Cindy's Sex Training

By james coffey

Published on Jan 19, 2024


The next day the mail came and so did my package of the throat spray, I was very excited when I opened the box. I just knew it would help get that flared head in my throat. Clem is going to have a very lucky and happy pony after I'm done.I sprayed my throat heavily with the spray and waited a minute, wow it worked , my mouth was numb. Now I took the big pony dildo and made it real slick with my saliva and it went into my throat. I kept pushing until the whole 14 inches was in my mouth and throat. I was amazed at what I could do. I never imagined a few weeks ago that it would be possible for me to take a 14 inch pony cock with a big flared head balls deep in my mouth and throat. When Clem came home I was excited to show him what I could do. He was also amazed and asked me if I would be willing to blow his pony. I said sure. Clem told me we would head to the farm tomorrow evening and I could meet his pony blue and see if we hit it off. If blue likes me then I will be giving him a deep throat blowjob. Suddenly my cell rang and it was Elmo. Cindy did the spray work? Yes it did Elmo and tomorrow evening I will probably be at the barn giving Clems pony blue a deep throat blowjob. Well Cindy, I called to tell you that my wife will be away the day after tomorrow for 2 days, would you be interested in coming to the club with me and then staying overnight? I'm not sure I have to ask Clem. Clem here's the deal, I will give your pony a deep throat blowjob tomorrow if I can go with Elmo to the club the day after and stay at his house that night. Clem said with one condition, you let me video you blowing the pony. Deal Clem. The next afternoon I was still practicing with the pony dildo and getting real good at deep throating it, more like excellently. Once I started using the numbing spray it was a breeze to push that big flared cock head right down my throat until the rubber dildo balls were pressed against my lips. What a lucky pony blue was going to be tonight. Evening came soon enough and I had been practicing all morning and afternoon so it was second hand. Clem told me to dress up sexy with a frilly short lambada skirt, no panties, and heavy makeup. I looked like a little whore. I think blue would love how I looked and like it even more when his cock head is in my velvety throat milking him to orgasm. I told Clem I know I gave you permission but I don't want it on the internet and I want to wear a mask over my eyes to disguise who I am. Clem agreed about the mask but couldn't guarantee it wouldn't wind up on the internet. Soon we were driving to the farm and I was very excited to show off my new learned talent. Clem took me by the hand to a stall. Inside was very bright lighting, and a camera on a tripod, in the middle of the stall were large thick cushions for me to kneel on. Clem handed me two masks , one was a blackout mask and one had holes for the eyes

I knelt down as instructed by Clem on the cushions, then he handed me the blackout mask and said be still. I knelt there in anticipation. I heard some clopping noises like hooves and then felt a warm presence in front of me and heard snorts. Ok Cindy take off the mask. I was confronted with a huge flared out pony cock head inches from my face. Then Clem handed me the mask with eye holes and told me to put it on. I grabbed the pony cock shaft with both hands and began to jerk, the camera was rolling. I looked up at the pony's balls and they were huge, each one the size of a grapefruit. My plan was to have his cock head in my throat when he came so it pumped right into my tummy instead of making a big mess. I kissed the big ugly flared cock head for the camera and then licked the head and up and down the shaft making it slick. Then I took the numbing spray out of my training bra and sprayed my throat heavily. I opened wide and did what I had been practicing all day. Inch by inch the fat pony cock disappeared in my mouth, when the flared head hit my throat I just pushed harder and it started inching down my throat. As more of ble's cock entered my mouth I had to scoot further under him. when he was all the way in my lips were right near his belly and balls. Clem commented that's amazing Cindy. Soon I was sliding blue's long cock in and out of my mouth. It didn't take blue long to winnie and I felt his cockhead start to swell and I knew he was about to cum. I quickly forced his whole cock in my throat so he could cum directly in my tummy. I felt his big flared cock head throbbing but he was cumming down my throat so no mess. He must have shot a big load because my belly felt full. I withdrew from blue's cock and gave his big ugly flared cock head a kiss as it left my lips. Clem put blue back in his stall, blue was real calm now.

Next: Chapter 8

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