
By CJ Abello

Published on Feb 12, 2016


CJ: Autumn: Chapter 13: Paradise

This is a work of fiction set in the real world. Certain living individuals make appearances in the story; all other characters and the events in which they all participate are the creation of the author. Any resemblance of the fictional characters to actual individuals is purely coincidental.

Saturday, 12 October 2013

Following a nice breakfast, Rod drove to his brother?s neighborhood, and parked on West Newport Avenue. The three men--wearing shorts, t-shirts, and hoodies--turned south at Halsted then east on Belmont, following it until reaching Lakeshore Trail. They ran south on the path along the Lake, headed towards the Lincoln Park area. Turning first west, then north, they returned to Randy?s place via Clark Street. They took nearly ninety minutes to complete the just-over-five-mile run.

?So, cuz, right now we?re going through Boystown.? Randy had his arm over CJ?s shoulders as they walked the last few blocks to his place to cool down from their run.

?I guess all those fancy lampposts with the rainbow colors leave little doubt of it being the gay area?? CJ asked.

?Oh, crap. I feel a Chamber of Commerce spot coming on. Don?t do it, Randy. Please?? Rod slowed down his pace, putting a few steps distance between himself and his companions.

?Leave your brother alone, Rod.? CJ looked backwards at his complaining cousin. ?I like hearing this kind of stuff.?

?Yeah! Shut up, Rod.? Randy gave his brother the finger while telling him off. ?Anyway, this area was the first officially recognized gay village in the United States. Boystown--the commonly accepted nickname--is an eclectic neighborhood, home to Chicago's visible and active gay and lesbian community.?

?Yup. I was right. Chamber of Commerce spot.? The cousins walked up the front steps of the white stone clad house, went inside the shared front door, and climbed the stairs to the upstairs unit.

?Anybody home?? called out Randy walking into his place.

?Hey guys, I?m in the kitchen. Tash ran out to the supermarket, but she?ll be back soon. Orlando?s here with me.? The voice became clearer as the speaker approached them. ?I?ll be damned! I finally get to meet the renowned CJ??

The man stood an inch or so shorter than CJ, had muscles everywhere, and a fine coating of hair on his chest and stomach--he wore boxer briefs which left very little to the imagination. His olive skin suggested a Mediterranean background, the sparkle in his green eyes spoke of mischief. The beard, full lips, and heavy eyebrows helped envelop him in an air of masculinity.

Tyler bumped fists with Rod, gave Randy a quick kiss, and CJ a warm hug and a peck on the forehead. ?Welcome to our home, cousin. Anybody want coffee? I went back to sleep after Tash left, but Gym Rat here started banging on the door and I had to get up.?

?Hey, not my fault you decided to forget about our workout schedule,? said the other man in the room staring at CJ. ?You gonna introduce me, boss??

?My bad. CJ, this is Orlando. He?s a friend and he started this summer as a plumber?s apprentice at our company. Orlando, this is the twins? younger cousin. He?s visiting from Washington for the weekend.?

?Hey, CJ. The three of you must have had a good run, you?re all still sweaty.? Orlando kept his gaze on the boy, ignoring the two other guys. The tip of his tongue peeked out of his mouth to run over his lower lip. ?Ty and I are headed to the gym to do some work with weights.? The man turned on a dazzling, brighter-than-the-sun smile. ?We can get you a guest pass for the day, or for the entire weekend??

?Ummm.? CJ had not let go of the man?s hand. He could not stop staring at him either. Orlando was even shorter than Tyler, but his shoulders bespoke of a competitive bodybuilder. The red muscle shirt he wore must have been a size too small, it molded to his torso as if a coat of paint, highlighting every muscular peak and valley.

?CJ?? There was a knowing smile on Randy?s lips as he called out to his cousin.

?Oh, yeah. Sorry. Just spaced out for a moment.? A slight rosy tinge colored the boy?s cheeks. ?Hi Orlando. Nice to meetcha. I?d love to go lift with you guys, might learn something from you, but Rod?s taking me shopping for a coat. I moved from Miami this summer and don?t have a lot of warm clothes.? Outwardly, the boy had recovered; inside he couldn?t explain the feeling he was experiencing. It was a tightness running from his throat to his groin he?d never known before.

?Yeah, so, how ?bout you and I take a bathroom each to shower so we can hit the road?? Rod also had a sly smile on his face as he steered CJ towards the stairs leading up to the third floor.

?Renowned?? asked CJ as he stopped, turned, and looked at Tyler.

?Heck yeah. Your father?s constantly bragging to Rico about you. He brags to your cousins, and this hairy ape shares it all with us. You?re definitely well on your way to celebrity status in Chicago,? said the man, breaking into laughter.

?Hey, CJ!? shouted Orlando as the boy once again made to climb the steps.


?I?m coming back later today. I plan on hanging out and going with you guys to dinner, and wherever afterwards. Okay??

?Yah! Way cool!? CJ bounded up the stairs, grinning.


?Are you gonna wake ?em up?? JP was pulling items out of the refrigerator, getting ready to make breakfast.

?Nah, let them sleep some more. We were up late last night.? Following the emotional reunion at the airport, JP drove his husband and the two youngsters the short distance to their home in Alexandria. The Aussie and the cop both owned compact cars, not big enough for the four of them to ride comfortably in, so they had borrowed C‚sar?s Escalade for the weekend.

?Morning, Dad. Morning, Pops.? Bradley?s greeting brought back the strange feeling JP had experienced the previous day at the airport. Unlike Brett, he?d never given much thought to fatherhood, hearing the teenager call him Pops was simultaneously strange and gratifying.

?G?day, mate. You?re up early. We thought we?d let you boys sleep a bit longer this morning.?

?Nah, I?m a morning person,? Bradley walked to the coffeemaker, grabbed one of the mugs next to it, and filled it to the top. The boy wore athletic shorts with double lacrosse sticks on them and a white t-shirt. ?Paddy?s the heavy sleeper. He has trouble getting up for school every morning.?

?Hey, was the room okay? And the bed? I hope it wasn?t too cold last night, we can get you extra blankets if you need them next time.? Tom?s face was a study in human emotions: apprehension, concern, fear, happiness--all were noticeable.

?Relax, Dad. Everything was perfect.? Bradley leaned against the counter while sipping from his steaming mug. ?Look, CJ?s told us a lot about you guys, we kinda knew what to expect when we made plans to visit. You need to realize we came down ?cause we wanted to, not ?cause we had to. Stop worrying so much.?

?Mate, I think no matter what anyone says, your father?s going to fret. Sounds like you know what you?re doing, so I won?t worry too much. Just be careful with him, he?s old and can?t handle too many more shocks to the system.?

?Old my ass!?

?Nah, mate, you?re ass?s fine. It?s the rest of you--?

?Stop! CJ warned us of this. He said his dads, and the two of you, were always jumping each other?s bones, acting like teenagers.? Bradley?s grin showed he was having fun giving the two men a hard time. ?How ?bout you give us at least twenty-four hours to get settled before the moaning and screaming starts up??

?Fuck! Not sure I can keep away from your dad that long, mate.?

?I?m sure you can manage, Pops.? Bradley refilled his mug, then raised the coffee pot towards the two adults, offering to do the same for them. Both accepted. ?So, is the plan for today still sailing on the catamaran??

?Yeah, the weather should be great.? Tom looked his son over, as if appraising him. JP had pointed out the boy was about the same height as CJ, albeit a bit leaner. ?The water will be a bit chilly. We have wetsuits which should fit you, if you want to ride the Jet Ski. If you guys decide you want to come back to Washington to visit again, we?ll buy some just for you.?

?Geez, Dad, would you chill? Stop worrying about trying to have everything perfect. And why wouldn't we want to come back? You need to get it. You?re our father. We want to spend time with you. And Pops too, of course.?

?Well, it?s just your grandfather--?

?Grandfather can go stuff himself, as Paddy told him. I?m sure we?ll have to deal with him, and the uncles when we get back, but I?m ready. Mom had a long conversation with us. She?ll back us up, whatever we want to do. We already decided we?d like to spend as much time as possible with our two dads.?


After the deep dish they had for dinner the previous evening, Rod thought CJ should experience one other Chicago delicacy while in town--a Maxwell Street Polish. On the way back to Randy?s place, they stopped for lunch. Rod ordered two of the Polish sausage sandwiches topped with grilled onions and yellow mustard.

?How the hell aren?t you and your brother as big as houses eating all this fat food?? asked CJ as he bit into his bun-wrapped sausage. The initial taste made him close his eyes with an expression of delight.

?We don?t eat like this all the time, and I see you licking your lips trying to slurp all the juices dripping off the piece of meat in your mouth.? Rod?s grin showed he enjoyed needling his younger cousin. ?Don?t tell me you?d rather be eating faggy rabbit food.?

?Excuse me? You didn?t just say that, did you? Did you just refer to healthy food as faggy? Faggy? You?re a breeder, you?re not allowed to use the word.?

?Fuck you, cuz. My favorite uncle?s gay, my favorite cousin?s gay, and my favorite brother?s gay, I?m allowed.?

?You only have one brother.?

?Yeah, well--?

?Oh my! If it isn?t the straight, sexy twin.? The guy standing next to their table was good looking--bordering on pretty--with plump lips, an aquiline nose, and big green eyes. ?Without his gay brother, this close to the gayborhood, having lunch alone with some extremely hot young man I?ve not had the pleasure to meet. Yet.?

?Hey, Prentiss.? Rod looked up, smiling when he noticed the newcomer was staring at CJ. ?I didn?t think you?d come eat at a place like this, what with having to watch your figure and all.?

?A girl?s got to eat, sugar.? The muscular guy must not have had an ounce of fat on him, his grey tank top revealing a lean, defined body. ?They have some healthy shit here. Why are you being so rude? You haven?t introduced me to your delightful companion. Don?t tell me I?m interrupting something special.?

CJ blushed, Rod laughed, and Prentiss kept staring at the younger man. ?Cuz, slide over and let this queen sit next to you, might as well give him a cheap thrill.?

?Fuck you very much, Rod.? The man slid into the seat next to CJ, never taking his eyes off him. ?And who might you be, handsome? I?ve not seen you around before, I would have remembered you and those eyes of yours if I had! Wait! Did the big oaf call you cuz? Are you related to this side of beef??

?Ummm yeah. Hi, I?m CJ. I don?t live here. This is my first time in Chicago, just visiting family over the weekend.?

?Well, enchanted, I?m sure. And how did you end up having lunch with Rodney? Maybe you could have dinner with me and I could show you the sights later tonight??

?Back off, Prentiss.? Rod was enjoying himself. ?You?re not getting your claws in this one. He?s family--my brother and I are responsible for him.?

?Oh my! A tad protective? Damn, are there any plain looking men in the family? Tell me, CJ, where are you staying? And what are your plans while in town??

CJ turned on his smile. ?Last night I stayed with my aunt and uncle, tonight I?ll be at Randy?s place. I did some shopping this morning with Rod, tonight Ty and Randy are taking me out in Boystown, and tomorrow we?re going sightseeing.? The boy paused for a fraction of a second. ?That is, unless I get a better offer?? Rod?s hearty laugh burst out when he realized the little fucker was flirting right back.

?Did I hear you say shopping? With a straight man? Oh dear. Are you crazy??

?Yeah, no, I mean, it was just one thing. I don?t have a lot of warm clothing so I bought this vest today. I used to live in Miami so most of my stuff is pretty light.?

?Used to live? You left South Beach for somewhere else? Silly man!? Prentiss nicked a french fry off CJ?s plate and nibbled on it. ?That?s a nice vest. Rab?s a good brand. Personally, I have my eyes set on a gorgeous Canada Goose coat. It?s to die for, but a bit pricey.?

?Yeah, I looked at those. I live in DC now, it won?t get cold enough, it?d be overkill. Plus, I didn?t like the way they used coyote fur on the collar. Not a big fan of trapping wild animals for their skins.?

?See? Not all gay men think of fashion trends first, Prentiss.? Rod put his fist out for CJ to bump. ?My cousin has an environmental conscience.?

?That just makes him all the more adorable!? Prentiss didn?t seem ready to stop flirting. ?You and your cousins must come see the show tonight, CJ. I?ll put your names on the list so you can get right in. No need for you beautiful people to wait in line with the riff-raff!?

?Cuz, Prentiss is also known as Mademoiselle Clochette.? Rod?s smile hadn?t left his face since Prentiss had approached them, he seemed to be enjoying the conversation a lot. ?She headlines a great drag show at a bar off Halsted.?

?Ummm, thanks for the invite,? said CJ. ?But I don?t think I can go. I?m not old enough to drink.?

?You don?t have a fake id, sugar? Oh well, it?s not a problem. I can get you in since you?re over eighteen, you just won?t be able to order cocktails. Your cousins can get them for you.?

?Ummm, I?m fifteen.?



The line to get a table at Good Enough to Eat, on Columbus Avenue at Eighty-Fifth Street, was a permanent fixture. It was a stroke of luck when the doorman at the building was able to get Doc reservations for 11:30 a.m. on short notice. He had agreed to meet Cristina and Chipper at the restaurant. Saturday brought a crisp, early-autumn morning, with clear skies and a promise of a warm day. After coffee and bagels on the balcony, Sean departed the apartment--leaving Doc smiling and a tad sore. They planned on meeting for dinner in Chelsea the next evening.

Doc showered, dressed casually, and exited the building just past ten-thirty. He loved walking in the city and the weather was perfect for it. Taking his time wandering through Central Park, it would take thirty minutes to reach the restaurant from his place on the Upper East Side: there was no need to hurry. He wanted to enjoy the weather, and the sight of the leaves starting to turn yellow--some with a hint of orange or red already. Most strollers, joggers, and dog walkers were affable, smiling in greeting, destroying the common misconception all New Yorkers were rude and unfriendly. They exuded a quiet energy which seemed to silence the noise of the bustling city outside the green oasis. Exiting the Park at Eighty-Fifth, it was but a block to the restaurant.

?Uncle Matt!? called out a young male voice Doc recognized as Chipper?s.

The older man grinned automatically when he saw Chip?s kids. Cristina was as beautiful as ever: long chestnut hair cascading to her shoulders, brown eyes sparkling in the sunlight, and a welcoming smile on her face. Chip had grown and inch or two since he?d last seen them the previous Christmas. Lanky would have been an appropriate description. Hair the same color as his sister?s was a bit longer than before, covering his ears, and in dire need of a comb or brush. His smile was just as warm.

?Hey, Chipper. Hi, Cristina.? Doc put an arm around each of them and gave them both an affectionate peck on the cheek. ?You guys look fantastic!?

?Thanks, Matt.? The girl slipped her arm through the older man?s, ready to be escorted into the restaurant. ?You look well. Thank you for inviting us to lunch.?

?Yeah. Thanks, Uncle Matt. It?s great to see ya. I?m sorry about Dad. He?s such a jerk!? Chipper was obviously not going to wait to voice his opinion concerning his father.

?Look, guys, what happened wasn?t what I expected, but it?s done. Let?s just enjoy ourselves today. I?m glad y?all wanted to see me. I wanna hear all that?s been going on with y?all. How?s your mother??

?Mom?s good, she?s moving to Argentina in January. Got a great job in Buenos Aires, but Cristina and I want to stay in the United States.?

?Jesus, Chipper! At least wait until we get seated before you start talking Matt?s ears off. There?s no need to blurt everything out in the first two minutes.?

Over lunch, the two teenagers explained what was going on and the reason behind asking to see Doc. Cristina had already moved into the dorms at NYU, she had no problems visiting Argentina during the summers--she viewed it as an opportunity to improve her Spanish. Other holidays she would spend with friends, or she might consider visiting her father in Florida.

Chipper, however, was in a quandary. He had no desire to move to Argentina, or to Florida to live with his father. The idea of boarding school wasn?t appealing at all, but it seemed to be the best alternative at the time. After talking it over with his mother, she had agreed to let him ask Matt if the boy could move to Washington, live with him, and go to school there for the next three years. She would handle Chip, make sure he agreed to the arrangement, and cover his son?s living costs. The mother would give him an allowance to cover personal expenses.

?I?m a good student. I?ve been going to Trinity School for the last three years, have all As and Bs, play soccer, and I?m in a band at school. I don?t do drugs and all I drink is a glass of wine now and then when Mom lets me. I promise I?ll behave and not make any trouble. Please, Uncle Matt? I?d be lost in Argentina, and the thought of living with my father makes me sick to my stomach. All I want to do is stay in the United States.?

?Damn! That wasn?t even on my radar when y?all asked to meet. I?m gonna have to think on this, guys. It would be a big change for all of us. Whose idea was it anyway??

?I?m sorry, Matt. It was mine. Since I?m eighteen, Chipper thought he could just stay with me but there?s no way I?m ready for that. I have to concentrate on school.? Cristina sounded somewhat embarrassed.

?Nothing to apologize for. Guess I?m kinda flattered you?d think about me. I?m surprised your mother would be willing to go along.?

?Mom?s never had a problem with you, Matt. It was over between her and Dad before he met you so she?s never held a grudge.? Cristina placed her hand on top of Matt?s in a comforting way. ?Plus we?ve never had anything but good things to say about you.?

?Ha! I don?t think y?all talking me up would be enough to convince her.?

?You?re probably right. Chipper doesn?t know about this, but Mom admitted she had you checked out the first time we went to Washington to visit you and Dad. I don?t know how she did it, but she said she knows you?re a good man.?

?Well, you know I need to talk to her before I make a decision so I guess that?s the next step. I betcha CJ would love to have you in Washington.?

?Who?s CJ, Uncle Matt??


CJ let himself into his cousin?s home with the key he?d been given in the morning. He needed to pee badly, and wanted to change shirts--the one he wore smelled of fried sausage and had dried mustard on it. Carrying the bag with his new coat, he climbed the stairs headed towards the bedroom he?d been told was his for the night.

After throwing his bag on the bed, a loud moan startled him before he made it to the bathroom. He realized the door to the master bedroom was partially open, and when he peeked inside the room, he forgot all about having to take a leak. Randy, Tyler, and a beautiful blonde woman he assumed was Natasha were naked and going at it.

Natasha was on her back on the edge of the bed, spread legs up in the air. Ty was standing in between them, bent over the prone girl, his groin pressed against hers. Randy was behind the shorter man, humping into him with the biggest dick CJ had ever seen. Each time Randy pushed, it drove Tyler into Natasha, eliciting a loud moan from her.

?Da! You fuck me good now.?

?Do it, babe. Give her what she wants.? Randy grabbed the muscle guy?s hips and added some speed to his moves.

Tyler bent over further, putting his mouth to one of the girl?s nipples, giving Randy a better angle. Ty had gone quiet while he suckled on the large white breast. When he switched to the other one, he opened his eyes, saw CJ at the door, and froze for a fraction of a second. He winked at the boy, stuck his tongue out, and lazily ran it over his girlfriend?s plump nipple.

?Pull back, big boy. Pull back and let me do the moving.? As he spoke, he lifted his body, turned it slightly towards Randy, and made a slight movement with his head towards the door.

Randy glanced in the direction Ty indicated and noticed his cousin. After a momentary look of shock he smiled, shrugged his shoulders, and did as requested--he pulled partially out and stood still.

?You ready to get fucked, baby girl?? Tyler spoke in a loud tone, no doubt for CJ's benefit.

?Da! Da! Fuck me hard!?

This was way hotter than any porn he?d ever watched on line, thought CJ. Even with a girl involved. His bladder forced him to back away from the door and he almost ran to the bathroom. It took a while for his boner to go down sufficiently so he could let the stream fly.


Although they?d been invited to an after party following the Military & Leather Ball on Friday, Dragon and King decided to head back to their hotel room and get some rest. It had been a long day, and dancing for several hours had taken its toll--even with all the drugs in their system keeping them awake.

Their nap lasted until the early afternoon. Waking up hungry and horny, they enjoyed a long, playful shower, dressed, and went out looking for something to eat. They settled on a health food spot on Saint Catherine Street. This was the center of Montreal?s Gay Village and the parade of hot guys kept them entertained.

?Fuck! All these studs walking all over the place aren?t helping.? Dragon was staring at an Asian couple who had walked in the restaurant. ?I think my dick?s been hard non-stop since we woke up.?

?Let?s go back to the room and I?ll take care of the problem.? King was in a similar condition. All the groping and fingering he?s been subjected to the previous night, by his boyfriend and others on the dance floor, kept replaying in his head.

?How ?bout we hit a bathhouse instead, Rash? We can pop another hit of X, fuck around for a few hours, then get a solid sleep. Tomorrow morning we can sightsee for a while, take a disco nap in the afternoon, get a workout in, and head to the party around midnight.?

?Let?s go. But you can?t leave me alone, okay? You know I?m smaller and Molly hits me harder, so I gotta trust you to keep an eye out for me.?

?Look, that?s Qui, the Vietnamese guy we met at the party. I?d love a shot at his ass, let?s go see if he want to go with us.?

?Yeah, you like him ?cause he?s my size. You?re a greedy sod wanting two men at the same time!?

?And your point is? Look, if his boyfriend?s available, he can fuck you while I fuck the Asian hottie.?

?Was that the hot French-Canadian guy who kept humping me last night? What was his name??

?Robbie. His name was Robbie. And yea, he?s the one you said had a soda can in his pants. He may ruin your ass for me!?

?Nah. I can handle it, mate. Wouldn?t mind being stretched out by that white boy.?

?Excuse me, guys.? King looked up from his food to see a handsome olive skinned guy, with cropped hair and a neatly trimmed beard, leaning over from the table next to theirs. ?Sorry for eavesdropping, I recognized you from last night and maybe I can interest you in something to do this afternoon??

?Yeah, I remember dancing with you last night.? Dragon put his fist out for the guy to bump. ?You and I were swapping spit while Rash here was trapped in between us. I?m Dragon and this is my boyfriend Rashid.?

?Hi guys, I?m Santiago. Where are you two from? Rashid sounds British.?

?I am, mate. From London originally, but we live in DC. What about you??

?From New York. Born and raised in the Bronx and still live there. I had fun with the two of you last night.? A leering smile crossed his face as he looked at King. ?You?re both hot as hell and I?d love to get naked with you.?

?Damn! I was wearing boots, a leather jock and a harness. That?s almost naked. And if I remember correctly, all you had on were dark cargo pants and dog tags dangling in the middle of the chest hair. There was a very large and very hard dick sticking out of the cargos, poking my butt while we were dancing!?

?Guilty as charged! Look, I got the tip of it inside you while dancing, I?d love to work the rest of it in you. I?m almost always a top, but if I can fuck you, I?ll let the big guy have a shot at my behind.?

?Come with us to the bathhouse, stud,? said Dragon looking the guy up and down. ?I normally go for the smaller guys but I?m down with you being the filling in a sandwich.?

?Great! Plus, I?m sure if we want to, we?ll find someone else to keep you happy while I nail your boyfriend.?


CJ had changed into a clean t-shirt--a red National Air & Space Museum one--and gone back downstairs to wait for his cousin and his partners to finish up. Ty was the first one to join him, jumping on the couch next to him, and putting an arm around his shoulders.

?Hey cuz! Was that a banana in your pocket or were you happy to see us??

?Fuck! That was hot, Ty. It almost made me want to join in.? CJ was shaking his head in disbelief as he snuggled under the man?s arm.

?You should have, dude. Tash would have let you bone her if you had wandered in. Although, she would have had to fight me off, I have a thing for Abello men.?

?You?re such a perverted ass. Get your hands off CJ.? Randy had come in the room and sat on his cousin?s other side. ?The kid?s more than ten years younger than you.?

?Ummm, guys, please stop teasing me. I know you?re just playing around, but I?m real horny right now.? CJ sounded pitiful asking the two men to let him be. ?I can?t believe the first time I see Natasha, she?s naked and getting fucked.? The boy had lowered the volume of his voice, whispering in case the girl walked in.

As he was finishing his whispered comment, she did. ?Hello, CJ. I?m Natasha.?

CJ jumped off the couch, his face red, as he turned to look at her. ?Hi. It?s good to meet you, Natasha.?

?Me too. I am sorry I not get to spend time with you. I fly to Los Angeles today for job.?

?Oh, I was hoping you?d go out with us this afternoon, and then I could buy you all dinner tonight.?

?Such sweet boy. Good looking and nice! But I have big fashion shoot all week in California, we spend time together next time. Da??

?Okay. I?d like that.?

?Come on, cuz. Tyler will join us for dinner but he has stuff to do this afternoon. It?s just us Abello boys until later.? Randy grabbed a Cubs ball cap from the coat rack by the entrance and was already halfway out the door.

?Later, Ty. Have a good trip to California, Natasha. I?ll see you next time.? CJ waved at the girl as he ran to catch up with his cousin.

?Let?s go bud. If I had stayed in there any longer I was gonna start laughing.? Randy was taking the staircase steps two at a time, obviously wanting to put some space between them and the house. ?I can?t believe you caught us in the middle of fucking!?

?Duh! You knew I was coming back and you left the door open. I know I?m repeating myself, but damn, that was hot! I can?t believe Ty lets you fuck him. You?re huge, Randy. How come he was wearing a condom and you weren?t??

?Hmmm, you were paying attention, weren?t you? We both wrap it when either one of us fucks her. We don?t want any surprise pregnancies. As for Ty and I, we?re monogamous except for Tash. His flirting with you was just playing around. I hope he didn?t upset you.?

?Nah. You should hear some of the grief the dads? friends give me--specially Dragon!?

?I thought we?d walk over to Wrigley Field and let you take a look around the ballpark. We can spend time wandering Halsted afterwards. Is that okay with you??

?Yeah. Hey, about tonight. Rod and I ran into some guy named Prentiss at lunch? He said we had to go see his show tonight??

?You made quite an impression on Mademoiselle Clochette!? Randy threw his head back and laughed. ?Prentiss texted me. Says he?ll get us in. I think you?d enjoy the show.?

?I?ve never seen a drag show before.?

?Then you?re in for a treat, bud. I hope you don?t mind Tyler invited Orlando to join us tonight.?

?The guy I met this morning? The one with all the muscles who?s a plumber?? asked CJ in a much more lively tone he?d been using up to that point.

?I guess you don?t mind, do you? You little devil, in town for a day and already have all these men chasing you. Orlando?s a great guy and I know he?d love to hook up with you. He graduated from high school this year, he?s not much older than you.?

?Ummm, Randy? All I?ve ever done is oral with a couple of guys.?

?Cuz, you don?t have to do anything you don?t want to. Okay??

?I know,? replied CJ nodding.

?But in case you do, when we get back to the house I?ll show you were the lube, condoms, and clean-up towels are in your room.? Randy stopped, turned towards his cousin, and grinned while wiggling his eyebrows. ?If you need a how-to demonstration, Ty and I will be happy to put one on.?



Tom, his husband, and his sons were out on the PP after breakfast. They motored until the winds were favorable, then unfurled the sails of the cat, and cruised south towards Chesapeake Bay. Potus didn?t plan on traveling that far, he wanted to reach a spot where the water quality was good enough for swimming and fishing.

?So, Dad, how come you said not to jump in the water off the dock?? Paddy was sprawled out on the aft cushioned bench, while his dad sat at the wheel.

?The Potomac isn't very clean in the DC area, Paddy. It?s actually illegal to swim in it along the portion bordering the District. In Alexandria, where we live, it?s a bit better. But you?re not allowed to jump in from any public space.? Tom kept shifting his gaze between his son and the water, he was happy to be alone with his youngest who appeared to be a bit more reserved than his brother. ?Since our dock?s private property, it wouldn?t break the law. Still, for a day or two after it rains--like it did Thursday night--all the run-off makes the water kinda nasty. Last thing I need is you returning to Boston with some sort of infection.?

?Yeah, that would fuck things up real bad.?

?You better watch your language, young man.? The father?s attempt at sounding stern was a failure. ?You don?t want your mother or your grandfather to hear you cussing like a sailor.?

?Yeah, well, fuck him! Dad, I know he had a lot to do with it, but why didn?t you fight to see us? I wish you?d been around.?

?Oh, Paddy? When I told your grandfather your mom and I were getting a divorce, he went crazy, preaching of how good Irish people didn?t get divorced. When I told him we were doing it because I was gay, he went ballistic. Through his contacts, he outed me in the police department. Discrimination wasn?t allowed, but the way I was treated by many guys I thought were my friends changed. I got scared they wouldn?t have my back if faced with a dangerous situation.?

?Is that why you moved to Washington??

?Mostly. Getting away from my parents, and the rest of the Kennedy clan, also played a part. Your grandfather changed his tune about the divorce then, he was all for it, and decided to meddle. He hired an attorney for your mom, someone who?d been on the force at one point. When the discussion turned to custody of you and your brother, it got real bad. I was told they would turn it into a nasty fight in court. They'd claim I?d abused you. Even if they hadn?t been able to prove anything, you would have been in the middle and I didn?t want to put you guys through it. I agreed to leave you alone, hoping at some point things would change, and I?d be able to see you again.?

?They changed real fast after CJ ripped our dear grandfather a new asshole!?

?Patrick Thomas Kennedy! Wherever did you get such a filthy mouth, mate?? JP stepped out of the salon, carrying drink cups.

All day Saturday the four guys, swam, fished, talked, laughed, shed a few tears, and talked some more. Sometimes it was all four together, at other times it was just two of them. The men spent time with each of the youngsters individually and together. The conversations ranged from the mundane to the intimate. With Bradley, it included sexual orientation and his experiences with a couple of girls over the past year. His father being gay brought about a reaction typical of his generation: ?So what??

In bed that evening, JP and Tom compared thoughts on the kids. They agreed Paddy had been somewhat quiet at first. Once he overcame his initial shyness, a happy kid was revealed. The boy could speak a mile a minute and had a sharp sense of humor. He reminded them of Harley in some ways. Bradley was the solid thinker. He was aware of himself and his surroundings, and delved into issues more in depth than most kids his age. It was no surprise he had bonded with CJ even though they had not yet met in person. The two seemed to be similar in many ways.


At twenty-eight, Ty was seven years older than Randy. He had gone to work for Second Line out of high school, pursuing his general contractor?s license studying in the evenings. As he advanced within the company, he took courses in design, art, and history at the community college. His value to the company was so high, he was amongst a handful of employees who had been offered the opportunity to purchase an interest in it. He was considered an expert in the restoration of houses of worship and other historical structures, projects which most of the time generated high revenues.

He and Randy had met when the twins began working for the company, during the summers while still high school students. They developed a friendship, which became sexual after Randy?s graduation, and soon after turned into a romantic relationship. Both considered themselves bisexual, but knew their preference leaned strongly towards men.

During an evening out drinking with friends, about six months before, they?d met and danced with Natasha at Berlin. They?d invited her back to their place. She?d spent the night, and kinda never left. She still shared a small one-bedroom apartment with another model, but spent most of her time at the brownstone while in Chicago.

The story had come out over dinner at Halsted Bar + Grill, where Orlando met up with CJ, Tyler, and Randy. CJ had been told not to shave before going out, the scruff on his face made him look older. Prentiss had been true to his word and helped sneak him into the club. The four men commandeered a high table near the stage, a prime location for viewing the show, and had thoroughly enjoyed themselves. CJ had stuck to club soda the entire evening, so he was the sober one when they returned home.

?I still can?t believe she did that to you!? Randy was rolling a joint, the four of them were sitting in the main room drinking bottles of water, talking about their evening.

?I thought she was going to pull my zipper down with her teeth when she squatted in front of me and plastered her face against my crotch.? CJ shook his head in disbelief as he pulled Orlando a bit closer to him. They were sitting side by side on the couch CJ?s arm around the shorter muscular guy.

?Cuz, you?ve been too damn good all night. You?re helping us burn this one,? said Tyler in the process of lighting the doobie he?d taken from his boyfriend.

?I don?t know, guys? not sure Dad would approve. We?ve talked about alcohol, but not pot.?

?Uncle C‚sar? You shitting me?? Randy was rolling another one as Tyler passed the spliff to Orlando after taking several quick hits. ?My dad?s told me stories about your father when he was your age. Ask him to tell you about the time Abuela found a stash of pot in his room.?

?No way!? CJ took the proffered joint, took a hit, and promptly broke into a coughing fit.

?Way. Take smaller hits. You?re not used to smoking. Yeah, so turns out your dad was a big head in high school and college. Dad says he was always a lightweight with booze, so he smoked a lot.?

?Come on, Randy. I?m horny, let?s go fuck.? Tyler stood up, grabbed his boyfriend?s hand and started dragging him towards the stairs. ?You two finish smoking up and make yourselves at home. See ya in the morning.?

?Good night, guys. Thanks for letting me hang out with you all tonight.? Orlando snuggled in closer to CJ, turned his head towards him, and surprised the boy by planting a peck on his lips. It went from chaste to torrid in no time. ?I?ve been wanting to do that all night.?

?Yeah? That was kinda quick, not sure I?ll remember it tomorrow. What with being a little high and all.?

?You ain?t high, bud. But here, maybe you?ll remember this one a bit better.? Orlando turned his body, placed his hands on either side of CJ?s face, and gave him a kiss the boy wasn?t about to forget anytime soon.

CJ ran his hands over Orlando?s torso. The form-fitting shirt the young man wore allowed CJ to feel the contour of every muscle on his sculpted body. But he wanted more. He lifted the bottom of the t-shirt pushing it towards Orlando?s neck, pulled his lips away from the man?s face, and then moved towards the bodybuilder?s chest intent on licking it all over. He found a hard nipple and latched onto it, nibbling the brown nub until he had Orlando moaning and squirming.

?Hey, CJ. Can we go up to your room?? Orlando almost purred the words into the teen?s ear. ?I want to get naked.?

?Ummm. Yeah, let?s go,? replied the boy standing up. ?Bring the other joint, don?t want it to go to waste.?

?Yes, sir. I love a man who takes charge.?

?Come on then, I think I?m ready to enter paradise.?

Copyright 2015 CJ Abello Edited by: Mann Ramblings

I'd enjoy hearing what you think. Please email me at: cjabello1997@gmail.com

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Next: Chapter 36: Autumn 14

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