
By CJ Abello

Published on Sep 11, 2015


CJ: Summer: Chapter 12: Blinded by the Light

This is a work of fiction set in the real world.

Certain living individuals make appearances in the story; all other characters and the events in which they all participate are the creation of the author. Any resemblance of the fictional characters to actual individuals is purely coincidental.

Monday, 27 May, 2013 - continued

"Really? You two went out? Did you and Uncle JP fuck while you were dating?"

Cesar almost dropped his glass as he bent over trying to hide his face and muffle the laughter. Brett started coughing as the sip of wine he had taken went down his windpipe.

"Geez! Yes, really, and none of your damn business, you nosey twerp. Following graduation we kept in touch, even as I was deployed overseas, and he was taking time off to travel all over the world. We spent one great weekend together in Turkey chasing the hunky studs over there. We were the very popular Amerikali."

"OK, honey, we know you used to be a stud, wanna finish the story? Or do I need to take over?"

"Used to be? Ha! I'll show you used to be later tonight. Anyway, when JP and I both wound up in the DC area we started to hang out together now and then. One night, we went to Third Edition here in Georgetown, a nice joint with dancing upstairs which is now closed. We were cruising for hot college studs, and ended up standing at the bar, next to your Dad and Tommy. They had gone out with the same idea as us, bagging themselves some hot collegiate tail. I saw this sexy Latino staring back at me and was blinded by the light shining off him, off his smile, and off his eyes; the rest is history."

"Wow. How come I never heard this story before?"

"It just never came up, I guess. Potus and I met back in 2005 when he was the officer responding to my accident," said Cesar. "That's the one I told you about before, where the guy took off after hitting me on my bike. I was taken to George Washington University Hospital, where I was seen to by a young resident, who I later went on a few dates with."

"Uncle Matt?"


"Did you guys fuck?"

"Damn! What's with you and the fucking questions, literally?" Cesar shook his head while brett rolled his eyes. "Is sex all you can think of?"

"Pretty much, is that a problem?"

"I'm not even going to answer that one. Anyway, Tommy called me to follow up and ask some more questions, we started talking and ended up becoming friendly. We went out now and then-as friends so don't even ask-wound up at Third Edition the same night our future husbands happened to be there. February 15, 2008. We just missed meeting on Valentine's Day."

"Wow! That's intense. So you and Papa and Uncles Tommy and JP have the same anniversary! Sick!"

"We exchanged numbers, and after a while started double dating. It wasn't love at first sight for the other two as it was for us. Tommy thought JP was too young for him, which was bullshit, of course. It ended up being love-at-first-month. JP was tenacious in his pursuit, and within a short time, they were a couple just as much as Papa and I were. They are our closest friends and I think they feel the same towards us."

"I guess the two of you just went and started a monogamy parade, eh, Dads?"


"Betcha he's beating his meat right now."

"Seriously, Brett? You seriously made that comment? What's with you, babe? You have sex on your mind all the time too? Of course he's beating his meat right now! And scoot over here, why are you at the other end of the bed?"

"I think I remember doing it two or three times a day when I was his age."

"How 'bout a trip down memory lane, babe? Think you can go more than one round tonight? No hands allowed though."

"Hell yeah! At least we can try. Get your mouth down here. Time for your late night snack, Emperor."

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Attempting to reestablish a routine following the hectic two weeks they had experienced, Cesar and Brett were up at 5:30 in the morning ready to begin their day. CJ did not object to the early hour; it was probably not much earlier than his wake-up time during the past school year. His dedication to maintaining his exercise regime provided any additional motivation required for the early start. Cesar suspected the martial arts training had instilled a degree of discipline, which appeared to have helped the teen remain grounded during the recent upheavals--he thought it would also serve him well in the future.

A quick breakfast, and the three headed to the Field House for their workout. CJ wore old gray gym shorts and a red t-shirt with USMC and the Marines Globe and Anchor logo on it--a gift from Brett. Chatri had begged off from the early start due to an appointment, but promised to meet his teenaged friend the following day. Since they would leave for work immediately after, Brett and Cesar each carried a gym bag with toiletries and a hanging bag with clothing. Their morning showers were usually in the locker room on Tuesdays and Thursdays when they lifted weights. It was convenient and the two older men enjoyed checking out the eye candy.

Being summer, the crowd this early was quite small. Once the school year started the place would be full of young jocks almost around the clock. Their exercising completed, sweating profusely and stretching as they walked, they headed to their lockers, stripped, and walked into the wet area. There was one person in the gang shower who said hello as the three of them walked in.

Juno, named for his hometown in Alaska, was a big, beefy, hairy chested, good-looking man, with an impressive piece of meat between his legs. He always seemed to spend a lot of time soaping it up around the guys, and had on more than one occasion, propositioned them. He had made it clear he dreamt of being the filling in a sandwich. He was willing to let either one use his ass while the other one got his mouth At around six feet tall, and easily weighing way over two hundred pounds, the guy had no problems attracting bed mates; the ones he wanted however, had no sexual interest in anyone but each other. Brett noticed CJ staring at their friend's groin area and a mischievous smile appeared on his face--he was up to no good. He walked over to Juno, put his arm around those wide, muscular shoulders and rubbed himself against the burly stud, teasing him and making him shiver.

"Hey, CJ, the guy's eyes are up here!" The boy's head snapped up and his cheeks turned scarlet.

"Juno, I want you to meet our son, CJ. Champ, this big piece of beef is one of our neighbors, our gym buddy, and one of the smartest stockbrokers in town. Hell of a nice guy. But I'd suggest you don't bend over around him here in the showers, you'll be walking funny afterwards."

"Shut up, Jarhead!" said the linebacker-sized guy amidst the laughter, as he extended his right arm, and bumped fists with the teenager. The kid would have considered dropping the soap, the stud was hot, but the idea of losing his cherry to a porn-star-sized cock made those thoughts disappear real quick.


The Pentagon serves as the headquarters of the United States Department of Defense; it is located in Arlington County, Virginia, across the Potomac River from Washington, D.C. Brett already had the proper credentials to escort his son into the building, and the teen's name had been placed on a list of VIP visitors by Colonel Edwards' assistant. Following a quick stop at the security desk, to register and obtain temporary credentials for the boy, they entered the maze of corridors headed towards the Colonel's office.

"How big is this place, Dad? I read a bit about the plane crashing on nine-eleven and that being exactly sixty years after they started construction but the article didn't give much detail about the building itself."

"This place is primarily a large office building, with over six million square feet of space. About 30,000 people work here. Later on I'll show you the central area, it's a five-acre plaza people call 'ground zero'. The nickname is a left over from the Cold War when everyone assumed it would be targeted by the Soviet Union at the outbreak of nuclear war." Kirby, the tall Marine Corporal serving as the personal assistant to Colonel Edwards, waved them right into the Commanding Officer's private space as soon as they approached his desk. The teen took a look back at the strapping young marine and was rewarded with a friendly smile.

"Good morning, Sir, reporting for duty as requested," said Brett as they were ushered in.

"Yeah, yeah, Davenport, good morning to you too. CJ! My man! It's great to see you again, buddy. I've been telling the story of your adventures in the parking lot outside, and there are a few people interested in meeting you. Hope you're ready to shake a few hands."

"Thank you, sir. I just don't think it was a big deal, I simply helped a guy who was being bullied."

"Right! Of course. All you did was help a guy who was being bullied. By kicking some biker ass, that is," the laughing Marine exclaimed. "Listen, your dad here has a bunch of stuff to deal with this morning in connection with his upcoming transfer. Why don't I give you a little tour and we can all meet up again at lunch time. Say 1230 hours at the entrance to the Center Court Caf‚?"

"Yes, Sir. I will see you then, Sir. You behave, you rascal, stay out of trouble."


Cesar decided to work from home on Tuesday afternoon and returned to Georgetown around twelve o'clock. Parking in the garage, he walked down Prospect Street towards Wisconsin Avenue; he planned to surprise Chip at the bank knowing the banker ate lunch in the break room on Tuesdays so he could interact with the staff. As he made the right turn at the intersection of the two roads, he caught sight of his friend climbing into the front seat of a Volkswagen Beetle, lean over and kiss the driver.

As the car sped up Wisconsin, Cesar was shocked when he realized the other individual in the vehicle was the redhead they had seen around the neighborhood a few times, the same one CJ had drooled over at the gym. They were animatedly talking and smiling. His worst fears confirmed, and saddened at the apparent infidelity, he turned around and walked back home to fix himself some lunch and ponder his next step. He desperately wanted Brett with him now; they needed to decide what to do concerning Doc and his cheating partner.


CJ had never shaken so many hands in one day; the Colonel must have told and retold the story of the fifteen-year-old beating the crap out of an older and bigger biker without breaking a sweat. It having been done in response to the bullying of a young man, the son of a fallen Marine, just made more people want to meet the teen as the story spread around the halls of the building.

"Hi, Mrs. Edwards, what a nice surprise. I wasn't expecting to find you here today," said CJ as they were greeted by the Colonel's wife at the entrance to the Caf‚ at the same time Papa Brett joined them.

"Privileges of being married to a big shot, honey. Captain Davenport, it's good to see you again."

"Same here, ma'am. You're joining us for lunch, I hope?"

"Definitely, young man, I want to talk to your son a little bit. I heard of his exploits following our breakfast on Sunday, and his actions reinforced my initial impression of him. I'm hoping I may be able to recruit him for my school."

"Let's get some food and a table, once she gets started talking about WALLS we'll be here for a while," the Colonel said, smiling at his wife.

"Hush, Marine. You and the Captain can talk about guns and blowing things up, while this charming young gentleman and I discuss the benefits of him attending the best school in the District of Columbia."

Over their meal, CJ found out Mrs. Edwards had taught high school history for many years, but currently served as the Principal for School Without Walls, a charter school located in the Foggy Bottom area of Washington. She told him how much she had enjoyed their conversation over breakfast on Sunday morning, and how she was extremely happy to hear he had stood up for someone being bullied by an older and bigger person.

"Living in Washington will provide you many opportunities to satisfy your interest in history and in politics and I think your curiosity can be fulfilled as a student at WALLS. Captain Davenport, would you check with your partner and let us know when it would be convenient for the three of you to join the Colonel and me for dinner?"

"Mrs. Edwards, how about the two of you come over to our place Sunday night around 1800 hours?" Brett smiled at CJ. "Having a teenager show up a bit earlier than expected left us having too good a time with him to even think of having people over." He would continue to do whatever he could to reinforce the idea the boy's arrival was a welcome event. Colonel Edwards dismissed his new staff member for the remainder of the day at the end of their meal, and told him to start working on convincing his son Annapolis was the place he needed to go to once he graduated from high school. He invited CJ to come visit again sometime soon, mock threatening both father and son with sending MPs or a platoon of Marines to collect him if he dared disappear.


Back home, Brett and CJ were pleasantly surprised to find Cesar's Cadillac in the garage. Explaining Chip had a previous lunch appointment and was not able to meet him, he had come back to the townhouse, fixed himself a sandwich, and telecommuted for the past hour and a half. He yawned in an exaggerated manner, mentioned how sleepy he was, and asked Brett if he wanted to join him for a nap.

"A nap? Is that what we call it now?" asked their son smirking.

"I think our little boy needs a nap too. Don't you agree, Papa? CJ, time for you to go to your room and get a little rest before din-din."

"I don't wanna...," whined the teen, smiling.

"Asshole!" came from both adults as all three dissolved into childish giggles before heading upstairs to their respective rooms.


The boy did go to his room, got rid of his clothes and jumped in bed, but sleep was not on his mind. He could not shake the image of a naked Juno in the shower with water running down his body and dripping from the end of his large cock. He began playing with his foreskin, covering and uncovering the head of his cock, spreading his natural lube all over it. Teenage libido being what it is, he was hard in seconds and began a slow, stroking motion.

He imagined the rugged stockbroker getting hard, his python growing and pointing straight at the teen in invitation. In his fantasy, CJ would drop to his knees in front of the man and worship that snake with his mouth, lavishing the head with his tongue before trying to swallow the largest pole he had ever seen on a man.

Closing his eyes he kept pulling his pud and scripting what would happen; the large stud would grab his head, start pushing in and out of his throat and then deliver a nice batch of juice. At that point, he exploded, sprayed his torso with his own cream, slowly scooped it up with his hand, and licked himself clean.

Relaxing entirely after his orgasm and subsequent protein snack, he slipped into a nice slumber and enjoyed his nap.


"I can't believe you're surprised, Brett." Said Cesar as he took of his socks and slipped under the sheets, snuggling up to his man. "After the conversation JP overheard on Friday night, how could there have been any doubt in your mind Chip was cheating?"

"I know, I know. Guess I kept hoping we were mistaken and the idiot would have exhibited a little more honesty and loyalty. And with the hot redhead?"

"Hmmm, I'm gonna start thinking you want some of the ginger stuff, Captain."

"No way! I'm happy with what I have right here and I'm ready to prove it. Oh, I invited my boss and his wife for dinner on Sunday."

"Fine. Tell me all about it later. How about a little less talking and a little more sucking right now?"

"Sir, yes, Sir!

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

CJ woke up in a cranky mood. The previous evening the Indiana Pacers had taken game three of the playoff series from Miami and he had not enjoyed the night.

Still fuming, he jogged to the gym instead of walking there. He had been slacking off on his cardio work and needed to get off his ass on that front. Seeing Chatri waiting for him outside cheered him up, the guy was always in a good mood and it was what CJ needed just then. Standing with him was a very attractive guy who appeared to be about the same age as CJ. "Hey, CJ! How are you bud? Hope you don't mind I invited Landon to join us this morning. He's my roommate's younger brother and he's visiting us for a couple of weeks"

"Cool! Hey dude, welcome to DC," said CJ as he bumped fists with the new guy. "I finally get to hang with someone who's not ancient!"

"Damn children, no respect for their elders!" exclaimed the doctor-to-be.

The two younger men were fairly well matched in strength and kept up with each other throughout their routine. During their cool down, Chatri brought up the fact his girl would be arriving Friday and his morning workouts were being put on hold for at least a week until she was settled in.

"There's gonna be a hot time in that place Friday night, you may want to alert the fire department, Landon."

"You'll pay for that, squirt. See if I write you any prescriptions for good stuff once I get my license!"

Eventually the verbal sparring and accompanying laughter died down and CJ invited Chatri and his girlfriend for dinner Sunday night.

"Shouldn't you check with your dads first, squirt?"

"Nah, I'll talk to them tonight, but I'm sure it'll be cool. Papa mentioned to his boss they used to have friends over for dinner almost every Sunday night before I got here and turned their life upside down. He already invited the Colonel and his wife anyway, a couple more should be okay. You come also, Landon--I'd love to have someone near my age to hang with." Not that CJ wouldn't enjoy more than just hanging out with this hottie.

"Yeah, my brother is working the graveyard shift Sunday and Monday so I'd be home alone and bored anyway."

"Just have Bones here bring you over and maybe we can do something else together next week? I don't have much going on this summer."

"Cool. See you here tomorrow at the same time, CJ?"

"You got it. Later, guys!"


"Are you okay with having CJ's friends here on Sunday night when the Colonel and his wife come over for dinner?"

"Definitely, Cesar. I think it'll be a nice mix of people considering we also invited Tommy and JP to come over. Plus I'm glad our boy feels comfortable enough to invite people over, one more step in the right direction for him."

"You're right, I don't think anyone can ever get over being rejected by a parent, but if we can help him get through the summer, once he gets caught up in school again, it'll be easier for him to set aside the pain."

Copyright 2015 CJ Abello Edited by: Mann Ramblings

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Next: Chapter 13: Summer 13

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