool). We just tossed the ball around for quite a while, but then (while Dave had the ball) Chris winked at me while nodding his head at Dave. I knew what he wanted to do right away, so when Chris suddenly ran toward Dave and jumped on his back, trying to make him fall over in the surf, I jumped up and hung around Dave's neck too. Somehow Dave still managed to stay on his feet, until Justin tackled the three of us and we all plunged into the water, laughing. This led to more horseplay, with everybody trying to dunk everybody else. Finally we all got tired though, and returned to our beach towels to relax. My dick had reached semi-hard status from all the physical play with the 3 hot athletes, but I don't think they noticed because nobody said anything. The rest of the day, we explored Coronado (including a tour of the historic Hotel del Coronado), it was a great day with lots of eye candy (there's a big naval air base on the island, and the aircraft carriers are berthed there as well. I even saw some shirtless guys that, judging by their tattoos, were Navy seals! Yum!

After a few more hours we crammed ourselves back into the Fiat and headed back to our dorm.

When I got back to my room, CJ was there.

"Where have you been all day?", he asked gruffly.

Still in a light-hearted mood after the great day I had, I replied: "Justin, Dave, Chris and I went over to explore Coronado. Why, did you miss me?"

CJ's dark eyes seemed to spit fire at me for that remark, so I thought to myself: `OK, Eric, let's not tease the animals. One of these days CJ is going to beat the crap out of you if you're not careful'. So I grabbed my towel and some fresh clothes, went to shower the sticky salt off my body, dumped my old clothes into the hamper in our room and then took off for some dinner and to make sure I didn't aggravate CJ more than necessary... Following dinner, I beat Justin at a video game in the lounge downstairs and then headed to bed.

Monday was a pretty uneventful day until I got back to the dorm after classes. I went back to my room and...promptly smacked right into the door! You see, when I opened the door, it opened only a few inches before it was suddenly stopped by a heavy object behind the door. Not expecting this, my forward momentum bashed me face first into the door. "Ow, fuck, what the hell?" I pushed with all my weight and the door slowly opened enough for me to get in. The room was a frigging mess: there were boxes all over the place, weights, dumbbells, weight racks, everything. But above all, CJ's desk and bed had been moved from their usual position against the wall on the left, and were now mashed up against my desk and bed. And amid all this carnage stood a shirtless, sweaty CJ, who was moving a weight rack around.

"CJ, what the hell are you doing? What is all this stuff?"

He looked at me with an irritated expression, as though I was the most stupid person in the world. "These are the new weights I ordered. They were delivered today. I've been setting them up for the last two hours. Here, help me get this rack up against the wall so I can put the weights on it."

"You're going to put the rack against the wall there? Then where are you gonna put your bed? Why don't you put the weight rack over here, in front of the closet? There'll still be enough room to walk around it".

"No, my bench is going over there. And there isn't enough room for both the bench and the weight racks there, so the racks go against the wall".

"But...then where are you gonna move your bed and desk? If you move them back to the left, you won't be able to get to the weights".

"I'm not gonna move the desk and bed, they stay where they are now".

"What, right up against my bed and desk? You're fucking crazy! Why don't you move your bed and desk back against the wall, and put your weight racks in the middle, in the walkway between our beds?"

"I already thought about that, brainiac, and it doesn't work! If I do that, we'll need TWO walkways, one between my bed an the weight racks, and another one between the weight racks and your bed. There isn't enough room for that. Unless you wanna climb over the racks every time you wanna get into or out of bed!"

"I am not climbing over any stupid racks! They're YOUR racks! They don't fucking fit in the room, so you'll just have to return them!"

Apparently that was the wrong thing to say, because his eyes were shooting daggers at me. "I am NOT returning any of this stuff! Besides, I need my racks, because without weights, what good would the bench do?"

"Well, then keep the racks and return the bench. You just bought too much shit!"

He rolled his eyes at me: "How the hell am I gonna do a bench press without a fucking bench? I need this stuff, so just give me a hand with this dumbbell rack and we'll be done in no time!"

"NO!! I am NOT gonna help you! You bought too much stupid stuff. Besides, there's a gym right here on campus, why the hell do you need any of this stuff?"

"Are you stupid? The gym is for full workouts, yes, but I need weights and a bench in my room so I can do a quickie workout without having to go all the way over there. Besides, it'll fit just fine. The dumbbell rack goes over there against the wall, the barbell rack goes next to it, and the bench goes over here in front of the closets".

"And how the hell am I supposed to get into and out of my bed? Your bed is in the way!"

"Well, you can just climb in over the foot of the bed".

"No, I can't, dumbass, because my desk is up against the foot of my bed. Am I supposed to climb over my damn desk every time?"

"Well, if we move your desk over there...No wait, my bench will be there..." CJ scratched his head. "Well, I guess you'll just have to climb over my bed to get to yours".

"Ah, I thought you had it all figured out, Mister Smarty-pants! So what the hell am I supposed to do when I get back late and you're already asleep? You'll be fucking grouchy if I have to wake you up every time!"

"Just fucking climb over me, I won't wake up anyway! Jeez, you're such a dweeb! Now are you gonna help me with this rack?"

"NO!!! You created this mess, so you figure it out!" With that, I sat down at my desk, started on my class work and ignored CJ and his stupid weight equipment.

Or at least, I tried to...with CJ shirtless, dragging weight racks around, pulling the bench out of its box and putting it in its place, and putting all the dumbbells and barbells in the weight racks, it was tough not to look at his straining muscles, further shown off by the glistening sweat that soon started to form all over his body... Damn, all that swinging from the rings all the time sure gave him a nice set of arms, shoulders, lats etcetera! I was starting to be mesmerized by little drops of sweat that formed in his armpits and then slowly rolled down his sides until they reached his shorts. Shorts which he wore so loose, that they showed the top of his ass crack and he had to keep pulling them up every time he bent over or they'd slide down even more...Damn, I was getting a hard-on!

When I finished my class work, I decided it would be smarter to leave the room, because if I didn't I'd probably end up getting caught staring at CJ, and I don't think he'd appreciate that! Fortunately just then, Chris stuck his head around the door and said: "Hey Eric, ready for another workout? Wait, are you guys setting up your own gym in here? Cool!"

I replied: "No, it's not cool at all! By the time he gets all his stupid gym stuff set up, there won't be any room left for us to sleep!"

I guess Chris picked up on the tension in the room and wisely decided to stay out of the argument, because he just waited for me to grab my workout gear and then we headed for the gym.

I had a great workout. I had to be a little bit careful to make sure I didn't get a hard-on again because of all the hot guys working out in the gym, but Chris really is a lot of fun to hang out with. He showed me how to do the exercises, and even had me feel his body as he did them so I could figure out which muscle groups I should concentrate on (and damn, did I ever concentrate on those muscle groups of his, LOL!). Then while I was doing the exercise, he'd poke and prod me to make sure I was doing it right. And through it all he was making jokes which cracked me up! The time flew by much faster than I thought it would, and soon it was time to head for the showers. Damn, talk about a gay porn movie come to life! All these hot, tanned, muscled college guys stripping down, showering, lathering up, drying themselves off...I lost the battle to stay soft as my boner became at least half hard. Fortunately Chris didn't notice it, so I quickly headed to an empty shower head, and turned the water REALLY cold... That seemed to help, at least for a bit.

Afterwards, Chris and I headed for dinner with a friend of his from the baseball team, and played some pool for the rest of the evening back at the dorm. Finally, it was time to go to bed, so I couldn't avoid going back to my room any longer. I was surprised to see that CJ had actually managed to assemble the bench and weight racks and everything did actually fit in the room, but only with CJ's bed and desk mashed up right against mine. Fuck, how the hell was I gonna stop myself from humping CJ in my sleep? Yeah, I know that sounds funny considering I'd been humping CJ while he was asleep, but that was only while I was awake and I was pretty sure he wasn't gonna wake up anytime soon! Now I might do it subconsciously in the middle of the night, while I was asleep and he might wake up and bash my head in! I worried about this while I wash brushing my teeth in the dorm bathroom, but I finally headed back to my room, stripped down and went to bed. Of course to do so, I had to climb over the damn gymnasts bed!. About fifteen minutes later CJ appeared, grabbed his toothbrush and stuff and left again without saying a word to me. When he came back to the room and stripped down to get in his bed, I demonstratively rolled over to face away from him, and he crawled in facing away from me, both of us still angry with each other. CJ soon fell asleep, snoring lightly, but I couldn't catch a wink all night. On the one hand I was horny as hell having a naked, muscular gymnast literally inches away from me (I could actually feel his body heat!), but on the other hand I knew that this sleeping arrangement would lead to me getting caught humping CJ sooner or later!

Next: Chapter 16

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