
By Todd todd

Published on Feb 25, 2013


I heard the door open in the thunky way airplane doors sound when the catch releases and then the sound comes rushing in around the door. I hear muffled footsteps up the stairs and then instantly both ankles were released and I was being helped to my feet. He walked me down the aisle from behind with a hand on each shoulder. He then reached under my arms and supported me from behind as I gingerly stepped naked with my hands still cuffed behind me down the steps. I assumed there was more than one guy around me but never heard a word whispered or spoken. The plane's door was closed and we walked a few feet when I heard the engins start up again. As we continued to walk away I could hear the plan was moving away as I heard the sound of the engins start to fade. I heard a deep rumble and a clang from all around me like a large sliding door opening and we walked through. Even through the bag over my head I could hear a vast echo as I heard the clang and the rumble once again but from behind me this time. I realized I was in a new hanger, or maybe the old hanger. Maybe they just flew me around and back to the same place. The person said "this way please", as his hand wrapped around my biceps guided me forward for a very long walk inside the hanger. All of the sudden the background echoes disappeared as we stopped walking. Ah we are in a room, then I heard elevator doors close behind me. Oh we are in an elevator I said to myself and no sooner had the doors finished closing before I felt a stomach dropping near free fall. I struggled to keep my footing at such a precipitous drop. My feet were barely making contact with the foor we were dropping so fast. The guy holding me said, "sorry I should have warned you" "I can unlock these now" and the restraints on my wrists were released. I rubbed my wrists, and the restraints still locked around each wrist, and thought this is sure a very deep basement, as we were still on our way down. All of the sudden the elevator started to slow extremely quickly like locking up the brakes on a car. The instantaneous increased load on my leg almost caused them to buckle. I felt like I weighed twice as much as normal. Finally an abrupt stop and the doors opened. Holding my biceps again he turned me around and walked me down a corridor. I was still naked except the the hood and restraints, still freezing my ass off. A buzz then clank and I was guided through a door. We walked a while longer then a another buzz and clank, and through another doorway. After another long walk we come to a stop. I hear something pop, like a stick breaking, and someone say "h-1-5-t-6-1-zeta" then I hear the guy holding me respond "j-c-p-g-3-3-2-eta-gama" and the first guy respond, "agreed". The first voice said "please place both of his hands here" and took my hands and slipped then onto some sort of slot. Inside the slot was little bars which separated my fingers apart. the first voice then said "thats good "you can take his hands out. Your turn please sir". I was move to the side and sensed the guy escorting me was also sticking his hands into the slots. A buzz, then a loud horn went off and then a series of beeps more clanking and a large motor sound. I was guided forward and told to take two steps up and then two steps down. I then heard the horn, followed by the beeps and a deep clanking thud behind me. I had clearly stepped inside a vault which was now closed behind me. We walked some distance more, went through a few doors of various weights, judging by their associated sounds of opening and closing and various doors had different procedures to go through. Finally he said "we can now take this off." and began to remove the strap from around my neck and then removed the hood. LIGHT!!!!! Everywhere was light! So much light I couldn't see. Have a seat and he helped me sit on a metal chair. He slowly came into focus and said "you can call me Doc", or Doctor Adams if you prefer. I am responsible for your training while here. Relax. If you lift that lid beside you there is some foor for you, I know you havent eaten in a while I am sure you are hungry by now. I saw a tray with a metal lid with a hole in the center like that have in hospitals. I realized I was hungry but hadn't even noticed it before the doc mentioned it. I lifter the cover and there was an apple, some uncooked broccoli and carrots. I saw a glass of water beside the plate and finished it in one guzzle. "So you will be with me for the next 3 years or so" the doc said. I kind of shook my head and shrugged my shoulders in a way meant to say - I know that but am not happy about it. He instantly picked up on it and said "I know you're not happy about it, I saw the videos". "videos...?" I repeated looking up at him from my gaze down and my bare feet. "Yes Sean" he responded "everything you have done in the last 40 years is on video, audio, film or in notes, especially your intake". I am such an idiot I thought, I should have figured that out, of course they did - of course. Then I looked back and said to his face "yea but you didn't even get my name right, its not Sean."

"Yes it is" the Doc said, "beginning now- your name is Sean; Sean Ail Balloch" "Everything else is gone, way way gone, not in your past; but it never existed" We have a little more than 3 years to fill you in on your life and bring you back to the age we need you."

"So are you the inventor of the age reduction thing - that has never worked?" I asked snidely. "No, no... I have worked on it a lot... but no it has not ever worked to our satisfaction. But we have not had the subject it was designed to work with either" he went on. "I know... I am the ideal guy" I interrupted. "I know you know the entire story" the Doc said reinterupting me back. "I just wanted to let you know how this is going to go before we started." I just looked at him rather than saying tell me and appearing as if I was I was eager. He took that as permission to continue; which is what it was really. "Most of the time you will be under anesthesia. The process of aging in reverse is a bit painful... because effectively you are ungrowing at 10-15 times your normal growth rate. Cells are dividing and being shed off very quickly and they are not doing it with perfect consistently so muscles and joints can hurt a lot... so sedation is important. We will insert little probes near nerves, like we did during your intake, so we will know when you are feeling pain. We dont use drugs for the sedation. We use tiny amounts of electricity. When a nerve sends a message that says you are in pain we send a pulse, that is exactly opposite in polarity, that cancels out the pain pulse. We can also use those probes in the other direction, as we did during the intake, to send signals down nerves to make muscles work. In fact thats part of the reason we did that at intake is to see if your nerves and muscles were well suited for our training to work. To make the reverse growth process work we have to speed up the metabolism of each cell. If you just lay there the muscle cells will atrophy. Instead we make the muscles work, and for the process to work at 10 to 15 times as fast as normal regeneration they cells have to work at and process nutrients 10 to 15 times as fast. You experienced that a little bit before during intake... we had to know that there was no muscle, bone or nerve damage which we couldn't overcome. Otherwise that part of your body would not process the nutrients and live a greatly shortened life. there would be parts of you that would stay just as they are while the rest of you regressed at 15 times normal aging. You would have lumps inside you" I said, I remember my the other doctor making my arms and legs and all the other parts of my body move insanely fast. I cant deal with that for 3 years. I couldn't take it for the 10 min you did it to each muscle before. "I understand, but you were not anesthetized when that happened, for the next 3 years all of your muscles will work that fast, and hard, at the same time, but you wont feel it" he responded "I thought may body parts were going to fly off they were jerking around so fast" I said. He chuckled and went on "yea... I bet it feels like that. No they wouldn't, in fact, that's why your body is strapped to all the bars on the bed. To prevent you from flailing about and hurting yourself and because each bar is connected to a strain gauge which measures how hard you are pulling and prevents your limbs from moving very far or pulling or pushing too hard. We can adjust the stimulus up or down to make sure you are not damaging yourself. I f we didnt have that feedback you would tear the ligaments and connective tissues. At the same time we also are teaching your fast twitch muscles to be faster, increasing your endurance, increasing your endorphine production, making you stronger and more flexible. We will eventually fine tune our impulses to t your muscles so we will be able to make you walk, run, and exercise and train so you dont have to be laying down."

"Fuck, thats going to kill me. I was freaked out when just one limb was moving wildly on its own, and when you're done wont I be the most freakishly strong 14 year old of all time with that much exercise " I asked. "You will be ok...and no you wont be overly muscular, but its a great question Sean. If you overwork muscles enough they fail to grow. Marathon runners loose muscle mass on long runs. What will happen is the muscle we let you keep will be extremely dense and perfectly formed. Your strength to weight will be off-the-scale. So that you dont "freak out" we will put your brian into REM sleep electrically also so you wount be completely consious of what's going on. In fact we will be working on your brain at the same time. We will be teaching you math, physics, chemistry, history, languages, reasoning, logic, and art - among other things - at the same time. We will teach you patience, humility, the ability to communicate effectively, and tolerate difficult conditions including hunger, thirst, sensory deprivation torture, pain, humiliation and the ability to tell when you are being lied to. After 3 years or so of of physical workouts and mental education you will be faster, stronger, more flexible, have more endurance, know more math, science, history, linguistics and be able to tolerate difficult conditions better than any other human being that has ever lived. You will know French, Italian, Korean, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, Farcie, Indian, Swahili, and Thai fluently in most of the various dialects. Few people, if any, would realize that each language wouldn't be your native language." he finished; clearly proud of what he was offering me. Rather than the excitement which was clearly his expectation I had a pit in my stomach. He was staring at me. I'm naked, wearing locked on restraints, in some super deep hole in the ground, no one knows where I am, in fact by now people probably think I am dead. This CIA version of Doctor Mengele sits in front of me, fully clothed, telling me how he will take full control of my body, insert needle like probes all over my body for the next 3 years making my body do what he wants while he wil be brainwashing me. He is sitting there thinking I should be happy - fuck him, no fuck me, I am so fucked. So I ask, "will I remember who I am?" Yes he responds almost laughing "your memories will still be there."

"Should I believe you" I respond. "You have my word" he responded.

Next: Chapter 7

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