
By Todd todd

Published on Nov 23, 2023


It was as if we were suddenly all friends. The boys began to congregate into groups; as we were directed. Boys in white gym shorts and white T shirts like me, were mingling in a crowd around Coach Bates; while the other boys formed two other circles around the other coaches. In contrast the boys in black gym shorts were putting on flags and playing actual football in the center of the room next to the girls volleyball nets. Once in a while one of the senior boys would recover an errant volleyball for the girls and the girls would reciprocate and return footballs that went rogue to the boys. Coach Jensen eventually joined coach Bates in our circle of about 30 boys. Coach Jensen began by directing the boys to form groups. He had the "snapping" boys move to left area of the circle, the "passers" to sit beside the "snappers", the "pass blockers" beside them and finally the "receivers" to the right part of the circle. Coach Jensen started explaining how the "passers" and "snappers" coordinated with each other while Coach Bates did the same thing with the "pass blockers" and "receivers". I tuned Coach Bates out and focused on Coach Jensen; as I was in his group "...As you all know the "passer" is called the Quarterback. He follows the directions of his coach," and he went on to say parenthetically, "A good quarterback ALWAYS obeys EVERY WORD the coach says; NO MATTER WHAT THEY ARE or how he feels about them!"

The coach droned on and on " The Quarterback commands the "snapper", who you know is called the Center, because he stands in the center of the offensive line. He orders him to snap the ball before the timer runs out, but he does so in ways that could trick the defense to jump before the ball is snapped,..." blah blah blah the lecture droned on and on "...The Quarterback can stand 'under center'..." After a long while of Coach Jensen's lecture, he asked for volunteers to demonstrate, but no one raised their hands for an uncomfortably long while. The coach, a bit frustrated, stared right at one good looking, thin, blonde boy with long hair and blue bedroom eyes. The boy instantly knew that he was supposed to volunteer, based on the coaches cutting stare, so he raised his hand and stood up. The coach exclaimed "good boy Shawn". The coach then glanced at another good looking, skinny, tall boy with dark hair and steel grey eyes who then instantly popped up saying "I'll volunteer coach"; as if he was anxious to do it. Clearly he didn't really want to volunteer since he had he remained silent prior to the stare of death from the coach. "Great Tommy good to have you". He had the two grey shirt boys stand up and come up front to demonstrate. He showed Shawn, the boy that was the center, how to hold the ball, how to get into the three point stance, He showed Tommy the Quarterback how to put his hands up into the center (Shawn's) crotch. The coach then demonstrated on Shawn, using his own hands, in Shawn's crotch repeatedly. Coach Jensen kept his hands in Shawn's crotch, as he was explaining, which went way too long by any measure. He rubbed his hands from left to right and back and forth, constantly rubbing Shawn's crotch. He was obviously trying to hide his extended touching as needed details in his explanation of technique. He went on and on about the quarterback's hands. "...They shouldn't be this far forward, or this far back, or this far to the right, or left...". The Coach meticulously explained details as he kept slipping his hands back and forth over Shawn's crotch. He showed that the back of the quarterback's wrist should be directly below the snapper's asshole. For clarity, in case we were not sure what that was, he touched Shawn's asshole, through his gym shorts, with the side of his finger pointing straight down, toward his other wrist. To be sure that we really understood the positioning of the hands the coach pressed his finger deep into the cleft of Shawn's ass cheeks until he was putting pressure right on Shawn's asshole. Then Coach Jensen repeatedly slid his finger up and down with pressure on on the boy's asshole; ostensibly to show how directly below Shawn's asshole his wrist was. He then showed how much pressure the Quarterback should apply to the Snapper's crotch with the back of the hand. Clearly the coach was trying to work Shawn up and get him horny. Meanwhile Coach Bates was lecturing the pass blockers and the receivers about where to look, how to know when the ball is going to be snapped, etc. When I turned back to Coach Jensen he finally told Shawn that he could stand up. When Shawn did he used both of his hands to to cover up his roaring hardon; brought on by all of the rubbing of his crotch and asshole from coach Jensen of course. Coach Jensen then made the comment that "the Center must really like his Quarterback to grow a boner like that", everyone chuckled nervously, and then he had both boys sit back down. Now I understood why everyone was reluctance to volunteer.

Coach Jensen then picked two other boys to show the shotgun position. He went over all the variations of the shotgun and then went over long snapping. Finally Coach Jensen had all the snappers get into the three point stance and then had the quarterbacks move in behind and put their hands into the crotch of the Center. Once I got down in the three point stance the jock and shorts were precariously able to stay in place because my legs were spread preventing them from sliding down but nothing prevented the flap of cloth from falling open, and so it did, as soon as I let go of my gym shorts. Coach Jensen went to each pair of boys and showed us the look and more importantly the feel of the proper hand placement. Finally, all the snappers like me, were tossed a football, except for me, where instead he fired me a bullet. I had to catch it with my left hand since my right hand was still holding up my shorts, jock, and flap of cloth. Clearly coach Jensen intended that I catch the ball with both hands, and loose my shorts and jock, because he threw it so hard right at my head. But he failed as I was able to bat it down and catch it by pinning it between my hand and my chest. Coach Jensen of course took the opportunity to berate me again. "Jeezus KLINE you are lucky you caught that, ALWAYS use two hands to catch a football, no matter what else happens use two god damned hands to pull the football in" he screamed into my face from about 1 inch way.

We practiced snapping the ball to the Quarterback, or Coach Jensen, over and over. All the while I had a triangular window in my ratty gym shorts that showed my entire ass cheek. Coach Jensen seemed to spend a lot of extra time working with me, with his hand in my crotch of course. He kept doing things that tugged on my shorts, pulling them down. He then got the group's attention and pronouncing to everyone that " uniforms must be loose in the crotch... don't wear a hard cup, period, or a jock that's too tight... ...make sure your equipment isn't bound up... ...the boys need to have room to move in there...'s important that the Center know where the Quarterback's hands are, if things are too tight; if they are tight - like this -" he grabbed the waistband of my jock and gave me a hinder binder from hell pulling the straps of the jock deep into my crack lifting my feet completely off of the floor with just one hand. My hands were still on the ground supporting my upper body in modified three point stance but my feet were airborne. He pointed out to everyone "if everything is bound up tight, the Center can't feel the touch of the Quarterback's hands". He demonstrated by smacking me in my balls with the back of his free hand a couple of times quite hard. I'll tell you - I sure knew where his hand was. They were quite hard hits. Everyone else knew the hits to my balls were hard judging by the expressions on their faces each time he hit my balls. The boys would squint and turn their heads slightly with each hit. I was feeling sick to my stomach after about 5 demonstration hits to my poor balls as he lowered me down and began pulling my shorts and jock the other direction - so that they were super baggy - sagging deeply. They were sagging so much that nothing was touching my cock and balls. I felt my waistband pulled halfway down my ass by now; I knew my ass crack was showing. I heard some whispers from the boys "...his coin slot is showing..." "...naw that looks like credit card slot..." " you think he has a chip reader in there...". Coach Jensen could hear the comments as well as I could but kept rubbing my cock and balls through the tattered gym shorts, showing the Quarterback that was paired with me, the correct hand position to receive the snapped ball; but he was doing it of course to get me hard. Sometimes he would hit my balls once again, kinda hard, saying "...firmly place your hands in his crotch so he knows you are ready... ...I mean firmly like this" and he pressed my cock and balls so hard with the back of his hand in the upward direction that I thought he might lift my feet off the floor again.

I was self conscious that my crack was showing so after each snap I used my free hand to pull them back up. Then the coach would then have me "get in the position" and he would tug them back down again so my ass crack was showing again and rub my cock and ask things like "Can you feel my hands" to which I had to answer "yes coach I feel your hands". After a while of this I decided to play along and reward him with an erection, as I knew that was what what he was fishing for anyway; I knew that he wouldn't stop until he got it. Tom's admonition "make yourself appreciated by the coaches" ran through my mind. So I let him get me hard, and after he had pulled my shorts at least half way down my ass cheek shoved his hands up into my crotch and was feeling my rock hard cock, I rubbed my crotch the tiniest, and the most imperceptible amount as I could back and forth, against coach Jensen's hand. When I did that, Coach Jensen jerked away, and pulled my shorts back up for me. Yea! I surprised Coach Jensen this time. In fact, from that point forward, he didn't touch me or any other boy on the ass for the rest of that day's class.

After a while Coach Coach Schneider blew his whistle and yelled "SHOWERS" and every boy instantly stopped what they were doing and bolted for the door as there was only ten minuets before the next class. The coaches all were yelling "drop your balls in the white mesh bag on the way out".

Next: Chapter 24

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