Cj in San Diego

By ten.xoc@hcaocswerd

Published on Aug 19, 2007


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CJ in San Diego, Part 12

Ouch! I woke up with muscle aches all over my body on Friday. Damn that weight lifting stuff! I dragged myself out of bed, put my briefs and jeans on and pulled CJ to the showers with me. After my shower, I was just getting ready to head back to my room when Chris walked in, dressed in only his towel. "Hey Eric! How are you today? Dont you feel much better now that youre getting in shape?"

"I feel like shit. I'm never working out again!"

Chris laughed, but then he walked over and started to give me a backrub. "You're hurting, eh? Don't worry, that's only because you just started. Your body will get used to it quickly enough."

I slowly felt my resolve not to work out anymore melt away. Yes, I had a lot of muscle aches, but I've always loved getting muscle rubs from muscle boys, so much so that I can`t deny them anything...

Unfortunately for me, CJ walked out of his shower stall just then, so Chris's massage stopped. Damn! I followed the gymnast back to our room to get dressed, as Chris headed into a shower stall.

After classes and after my run with Justin, I returned to my room for a quick shower and change of clothes. CJ was in the room, he had obviously just come back from a gymnastics workout, since he was wearing only his jockstrap. Fuck, that guy has a hot body! I boned up right away, which made it difficult for me to undress, but fortunately CJ seemed to ignore me. He was using his bed as a support while doing dips, and just looked straight ahead at the wall, so I had a chance to turn facing my closet (hiding my hard-on from him) as I pulled my tanktop, underwear and running shorts off and wrapped a towel around my waist. Hearing CJ's soft grunts as he was working out didn't help one bit! I quickly scurried out of the room, worried I might create a giant wet spot on my towel otherwise!

As I left the room, I nearly slammed into Justin, who was also on his way to the showers. Yum, that guy looks nice in a towel! "Whoa, Eric! Look both ways before entering the hallway", he laughed. He wrapped an arm around me and whispered: "By the way, nice throbber. Was CJ naked or something?"

I could feel my face turning red right away (I blush real easily, unfortunately) as I whispered back: "Well, ALMOST! And he was working out too. But, is it that obvious?" Shit, maybe I should have worn underwear and jeans like I do in the mornings when I go to shower!

"Nah, it's not too bad. You'll just make some of the smaller dicked guys jealous."

After our shower, as we were walking back to our rooms, we saw Chris and the pommel horse guy (see Part 9). Justin immediately called out: "Hey guys! Got any plans for tonight?"

Chris replied: "We were just talking about heading downtown and checking out the bars. How about you guys?"

"Same here! We're just getting ready for dinner. You guys wanna join us and then we'll head out afterwards?"

"Sure, that sounds like a plan!" Justin, pommel horse guy and Chris continued with some small talk, but I felt a bit uncomfortable. You see, I knew Chris and Justin of course, but I didn't know pommel horse guy's name yet. And since I'm not a very verbal guy, I didn't quite know how to interrupt the discussion and ask his name without seeming rude. And the fact that he was fully dressed while I was in just a towel didn't make things easier! Fortunately pommel horse guy said: "Forgive the bad manners of my friends, but I don't think we've met. I'm Andrew." I introduced myself, and felt more at ease. And noticed what seemed like a bit of a sparkle in Andrew's intensely blue eyes...

Shortly thereafter, our little group broke up as everyone headed back to their rooms to get ready for the evening. As I walked into my room, I saw CJ was still working out in his jock. Justin poked his head in to the room and asked CJ: "Hey buddy! Eric, Chris, Andrew and I are heading out to dinner and are going out downtown after. Wanna join us?"

"For dinner, yeah. But I have to work afterwards. I found a job so I'll be working Friday evenings and Sunday brunch."

"Cool! What kind of joint is it?"

"Oh, it's ...ehmm... in University Heights. It's a Cajun food place."

"Nice, maybe we'll see you there sometime!"

"Ehh.. No, I work in the kitchen, so you wouldn't actually see me."

"Alright, well, you'd better get your butt in the shower, because buddy, you smell! Phew! We`ll be heading out in about twenty minutes". With those words, Justin headed back to his own room.

Meanwhile, I was taking off my towel and getting ready to get dressed. Almost as soon as Justin left, CJ said: "Damn, put some clothes on that scrawny ass of yours. I don`t want to look at that geeky body of yours any longer than I have to!"

I thought that was pretty rich, considering he'd spent the last half hour in just a jockstrap, but I decided not to say anything...

As soon as I got dressed, I headed over to Justin's room while CJ headed for he showers. I knocked on the door, and right away heard Justin call out: "Come on in!". I opened the door and saw Justin dressed in jeans and a nice polo shirt, while Dave was wearing black slacks but...no shirt! Dave immediately spoke up: "Hey buddy, how are you?", then he walked over and gave me one of those half-hugs that straight boys do (while shaking your hand with the other hand). Damn, being pressed up against that football player body was definitely a nice experience! He may not be quite as defined as CJ, Justin or Chris, but he's huge and you can feel that there's some rockhard muscle under that slight padding! Plus he's a very nice guy. "Hey Dave, what are your plans for tonight? Wanna hang out with Justin, Chris, Andrew and myself ? We're going downtown".

"Sorry, buddy, I have to work tonight. But maybe tomorrow night?"

"Okay, I don't think I have plans yet for tomorrow evening, so let's talk tomorrow. By the way, where do you work?"

Justin jumped into the conversation: "Dave works as a bouncer, he'll be at the 4th and B downtown tonight. So I was thinking we might stop by there later."

"The 4th and B? What's that?"

"It's a big dance club, located at the intersection of Fourth street and B street."

"Cool! Okay, so we'll see you there then, Dave. Are you joining us for dinner?"

"No, I'm sorry buddy, but I have to go to work now". With that, he put on a red shirt with the name of the security company on it, and left.

Next: Chapter 13

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