Cj in San Diego

By ten.xoc@hcaocswerd

Published on May 31, 2007


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CJ in San Diego, Part 11

Thursday morning, the alarm woke me up as usual. I got up, got my jeans on and I was about to shake CJ awake when I remembered the uni that I still had, stuffed under my pillow. Oops, better return it! I pulled it out and threw it on the pile of dirty clothes that seemed to take up an ever growing part of CJ's side of the room. Then I woke CJ up (if you call sleepwalking like a zombie being up, that is) and dragged him toward the showers. As it turns out, Chris was just on his way there as well, dressed only in a towel. Damn, that's one fine looking guy! He seemed amused by the fact that I had to guide the barely awake CJ down the hallway: "Hey Eric, what's up with you, man? First I saw Justin almost giving you a vampire bite a couple of days ago, and now here you are walking around with the undead!"

I smiled: "Yeah, CJ just doesn't really wake up by himself, so I have to drag his ass into the shower every morning".

"Ah, well that explains why you guys always head for the showers together each morning. Damn, I was just about to start some juicy rumors!"

I could feel myself blushing a bit, but I managed to laugh it off: "No, I'm afraid we each shower in our own stall, so I guess you'll have to use your rumor-mongering superpowers on someone else".

Once in the shower area, he watched me hang up CJ's towel, turn on his shower and then push the naked gymnast into the stall. "Damn, buddy, you do that for him every day? Why bother, he treats you like shit anyway?"

I shrugged my shoulders: "Well, I guess because he's my roomie. And besides, if I didn't do it and he was late for class everyday, I doubt that that would improve his attitude towards me". I didn't tell him that I kinda liked manhandling CJ's naked, sleepy body!

Then, just as I headed into my own stall, Chris said: "Oh, don't forget: we're gonna do a workout after class today!"

I answered: "Yeah, I'll see you then!", and quietly sighed to myself. Damn, I was hoping he'd forget about that. I mean, I have nothing against being in the gym with a hot stud who is lifting weights, but I didn't really think that it was necessary for me to be lifting too! Damn that Justin for arranging this for me!

You can imagine my surprise when, later that day, I found myself in the weight room actually having a good time! Of course it didn't hurt that I was surrounded by hot, sweating and grunting jocks wearing only tanktops and gym shorts, but even so: Chris kept up a steady banter between sets, and kept joking with Dave who was there too. Plus, Chris has a really nice body: about as tall as Justin, and a little more muscular. And he was totally cool about showing me how to do exercises, as well as how to spot him when he was lifting. Which meant I got to touch him a LOT! And he didn't seem to be shy about touching me either: sometimes putting his hand somewhere to indicate where I should be feeling a particular exercise, sometimes helping to steady me during squats, and sometimes patting me on the butt or shoulder to encourage me. Isn't it amazing how jocks are all worried about too much physical contact (hugging etcetera), yet when they're playing sports anything goes? They're the opposite of most gay guys! We love to hug and touch, but then go play no-contact sports!

Plus, those jocks get quite competitive in the weight room...Chris and Dave were having some good-natured competition going about who could out-lift who. First Chris would show me how to do an exercise, like curling dumbbells, where Chris would be using 65 pound dumbbells. Then when Chris and I were done with our sets and moved on to another exercise, Dave would start doing dumbbell curls with 90 pounds, while saying: "Hey Eric, THIS is how you're supposed to do this exercise. It's too bad that Chris isn't able to lift more than my grandmother, so he can`t show you!" Then of course Chris would come back with a smart-ass comment about Dave's ancestry, and how pound-for-pound Chris was stronger than Dave. I was just glad they weren't talking about my lifts, since I only used about half the weight Chris was using!

Near the end of our workout, I noticed that CJ entered the weight room. I couldn't really watch him, since I was doing flies at the time, but I heard him say something like: "What's the nerd doing here? Isn't he supposed to be lifting books instead of weights?" I think Dave answered him by saying Chris was helping me get started with a weight program, but CJ seemed to be in his usual lousy mood and started his own workout.

Chris and I finished our workout with bench presses. Dave had done bench presses earlier, and had worked up to 300 pounds, so Chris tried to match that. He didn't quite make it, getting stuck at 250 lbs (with me spotting him, which allowed me a great view of his body!), but that was still very impressive, given that he was shorter and lighter than Dave. I worked in with Chris, and benched my way up to 160 lbs. Just as I got off the bench after my last set, CJ walked over, ripped off his shirt and lay down on the bench, and started powering out presses. He didn't acknowledge any of us between his sets but just kept adding weight, and eventually topped out at 350 pounds! Then, without a word, he looked at Chris with a smug look on his face, and disappeared to the stairmasters. If he hadn't been such an asshole, I would have been very impressed, especially considering that hes only 56"! And I have to admit he did look magnificent with the corded muscle under his skin pumping those weights up and down...but that fucking attitude!

Oh well, I had some other skin to look at when Dave, Chris and I headed for the showers after our workout. YUM! I had to be really careful to avoid getting a raging hard-on, but I think I got away with it. Chris didn't help much when he started playfully boasting about how big his arms were, and was showing them off while soaping up his body! He did it in a good-natured way though, and the ensuing posing contest between him and Dave definitely made my day! Of course it also meant I had to finish my shower facing the wall, and I had to hide my dick while toweling off, but wow, those jocks are hot!

The three of us had barely made it back to our floor in Chappy Hall (Chris having draped his arm around my shoulders by now) when we ran into Justin. "Hey Eric, are you ready for a run?"

I groaned in response: "You guys are gonna kill me with all this exercising!"

Chris pulled me into his body and said: "Yeah, but think about how hot you'll look. You'll be almost as good looking as me!"

Dave immediately responded: "ALMOST as good looking as you? How are we gonna do that? Drop a dumbbell on his face to ugly him up?"

This started a wrestling match between Chris and Dave, while Justin dragged me back to my room to change into my running gear.

During our run, Justin asked me how the weight training with Chris and Dave had gone. I told him that I'd probably be hurting like hell the next day, but that I'd actually enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would.

Justin winked at me: "Hmm, I'll bet that any muscle aches you feel tomorrow were more than made up for by seeing Dave and Chris work out?"

"Oh god it was so hot! The two of them kept trying to out-do each other, and with Chris touching me when he was spotting me, or I was spotting him, it was a miracle I didn't get a raging hard-on right there in the gym!"

"Too much information, buddy! But I'm happy you enjoyed yourself. See, you should get out more!"

"Yes, mom!", I replied.

In response, Justin pulled me into his sweaty, hot body and gave me a noogie. "Hey, speaking of going out more, do you have any plans for Friday night?"

"No, not yet. Why?"

"Would you like to go bar-hopping in the Gaslamp district with me?"

"Sure, that sounds like fun!"

Next: Chapter 12

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