
Published on May 29, 2016


Joining the Circus. By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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My name is Jud, and I joined the circus as strong man. The circus was not my objective in life, but I had no money and had to get out of town. I was a construction worker, but my boss turned out to be a crook and went to jail. I had nothing to do with his problems, but it was a small town and guilt by association and gossip made it impossible to get a job. Like many construction workers I live paycheck to paycheck. I was dead broke.

The circus was in town. I am six-feet five and muscular. The strong man is a standard, sideshow feature, and the former strongman had a tendency to overdo it and hurt guys in wrestling matches. The circus didn't ask for references and I got the job by arm wrestling the manager. I had a duffle bag of clothes and joined up. We had free housing and food with the circus.

The manager, Gus, put me in a trailer with the men he referred to as the miscellaneous leftovers. These were the unmarried and unattached men. Most of us were close to being destitute. Jimmy and Roger were what they called tent wranglers. They helped erect the tents and shelters. Gus told me he made up the name, tent wranglers. He figured it was better than calling them the men who were too stupid to do anything else.

Steve was a dwarf, who was mostly a clown. Gerry was an acrobat, and Mandrake was a magician. It was a full size trailer but it was tight for six guys. We had a tent like lean-too, where were lived in good weather. The trailer was for sleeping in bad weather.

Because I was so big I shared a room with Steve, the dwarf. Technically, the trailer was air conditioned, but I had my doubts. Most of the men wore jockey shorts, or went naked when they were inside. After I had been there a week, naked seemed to be the norm and I stopped wearing shorts inside. I slept in the lean-too in a hammock whenever possible since Steve and I had the small bedroom.

The circus opened at 11:00 with a show at 2:00 and a second show at 7:00. We closed up at 10:00. We had to clean up the place until 11:00 and went to bed. It was a long day.

I noticed that Gerry and Mandrake were pals. Them seemed to get more friendly once I was naked. I am not a handsome man; I am hairy and a bit scary looking. If I failed as a strong man, I could serve as the side show Wild-Man. He was cave man type.

In high school, I discovered that I was hung. Not every big man is big everywhere, but I was. The other guys were pretty average in the endowment department, except for Steve. His cock was big, and the oversized organ looked especially big compared to his body.

Steve didn't seem to have any hang ups about his size. Every time I stood up he was eye to eye with my cock. I asked if that bothered him. He told me he didn't mind the view. He was fine with that. I discovered in high school my cock was useful feature. I messed around some. I didn't do much but I liked to get blow jobs. It started as a dare, but I soon realized that some guys liked giving blow jobs; they liked it a lot. That was fine for me.

I noticed that the other men in the trailer were friendlier to me when it was late at night and I was naked. I'm no fool, but I wondered if any of them had the nerve. I walked in on Jimmy and Roger when they were in the 69 position. All three of us were shocked. "You're busy," I said.

"Want a blow job?" Jimmy asked. I walked over to him. I didn't exactly say yes, but they knew I was willing. Roger sucked me. "Tell Roger when you are ready to shoot," Jimmy said. "I love to eat cream straight from the spigot. Roger doesn't like it that much."

I had been sucked in High School, but never by a man as good as Roger. I pulled away when I got close and Jimmy took over. Guys had always spit it out before. Jimmy loved it and I liked it too. There was nothing to clean up. Jimmy took every drop. I went to bed and slept very well.

Circus people are open minded about most things, but they like gossip. A week later everyone knew I liked blow jobs. I thought they might avoid me. Unexpectedly, I became more popular. That included Gerry and Mandrake. I soon discovered that having guys offering to give me blow jobs was not that bad. I also knew that many of the guys in the circus were not just dabbling in man sex; they really liked it. I'm not much on introspection, but I came to understand that I liked it too.

Mandrake came over to me one afternoon. "Have you messed around with Steve at all?" he asked. I told him that I didn't think Steve was into it.

"Steve a bit shy, but he's into it alright," Mandrake said. He's afraid guys will reject him. He's a normal man, but he is uneasy about his size. Steve is not exactly your standard Hollywood star."

"Shit, I am not exactly a matinee idol," I said.

"You are a big, muscular man," Mandrake replied. "I would bet that Steve is every inch as masculine as you are, but when you are below five feet tall, that doesn't count for much."

"Does he want to suck me?" I asked.

"He likes to fuck and be sucked, but you turn him on so much, I bet he will take what he can get," Mandrake explained. "Steve can go with the flow!"

I've sucked a few guys, but never taken a load," I said. "That might not be enough for Steve. He sure has a big one for a guy his size."

I wish cocks were more obedient. That night I was in bed, naked as usual. When Steve came in I got hard. Sometimes knowing a man is interested is enough to do the trick.

"Do you need some help with that?" Steve whispered. I nodded.

"I have a big load. No one came by to help me out today," I said.

"I like to deep throat it, but I need to get in the 69 position to take it all," Steve said.

I had been deep throated a few times and loved it, but it was rare. I told him to get in position. Strangely when Steve had most of my cock down his gullet, his cock became more attractive to me. It was in my face so I took a lick. A few seconds later it was in my mouth and that seemed to greatly increase my excitement level.

When I began to shoot off in his mouth, he began to fill mine with his man seed. It tasted okay, but not great, but I was having such a spectacular orgasm, I took it all. I might not have liked it, but somehow it intensified my pleasure.

We talked afterwards and I told him it was good. He asked if I thought of myself as being gay. I said no.

He laughed. "I don't think of myself as gay either. I had a friend who thought I was joking. He then gave me some good advice. When you are naked and with a guy, pretend you are gay and see how much pleasure you can have with your friend. If it feels good, do it, even if it seems to be too much."

"Have you ever had too much?" I asked.

Steve smiled. "Not yet!" he replied.

A day later we were talking quietly in our bedroom. It was raining cats and dog and it was hot inside. Jerry and Mandrake were in their bedroom listing to a game on the television. We could have a private conversation.

"Have you had fun with men before you joined the circus?" Steve asked.

"A little but not much," I said. "It was mostly blowjobs. Guys seem to like sucking big ones. Were you active?"

He nodded. "I'm sort of a novelty. Some men want to try me out," he said. "I'm lucky, my cock, balls and ass are full sized. You took my load. Had you done that before?"

I shook my head. "I was the first time for me. It was okay," I said.

"I've taken a few bucketful's of cum through the years. I'm the perfect height for blowjobs. I don't need to bend over. It was one way to make friends and I was desperate to make friends in school. I got to like it," he explained. "Getting fucked was more difficult, but I am okay with it now. There was a hot tackle on the college football team, Len. He wanted to fuck. It wasn't good, but it wasn't that bad. He was too forceful."

"He raped you?" I exclaimed.

"No I wanted it, and when it hurt, I didn't say anything," Steve said. "I think he would have stopped if I asked him. There was one odd thing. Len told one of his friends, Buster, the football trainer. Buster was really into it and he taught me a lot. He had a long, thin cock that fit easily. He got me to shoot off hands free for the first and only time. Buster helped me admit I liked and enjoyed it."

"Do you fuck too?" I asked.

"It's kind of rare, but I love it," Steve said. "Do you think you might take my cream again some time?"

"I didn't think I would at first," I said. "Since then, I have noticed that when I think about it I get hard."

"Well, that is a good sign!" Steve said.

"I think I may have liked it more than I wanted to like it," I said. "Does that make any sense?"

"It does. When Len fucked me I thought I'd never do it again. That thought didn't last long. I felt that I just needed to get it right," Steve said. "I didn't want to like it, but something in my body said it was going to be good." He paused. "I've wondered about what it would be like if a guy I really like was in me." We talked a little longer and then fell asleep.

My strongman show was doing well. Guys would bet good money that they were stronger than I was. I always won, so I was making money. They had thought I would also do the Mongo the Caveman act, but that wasn't as profitable so they wanted me to only do the strong man thing. As a former carpenter, I also was helpful in setting up the show. I could do the quick repairs from wear and tear.

The Mongo decision became official when Cletus showed up. Cletus was a hillbilly's hillbilly. He was from somewhere in the Appalachians, he was tall, with broad shoulders, long arms and was hairy as an ape. They hired him to be Mongo. He only needed to climb on the bars of his cage and say "Ugga-Ugga" once and a while. He was athletic and could hang from the bars and do summersaults. Most people think I am a hairy guy; Cletus was in a class of his own.

He bunked with us, but he was happy in the lean-to most of the time. Cletus wasn't brain surgeon material, but he was friendly. I guess he was twenty or twenty-one, but he looked a lot older, and he liked us. Mandrake and Jimmy took him under their wing. He was happy as long as he got to eat and could whittle. He carved small animals and was good at it. While he slept outside most of the time, he came in when it rained. He stayed with Steve and me, since Steve was so small.

Cletus liked sex with men, but he was surprised you could do it with men who weren't relatives, cousins, uncles and the like. Steve helped him out with that transition. For Cletus, if it could be classified as sex, he would give it a try. Steve knew Cletus wasn't the brightest light bulb in the hardware store and Steve felt a bit protective.

Steve gave him lessons. Since we shared the room, I learned a lot too. Cletus treated sex as a race to a climax. He thought faster was better. Steve helped him to slow down and enjoy the experience. Cletus had a long, thin, uncut snake that was easy to suck and deep throat. He also possessed big balls and produced abundant jiz and precum. Steve referred to that as being self-lubricating. Steve took his time sucking and that was a success. Cletus tried to do the same with Steve and he liked it. He discovered that man sex could be more than messing around.

The fucking lessons were good for me too. I hadn't done it and was I was interested in Steve's approach. Steve had told me he had some poor experiences with the rough and ready approach to fucking. He told me that fucking a dwarf was a novelty for some men, but bullies were problem. They thought a little man was an easy lay. Luckily, he found a guy who both liked to fuck and hated bullies. The pal, Joey, was a bit of a bad boy himself, but he thought picking on a small guy was offensive. Joey was big and he both took care of the bullies and enlarged their assholes a few sizes.

"Joey was big everywhere," Steve explained to Cletus. "He was not a big as Jud is, bit he was big. He was nice and it fit pretty well."

Steve sucked him, nice and slow; an hour later I did the same. I discovered that Cletus oozed a rich cock brew that turned me on. It was sweet and plentiful. Every time I was able to deep throat him, his cock oozed a thank you glob of the sweet stuff. I felt appreciated. He also "returned the favor." He always took the load, saying that it was swallowing the evidence. He took care of Steve first and then me.

Cletus did it slowly and was getting the hang of it. Taking non-family sperm was new to him, but he liked Steve's ball brew. He like mine a lot. He said it was more like a filling soup than a little snack.

Cletus had bottomed for some Uncles, but had never topped. Steve thought the long, thin, snake like cock would be easy to take. Steve took a seat on it. I think it was more enjoyable than he had guessed it would be. The tool was curved and Cletus sort of spun Steve around. Cletus was careful, but became enthusiastic once he realized how much Steve liked it. I noticed that Steve obviously had a full sized asshole. I should have guessed that since Steve had an average body, with short legs and arms.

A few days later Cletus let Steve do him. That was a slow process. I would say that Steve's endowment was well on the high side of average. Most of the high part related to thickness. It was meaty and Cletus had a delicate little rosebud, surrounded by a swirl of hair. I didn't think it would fit. Steve was uneasy but he took his time and got his mushroom on the dark side of Cletus's sphincter. When the mushroom encountered the little nut, Cletus opened wide and took a trip to the moon.

It turned out that Cletus's relations' shared his cock's thin and long shape. That didn't do much for his prostate. Steve's thick man-tube continuously worked the gland and did a job on Cletus. Of course Cletus expected to be both plowed and seeded. Steve loved that. He loved to unload without pulling out.

Steve talked with me alone the next say. "Do you remember when I told you about Joey? He had the biggest cock I have had up my ass?" he asked. I nodded.

"I didn't tell you it was good for me," he added, "Really good! I think I might be a size queen." He was staring directly at my cock. I knew what he was thinking. I was afraid I might hurt him, but my cock began to get hard. It's hard to say you aren't interested with an erection.

"I lubricated my ass, would you like to give me a poke?" he asked. He hooked his legs with his arms leaving his ass exposed.

"I'm afraid I might hurt you," I muttered.

"Just take your time and I will let you know if there is a problem," he said. I got into position and gently pushed my knob into his puckered hole.

"You can push a little harder, I'm not fragile," he said. I pushed a few times, each time with more force. On the last push I popped in. I was afraid it might hurt, but a look of satisfaction spread over Steve's face.

He moaned. "Go deeper. Take your time, but get it all in me!" he ordered. Steve was a perfect bottom, who loved every second of the penetration. His ass was warm and welcoming. I knew he wanted me to be in him. Somehow I knew that any movement that was good for me was good for Steve too.

Cletus came in the room as we fucked and enjoyed the show. He spread Steve's legs apart to get him more open. He was also nice enough to feed his cock into Steve's mouth so that he was fully occupied. Somehow Cletus and I shot off together. I had a fantastic thought that our cream might mingle in the middle of Steve's body. I was a little worried this might be too much for Steve, but I soon realized he had no problems at all.

Steve later told me that he had been afraid that his coupling with Joey had been a one of, and he would never feel that much ever again. Not only did my cock feel better that Joey's had, I was his roommate so it could become regular event.

While Cletus and I recharged after the orgasms, Steve wanted more and he wanted to fuck both of us. Cletus was fine with that, but I was uneasy. Steve knew my ass was virgin and he took his time. I didn't know what to expect, but Steve's tool sought out my prostate. When he found it, all was well. Cletus was hard by then and he took turns with Steve. Cletus was good, but the sensations weren't as intense as with Steve. I was able to relax and catch my breath. When Steve returned to my ass, I was more relaxed and he could go deeper. The three of us had a good night.

The next day I had a talk with Cletus. He was sexually experienced in some ways, and not in others. One of his Uncles had sort of claimed him as a playmate. Cletus had served him and the Uncle's pals. They were all tops, so Cletus didn't have much range of sexual experiences. Cletus got to like it, but the objective was to please the Uncle and his friends.

Steve is even handed; he wanted to please Cletus. Cletus thought you didn't get to have much fun until you were much older. Cletus looked like he was in his forties, but he was twenty-one. Steve and I made sure he had a good time, and that encouraged Cletus to be generous. He told Steve that he thought we had nice, friendly cocks. He liked it when we filled his ass and made a deposit. He also had an interest of taking man cream fresh from the cock into his mouth. He thought mine was sweeter than his uncle's seed.

This was good for all of us in the trailer. Gerry discovered that Cletus had potential to be an acrobat. Gerry was small and graceful; he had the usual physique of an acrobat. Cletus was tall, gangly and somewhat double jointed. That was ideal for a comic acrobatic routine. It was also useful for his cave man gig. When you combined that with Cletus's natural tendency to be a ham, the circus had a hit side show. My strongman sideshow attracted young men trying to impress their girlfriends. The caveman show attracted kid and families. Six to ten-year-olds thought he was hilarious.

Being acrobatic and double jointed was good sexually too. I guess you could say he could get his cock and ass into hard to reach places. Gerry discovered Cletus could roll himself into ball and self-suck. That was interesting, but Mandrake found out that he liked to watch himself being fucked. Cletus sucked Mandrake's cock and then Mandrake poked into his ass. Cletus was able to suck his own cock as Mandrake fucked him to an orgasm. Cletus thought this was sort of a cute parlor trick. He liked to show off and wasn't shy at all.

After a month and a half at the circus, the manager, Rudy, asked me aside for a conversation in his trailer. His air-conditioning definitely worked well. He offered me a beer an asked how I got along with the guys in my trailer. I told him we got along really well, in spite of the close living quarters.

"The men you bunk with are a randy group," he said. "Steve told me that you fit in well." I said that was true.

"We have put on special demonstrations for men in some of the places we play," Rudy said. "These are for men who like to entertain themselves the way you guy do. The former strong man was into it and he likes showing off. Steve said you are better equipped than he was. These are sexual demonstrations," he added in a whisper. "It is for a small group, usually less than ten."

"It would be strange doing it in fort of an audience," I said.

"Well, the audience usually joins in," Rudy explained. "It turns into a pretty nice affair. Most of the patrons have been to events like this before. We don't advertise it. It is usually friends or friends of friends. It is not a public event. The men don't pay for it, but they often leave tokens of appreciation. Our men share the kitty."

"What is your share of the take?" I asked.

"I like to join in," Rudy said. "I don't need any reward other than participating." I told him I would think about it. When I returned to my trailer I talked about it with Steve and Mandrake. They said it was fun and paid well.

"You know that Gerry and I are pals, really good pals. It is fun to have some variety sometimes," Mandrake said. "Gerry likes it too. Cletus is going to join us for the next one. I am pretty sure he is going to love it." I thought about it and told Rudy I was game.

The "special demonstration" was in a Monday, our day off day 11:00 in the morning. Most of the crew was running errands, so it was quiet at the circus. Steve, Cletus, Jimmy, Gerry and Mandrake went with me to Rudy's trailer. Rudy was waiting with several men. Two were beefy farmer types. The other four were businessmen or executive types. we talked with them and two more guys showed up.

"Well, this is the whole group, it's time to get started. Most of you have been here before, but Cletus and Jud are new. I think some of our friends have brought friends. Why don't their sponsors introduce them?" Rudy said.

"I have brought my nephew, Tom," one of the older business types said. "Tom is not exactly new to the scene, but he is real, interested and willing."

"Buster here is an old pal from my time on the wrestling team in high school," one of the farmers said. "He says he is inexperienced, but when I've been with him, it has been good!"

With that comment, Mandrake touched something in his costume. His clothes seem to vanish in a second and he was naked, and already excited. "Let's get more comfortable men and let the party begin!" he exclaimed.

Next: Chapter 2

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