
By Todd todd

Published on Jan 20, 2013


"Strip off your clothing. Deposit all your belongings in this bag" he said, like a jailer who was as-a-matter-of-fact ordering a new intake prisoner to obey. "Wha..." I started to protest but when I looked up at his face he had clearly anticipated my resistance and had the stern 'are we going to do this again' face on so I quickly started to unbutton my shirt and changed my sentence to "Can I keep this" with my thumb behind my neckless "it means a lot to me" as I was taking off my shirt . "I know Mr Hall - it was the collar your 'Master Paul' had given you to wear when in public". BAM! like a surprise gut punch and a sucker punch to the jaw simultaneously. Silence, followed by more silence, and him staring into my eyes and me back into his. "No Mr Hall I am afraid not" he said as flatly as it was possible to say those words. I heard the words as tinny sounding and artificial; as if I was hearing then through an old poor quality tiny speaker. I tried to regain my composure after hearing such an intimate detail of my life that had I assumed was secret only to be blurted, out-loud, by a total stranger; as if the world all knew. "Woahhh" I said "hold everything, how do you about know that? "Mr Hall, I dont think you realize how much we know about you. I am, or was, your field man. I have been watching you for 10 years, day in and day out. I have studied and kept track of everything that has ever happened to or with you over the last 10 years. You are my occupation. There was a field man before me, and one before him. In addition to me there is a team of 8 other people who have helped me study you night and day. We know what you eat, what you watch on TV, we have recoded every conversation you have ever had. We have old films from when you were young, then videos, now digital data. You have never jacked off and us not know it. Every doctor you have ever seen has been one of us. You are what's called a 'critical national asset' sir, the government keeps close track of its 'CNAs' "who else is a CNA?" I asked. "underwear too" agent jones said almost interrupting me as a way to prod me in to finish stripping, he said before answering me. "I dont know if there are others people who are critical national assets. But the list is highly classified and I dont have a need to know. I think there are something like 600 CNAs. There are things which are national assets like missile submarines and other things. Basically its things that can't, or that it would be very expensive, to replace. Its also things that produce things which the country must have. You would be impossible to replace and could produce information the country desperately needs". "will I need my wallet or ID? I asked as something to make my mouth work again" "No Mr Hall, you wont." as I peeled down my underwear and dropped them in the bag. Now I stood in the huge room naked as the day I was born, ID gone, money gone, everything gone. This is the most naked I have ever felt. The most helpless, the most afraid.

"Please step in here" he commanded as we walked part way across the hanger into a room. My bare feet were noticeably cold against the concrete floor. As I walked I was trying to hide my crotch with my hands and look as dignified as I could. There was an MRI machine inside the room and a one way mirror. There was also another little table upon which sat another glass of the milky white water. "Please drink a another glass of this Mr Hall" he said. After I finished the drinking the chalky milky crap he said "Please lay down on the bed of this machine and follow the instructions" I did as instructed, the bed was ice cold against my naked back; then the agent left the room. The machine came to life and whirred and thumped for a while. A voice, but not that of agent Jones, came from speakers inside the machine said "please place your hands to your sides and hold as still as you can". Then the bed started moving quickly over the length of my body, then back slowly, then back and forth over the length of my body over and over again. At various points an automatic mechanical voice would say "take a deep breath and hold" "you may exhale" Finally after about an hour the machine stopped and the bed rolled out of the machine and the door to the room opened. As I was getting off of the table, kind of stumbling from a lack of movement for over an hour, when noticed how naked I was, how cold it was in the room and how fucked I was. Agent Jones said "Thank you Mr Hall will you follow me to another room for another examination. I responded "can I have a robe or something please" No I'm sorry Mr Hall, will you please follow me. "sure" I said with feigned frustration.

We walked into an adjoining room where there was a CT in place of the MRI machine and another glass of that hideous liquid sitting like an obelisk on another table. "What the fuck" I said. Jones siad "this is a different machine" "I know what it is but whats with all of this crap I have to drink" I said "what are all these tests for?" "There are a few more after these Mr Hall I am sorry, please be patient and drink the liquid". He led me over to the machine had me lay down on its freezing bed. I was visibly shivering, but he didn't offer to turn ou the heat or get me a blanket or anything. A white coated technician walked out of nowhere and wheeled over a bag hanging from a rolling stand. The technician said this will hurt a little as he stuck a giant IV needle into my thigh on the the inside of my leg. "Fuck! that hurts" I said. "Come on Mr Hall it's almost over" said Mr Jones. The bag begane to drain into my vein. Then the technician rolled over two much larger bags hanging from hooks. "This will be uncomfortable Mr Hall but if you relax you will be ok and it'll be over as quickly as possible" the technician said. "This is an enema and you will have to take a bag of each fluid before we can start the CT scan, please relax and roll on your side please"as he shoved the nozzle up my clenched ass hole in a single trust. I rolled back onto my back I started to feel full and I was less than half done. I said "I have had enough I think". I'm sorry Mr Hall you have to have the complete contents of both bags in you before we can start. My gut was gurgling and I was cramping up. "Please stop" I asked, I need to use the restroom. I'm sorry Mr Hall please stay calm and relax. "Ok I have had it! I am shitting this crap out" I said. No one replied "fine the fuck it, I said and I tried to shit it all out but it wouldn't go. "What the fuck" I said "whats going on" "there is a balloon inflated inside you the prevents this enema from being expelled, I'm sorry. If you become more agitated we will have to strap you down" the technician said. "Its almost all in" he went on. The IV was done and he detached the bag and pulled out the IV. Then he brought over a third wheeled pole with another bag of liquid and the technician said this is the last one, but this will be a bit more uncomfortable because I have to get this in the artery in your neck. Getting a needle in that artery usually requires a an incision in your neck. But if you lay still we wont have to do that, but it is tricky, so no matter what you feel pleased dont move. It was like lightning as the needle went in. Then he pulled it out and said got it first try, thank youMr. Hall. He squeezed the enema bags and said "almost all in". Ok we are ready " he declared disconnected the bags and stepped away, "will you be ok or should we strap you down Mr Hall" the technician said. "just get it over with you fucker", I said and the two men left the room. The entire rolling bed and 'hold your breath' routine was repeated. It took forever as it slowly scanned my body from toe to head. the last IV bag was still connect to my neck and dripping in. My gut was distended from the two bags of enema solutions. Finally after another hour of 'na... na... na... na... buzzzzz, na... na... na..., buzzz was over the bed ejected itself from the machine and Mr Jones came back into the room and said "Thank you Mr Hall will you follow me to the next room. I exclaimed through gritted teeth "I need to shit - NOW!" "I know Mr Hall, if you follow me" he lead me waddling into anther room where there was a toilette in the middle of the room. the technicain said "please sit down Mr Hall, I will release the inflatable device and you may relieve your self. I said "can I have some privacy" "No sir I am sorry sir we must remain with you" the technician responded. I shit liquid for 2 min non stop, I have never felt so relieved. Finally after a while the technician said "Are you done Mr Hall?". "yea I think so" I said.

Please follow me then Mr Hall the technician said. We went into a room where there was an examination table "please lay on your back Mr Hall" said the technician. I did as I was asked and he brought up some stirrups. "what's this?" I asked. "We have to give you a rectal examination please relax" the technician said. Mr Jones stood by quietly watching. The technician then pulled some straps out from the table and put them over my chest and I grabbed his hand. "Now what?" I demanded "Its just to keep you steady - dont worry" the technician insisted. He pulled a stap over my chest, then one over my lower ribs, then one over my stomach, followed by one over my hips. My ankled had restraints put on them and were strapped tot he stirrups. Each strap was synched very snug then my upper arms were strapped in place then my forearms. My legs were then strapped to the stirrups so I couldn't move my knees. Then restraints were placed on my wrists which were strapped down as well. Then a strap was placed over my neck and pulled snug and a vice like thing was placed on the table on each side of my head and screwed tightly so my head couldn't twist or lift. I was screaming "let me the fuck up", over and over. The technician said one word which he clearly didn't mean "relax". the only things I could wiggle was my toes and fingers.

"First we have to inflate your rectum, and this will be very uncomfortable. We will place a camera inside you and inspect your intestines" the technician said. He was ignoring my incessant damands to be released, as he said "he we go" and something went inside my ass and my gut began to fill up like a balloon. I look like I was pregnant. Then I felt things going in and out of my ass over and over. Finally the technician said "thats got that end, now the other end" I went in to full protest mode again. "what the fuck are you talking about? what do you mean? Can you let the gas out of my gut for fucks's sake?" and many other requestes and invectives. the technician said "we are going to drop your head a little and insert an airway and have a look in your stomach and lungs". "It will be easiest on you if you relax and try to swallow as we do this" the technician said leaving my gut distended in massive pain from the gas still inside me. He poped a lever and my entire head pivoted backwards and my head hung down, not a little like he said, but it was perpendicular to the table so my chin was parallel to the ground. The headrest was then locked into this new position. "open wide" the technician said. I clenched my teeth. The technician blinked then got up and walked away. Mr Jones said to me "You should cooperate Mr Hall, or he will use devices which will open your teeth, and it wont be pleasant for you. I have seen him do it before it before. Just a word to the wise. When the technician came back he said, are you willing to cooperate and open your mouth? I said "yes" he said "good, then I wont need these and sat some stuff on the little metal tray covered in a white paper placemat. "This device is designed to hold your mouth open so I can work. Now please open your mouth as wide as you can". I opened and he stuck the thing in and clicked it open and my jaw was stretched to the max. He clicked it again one more notch, I think out of spite. "ok now this will hold your tongue out of the way" and he stuck the claw side of a big metal hammer looking thing in my mouth. "This is an airway which will hold open your airway as I put the scope down your throat, it will be uncomfortable going in but it wont be as bad if you try to swallow when I put it in". As it went in I gagaed something fierce. I have never gagaed so much. Then in went his scope down my throat and into my gut. Surprise, surprise he started to let air into my gut. Now my belly was distended as well as my abdomen I couldn't speak. All I could feel was pain from the air in my intestines, air in my stomach, my mouth ratcheted wide open and and a thing wiggling around in my stomach. After about 30 min he said, "lets look in his lungs now". He took the scope out and left the air in my stomach as he put in a new scope and went down in to my lungs. I was in fear and agony. Finally he said "all done, are you ready for me to take the airway out and let you up?" I blinked yes. "Ok - out comes the airway then, - swallow hard" he said as a matter of fact. As I started to swallow it was too late he was dragging it out. "Now I will release your head so it can come back up again" he said.

It was weird, I was dizzy and light headed as he locked the headrest into place. Then he took the clamps off the sides of my head and the pressure went away. I made a "uhhh uhhh " sound to try to get him to take the thing holding my mouth open and ripping my jaw apart. I have a few more things I have to do first before I can take this out. He stuck all kinds of probes in my teeth and gums. each was like a shot of pain. He took notes and said "you should floss more Mr Hall" he took all kinds of x-rays of my teeth and pictures inside my mouth. He probed and scraped. I could tase blood trickling down the back of my throat. Ok we need some blood and he shoved a needle in my arm and started filling up test tubes. 20 or 30 test tubes were filled. I kept going making the "huuuu huuuh" sound so he would take that fucking contraption out of my mouth, but he just ignored me. "Let's get a urine sample" he said and shoved a catheter up my cock and my piss started flowing into a bag. "Good, now some nerve tests." he said and starte attaching electrodes all over my body. 100s or sticky patches stuck everywhere. Then he started looking at a diagram of where the sticky pads were to go and finished putting some on he forgot, then he started clipping snaps on wires to the snaps on the electrodes. The technician then took out a straight razor and shaved my head, crotch and arm pits. He then put electrodes in those places and and hooked up the wires. "Lets look at your heart to start" he said. After 5 min he said "good, now lets look at your brain". Again maybe 10 minutes passed and he said "good" now time to check your nerves." He put the vice like devices on either side of my head and screwed them very tight this time. "sorry, this will be most unpleasant but we need to study your nerves You will feel jolts, well maybe more like moderate jolts, which we will measure in your brain. It will take a while. He looked at me and said Are you ready?" I could only make the uhhu hhuuh sounds with that fucking clamp thing in my mouth" my gut was still distended; as was my stomach. Fuck I was already in agony. I was doing my best to move my eyes back and forth to signal - no! -. The technician said good then here we go. This shouldn't take more that an hour or two. NO!!!!! He went over to the machine and lifted a red cover exposing a toggle switch. He flipped the toggle switch and let the cover pop back down over the switch. An instant shock from my big toe caused my leg to seize up in unbelievable pain. The pain changed over the next minute or twow from a buzzing pain to a sharp pain. the frequency kept changeing and it started happening fast and faster. My leg still strapped to the stirrups convulsing back and forth with all the might my leg could muster, faster and faster till you almost couldn't see my foot it was vibrating so fast. Then abruptly it stopped. My leg was numb and I couldn't move it or feel it. Seconds later the other leg began the same process, oh my fucking god no not again. I can feel sweat dripping down my body. My other leg like the first is outside of my control; obeying the shocks of some sadistic machine. 2 min later it stopped just like the first. I am drenched in sweat. both of my legs dont answer my commands to move them. I cant feel anything in either of them. Then out of the blue, a lighting bolt runs up my arm. Fuck no the same process is happening to my arm. I'm screaming the lungs right out of my body. Back and forth my arm is extending and contracting, repeatadly as hard as it can move one way then the other, faster and faster until its a blur of movement. Please stop please. I can feel tears running down the sides of my face. My arm stops moving, numb, unable to respond to my attempt so move it. and on que as expected there goes my other arm. I can still feel the tears streaming down my face. the room is filling with a continuos din of screams, my screams I realize. Please let this stop, and it does. no ability to move my arms or leg, no feeling nothing. Then wham, like an unexpected gut punch from superman. My gut slams all the way down. you can see my rib cage like I was an emaciated prisoner, soon followed by my stomach bulging outward inflated bigger then it was by just the air inside it. Oh my god not my stomach, no. again faster and faster till it was going from down to up 10 times a second. Oh my fucking lord make it stop. it did. then my chest started heaving. it was frightening to see my ribs move like they were drumsticks. I am going to die, this is killing me. but no, instead it does stop. and then my head starts to try to move forward and back but the clamps hold it still, faster and faster. Until it comes to an abrupt stop. then fire from my cock. electrical jolts feel like a knife cutting me open. My balls feel like they are going to explode and feel like they are flying up and down like super balls I'm going to be sick, but it stops in time. then wham my ass cheeks start getting shocked in exactly the sam way faster and faster. as they clench it throws my hips upwards agains the leather straps then drops my pelvis to the table. My entire body is slamming up, then down, the entire weight of my midsection is beginning to buzz and the frequency keeps getting shorter and shorter. My body stops convulsing for a second until my back is turned on. My entire body is now thrashing about, outside of my control with the force of a mad man. Everything stops. I am paralyzed. Nothing will move. My ears are ringing, but I can hear voices sort of. "how long till he is coherent" I hear someone ask. "Give him 20 minutes, by then we should know if we have our data or if have to do it again." poor bastard. I hope you dont have to do it again, that was hard to watch." I know, but if we have to do it again it will be are the next level, I'm not sure my ear drums can take that. Dont bitch you have ear plugs in. I am really just a test slab of meat to them. Oh my god... I had no idea, there is a hell.

Next: Chapter 5

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