
By CJ Abello

Published on Oct 23, 2015


CJ: Summer: Chapter 18: Independence Day

This is a work of fiction set in the real world.

Certain living individuals make appearances in the story; all other characters and the events in which they all participate are the creation of the author. Any resemblance of the fictional characters to actual individuals is purely coincidental.

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

On Wednesday, June 26, the United States Supreme Court released its ruling on United States v. Windsor. In a five to four decision, the Court ruled a key portion of the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) was unconstitutional under the Equal Protection clause of the Constitution. The Federal Government must recognize same sex marriages performed in those states which allow them, and treat the spouses the same as heterosexual couples. The opinion written by Justice Kennedy stopped short of legalizing gay marriage in the country, but most analysts felt it was only a matter of time before it happened.

"'Sup, Dad? I'm surprised you're calling me this time of day." During the first days CJ was on his own after arriving in Washington, Cesar and Brett alternated calling him every couple of hours during the day. He knew they were concerned, trying to make sure he was doing well, but the constant interruptions got old real quick. During dinner one night he suggested there was no need to keep tabs on him so closely, and if they were really worried maybe hiring a babysitter was the solution. The calls stopped, unless there was a real purpose behind them.

"Hey, CJ. Whereabouts are you, bud?" The boy guessed his father was outside his office; the background noise was a mixture of conversations and street traffic.

"Just left the house, I'm headed to the market for green beans, avocados, and sweet onions. My turn to cook dinner tonight." Sunday through Thursday, CJ and his dads tried to have home- cooked meals, which the three of them took turns preparing. Often it was a group effort, with the three working side by side in the kitchen.

"How about we eat out tonight? As a matter of fact, why don't you get over to Rogo's and meet us there now? I'm about to catch a cab and Papa is heading over as soon as he finishes a meeting."

"Sure, I can do that. How come we're going out? And why so early?" It wasn't unusual for them to hit a restaurant for dinner during the week, but that was usually decided in advance.

"I guess you haven't been watching the news?" CJ was not the type to sit in front of the TV during the day, his dad knew that very well. "Nah, I'm trying to kick my Ellen habit!"

"Speaking of Ellen, did you hear the federal government will now recognize her marriage to her wife?"

"Fuckin' A!" screamed the teen, while pumping his arm in a sign of victory. He realized the Supreme Court had announced the decision on the gay marriage case. It also cleared up the small mystery about an early, surprise dinner at Rogo's. "I'm going back home to change and I'll see you guys in a bit." CJ hurried home, rushed upstairs to his room, took out the shirt he had purchased at the HRC booth during Pride, and ran back out the door, anxious to meet up with his dads.


There was a sign on the front door of Rogo's which made CJ smile:

DOMA REPEALED Government must recognize same sex marriages CELEBRATION INSIDE

It would for sure keep out homophobes, or anyone seeking a quiet spot.

The red t-shirt with the pink equal sign CJ was wearing was greeted with smiles and approving comments by many of the patrons inside. The boy felt a pair of hands on his shoulders and turned around to see a smiling Brett.

"Hey, Papa. Pretty cool, eh?"

"Pretty darn great, buddy. Let's get something to drink while we wait for your Dad."

"Sure. So, you two going to get married now?"

"Maybe... Why don't we wait until Cesar gets here and you can ask him then?"

"Ask me what?"

"Hi, babe! Our boy wants to know if we're going to get married." Brett put his arm around his partner's waist and pulled him into a kiss. "Let's get something to drink and step outside so we can all talk for a few minutes."

"CJ, I'll get you an iced tea. Head out to the patio and grab us a table. And save two extra seats for JP and Tommy."

"Okay, Dad."

"I'll go with him, Cesar. Get me a beer, please. Come on, bud."

"What's up, Papa? How come we're going out back?"

"Danno's been planning for this day for a while. It's going to get noisy in there, and we want to hang out for a bit before it gets crazy." Brett put his hand on CJ's back and steered him towards one of the half dozen tables on the patio. "Let's take that one."

"Hey, there's Dad, and Uncle JP and Uncle Tommy are with him already."

"CJ! How are you, mate?"

"Doing good, Uncle JP. Hi Uncle Tommy, are you off work today?"

"Nah, I've been working, but I'm taking the rest of the day off. Thanks for the beer, Cesar."

"My pleasure. So, CJ, you were asking about Papa Brett and me getting married?"

"Yeah, Dad. You guys gonna do it?"

"Well, you remember how we told you Tommy and I went out drinking the same night JP and Brett did, and we all met at the same bar?"

"Sure, y'all have the same anniversary."

"That's right, and we'd like to keep it that way, so we want to hold a double wedding sometime soon, and we'd like you to stand with us as the best man for all four of us."

"YES! Yes, yes, yes..." CJ threw himself at his dad, almost knocking him off his chair. The boy was almost as big as his father, a fact he sometimes forgot. He gave Cesar a giant hug and a kiss, then repeated it with Brett, JP, and Tommy.

"Bloody hell, I think the kid's more excited than we are!"


"That was damn nice of Danno to announce our plans to marry to the entire bar, then buy everyone a round to celebrate!" Cesar was already in bed and Brett was finishing up in the bathroom. They'd been surprised when their friend made the public announcement earlier in the afternoon.

"Yeah, it definitely was. His offer to close down Rogo's for the day whenever we want rocks! It saves us having to look for a place to hold the wedding. Plus, it's fitting the four of us would get married in a bar, since at a bar was where we all met. Scoot over, babe."

"Are you asking CJ about adopting him sometime soon?" Brett had turned on his side facing the edge of the bed, and Cesar wrapped his arms around the marine's chest, pulling him back into his body.

"Tomorrow, at dinner. I want to do it with just the three of us around. Night, Cesar. Love you."

"I love you too, Jarhead. How 'bout you turn around and I'll show you just how much."

Monday, 1 July 2013

United States Marine Corps Captain Brett Andrew Davenport reported to his new duty station before sunrise. He knew today would be hectic, and wanted to do a little work on his office before the Colonel arrived. He rearranged furniture, hung up citations, and placed a candid shot of CJ, Cesar, and himself on the desk. It was in a beautiful antique silver frame his son had given him last night at dinner, to celebrate his new position.

The picture would cause some tongue wagging, from those still not happy with gay people serving. It was something he was looking forward to--an easy way of smoking them out. His new responsibilities would expose the marine to a wide variety of individuals, and he wanted any gay or lesbian service members who came into his office to realize they were talking to a family member. It was also a subtle reminder to all others that a family unit could take many forms, and that he was committed to his future husband and their son.

"Good morning, Kirby, is the boss available?"

"Good morning, sir," replied the Colonel's assistant, "just walk right in, he's waiting for you." Brett knocked on his CO's door before walking into the large office occupied by his boss.

"Welcome to your new military home, Captain. It's real good to have you join the team."

"Thank you, sir. I'm glad to be here and I'm looking forward to working with you."

"As I predicted, the Supreme Court's decision in the DOMA case came down in favor of the defendant, and the President was quick to issue instructions for its implementation. Both the current and previous Secretary of Defense have been preparing for this day, and a general plan is in place. Your job will be to help deal with the hiccups when they start. Some people not in agreement with this policy, will try to erect barriers to its application; your staff is charged with bringing those down."

"We understand, Colonel. Most of the team is in place now. The last two members will join us after the holiday weekend. I'd like to request permission to handle some individual cases myself now and then. I feel it'll keep me in touch with what our men and women are facing with the implementation of all changes."

"Approved. That's further proof I'm a genius by hiring you for the job. You're dismissed, Captain."

"Thank you, sir!"

Thursday, 4 July 2013

At noon on the Fourth of July, the PP motored out of the Gangplank Marina and traveled south on the Washington Channel until it reached the confluence of the Anacostia and Potomac rivers. It continued past National Airport and Daingerfield Island on its way to Alexandria. Work on the pier behind Potus and Pope's home was not yet complete, but the men planned on anchoring right by their home for the remainder of the day.

It would be the ideal spot for the crew to watch the fireworks display in the evening, and the departure point for a couple of days sailing in Chesapeake Bay. The Elite Eight had been temporarily re-constituted, with CJ replacing Chip, augmented by Sean Brady as Doc's guest, and by JP's cousin Spencer Liston. The Aussie, enjoying a gap year before starting college, traveling throughout Europe and the United States, was visiting Washington for a few days.

The nineteen-year-old blonde, a fitness fanatic and amateur competitive body builder, had sex- appeal to spare. His personality, however, left a bit to be desired. Spencer apparently knew he looked good and must have been accustomed to receiving special treatment because of it. He balked at helping with chores before leaving the marina, and as soon as they had cast off, began muttering about being stuck at sea with a bunch of poofters.

"Babe, you gotta do something about your cousin, he's a fucking pain in the ass. And he's pissing people off. Dragon is ready to smack him around."

"I know he's being an ass, Tommy. I'll talk to him as soon as we anchor for the night."

By the time they catamaran was anchored for the night, everyone could see Dragon was ready to explode. Before he could do anything, JP decided it was time he do something.

"Mate, you're being a pain in the neck," JP sat across his cousin, staring at him. "What the fuck's bloody wrong with ya? You've been rude to my friends, and I'm embarrassed. You said you wanted to come on the cat with us this weekend, yet you act as if you don't want to be here. Either start being normal or struth I'll toss you overboard."

"Yeah, I agreed to come on the boat for the weekend but you didn't tell me all your friends were queer. So, fuck you, Uncle JP. You can't do shit to me anyway."

Those words must have been the match which ignited the fuse and made Dragon explode. Grabbing the visitor by the front of his shirt with one hand, the big black guy lifted him so their eyes were level, before tearing into him. "Listen, you homophobic piece-of-shit, this is how it will go for the remainder of the trip: you'll apologize to your uncle and to the rest of us, you'll be polite and respectful, you'll keep your prejudiced remarks to yourself, you'll lend a hand whenever you're asked, you'll fucking enjoy it, and do it all with a smile on your face!"

"And if I don't?" asked the cocky young man.

"If you don't, I'm gonna let CJ have a go at you. After he's beaten the crap out of you and has you begging for mercy, the rest of us will be happy to fuck you and turn you into our bitch. Got that, pussy boy?"

Dragon let go of Spencer and walked away from the guy. The Aussie looked down at his feet, and then walked over to his uncle. They spoke quietly for a few minutes, Spencer must have apologized and said the right words because JP hugged the boy. Each of the men was approached and spoken to and each shook Spencer's had after. CJ was the last one the Aussie approached, after bumping fists, they spent the remainder of the night talking together.

Sean, on the other hand, was quite a surprise, a great guest. He arrived with a bottle of The Irishman Cask Strength Blended Irish Whiskey from County Cork, Ireland--a very nice host gift going for about $200 a bottle. He was funny, a great conversationalist and very respectful, behaving as a gentleman with all his traveling companions. During meals, he was attentive to Doc, and all day long, he took care of anything the physician wanted.


After the fireworks were over and the friends had their share of cocktails, the adults retired downstairs to their assigned cabins, while the two younger guys remained in the salon watching a movie. Tommy had reassigned cabins instead of the gang using their usual ones; Doc guessed it was for his benefit. His friends had avoided almost all mentions of Chip during the day. The guys were protective, and it made Doc feel loved by them.

Sean was first to use the head that night, followed by Doc. When the Southerner was finished, he walked into the bedroom, dropped the swimming trunks he had been wearing, and slipped into bed next to the furry redhead. The Irishman turned on his side facing his bedmate, rolled on top of him, and started kissing his forehead. Working his way down, the two studs crossed tongues for a while. Ginger-man continued his exploration, licking pits, chewing nipples, and tongue fucking the physician's navel, before swallowing Doc's rock-solid man meat.

"Oh, God!" screamed the man on the receiving end of the blow job. It was a cry repeated constantly as his cock was sucked, his balls were chewed, and his man-hole licked after his legs had been lifted in the air. After the incredible rim job he was treated to, Doc was panting and at a loss for words. He wanted to get fucked; he couldn't believe it, but he was ready to bottom for this man. He had only been fucked a couple of times in his life, and that was back in college.

Then he felt it, a slick finger rubbing him and slowly coating his entrance with lube. Each time the digit withdrew, it was replaced with one from the other hand pushing even more of the cool gel into him. It soon became two fingers at a time, then three. He couldn't believe how this man, ten years his junior, had taken over his body and made him feel such pure pleasure.

"Oh, God, what are you doing to me, Sean? I'm a top, dude. What are you doing to my ass?"

"Making you feel good, babe... just making you feel good. You may have always been a top, but you're in my hands right now. I have some more experience than most guys, and I'm going to make your body sing a new tune tonight."

Doc felt the furry stud take out the three fingers he had been stabbing his ass with. Sean bit down hard on Doc's shoulder, then shoved his fat cock inside him in one move. Doc gasped as the thick column of flesh stretched his insides. Sean laid down on him fully, forcing the Southerner to look at him. Doc closed his eyes and opened his mouth, Sean brought his head down, shoved his tongue into the open mouth, and muffled the coming scream

After the initial pain of penetration had faded, the redhead began to slowly saw his way in and out of the older man. The constant stabbings eventually turned to pleasure, as Doc began moaning and moving his mid-section back to meet each push. Sean partially raised himself, leaned his upper body back and stared into Doc's eyes, smiling.

"Oh yeah, you're liking it now, aren't you?"

"Oh, God. Yes! It feels incredible! Don't stop fucking me. I can shoot any time if I just touch myself."

"But you're not allowed to. I'm going to fuck the cum out of you, baby. No hands allowed. Ready?"

"Oh, God... yes!"

"Then shoot, Doc. Shoot your load for me. I'm right behind you. Shoot, now!"

And shoot, he did. His cum shot out coating Sean's hairy chest and his own smooth one. At the same time, he felt the other man hug him tight, as the thick pole inside him pulsed. "Come here, stud. Lay down on my chest and let's catch our breath. We'll get cleaned up in a bit, then call it a night."

Wednesday, 5 July 2013

During breakfast the following morning, CJ--tongue-in-cheek--asked who had led the prayer service the previous night. When his comment was met with questioning looks, he explained that while watching TV in the lounge, he kept hearing muffled cries of "Oh, God!" coming from the deck below.

Doc turned red, Sean looked down at his feet in an attempt to hide his smile, and the rest of the guys roared with laughter. The friends appeared to be glad Doc was not hiding away after the breakup. Sure, he must be hurting and feeling a sense of loss, but apparently, he was not putting his life on hold to grieve for a cheating ass.

Speaking of asses, his must have been a bit sore; he couldn't sit still the entire morning.


Once breakfast and cleanup were finished, everyone went outside to enjoy the beautiful day, while motoring down the river on the way to Chesapeake Bay.

"What you listening to, Spencer?" The two younger guys were laying out on the bow of the cat, working on their tans. CJ could hear some music playing on the tablet the Australian was reading from. After the chewing out from JP and Dragon the previous night, Spencer had settled down and remained subdued most of the evening. After the adults retired to their cabins, he and CJ watched a movie together. He turned out to be a very funny guy. His running commentary, on the movie they were watching, kept CJ laughing throughout.

"The song is 'Until You Came Along', from Tyson Hill's CD, Hill Songs." Spencer raised the volume a bit so CJ could hear a bit better.

"Never heard of him. He's an Australian singer?"

"Yeah, one of the top rockers in Oz. I'm sure he'll make it big in the States, sooner or later. It seems to take a couple of years before you guys get our good artists. Mate, is it always like this when my cousin and his friends get together?"

"What do you mean?"

"I was expecting some sort of orgy last night. That's what had me freaked out. I thought you and I were the two straight kids who were going to be molested, and I was getting ready to fight. John Paul and I really don't know each other, so I didn't know what to expect."

"Sorry to disappoint you, bro, but you're the only straight kid. I'm as much of a fruit as they are!" CJ started laughing when he noticed the surprised expression on Spencer's face.

"Bloody hell! You're a poofter? So, I'm the token straight boy?"

"We won't hold it against you."

"Fuck you!"

"Nah, you're too pretty for my taste. I prefer them older and hairier. Now, if you were Sean..."

"Stop being such a wanker, CJ!" Spencer appeared to actually relax a bit. "You're gay, and you live with your gay dad and his mate?"

"Yeah. I know you guys use 'mate' like we use 'buddy,' but in this case, they're really mates. Hell, they're like an old married couple."

"And none of the others ever try anything with you?"

"They constantly tease me and flirt with me, but it's all in fun. They think of me as their nephew, and none of them would try anything. And if anyone ever did, I've got two dads --one of them a marine-- who'd beat the crap out of them."

"So, what was that shit the big black guy said about setting you loose on me?"

CJ explained about the growth spurt since the men had seen him last year, his proficiency in martial arts, and what had taken place during the motorcycle rally. He then lay back down, closed his eyes, and worked very hard on his tan.

"My brother is so going to fall for you when he meets you! I'm sorry I won't be around to watch him drool over your ass, and make a fool of himself."

"What do you mean?" CJ turned his head to the side, lifted his sunglasses, and stared at Spencer with a questioning look on his face.

"I'm pretty sure my older brother is gay, and he's moving to the United States next year. He plans to live with our cousin and go to school in Virginia. You may end up with a big, tall, blonde Aussie bloke as a boyfriend."

CJ could think of worse fates.

Sunday, 7 July 2013




"Yes, how are you, Mom?"

"I hope you're calling for your brother's birthday, he's driving us crazy. That boy's been jumping around since yesterday, when FedEx delivered the present you sent. I think he tried to call you then."

"He did. He left me a message, but we were out on a friend's boat the entire weekend and I left my phone here at home. Is he around? I'd like to talk to him." CJ's voice had turned cold when his mother failed to ask how he was doing, or even say a nice word to him.

"I'll get him... RITCHIE, GET THE PHONE!"

The boy's emotions alternated between sadness and anger while he waited for his brother to pick up. It seemed the time away from Miami had done nothing to change his mother's feelings about him.


"Hey, little brother. Happy eleventh birthday!"

"Thanks, and thank you for my present. It was so cool when the guy delivered it. I had to sign for it and my friends were soooo jealous after I opened the box."

"Cool, I asked for an afternoon delivery, so it would get there during the party. How did it go? Did you have the guys stay over Friday night like you told me?"

"Yeah, we watched movies all night and then camped out in the living room. On Saturday morning, Mom made breakfast for all of us, then we spent the day in the pool. Dad grilled hamburgers for lunch and after that, we had cake before I opened my presents."

"Did you get good stuff?"

"Yeah, but the best was yours. I'm the first one with his own iPad. I love you, CJ."

"I love you, too, little brother. Is everything okay with your mom and dad?"

"Yeah, I guess. They're still fighting a lot. I try not to listen when they start yelling, but it's hard not to hear. Dad was calling you and your dad nasty names last week. I don't care if you're gay, CJ... you're still my brother."

There was a moment of silence while CJ tried to find the right words to say. This was not the way he thought Ritchie would find out.

"Hey, Ritchie? I'm sorry you had to hear that from your dad. I was going to talk to you when I came back to Miami for Thanksgiving. I'm sorry I didn't tell you before, but I left in a hurry and I didn't want to talk about it over the phone." "It's okay... you're the best brother anyone could have, and I still love you."


"He was fairly calm when he told us about the phone call, but we're gonna have to keep an eye on our boy when we go to Miami in November." Cesar was laying on his side, spooned behind Brett, while running his right hand over the marine's chest and abdomen.

"Why do you say that, Cesar?" Brett took hold of his partner's wandering hand and guided it towards his groin; he enjoyed the feeling of the hand running though his chest hair, but he was ready for more.

"He's going to come face-to-face with Lourdes at some point, when he and Ritchie get together. CJ's going to have an emotional reaction, either sadness or anger. Either one could make him explode and do something to hurt someone."

"I'm going to have more faith in our son than you, babe. He'll do nothing to hurt himself or anyone else. As I spend more time with him, I realize that boy has his head screwed on right. He may be fifteen, and may often act as a kid, but when it comes to serious matters he thinks clearly, stands up ramrod straight, and does the right thing."

"You're probably right, Brett. But I still think we need to watch him closely."

"We will. Speaking of ramrod straight, your hand is causing my pecker to do just that. Maybe you should get down there and keep an eye on it? Just in case it explodes ...

Tyson Hill, Hill Songs, and Until You Came Along are the intellectual property of Marcus McNally and are used with his permission. If you like Summer, I'm certain you'll enjoy reading his story, "Love on the Rocks."

Copyright 2015 CJ Abello Edited by: Mann Ramblings

Your comments help me keep going, and help improve the story. Would love to hear what you think: cjabello1997@gmail.com

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Next: Chapter 19: Summer 19

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