
By Todd todd

Published on Apr 23, 2016


wow, thanks guys for all the nice e-mails. I had given up. Now Im getting a lot of great comments and have incorporated one of you into the story since you gave nifty $50 on my behalf.

I looked up at the man and said "I'm Aaron Kline. I'm supposed to see Coach Bates. I'm in his next class." The man in front of me said "Coach Bates ...your new boy is here" He announced in a sing-songy way as if ...I have a surprise for youuuu. He looked back at me and said "Wait here he'll be with you in a second." I stood there shaking - like a child afraid of the police. A short older balding man stood up and strode over to me. He was maybe 5-8 mid fifties but very muscular. "You'rrrrre Aaron Kline?" he asked incredulously. "Yes Sir" I responded. "How old are you boy?" he asked "I'm tu-tu-twelve Sir" I stammered. "you're a little young for high school aren't you? What are you doing in high school at 12 kid?" I delivered my well practiced line "Well I started Kinder-Garden early and then skipped a couple of grades. So here I am... and I have your PE class next." I bravely announced. "You don't say!" responded the coach" You don't even look like you're 12." My birthday was yesterday sir and I know I look young for my age sir" I responded in my well practiced line. The coach's eye brows went up and he then gave a bit of a shoulder shrug and then said "ok then, well...come on into the office boy." "Hey guys" Coach Bates announced to all the other coaches, "get a good look at this baby that's supposed to be in my next class. It was his 12th birthday yesterday" The coach has said "12th" with a unique incredulous emphasis. All of the coaches turned and looked at me. The coaches desks were lined up facing a huge long window which peered out into the locker room. The lockers and benches were perpendicular to the window so that each coach could each see down one row of lockers at the naked boys on display. One of the coaches asked "you're really in High School kid? I responded "yes sir" He just shook his head as did the other coaches. Coach Bates asked "Where are your gym clothes and lock?" "I don't have any sir. No one told me to get any" I defended myself with a sinking feeling. All of the other coaches went "uh ohhhh" in unison. Then coach Bates asked "No one told you to go to 'Sporties' and buy your gym clothes before you started PE class?" I replied "No sir we just got into town Friday Sir." The coach chided me "don't call me SIR! I am Coach or Coach Bates to you, ...understand?" I chattered out "yes" He asked "no lock either?" I responded "No Sir... coach" "Ok..." he responded and went over to his desk tore off a piece of paper from a pad and got a lock and came back over to me. The other coaches stopped looking and went back to their business. The voice of tom came booming into my head. I had forgotten about the earpieces that they had put in my ear. Not only could they talk to me but could hear what was going on. "Your doing fine Aaron. Sorry about the PE supplies, we didn't know. Your back on autonomous. Just wanted to let you know your doing fine"

The coach handed me a preprinted slip of paper and said "Here is a list of stores where you can buy gym clothes, I recommend Sporties, but its up to you. Everything you need is on the list. Make sure you buy the combination lock with a keyhole on the back with the code 0326. For now I'll lend you this lock but it will cost you 10 push ups. Let's take you to your locker." We walked out of the office door turned left and walked between the lockers and the window into the coaches office who were once again all staring at me. We turned to go down the row of lockers. Mine was the first locker - right in front of the window that was naturally lined up with coach Bates' desk. The coach instructed me: "this big locker is for your street clothes. You are to strip naked and put all of your clothes in here while you are in gym class. This small locker is your locker for you to store your gym clothes between classes. Use the same lock on each locker. When in class the lock is on the big locker and between classes its on the small locker. Understand birthday boy?" The coach said the words -birthday boy- loud enough for everyone to hear; although it wasn't required since everyone was already staring at me. I replied "sure" The coach instantly barked back "you mean 'sure Coach Bates'!" I responded "sure COACH BATES" the coach roared "are you getting smart with me kid?" I responded "No coach Bates" He yelled back "I don't need your shit kid. You've already fucked up not having your PE supplies. I don't want -or need- is your attitude! Got it?" I meekly said "yes coach bates" The coach used his key to unlock the lock and handed it to me. "What's the combination Coach Bates" "I have no idea boy, this isn't your lock, its mine and I'm being very kind to lend it to you for today so I will unlock it after class as well - got it?" "Yes coach Bates" by this point all kinds of kids were looking around the lockers at us and the coach didn't say a word to tell them to mind their own business. I heard Tom's voice again booming into my head "what an asshole, your doing fine, but I was hoping you would become their trusted friend not their enemy. Try to bring him around kid"

I snapped back and looked around and all I could see was kids heads all up and down the lockers all looking at me. Some of the heads included the two boys I noticed when I came in. I protested, since it was clear I wasn't going to get any privacy, "coach Bates I can't reach the small locker at all, and can barely reach the big locker and I cant reach the hooks at the top of it; they are way out of my reach. Can I get the large locker under this one and one of the lower small lockers?" I asked in a kind of begging tone. There was snickering from every direction which seemed to insight coach Bates. "bullshit kid you can reach the hooks in the locker, just try a little fucking bit - stand on the bench." I did and I could reach the lockers but only on my tippy toes and not all the way to the back of either locker. "see you little shit - you can reach them." I risked everything and asked "Cant I please have one of these lower lockers? It'd be way easier for me?" I blew it! I should've known that I wasn't supposed to argue with the coach. He had clearly picked a locker that was supposed to be difficult for me to use. He WANTED to embarrass me, probably because I had mouthed off to him for his silly insistence that every sentence uttered by must have the words 'Coach Bates" in it. My blunder and I know I was going to pay dearly for it. There was lots of snickering, hands held over the mouth and kids whispering to each other at my request to be assigned a different locker. Bates barked like a stereotypical drill sergeant at the top of his lungs "I don't give two god damns about how easy things are for you you nerdy like fuckwad! Those are your lockers! Have you got it?" I meekly responded "yes Coach Bates" Bates said "Boy, do you see all these kids that you're supposedly so much smarter than?" "yes sir" I responded. Bates roared "Yes COACH Bates" I realized my mistake before I had finished saying sir but it was too late. The coach repeated the words "Yes, know you're smarter than all of these kids eh?" I did my best to undo my faux pas. I apologized profusely explained that that wasn't what I meant. The coach asked the other boys, who were all staring intently "he doesn't seem like he's that much smarter than all of you? ...Does he boys? ...He cant even figure out to say Coach." There was a lot more pointing and laughter. Schadenfreude is what its called - enjoyment from the suffering of someone else and I was indeed suffering at this nonstop public tongue lashing. Tom's voice once again, adding to my frustration, piped into my brain "that's NOT what I meant! You've got him very much set against you now. Fix it!"

Tom was mad and the coach had just made me a ripe target for all the humiliation anyone wanted to dump on me for ever more. But he wasn't done, not by a long shot. Coach Bates admonished me "Well boy you're going to be late for MY class, and I know the coach, he hates late little smart ass boys who show up late for their very first class" I dumbfoundedly asked "ok coach Bates sir ...what am I supposed to do" The coach roared "you're sure fucking stupid for a kid that skipped so many grades. STRIP NAKED you STUPID TWAT and put your clothes in the large locker. Isn't that what I just told you you little fucktard?" I stammered out "But coach, I ca... cant go to gym class naked I haven't bought my gym clothes yet " Everyone laughed uproariously and one kid yelled "Yea, make him take class naked." "Yea, yelled almost all of the boys in sequence and then in unison "naked... naked... naked..." "If you hurry I might lend you some PE clothes" the coach laughed. In unison there was a group "awwww" as a show of disappointment. In the strangest twist of events my tormentor became my protector. I figured this was me doing as Tom asked and that I should do as my protector demanded so that I can keep his protection from these jackals and make Tom happy. Locker rooms weren't as hot as I first thought they were I thought. So I stood on the bench and took off my shirt and reached into the locker and hung it on the little hook on the left side of the locker. I sat down on the bench and took off my shoes and socks and put them on the bottom of the locker. I looked up at the coach and he prodded me "Come on we don't have all class for you to strip down now do we... finish!" I responded "but coach Bates don't they have something to do" motioning to the other boys that were staring at me. The coach quietly responded "Yes they are supposed to be in PE class. THEY are done getting dressed for class. THEY are waiting on you - so get fucking moving! Strip!" I pulled down my jeans still seated on the bench and stuck them in the bottom of the locker. The coach said "thats not how you hang your pants, hang them on a hook, like they are supposed to hang in the locker, come on!" I stood on the bench in my underwear leaning agains the lockers with my free hand and hooked a belt loop over the hook on the right side of the locker. I sat back down on the bench and said "can I have my gym clothes now coach Bates?" The coach calmly said "You can have them when you're finished stripping off your street clothes". I retorted "but I AM done. I just need my gym clothes now please Coach Bates" The coach said "No your not! You cant wear those fancy street underwear in my PE class, you have to wear a jock! So peel them off - now. Everyone is waiting" I was shaking and had tears flowing down my face. Why was I crying? I'm actually a 58 year old man why am I so humiliated? One of the kids yelled out "look he's crying" and pointed at my face. The place broke out into laughter. The coach demanded one final time "take off your god-damned underwear boy - now!" I slid them down my legs and held my cock and balls with my free hand keeping them hidden. I threw them into the locker and added my other hand to cover my cock and balls. The coach said "Now, now, now, thats no way to treat a fine pair of fancy little boys underwear like that. They don't belong on the floor of your locker getting dirt from your shoes on them. They belong on the other hook in the locker so that they can air out all of your little boy stink. Now pick them up and put them on the hook like you should have in the first place. I picked them up off of the floor of the locker stood on the bench still covering my cock and balls with my other hand. I couldn't reach the hooks unless I leaned into the lockers and supported my body weight with my free hand. I very quickly released my cock and balls for a split second and leaned into the lockers and supported myself with my free hand long enough to hook my undies on the hook on the left with my shirt. and in one movement jumped off the bench covering my cock and balls up again in less than 1/2 a second. The coach roared again "That's disgusting your underwear is hanging on your shirt. Now your shirt is going to smell of all of your piss and shit that's on your underwear. They belong on their own fucking hook! Fix it. "I said "its ok coach Bates; they're clean" The coach seemed to get angry once again " I gave you an order and you dare to back talk to me you little shit! I said move them to the open hook in the locker and I mean for you to do as I asked! now MOVE THEM!" Clearly the coach wanted me standing on the bench naked and unable to hide my cock and balls from all the kids watching. Because the last unused hook was at the back of the locker and I couldn't reach that even with both hands I wasn't sure what to do. But the badgering kept going so I retrieved the underwear and stood up on the bench for all to see naked as the day I was born. I feigned that I couldn't reach the back hook with my underwear and he said "you'll just have to use both hands I guess". I grabbed my underwear in a way that formed a large loop of the elastic waistband which extended out from my hand giving me three or four more inches of reach. I took my hand away from my crotch and my cock fell free and my balls dropped as I reached in deep into the locker lassoing my fucking underwear on the peg at the back of the large locker. All eyes were on my cock and balls. I had forgotten that they were larger than the average kids's cock and balls. In fact, they were probably bigger than any I had seen on the boys in the locker room. To make things worse I started to get hard with everyone staring at my cock and balls. I jumped down and covered up my junk with both of my hands hopefully before anyone could see but to no avail. I heard a kid announce "I think he has a stiffy" The coach said " I think he does indeed. I wonder which one of you he likes, maybe all of you" Ok Aaron which of these boys do you want to suck the dick of and have their jizz run down you little throat?. I just looked at the coach with tears flowing down my face. The coach broke the tension by quietly saying "Ok, little cry baby lets get your measurements. Let's go to the office."

I was petrified. Measurements what kind of fucking measurements I wondered? "Come on" The coach grabbed me around the back of the neck with a very hard grip. He shoved me through the crowd with my head bent down so far that I had to walk with my knees bent. My head was bet forward half out of shame and half due to the vice like grip he had on my neck. Someone cracked my bare ass with a towel. The coach said "nice hit". We went into the coaches office with me buck-balls-naked, one of the coaches big meathooks crushing my neck starving my brain for blood and my two hands pinned to my crotch trying to hide my cock and balls. The coach said "Stand on the scale, hands to your sides. All of the coaches were late for their class as they were watching from their desks and as a result all of the students were staring through the window into the coach's office at the spectacle of me being duckwalked into the coaches offices. The kids were staring with their faces pressed up against the big glass window. I was facing away from them standing on the scale. The Coach exclaimed "I told you hands by you sides! Stand straight up!" I took my hands away from my cock and balls and they dropped out. My cock still had a bit of a chub. Only coach Bates could see my slightly engorged cock. He slid the weights all the way to the left. "He barley registers 68 pounds". He brought the white bar down until it was putting pressure on the top of my head. "No that can't be. Turn around and stand up straight." He grabbed my shoulder and turned me around for all to see so I once again covered my cock. The coach grabbed my arms and pulled them to my sides. "Now stand fucking still" Now everyone could see my cock which was not quite pointing straight out. There was all kinds of clapping and whooting from the locker room. They got what they wanted to see - me naked with a half boner. The coach announced "yep a total of 53 inches tall, that's it. Ok you can step down. You ARE officially are short, probably the shortest kid that has ever attended High school! And that seems to make you awfully horny kid. That's embarrassing! Stop thinking whatever it is your thinking for fuck sake" A roar of, laugher including the coaches, ensued.

Next: Chapter 20

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