
Published on Apr 10, 2021


CJ Chapter 6

The saga continues in the college life of C.J. Hammer. Thanks for taking time to send me email. It gives me incentive to continue the story. Some of you will recognize that your suggestions have been used as the story unfolds. No feedback = No new chapters. Get the hint??????????????

CJ Chapter 6

Chris returned to his dorm room after his classes and found Isaac there. Isaac tried to hide something from Chris, and that pissed Chris off.

"What are you hiding from me?" Chris asked. "Roomies aren't supposed to hide things from each other."

Isaac was busted. He didn't want Chris to see what he was working on, but also knew that he didn't want anything to affect their friendship. He gave up and pulled the sketchpad out from under his desk where he had tried to hide it.

"Please don't be pissed at me," Isaac said as he showed Chris the pad. He was afraid that Chris would go postal on him.

Chris opened the sketchpad and was shocked. Inside, he saw a multitude of pencil sketches that could only be described as "awesome".

"Isaac, these are awesome!" Chris said as he paged through the book. He saw sketches of many things, but recognized the ones of the Tri-Delt house, Jacobs Dorm, Leif, and then saw his own face. The sketch of Chris showed him nude with a full boner that was blasting huge wads of cum.

Isaac was embarrassed that Chris had found the sketch of himself. He was sure that Chris would be pissed, but he was wrong.

"I hope you don't plan on showing this sketch of me to anyone" Chris said. "The art work is great, but I really don't want to see copies of this all over the fraternity. The guys there would fry my balls with this."

Isaac promised that he would not let anyone see the sketch, and even offered to destroy it. Chris laughed and said that maybe he should have a separate sketchpad for "adult material".

You are a fantastic artist," Chris said. "Do any of the guys at the house know that you can draw like this?"

Isaac opened up and said that he was an art major at a community college before transferring to CSU. He was now going to major in Audio/Video Production after deciding that more money was available there when he graduated.

"Promise me that you won't tell anyone how great an artist you are," Chris begged. "Your talent will come in handy when we are pledges. Some of the members might try to 'bust our balls' and we need a way to burn them back."

The two prospective pledges were happy that they now shared a secret. Chris asked Isaac to hide his sketchbook and anything else that would show his talent. Isaac agreed, and was happy that Chris was not pissed that he had done a sketch of him. He agreed to keep his sketchpad and art supplies in his locker in the room. Each dorm room had a locker for each occupant, and the owner could set the combination. Chris had always wished that he could draw, but not everyone can do everything. Chris was a great athlete and student. He had hidden his musical talents from all of his friends. He was also hiding the fact that he was competing in a series of Karate tournaments toward a national and international competition. He knew that he would have to reveal his other talents at some time, but the time was not right.

They talked and decided to have supper at the dorm and then find something to do together. When they returned to their room, they had a bunch of messages on their answering machine. They listened to the messages and discussed each one.

Leif had called and wanted Isaac to spend the night with him. Isaac seemed bothered, and Chris asked why.

"I really like being with Leif," Isaac admitted, "but he always wants to be the 'top'. He only let me bone him one time, and now he acts like he owns me and wants me to bend over for him. He blows me and swallows, but I like to fuck. I'm gonna be honest with you. I know you have a monster dick that will hurt, but I want you to fuck me, and I want to fuck that awesome brown ass of yours."

"I've been jealous that Leif got into your butt before I did," Chris admitted. "I know my dick is big and can really hurt a guy or girl, so I have learned to let the other person set the limits. I think I have a idea that will take care of our needs. I realize that sex between two guys should be 'give and take' or in more direct words, 'fuck and be fucked'."

Chris explained that Leif was taking Isaac for granted. When they were pledges, the members wouldn't dare force them to have sex, but would certainly use their status to put pressure on them. He had a plan to make Leif jealous and teach him that sex with a guy was a two-way street. To Chris, sex was always give and take, meaning that sometimes you are the "fucker" and sometimes you are the "fuckee".

Isaac liked what he heard, and also wanted to bond with his roomie by seeing how much cock he could take in his mouth and ass.

They listened to the other messages. One was from John Stevens, the Athletic Director for CSU. He wanted to talk to Chris and sounded desperate to meet with Chris or talk to him. Chris deleted the message, after explaining to Isaac that he was getting a lot of pressure to commit to playing basketball at CSU.

Isaac asked if Chris was going to play basketball for CSU, knowing that he was the best high school basketball player in the nation.

"If you promise that you won't tell anyone, I will answer," Chris replied.

Isaac promised, and Chris told him about his relationship with Marcus and Shaq. He said that he was going to mess with Marcus before the basketball season began, and that he could use the help of an Audio/Video major in his plans. Isaac quickly agreed to help, and their bond grew stronger. Chris explained what he would need from Isaac to set a trap for Marcus. Isaac was thrilled that he would be part of a major prank.

The next message was from Marcus Knight, begging Chris to talk to him. He asked what he had done to make Chris mad at him, and said it was extremely important that Chris return the call. Chris deleted the message and said he was letting Marcus "stew". Marcus had even found out the class schedule that Chris was attending, and had tried to talk to Chris after classes. Chris had always blown Marcus off, saying that he was pissed and wasn't going to talk to him.

The next message was from Jodi. She and another member of the Sig Ep house wanted to "hookup" with Chris and Isaac. She also said she could supply other girls who were horny if they knew of other guys with MSB.

Chris and Isaac laughed as they considered their options for the evening. Amy and Melissa had also called for a repeat performance with the two studs. Joe had called and said he was "lonely" and wanted to "talk" to Chris or Isaac. He invited them to have a few beers and play pool at the house. B and Sam had both called too. Chris knew that he had promised to call home often, and decided to call B.

Saul was thrilled when Chris called. He also knew his son, and figured that the young horny stud was being normal and was spending a lot of time having sex. He missed his boy, and wanted to visit him at the dorm, but knew that Chris was afraid that the Tri-Delts would find out his connection with the current National Vice-President of their fraternity. Saul was staying busy with his investment counseling and with his fraternity business. He loved the CSU campus, and had stayed away from his alma mater and home chapter because of Chris. It really bothered him to stay away, but knew that he would soon be able to greet his son as a pledge to his home chapter. They shared a long phone conversation. They discussed how Alex was doing, along with the investments that Chris owned. Saul smiled as he remembered how his own financial future and that of his son had developed.

When Chris returned to the orphanage after spending months with Stephen Segall and Yoshi Yamamoto, the boy asked Saul to buy two lottery tickets. Chris had a little money left over from what Saul had given him for expenses, and said that he had been watching the "Big Game" lottery drawings on television. Chris said that he had a dream that gave him six numbers to play. Chris gave Saul a list of the six numbers he wanted to play, knowing that he was too young to buy the tickets himself legally. He also handed Saul the two dollars, and asked him to buy each of them one ticket. The rest was history, as the numbers were perfect, and they won the entire prize of $390,000,000.

Saul was a millionaire before he had met Chris at the orphanage. His investment skills had made him and his clients a lot of money. Saul had turned in one lottery ticket for the cash option and collected over $100,000,000 after taxes. The second ticket was turned in to collect nearly $10,000,000 for each of the next 20 years. He promised Chris that all of the money would be his when he turned 18, but Chris refused the offer. Chris said they were together for the long haul, and wanted Saul to handle their finances. During the past 7 years, their investments had increased their personal worth. They had donated a great deal of money to the St. Mary's Orphanage in Dallas, Texas to improve the lives of the boys that Chris had lived with. Many other national charities had benefited from their generosity. Chris had spent time on the Internet as a "day trader" and had amazed Saul with how fast he was able to increase his personal account that started at $10,000. Saul had given Chris more latitude in his day trading activity. Chris was constantly on the Internet, researching companies and their potential for growth. When he asked for a million dollars in his personal investment account, Saul had choked. He finally realized that the boy was the one who had given them both financial security, and made the transfer. In less than a year, Chris had increased the initial investment to over 10 million. All of the investment moves were very risky and involved a lot of risk taking in the "Futures Market". Saul had never put his own investments, or those of his clients, into the Futures Market. He preferred blue chip companies with long term growth potential.

Chris had finally decided to convert his high-risk investments into more secure companies. He turned over his account to B, after asking for part of the money to buy some classic cars. B knew that classic cars were a great investment, and decided that he would allow the boy who was still only 14 to attend a yearly auction for exotic cars in Las Vegas. Chris was thrilled as he was able to buy a 1957 Chevrolet Nomad, a 1970 Chevelle 454, 450 horsepower automatic, a 1965 Shelby Mustang, a 1962 Dodge Hemi, a 1953 Corvette, and a 1963 Corvette, split window coupe. It would be years before the boy would be able to drive the vehicles, but both Saul and Chris knew that the cars would be a great investment.

Since that time, Chris had dabbled with day trading, and had always been extremely successful. Both Saul and Sam followed some of his risky moves, and their personal wealth had increased exponentially. Saul had made several donations to CSU. The most important one was to build the Jacobs Dorm in memory of his beloved wife. Chris had continued his love of muscle cars, and now had a collection of over 50 vehicles that were stored in a warehouse. The collection included several antique vehicles, and one-of-a-kind collector's items. A full-time mechanic took care of the valuable cars, making sure that they were maintained and driven often enough to prevent any loss of utility and value. When Chris had turned 16, he began driving some of his special vehicles. The combination of the classic cars, and the size and celebrity status of the star athlete, always drew a lot of attention.

"I miss you and Alex," Chris admitted. "I am having a lot of fun here, and the classes are super easy, but I wish I was home with you cooking meals for all of us."

Saul loved his son and wished that he were home so they could spend quality time together. Having Chris as his son had always been a challenge, but he knew that they were meant to be together in their special relationship. He had always known that some of the investigators had believed that he wanted to adopt Chris as a sex partner. Saul and Chris had never ruined their relationship by trying to seduce each other. Their love was pure, and they both kept it that way. He had always taken care of his boy, and had realized from their first few meetings that Chris was a very sexual boy. Chris had never been bashful about being nude around Saul and had loved his guardian ever since they had met. Chris could be a professional chef, as his training at the orphanage by John, the cook, had paid dividends. They had put John in his own restaurant, and it was an immediate success. John had been repaid for his special care and love of the orphan boy at St. Mary's Orphanage. John was now a millionaire, with the largest steak house in Dallas. He also made several contributions to the orphanage, and made sure that trainees for being a chef at his restaurant spent at least six months cooking at the orphanage.

Chris told Saul how great the Jacobs Dorm was. All the students living in the other dorms, sororities and fraternities were amazed at the beauty of the dorm, and the facilities that were included. The food was fantastic, and everyone on campus wanted to eat there. Saul knew that the dorm was very special, and had plans for donating more money to improve the entire campus. John was supplying the chefs to cook at the dorm as part of their training to join the steak house in Dallas, or one of the chains of restaurants he had opened. Saul and Chris had decided to share their good fortune with the needy, by investigating and donating to the charities that had proven their merit. The foundation that Saul had established was incorporated as the CJH Foundation, named after the boy who had picked the magic lottery numbers, and was a major supporter of education for children of all races and creeds that would not be eligible for normal financial assistance.

"Your dog made you some money," Saul said. "A couple in Detroit, Michigan bought a Ukrainian WolfHound female and wanted to breed her. She is the only other dog of that breed in the United States. I know we have talked about selling Alex's services, so Jason took him to Detroit. Alex did a great job, and got paid $20,000 for his stud services."

"Holy crap!" Chris said. "I wish I got paid that much to get laid! I bet that my mutt was in heaven!"

Saul laughed and admitted that the stud fee seemed high, but they had a choice of a straight fee, or a reduced fee with "pick of the litter". They didn't need another dog the size of Alex to feed, so the straight fee was accepted. The Detroit couple also paid all transportation fees, and had offered the high stud fee to avoid having to bring a male dog from the Ukraine. They planned to select the best of the litter as a show dog. Alex was from a line of champions, and his pedigree was what the couple wanted.

"Have you talked to Marcus?" Saul asked. "He has called me a bunch of times trying to get me to convince you to play basketball for him. I know you are going to pull a prank on him, but he is getting a lot of heat from CSU to sign you to play for him. He is a great guy, so don't mess with him too long. The AD (Athletic Director) and members of the Board of Directors have called me too."

"COOL!!" Chris exclaimed. "This is working out better than I ever dreamed."

"Come on son," Saul pleaded, "give the guy a break. I know you want to play ball for him. What he had you do to Shaq is between the two of them. Let him off the hook and sign up like you did for football. You and I both know that your real love is basketball. He needs you and you need him."

"I can't start football practice until August and you know it," Chris replied. "The same goes for basketball. I'm gonna play for Marcus, but you know our 'Total Truth' agreement, and you can't tell anyone. I am gonna teach both Marcus and Shaq what a real 'GOTCHA' is like! I told you what Shaq did to me the last time I was at his home. He deserves a 'GOTCHA' of his own."

Saul laughed and decided to let his son spread his wings. During their Total Truth discussions, Chris had admitted to some of the pranks he had played on the nuns at the St. Mary's Orphanage. The boy, with his connections to the kitchen staff, had put white pepper in the nuns' panties and bras. Many boys at the orphanage felt the results, when the nuns took their revenge. He had found the controls to the supply of hot water to the nuns dorm, and had turned the supply on and off during their shower time. He had also rigged buckets of ice water over the door to the boys' dormitories, so that when a nun opened the door, she was flooded with cold water. All of the pranks were harmless, but the nuns were livid. Saul dreaded what kind of prank Chris was planning for Marcus, knowing that it would be a beauty.

Chris loved talking to his guardian. He also knew that he needed to call his biological father and parents of his mother to let them know he was in college and having fun. He promised B that he would make the calls very soon.

Isaac had listened to one side of the call, and had decided to take a risk and ask Chris about his biological parents after the call to B ended. He had heard Chris promise to call his father and grandparents.

"Chris," Isaac began cautiously, "will you tell me how you found your biological parents? I gotta tell you the truth, I have researched you on the Internet, and found some information, but I want to know the truth."

"It's a long story, dude," Chris admitted. "Are you sure that you want to take the time to hear it? We could hookup with the Sig Ep's or find a couple of dinkies at the Tri-Delt house to reduce our MSB's."

Isaac laughed, but said he wanted to know more about his mysterious roommate. He begged Chris to tell him the truth.

"What I tell you is very private," Chris said. "No one at the house knows the truth about finding my real father. Actually, he found me. I am the result of a man hooking up with a prostitute. I think they were good people that found themselves in weird circumstances. I was never meant to be, but I was the result of adultery and prostitution. It is not easy for me to tell anyone the truth."

Isaac hugged his massive roomie, and encouraged him to tell him the story, promising not to tell anyone what was shared.

"I found out what happened when I was at Disney World after the Olympics. I was invited to spend a week there to be in the parades. B was with me, and we had a great time. We paid for our own rooms and admission into the theme parks. It was a great way to unwind after the stress of playing basketball with the greatest players in the world. I knew that my picture was going to be in Sports Illustrated, but I never knew that I would be on the cover."

Isaac listened intently. He knew that his bond with the star athlete was being strengthened by this special information. He also remembered seeing the cover of the magazine, calling his roomie, "The Golden Boy".

"I found out later that Randall Carpenter, my half-brother, had a copy of the Sports Illustrated magazine with my picture on the cover," Chris continued. "Randy saw the picture and went to work on his computer. He saw that I had green eyes that were just like his father's and grandmother's. No one else in the family had the same green eyes. He knew that I looked exactly like his father, Jonathan Carpenter, had looked when he was younger and had played basketball in Boston, Massachusetts. Randy used his computer to put my face on a picture of his dad that was taken when his dad was in high school. He printed out the picture and showed it to his father."

"Jon Carpenter thought he was looking at his own photo and asked Randy what the big deal was. Randy dropped the bomb. He had been doing research about me on the Internet, and found out where I was born and that I was an orphan. He told his dad that the picture was actually the face of C.J. Hammer, the Olympic gold medal winner. He asked his father if he had ever been in Dallas, Texas about 18 or 19 years ago. Jon Carpenter and his son Randy are both gifted with telepathic skills. Both of them are senders and receivers, and also had skills in mind reading. Randy's identical twin, Charles, or Charlie didn't develop the same skills for some reason. Randy had developed his skills to the point that he was much more powerful than his own father was. He used his skills on his own father, and realized that his dad was trying to hide his past from his own son."

"This is getting intense," Isaac said. "Are you sure you want to continue?"

"I need to get this out," Chris said. "No one else on campus knows this, so I know you will listen and not tell anyone."

Isaac agreed, and Chris continued.

"Jon had been busted by his own son. He and his wife, Carol, had what was considered as the perfect marriage. They were very wealthy and lived a life of luxury. They had been blessed with a set of identical twin boys, and later, a wonderful baby girl. During the pregnancy for Jennifer, Carol had become very depressed. Her depression spread to Jon. They argued a great deal and had even discussed divorce. When Carol went into labor a month earlier than projected by the doctors, she turned her wrath on her husband. She delivered Jennifer, and had severe post-partum depression. Jon had a business meeting to attend in Dallas, and left with the thoughts that his marriage was ending with Carol. He ended up in a bar where he had too much to drink. He hooked up with a young prostitute. The condom broke when he was banging her, and I am the result. My mother was young and had left Wisconsin under bad circumstances. She had gone to a college party and someone slipped her Rohypnol, the date rape drug. The guy unloaded in her and then had his buddies take a turn. Before the night was over, over five guys had raped her. She and her girlfriend had both been raped and were taken to Texas by a pimp who had supplied the drugs to the college guys. He wanted some young girls for his friend's harem in Texas. He injected both girls with heroin to keep them under control during the long trip. We found out all of this information from detectives that my father had hired. My mother was afraid of what her parents would do to her after finding out she had gone to a college party when she was only 16, and was now in Texas where she was hooked on cocaine. She stayed in Texas and worked the streets to keep her black pimp from beating her and to supply her cocaine habit."

Isaac had heard stories about teenaged runaways, but never had met the child of one of them. He knew that Chris was baring his soul to him, and he loved his friend even more.

"She called herself 'Angel' but her real name was Angela Porter. When she realized she was pregnant, she tried to stop using the drugs, but her pimp was pissed. He wanted her to get an abortion, but she ran away from him to carry her baby. She delivered me in the Dallas General Hospital. She gave a fictitious name for herself, and listed my father as Jonathan Hammer, the name the guy had used when he introduced himself to her. The only thing I got from my mother was her addicted blood and my phony name that I refused to change it when B adopted me. He was cool, and realized that my name was the only thing I had to connect me to my parents. My mother left me in the hospital, and headed back to the streets to continue her life as a hooker. She scored some cocaine, and was wasted when she was hit by a truck and killed. I was abandoned in the hospital and ended up at the St. Mary's Orphanage."

Chris was crying as he continued his story. Isaac knew it was very painful for the strong athlete to tell him the story.

"Randy used his skills to probe his father's mind and learned the truth about the infidelity. He told his father that he had to find out if I was his son. He convinced his dad to go to Disney World where I was going to be in the parades. Randy promised not to say anything to anyone about their discussion. He also knew from his mind probing of his own father that his mother knew of the infidelity, and had forgiven her husband. She also accepted her part of the blame for driving her husband away and threatening divorce. He also knew from reading his dad's mind that Jonathan Carpenter had used the name of Jonathan Hammer when he was out 'whoring around' when he was in college."

"I was in the parade at Disney World for the third day in a row," Chris continued. "I was having a ball. I was throwing tiny basketballs to all the kids in the crowd. I was wearing my Olympic basketball uniform with the gold medal around my neck. I was in heaven until I saw a man standing in the crowd that was staring at me. It was like I was looking at myself when I saw his face and eyes. I freaked out. His eyes locked on mine and I couldn't breathe. The parade continued, but I don't remember much about it. I was totally wasted by seeing a man that looked just like me. When the parade ended, B was there to greet me. He could sense that something was wrong as I was shaking like a leaf. That was when Jonathan Carpenter came up and introduced himself. He asked if he could talk to me in private, and I almost passed out. B knew that something was wrong, and tried to understand. When he looked at Jon, he realized that the physical resemblance was more than a coincidence. Somehow we all knew that Jon and I were connected. B and I agreed to talk to him, and what we heard shocked us. Jon admitted that he had been in Dallas and might have fathered a child with a woman he met there. He told us that he had used the name of Jonathan Hammer with the woman. He was very polite, and never called my mother a hooker. He told us that he was very wealthy and wanted to accept the responsibility for his actions. He offered to pay for DNA testing to verify his belief that I was his son."

Isaac was hanging on every word that Chris spoke. He could not imagine how difficult it had been for a boy to be raised in an orphanage and wait for 12 years to be adopted. It was even more traumatic to hear how Chris had found his real father.

"When I looked into Jon's eyes, I saw myself," Chris said. "I know my eyes are different, but his were identical. His face was handsome, and somehow I knew that he was my biological father. I was excited, but I was also afraid. I had B, and I didn't want anything to change our relationship. B was really tuned in to my feelings, and comforted me. He told me it was destiny, and that I had to know for sure. He promised that he would still be there for me, no matter what. That gave me a lot of courage, and I agreed to the blood tests. We were back in Dallas when we got the telegram with the results. The telegram was from the medical center that had done the testing, and there was one chance in over 90 billion that Jonathan Carpenter was not my father. I totally broke down when B read the telegram to me. He called a friend who was a doctor, and I was injected with some drug to relax me and put me to sleep. I was out for over 20 hours."

Chris took a break to grab a coke from their refrigerator. Isaac had brought a small refrigerator to the dorm and they had filled it with Coke.

"When I finally woke up," Chris continued, "B told me that Jon had called and wanted to talk to me. I was scared to death about talking to him. He had told me that he was married and had a set of twin sons and a daughter and lived in Boston, Massachusetts. B told me that he had talked to Jon, and that the blood tests were positive proof that I was his son. B told me that Jon wanted to talk to me about coming to Boston to meet the family. I remember hugging B and crying on his shoulder. I refused to talk to Jon on the phone or even consider going to Boston. I was afraid that I would lose B and the love that had brought me through so much in my life. It took B several weeks to convince me to talk to Jon on the phone. When I heard Jon's voice, I knew that he was my father. His voice is the same as mine. He was great and didn't put any pressure on me. He told me that he had a family meeting with his wife and children, and had told them everything. Carol was the one who talked to me on the phone and begged me to visit them in Boston. I was afraid I was gonna break up a marriage and family, but she assured me that she and Jon had been honest with each other. They both accepted their blame for their marital problems. They had gone to counseling, and now had a very strong marriage with three wonderful children. She wanted me to join them as the fourth child."

"I finally agreed to talk to Jon on the phone," Chris continued. "He was great, and tried to calm me down. He said he was very sorry for being unfaithful to his wife, but that he was ready to be my father if I would accept him. He said he knew how strong the bond was between me and B, and promised that he would never do anything to hurt me or B. He was great on the phone, and asked me to consider coming to Boston to meet my family. He said that he would send money to help support me. He didn't know at the time that B and I were millionaires."

Isaac was shocked at hearing about Chris's financial status. He guessed that B must be wealthy to buy the Nomad and Viper for Chris. He also knew that Chris had refused scholarships or any type of financial assistance. Now he was learning the truth.

"I freaked out," Chris continued. "I knew he was my biological father, but I was not ready to meet him and the rest of his family. I had lived the life of an orphan for years, and finding out that I had brothers and a sister was too much for me. I refused to go to Boston. I hung up the phone without saying goodbye or anything to Jon. B really chewed me out, and announced a 'Total Truth' meeting. I always hated him doing that to me, as I knew I was in for a real ass chewing. I also knew that B would only use Total Truth when it was necessary. B is awesome! He made me realize that I had always wanted to know who my real father and mother were, and now I had a chance to learn more about who I was. He knew that Jon had hired private investigators to find out who my mother was. B told me that I had to go to Boston and meet my relatives, but that he would still love me if I refused to go. He made it clear that he wanted me to be honest with him, and I told him the truth. If I had two brothers and a sister, I wanted to meet them, even if they were only half brothers and sister."

"I had just returned from a visit to Tokyo, when I agreed to go to Boston. Yoshi had learned of my reluctance to visit my biological family from B and Uncle Steve. He was my Sensei, and ordered me to go and find my roots. I can never refuse anything from my Sensei, so I called Jon. He was thrilled that I would visit them, and promised that no one would put any pressure on me. I flew to Boston alone. B had offered to go with me, but I decided to go alone. A limo was waiting for me at Logan Airport to take me to the Carpenter home. It is a huge estate that covers hundreds of acres of land. Just riding up the drive to the house had me totally freaked out. When the limo stopped in front of the house, it was the biggest mansion I had ever seen. The driver opened the door for me, but I refused to get out. I saw people looking out the windows of the huge house, and had decided to go back to the airport and fly back to California. I was freaked out until I saw a face outside the limo. It was like I was looking into a mirror and seeing myself, as I saw Randall for the first time. He got into the limo and sat beside me. He has blonde hair, just like mine, but his eyes are so blue that you would swear that they are part of the ocean. His face lit up and he hugged me. I melted and started crying. He held me and comforted me. He said he knew I was his brother when he saw the Sports Illustrated magazine and the picture that he had doctored up to trap our father. He wanted me to go with him inside the house to meet the rest of the family, but I was afraid. He grabbed my hand and said that we would take a walk and talk for a while."

"Randy is about 6 foot 5 inches tall, and very handsome. There is something about him that just relaxed me. It freaked me out when I realized that he was answering questions that I was thinking, but had never verbalized. He laughed and explained that some of the Carpenters had telepathic skills. He said that it was obvious that I was a 'sender' who could send thoughts to someone else. He also explained that he was a 'receiver' and a 'reader', and with his skills, he could read my mind. That really freaked me out until he promised that he would not use his skills to delve into my mind unless I gave him permission. Randy told me how he had watched the Olympic basketball games and the interviews after the final game. He had also watched the Larry King Live Show. He knew that I was his brother, and had used his telepathic skills on our father to find out the truth about Jon's time in Dallas. He told me that Charlie, his twin brother, did not have the telepathic skills. Randy was awesome, as he calmed me down and convinced me to stay and meet the family."

Isaac was overloading from the intensity of the information. He got up and went to his stash of rum that was hidden in his locker. He came back to where Chris was sitting and poured a generous amount of the rum into the can of Coke that Chris was drinking.

"I think we both need this," Isaac said as he topped off both of the cans of Coke.

Chris thanked Isaac for the boost, and continued his story. "I was really afraid of meeting the rest of the family, but especially, Carol. I was afraid that she would see me as the result of Jon's infidelity, and hate me. My fears were dashed, as she was the first one to grab me and hug me when Randy finally got me inside the house. Carol kissed me and told me how happy she was to meet me. I looked at Jon, and realized that I was finally meeting him as my father. I broke down and hugged him as I cried on his shoulder. He is a big guy, but not as big as me. He hugged me and I felt his tears on my shoulder. We hugged for a long time. I finally broke the embrace when I saw that Charlie was standing there, looking like he was left out. I held out one of my arms and brought him into the hug with our father. Charlie wailed so loud that I was afraid he was going to have a heart attack or pass out. He was hugging and kissing both Jon and me and it was the most intense experience of my life. Jennifer finally broke in and said she wanted to hug and kiss her brother. It was then that I saw how beautiful she is. She has golden blonde hair and vivid blue eyes. On a scale of 1 to 10, my sister is a definite 10. Randy had gone to the limo and had grabbed my luggage. Jon told him to take it to the guestroom, but Randy wanted me to sleep in his room. The twins had shared a room ever since they were born, but when they were 12, they each had their own room. Because of their close bond as twins, they often chose to sleep together. Now that they were juniors at Harvard, they had their separate rooms. They had come home to meet their brother, and wanted to make me feel welcome. I was surprised to see that Randy's room had two king sized beds in it. I found out later that Charlie's room was the same, so that the twins could have overnight guests, or sleep in the same room as they had done when they were younger."

Chris had drained his can of Coke and rum, and Isaac knew it was time to provide more incentive for Chris to continue the story. He quickly grabbed two more Cokes and the bottle of rum. Chris knocked off the top of the can of Coke to make room for the rum that he knew was necessary for him to continue his story. Isaac topped off the can with rum, kissed Chris on the lips, and begged him to continue.

"It was only about 3 in the afternoon," Chris continued, "but I was wasted. I felt like I had just finished an entire basketball game, and needed to sleep. Charlie was tuned into my emotions, and suggested that I take a nap in his room. I was relieved when Jon and Carol said that it would be a good idea for me to rest. I hit the bed and was out like a light. I woke up about 4 hours later with both Randy and Charlie in bed with me. They were both hugging me and had their legs wrapped around mine. We would have slept that way for a long time, but Jenny came in and woke us all up, saying it was time for supper. When I woke up, I realized that both of my brothers had boners that were plastered against my legs. Jenny told them to get their woodies away from her brother and left the room. Randy and Charlie were both embarrassed about popping wood, but I told them to chill out. We separated and headed downstairs for a fantastic supper of lobster and steak with all the trimmings. It was a great meal, and I really felt welcome in their home. I spent three days there, and met my grandparents. Grandma Carpenter has eyes that are the same as my father's and mine. As soon as I met her, I knew we had a special bond. She hugged me and said that she knew that one of her grandchildren would have the Carpenter eyes, and now she had seen them. She is awesome!"

Chris took a big drink and continued. "My brothers are identical twins, but have very different personalities. Randy is very outgoing and always full of mischief. He was constantly in trouble at school and at home. Charlie is just the opposite. He is quiet and shy. He can tune into someone's emotions in a heartbeat, and everyone wants to be his friend. Both of my brothers are jocks and played basketball, football, and baseball when they were in high school. They both go to Harvard now but decided to concentrate on their studies instead of playing college sports. Randy is studying law and Charlie is in medical school. Jennifer is at Dartmouth, studying foreign languages. She wants to be in the diplomatic corps as an interpreter."

Chris had decided not to share everything with Isaac. He smiled when he remembered the first night he spent in Charlie's room. He had just come out of the bathroom that was between the twins' rooms, and Charlie was sitting on the bed in his boxers. When he dropped his towel to put on his boxers, Charlie went ballistic. He had seen how big the equipment was and wondered if he would get a chance to do more than look at it. Before the visit was over, Chris had "bonded" with both of his older brothers. Randy and Charlie are both bi-sexual, and had initiated oral and anal sex with him. It was really weird looking down and seeing a face that looked almost identical to your own as you are boning a guy. Chris giggled to himself as he remembered how Randy had said, "incest is best".

"It wasn't easy being around Jenny" Chris admitted. "She is soooo beautiful!! Everything on that girl is perfect! I wanted to jump her bones so bad, but when I remembered that she was my sister, I tried to think of something else. It was hard. I was hard. She was coming on to me and I knew it. Charlie told her to go take a cold shower. It really surprised both me and Randy when Charlie said, "You're getting a 'wide on' for your brother! Go cool down before you soak your panties and shorts!"

"Jenny was really pissed, but she realized that Charlie was right. She told me that if I weren't her brother, she would have her panties draped over my shoulder in a heartbeat.

Isaac laughed. Chris was taking a big risk in telling him about his past.

"I went to Boston to visit my family as often as I could with my commitments to sports and school. Each time I went there, I was more comfortable. Carol is fantastic. She said I could call her Carol, or anything I wanted to call her. I decided to call her 'mom', as she was the only mother that I had ever had."

"About two months ago," Chris continued, "My father called B. He talked to B about the private investigators he had hired to try to find my mother. He was sure that they had found her, but she was dead. B and Jon talked for a long time to decide if they should tell me the truth. They agreed that it would be terrible news for me to hear, but that I was entitled to know the truth. I was in school during the time they talked, and when I got home, B announced 'Total Truth'. I freaked out. There was no way that B could know that I had banged two cheerleaders in my Nomad that day during lunch. When he told me that my father wanted to talk to me, I got scared that something was really wrong. B was awesome, and hugged me. He told me that there was some really bad news. When he told me that Jon's investigators said that my mother was dead, I fell apart. I had secretly hoped that they would find her, and I could finally meet her. I crashed again. B gave me some pills that put me to sleep. I had horrible nightmares imagining my mother being murdered, and woke up screaming. Alex is my dog, and he was going postal in my room. B was hugging me and was trying to calm me down. I was soaked in sweat and was bawling my head off. The nightmares continued for over a week, and I was exhausted. B took me to a shrink who wanted to put me on meds that would have made me a zombie. It was a Friday night, and I had just finished supper with B when we heard the doorbell ring. When I got to the door, it was my father and two brothers. I never expected them to come to California to see me. I broke down as I hugged my father and brothers."

Isaac was hanging on every word that Chris was speaking.

"My brothers slept with me that night," Chris continued. "When the nightmares started, they both hugged me and calmed me down. Charlie was the one to calm me down the most. He is an awesome brother. I know Randy and Charlie are actually only my half brothers, but to me, they are my full brothers. I finally got a decent night's sleep. The next morning, I made breakfast for all of us. That is when my father told me what the investigators had found out. They found a woman called Candy, who had worked the streets with my mother, and knew that my mother left me in the hospital. She said that my mother got high on coke and was hit by a truck and killed. None of the other street workers claimed the body, and my mother was buried as a "Jane Doe". By knowing when my mother was killed, the investigators found her grave. It took some legal work to get the body exhumed, but the DNA tests proved that the dead woman was my mother. The investigation continued based on information that Candy had provided. She knew that my mother was from Wisconsin, and also knew how she ended up on the streets of Dallas. Missing person's reports from Wisconsin were researched, and the investigators had located my grandparents in Madison, Wisconsin. More DNA tests confirmed that Angela Porter was my mother, and that my grandparents, Ellen and Harvey Porter were still alive. I met my grandparents two days before my mother's body was returned to Madison for proper burial. I can't tell you how emotional I was when B and my father took me to their home."

Chris had stopped talking, and Isaac knew it was time for another hug and a stronger drink. He provided both, and Chris continued the story.

"As soon as I saw the faces of my grandparents, I lost it. There is no way for me to tell you how emotional I was when I saw them for the first time. B and my father had to hold me up, as I was ready to collapse. My grandparents had watched the Olympics, but never dreamed that I was their grandson. I finally calmed down. I was having trouble focusing my eyes, but I saw the love in the eyes of my grandparents. They were awesome, and showed me a picture album. My mother was beautiful, and I wished that I had the chance to hug and kiss her. That was the first time that I found out that I was 1/4 Cherokee. My grandmother had black hair and brown skin, but I never connected that with any particular ethnic group. When she showed me a picture of my great-grandfather, I freaked out. His name was White Cloud, and he was pure Cherokee Indian. The picture showed the same Indian that I had seen when I was 12 and was in the hospital. Even B recognized the similarities between the photo and the crappy picture that I had drawn in the hospital. My grandmother told us that she was 1/2 Cherokee, and was known as White Dove in the Cherokee community, but had taken the name of Ellen WhiteCloud when she started high school. She dropped a real bomb on me when she went to a bedroom and brought back a brown-wrapped package."

"My father gave this to me to give to my son" grandma said to me. "He said that it would be a long time before I met you. He told me that when the time was right, you would know when to open the package and use what is inside. Your great-grandfather was a medicine man, and he had amazing healing skills. He died right after your mother ran away. I knew my father had incredible powers, but I never believed that I would ever see a grandson to be able to give you this package."

"Grandma gave me the package" Chris continued. "As soon as I touched the wrapping, I felt a jolt of electricity flow through my body. I wanted to drop the package when the electricity hit me, but something told me to hold the package even tighter. That was the first time that I realized that I would have a future connected to White Cloud. All of the cars I own mean nothing to me compared to that package. I still don't know what is inside. If you saw it, you would think it is a bunch of trash, wrapped in plain brown paper that is tied together with rawhide. The more I heard about White Cloud, the more I understood my heritage. I have a room in my part of the duplex that I share with B that he calls my trophy room. Actually, it is a room where he put the awards I have won since I was 12. In a way, I love that room because B made it for me, but in another way, it is an embarrassment. There are a lot of certificates on the walls, along with trophies and other types of awards I have collected. I keep the door to the room locked, and have never let any of my friends inside. When I get in a bad mood, B grabs me and makes me go into that room and see what I have accomplished. B is the most awesome dad in the world! He rescued me from the orphanage, and I love him more than anyone in the world!"

Isaac knew that Chris was exhausted. He hugged his roomie and kissed him on the cheek, telling him how much it meant for Chris to share such a difficult story with him. Isaac knew that he and Chris would be special friends for the rest of their lives. He hoped that their bond would be even stronger than friendship.

Feedback is appreciated to jacob_latson@hotmail.com

The more feedback I get, the more I will post.

Next: Chapter 53

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