
By Todd todd

Published on May 8, 2016


Because of the very kind and not so nice e-mails I was inspired. I hope you guys pay Nifty a bit if you like what you read.

But was Coach Bates done with me? Nooooo, of course not, he HAD to take it further. "I think you owe me 10 pushups for the lock that I lent you" announced the coach. We stood there staring at each other. "Now" I asked plaintively both hands coving my cock and balls. "No, next fucking June you stupid shit, of course god-damned-now" the coach barked with a wry smile that he flashed to the other kids watching; belying the stern sounding voice and degrading epithets that came from his mouth. I faced away from the coaches and the kids staring at me, let go of my cock and balls when I knew they couldn't see them anymore, and got into a pushup position laying on my chest with my feet pointing to the coaches and the kids at the window in the office. The only thing they could see were the soles of my feet and my backside. I started to do 10 of the fastest pushups in history. "woooahhhhh" yelled the coach after I had ripped off five of the best pushups in history. "I want fucking spread legged push ups - so spread your legs... as far apart as you can. I thought - you fucker - you want me to spread my legs so that everyone'll be be able to see my asshole and cock and balls; why is it so important that you to humiliate me so much I wondered. I thought - well if I turn around so my head is towards them then I could keep some little bit of privacy. So I started to spin around on my stomach and hands and toes but before I could get even a quarter of the way around coach Bates stopped me and said, "No you're fine right where you are! Get back to where you were and back in the push up position..., now, like you were..., ok NOW!... spread your god... damed... legs; or I'll get some boys in here to pull them apart... FOR you. I was so fucked! And no other coach was coming to my aid. I gave up. I spread my legs giving the coaches and all the kids at the widow a direct view of my asshole. Of course the coach had to parade his triumph over me and push it "Farther... I said farther..." he kept prodding me then he said in exasperation "...ok then, if that's the way you want to play this? ... you Tommy... and... you Ben, in here now, this little boy doesn't seem to understand my english." the coach proclaimed as he was staring at the other kids standing at the door. Two huge kids stepped into the office. I figured it would be better for me to comply than to wait for the inevitably more painful and far more humiliating condition of having these two brutes grabbing an ankle and splitting me like wishbone so I spread my legs a lot further apart. I could have done the splits if I wanted but I didn't want anyone to know that I could, so I spread them as far as I thought most people could. "Coach... they are spread sir...I mean coach" I pleaded loudly showing complete submission. "Ok then...! that's much better!" Coach Bates said triumphantly. The two boys turned and started to walk back out of the room. "No you two stay right here" coach Bated commanded, "just in case the little girl here needs your help again" Coach Bates noticed that one of the other coaches was craning his head to see my naked body and said to one of the two boys "Ben do you think your dad was a glass blower? Ben looked at coach Bates quizzically and said "Excuse me Coach Bates?" Coach Bates responded "Coach Bigun can't seem to see through you." Ben looked at Coach Bigun and said "Sorry Coach Bigun" and stepped to the side. Coach Bates continued "Ok then, I want s l o w pushups. Both up and down are on my count. Ok then, lets see how you can fuck this up" I then realized that right now my cock and balls were hidden up under my body but when I pushed up that then EVERYTHING would hang down for EVERYONE to see. Holy FUCK! I tried to think of some way out. Should I cry? Should I protest? Would anyone come to my aid? Coach Bates voice cut through my complicative ruminations "UP!..." So I went up and my cock and balls hung down and there was a gasp and a hmmm and mmm that came from various coaches that even I could hear and I went back down right away out of embarrassment. I knew what was coming and on queue "no, no, no... stop... no, no, no, I didn't say DOWN! You did screw it up! on the first fucking count. Now go back up! and stay up till I say DOWN." Fine I thought, I guess there is nothing left, so I pushed to the up position. I stayed in the up position and could hear coaches mumbling. It must have been a full minute in the up position. Then Coach Bates finally commanded "DOWN"and I flopped to the floor. "no you stupid fuck. Ben show him." Ben got on to the floor right beside me spread his legs so that his right gym shoe was touching my left bare foot and the Coach commanded "UP" he pushed up then the coach commanded "DOWN" and he went down and he held the down position. Coach Bates added commentary to Ben's demonstration "when you go down only your hands, toes, nose, nipples and balls touch the floor, or it doesn't count, and hold there until I command you to go back up again! Now do it again. Sure enough with my head laying sideways flat on the floor I could see Ben's nose was just touching the floor as was his chest and his gym shorts about where his cock was. The coach snapped "UP" So I pushed up and my cock and balls flopped down with a few more sounds and mumbling. Coach Bates said Ben your released and he stood back up. After more than a minute Coach Bates barked "Down1" I went down my nose touched my chest touched and my cock touched. Coach Bigun spoke up "his balls are not touching... just his cock." I quickly lowered my hips until my balls touched the floor. Coach Bates barked "Fuck up again and Coach Bigun 'll kick your balls up into your throat. Starting over ... UP... " long pause, "DOWN1" I held in the down position making sure my balls were touching the floor. A minute passed. I figured most kids would struggle to hold this position long so I started shaking for effect and It worked "Up... Nope! - didn't count - your back arched - starting over - keep your back perfectly rigid . DOWN...1" long pause with me shaking after 30 seconds. "UP...", DOWN...2, UP... Nope your nose didn't touch starting over." Ben lay down on your chest on the floor and put your palm down on the floor so that his nose will touch your big knuckle in the down position..." Ben did as he was ordered but Coach Bates notice that Ben was blocking the view from the window. "No move over here just above his head." Put your hand down below his nose on the floor. Each time he goes down you should feel his nose touch your knuckle and lips should kiss your fingers. Since you couldn't do these the easy way I want you to stick your tongue out and push it betweens Ben's fingers and lick the floor between his fingers. If you don't feel his nose on the back of your hand and his lips on your fingers and then feel his tongue push itself between your fingers like he is licking out your ass then tell us that he isn't licking the floor. Tommy, I want you to put your hand under his chest. No from my side, come over here." Again the coach didn't want to obstruct the view. "You should feel just the lightest of pressure on your hand. If he lets his weight press down on your hand or doesn't lightly touch your hand smack his ass with your free hand as hard as you can swing it. No wait, someone get me a belt." There was some scurrying and a kid ran into the office with a belt in his hand. "That's all you could find for a Belt?" the coach laughed. "I'll find you a better one coach", the kid said. "No that's ok hand it to Tommy." The coach directed "I can swing it if you like coach" the boy offered. The coach responded "enough so that he would notice?" The coach laughed "no hand it to Tommy. Tommy use the buckle end. If it isn't perfect pressure on your hand let him know." I could see a grimace on Couch Schneider's face. I wasn't sure why. Coach Bigun you keep an eye on his balls if they don't touch kick them into next period. Everyone got it?" Everyone except coach Bigun replied "yes Coach Bates" Now I was even more exposed with two kids and a coach measuring the perfection of my pushups poised to beat me with the buckle of a belt or kick me in the balls if each push up wasn't perfect. I was still in the up position and my back was screaming in pain at having to hold this position but I didn't dare move to find even a brief respite. There I was naked with everyone able see me and I was starting to get another stiffy. Coach Bates was directing this like he was directing a play, controlling all the actors, for the pleasure of the audience. "Ok lets start again. Down... 1", I was barely down when Tommy belted my ass with the buckle of that belt so hard that I screamed like a stepchild during a beating. Tommy clearly swung with all his might. Coach Schneider grimaced again. Then Ben chimed in his tongue never touched the floor Coach. Obviously it didn't! I was screaming my lungs out instead. Tommy offered, "another Coach?" Give him a second and if his tongue isn't on the floor by then , then yes." I shoved my tongue down between his fingers but he squeezed his fingers together tightly. I pushed and it hurt my tongue at the back of my mouth but I pushed harder and crammed it between his fingers till it was touching the cold concrete. Ben announced that "his tongue is through Coach." Coach Bates Barked "up..." 30 seconds, "down..." there was a pause as coach Bates looked at Ben who quietly said "his tongue is thru" then at Tommy who said "his chest is touching" with a shrug of his shoulders as if he had disappointed the coach and then Coach Bigun who said "his balls are down" then Coach Bates barked "1, up..." I was shaking for real now. Down..." I had to force by tongue between his fingers each time. It was very hard to do as Ben was clenching his fingers together tying to prevent me from getting through them. As I was working at getting my exhausted tongue thru the fucking iron finger of Ben I must have pressed too hard or not hard enough because out of the blue came a lightning crack of the buckle on my ass. I screamed bloody murder again. Then Ben said "he quit trying to get his tongue through my fingers", coach Bates nodded and whack a second hit. I got my chest down and my tongue through that instant. this went on for a while but eventually we got to "down...8 up... , down... 9, up... , down..." everyone said he's doing it" and so Coach Bates begrudgingly said "10 - Not perfect but it'll do.". I must have done over 100 pushups and gotten 40 beltings with that damed belt buckle. I was covered in sweat. I was actually exhausted! "Stand Up" the coach ordered and I did and covered my cack and balls again to which he said "really? still shy?" Coach Scheider pulled Coach Bates' head to his own and whispered in his ear so quietly that I shouldn't have been able to hear "never let kids get hit where people can see it or you'll be out of a job" All the other coaches were admiring the marks

Let's go get your gym clothes now shall we" the coach announced. Because I had covered myself up and to add to the humiliation he barked "hands behind your head". I pleaded "Coach, please not now.. PLEASE! There is a reason I whispered". The coach barked "I don't care what the reasons are" He grabbed my left arm and lifted it and me off the ground trying to move it behind my head. I was facing the long window with 100s of boys faces staring at my nudity while coach Bates and I wrestled for my arm. Ben and Tommy instantly came to Coach bates aid and asked if he wanted some help. Coach Bates accepted Ben's generous offer "Ben, yea you, lift his other arm and Tommy give him a knuckles in the ribs until he relaxes his arms. Ben grabbed my other arm and was lifting it. They had lifted me a foot off the floor with my arms. Tommy stepped in front of me sticking his middle knuckle out of both fists and gave me a hard hit right in the ribs on the right side then the left. Coach Schneider then spoke up "come on no punching" Coach Bates then corrected Tommy "No, no, Tommy just push the knuckle in between his ribs until your fist is up against his rib cage. Luckily when Tommy did that my cock started to go soft again but not before all the strength was drained out of my arms and my arms lost all resistance to the Coach and Ben. Out flopped a semi hard-on and my balls. Coach Bates pushed Tommy out of the way so the whole class could see my quickly dropping erection and announced "another boner, I think he likes your belting Tommy" my body went limp. The coach commanded "Lace your fingers behind your head" I did what he said. Coach Bates proclaimed "I have him from here, you can let go Ben, try not to hit him as you let go" Ben replied "ok Coach. Been never got the sarcasm and let go of me not hitting me. The coach then pushed me down towards the floor with a vice like grip on my neck so I was on my toes and the balls of my feet all crouched down.

The coach walked behind me, shoving me through the crowd of boys all dressed for PE class or dressed in street clothes late for their other classes, with his vice like grip on my neck as he duck walked me naked, with my hands laced behind my head, and a semi-hardon flopping between my thighs and a red welted ass down the row of lockers. Away from the coaches offices I waddled, everyone staring, beside a bench, all the while the coach screaming at me. "If I say put your god dammed hands behind your head don't you ever fucking fight back!" I was so low I could barely get my foot from behind me to back out in front of me. The coach kept admonishing me loudly in front of all the kids who followed me on my more 50 mile duck march across the lockeroom to the showers. The coach continued to yell through the entire death march and expect a response to each screamed message and insult. "You will never ever resist me you douche bag! Got that? Did you hear me?" I responded "Yes coach." to which he demanded "Yes coach what?" I responded "I will never resist you" He piped back "You will never resist me what?" I slavishly responded "I will never resist you Coach Bates" "louder" he yelled "I WILL NEVER RESIST YOU COACH BATES!" I screamed. "What are you?" the coach screamed" I decided to fuck with him a bit and yelled back "I'm your student COACH BATES!" He squeezed real hard on my neck and used his free hand to grab my hair and pull my head backwards and spit right in my face with my mouth wide open since he had pulled by head back with my hair. All the kids shuddered and made "ewww" sounds "You are a douche bag! You're a little cry baby! What are you? "I'm a douche bag cry baby COACH BATES." This went on with slight variations until we went past the last locker and entered into a large room with everyone following.

This large room was situated between two huge shower rooms. Right in front of us was a set of double doors which were split in the middle so that you could leave the lower half closed and only open the top half. There was a shelf sticking way out from the lower set of doors. I looked back and there was still more than 50 kids standing there watching. I could also look down the row of lockers and see through the coaches big glass window and see all of the coaches had gathered together so that they could see down the single row of lockers right at me squatting in front of the doors. The coach released me and reached into his pocket took out the keys and unlocked the doors. The coach said "Tommy grab the lost and found box please." Tommy went into the room which was full of towels and brought back a cardboard box that was 3' x 3' x 3' filled with gym clothes that reeked of sweat. He handed it to the coach. The coach said ostensibly to me but in actuality he was looking at all the kids in the audience "You can find what you need in here and dumped the cardboard box full of crusty gym clothes over my head to cheers and laughter. I reached for a pair of shorts. The coach said "there is a sock put that on first" I sat down to put the sock on. The coach stopped me and chided me "Don't sit in the clothes you dufass". The coach said, "put the sock on like that" Finally, I capitulated and I used two hands quickly to pull the crusty sock onto my foot standing up. Of course that left my cock and balls in the breeze for a few seconds. It was stiff and crusty as wiggled my toes to get into it.I could swear it had yellow cum spots all over it. "There is another one." said another kid. They didn't match at all but I grabbed it and put it on the same way. It was just as old and crusty as the first. Right there was a nearly brand new pair of sneaker liners and asked "what about these instead coach?" "No let's not waste any more time, you've got socks for fuck's sake, we're way late for class as it is because of you." The coach said "There's a jock grab that." I did as I was told but it was many times too large. Put it on" It was yellow and crusty - so nasty. I pulled it on. The only thing that held it on my was my cock and balls. The elastic was too large to start and was so stretched out it didn't have much stretch to it anymore. "Here's a shirt" a kid said pointing to a particularly nasty looking ripped up t shirt with large ripped holes in it "Go ahead" said the coach. It was torn and had yellow arm pits. The whole lower half was torn away. I pulled it over my head and it went down almost to my belly button. "How about these shorts" another kid asked sliding a pair towards me with his foot unwilling to touch them with his hands" I explained that "they're too big". "nonsense you will grow into them" the coach said. Another helpful kid said "Here is a shoe." Another kid announced "here is another one." Of course they were much to large, were disgusting, torn and didn't match but I put them on as well even though there was a much smaller matched pair nearly right beside the coach.

The coach announced loudly "Ok are we all finally dressed and ready for class? Everyone up to your numbers. If any one needs tardy slips for your next class ask coach Johnson." Clearly not all of the kids that were watching were from my gym class, since over half were dressed in street clothes, and were far bigger than the kids dressed in gym clothes. The coach not only let them watch me get humiliated but gave them tardy slips so that they could arrive late to their next class.

Next: Chapter 21

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