
By Todd todd

Published on Nov 16, 2014


no one sent them a thing for my story?

no one even writes to say they like my story any more - why not?

Chapter 16, maybe the last chapter, unless you sent Nifty a couple of bucks or and me a note saying I am not wasting my time

The Doc tried to start the introductions, but before I even got around the conference table to sit down, as soon as the man sitting at the table got a look at me he said "This isn't the boy is it?" the Doc responded "yes this is Adam" the doc responded. "No way! He's way way to young! He could never pull it off" the man said scornfully. The Doc said "that's my responsibility - not yours". The man retorted "I'm not sending a child in to get killed... or worse." The Doc said "trust me Tom, he can do the job. Let's eat and get him read in. The man announced, with a flourish of his head at the same as he stood up, "nope this is not happening." The doc quietly and calmly responded "here's a STU, make a call, but just so that you realize everything has been decided - it wont go the way that you want." The man pulled the phone close to himself, placed his hand above the buttons so that we couldn't see what number he dialed and started to speak. "Hi Joe... Yea, I have, in fact, I'm here right now staring right at him..." Tom was staring with slightly squinted eyes right into my eyes and a scowl on his face like he had just bit down on a lime as he continued his protest "No not really, in fact I am very unhappy with him... no it's his age... Have you seen him?... Well let me tell you... I have a son that just turned 10 that looks older than this kid... I know, I know, you told me but I don't care what your mad scientists did to him... he is way, way to fucking young to do this with... Yea, he looks to be about the age of the senator's son, maybe younger, yes... No, he hasn't spoken and I don't care what he says, no... It's moot!... I am not delivering a baby into the hands of slavers... Yes Sir, I do... No Sir I don't... We've known each other for more than 20 years, that's twice the age of this kid... I object to this more than anything else you've ever asked me to do. Yes, if ordered to yes... then I want my objection on the record... and this is on you Joe, his blood will be on YOUR hands, understood, on YOUR hands. If you want to replace me, I would be happy to step aside... I don't want to be associated with any program where we send a child in to their death... Ok, if that's how it is then that's how it is, but its down right despicable that you would knowingly grind this kid into literal hamburger just to tell some fucking senator that you sent your best asset in and that he died trying to find your brat of a kid... Yes I know I am out of line... yes I know what an order is... Yes Sir, his death is going to be a disgusting waste... I don't care if these sicko scientists of yours shoved a ham radio - and a homing device - up his ass... Yes the doc and the baby are here... right across the table... Yes... Consider this my last assignment then. "The man slammed the phone down so hard the receiver earpiece broke off and was dangling off the side of the phone by only wires. The the phone started to buzz, because it wasn't hung up. The man got up and walked over to where it clipped into the wall and grabbed the wire and ripped it out of the phone jack.

The man came back over to his seat and leaned over the table towards me and said "kid, I don't know what these weirdo sick fucks have have told you but this is not some game. This isn't TV. James Bond doesn't always make it out alive. These are very bad people, that they want me to to give you to, who kill people especially kids. These people want little boys like you so that they can use you as a sex object. They will torture you just to watch you suffer. They will stick their dicks up your ass as they choke the life out of you. They will video tape your torture and death so they can jack off to it... Have you ever even jacked off yet? Fuck this is wrong, so very wrong" the man finished. I started to speak but the Doc cut me off. "He knows" The man said sarcastically "sure he knows... he is 10 how could he know" Tom looked at me right in my eyes and said "you know you will die a terrible death after years of torment" The Doc answered "He knows Tom h.." the man roared "shut the fuck up, I want to hear it from the fucking genius kid! I want to hear from his lips that he WANTS to die a slow, many years long death, just so that you can get a pat on the back from your boss you fucking sick bastard, you just fucking shut the fuck up!" There was banging on the door from outside. The doc started to get up to go to the door and the man screamed "sit the fuck down" The doc continued towards the door and the man intercepted him. The doc said "sea.., adam, Adam, will you please help Tom to sit down." I was so conflicted, I didn't know what to do. There was more banging on the door. I got up and walked in between them. Tom laughed. "Your a fucking sick pussy, you ask a 10 year old kid to defend you." The Doc responded "they - will -break the door down if we don't answer it." Tom and the Doc just stared at each other while there was more banging on the door and the Doc broke the silence "You're right, no question you could probably kick my ass, but you can't kick this kid's ass, not even if you tried"

The doc turned around and continued towards the door around the conference table the other way so that Tom would be behind him but Tom also turned around and ran towards intercepting the doc coming from around the conference table the other way. I just instinctively stuck my foot out between Tom's foot that was coming off the floor and then hooking it behind the foot still on the floor as Tom tried to sprint for the door around the conference table . Tom's tangled feet sent him down, crashing to the floor like a sack of potatoes, right at the head of the conference table. I then grabbed one of the chairs sitting around the perimeter of the room. It had an "H" shape of rungs that held the legs apart. I sat the chair down over Tom's throat so that his he was trapped under the rung. He started to roll over to see what was going on and I pushed the chair under the table. The arms of the chair were held down by the table top so that he couldn't lift he chair. While he was figuring out what was going on I unbuckled his belt and yanked it out of his belt loops so fast he never saw it come off. I then jumped up on the table top so there was more weight on the table making it harder for him to tip the table over. I threaded his belt back through it's buckle forming a loop in the belt. He was struggling to pull the chair out from under the table so that he could get out from under the rungs of the chair legs. Once his hands reached up far enough I put the belt loop over his hands and yanked the free end tight so that the belt cinched tightly around both wrists. I then quickly wrapped the free end of the belt around the bar going across the back of the chair three times and pulling the belt tight. Tom was now pinned to the floor by a rung on the chair and his hands were stretched up the back of the chair held by his own belt. The chair was pinned to the ground by the table with me on top of the table holding his belt tight. Tom tried to kick me on top of the table but just banged his shins on the table. The doc smiled at me and opened the door. The guy at the door was a maintenance man but the door wasn't aligned with the conference room and since the maintenance man didn't say "hey what the fuck is going on in here" I assumed that that he couldn't see into the room. I could hear the doc say things like the phone was shorted out and the SIPRNet was also shorted out in this conference room. I thought for sure Tom would have yelled for help from the maintenance man - but there was not even a grunt from Tom. The Doc lied through his teeth; explaining that someone had tripped over the phone cord and it must have effected the ethernet jack as well. The Doc told the maintenance man that this was an important meeting and that he should come back later to fix it, that we wouldn't need it. The doc closed the door and flipped a switch and I heard that static sound you get when a TV is set to the wrong channel.

I said to Tom, who's hands were still stretched up the back and side of the chair and neck pinned under the rungs of the chair, "Tom, Sir, I am sorry I did that to you, I really am, but I couldn't let you hurt the doc. Not that you're wrong. I will say, in front of the doc, that you Tom sir are right. This is a weird place, a medieval torture chamber, a place where hitler would have been happy, where shit happens that is clearly against the law and you doc are literally a mad scientist. I would love to be set free. I don't like what has happened to me - for a fact. I know I will hate what will happen to me, but sir, Tom, I don't think I'll ever get what I want do you? I also think, you know, you wont be getting what you want either." Tom asked me "What makes you think that?" I responded "because you didn't ask for help from the maintenance man. Tom, I know that I'll be beaten, raped, and tortured; I know. I get that - I'm not stupid. I just don't think there is a way to prevent that from happening. Do you Tom? DO you?" Tom spoke softly "Its not that, you little know-it-all-shit. You wont get away from them alive. After they hurt you, rape you, and the rest - you will eventually tell them anything and everything, they will find out you are a NOC, and they will put you to a slow death as they torture you to make you tell them everything you know about me and this place - everything.

I responded "Tom, do you think I can walk out? Can you? Maybe you can but YOoooU KNOoooW I cant. They already told me that - I do this - or get found dead in some freak accident. Do you really think we, or at least I, can get out of this?" There was a lot of silence, and taking the lack of response as 'no', I asked "If I let you loose will you be calm now?" The Doc said "I think you can let him loose Adam". I responded "not till I know he is going to be calm going forward" Tom then said "I will, you have my word" "ok then" I responded. I unwrapped the belt from around the bar that went across the back of the chair which released his hands which slumped to his chest. Tom finished removing the belt off of his wrists. I said "I'm going to jump down and I'll help pull the chair out from under the table - hang on". I could see that Tom still couldn't get free with his head trapped under the rung of the chair which was held down by the table. I got behind the chair and said "now try to slide your head along the floor as I pull the chair out, no don't try to turn your head it only jams things up" Finally between the doc and me we got Tom's head out from under the rung between the legs of the side of the chair. Tom rubbed his neck a lot for a while.

I said "I'm really sorry about that Tom. I know you were just worried about me so I'm sorry I hurt you so much; but its just that you're such a big guy. Tom responded "Yea, big deal, that shit still wont make difference when you are chained up as a sex slave. They're still going to kill you kid, just so you understand." "I hope not" I responded. The Doc interrupted our love fest by saying "we have a schedule - if everyone is willing to do the read in then I suggest we get to it. Tom was still straightening his clothes and putting his belt back in his pants and gave the stink eye to the Doc and I said "sure lets do it". We went back to the table and we all took a seat around it.

Just about the time there was another knock on the door. The Doc opened it and it was some guards and a man in a suit. The Doc said everything was ok but they insisted on coming in and looking around. The Doc opened the door and let them in. One of the guards immediately asked "what's this kid doing in here?" The man in the suit said "its ok he belongs in here, he has a badge - see" The guard aimed a plastic device with a trigger at my badge and my picture showed up and a little picture appeared on the device of me and 4 little green lights wen on in succession. The guard responded in a you've-got-to-be-shitting-me response "a kid is allowed here?" "Yes", responded the man in the suit "it's way over your clearance." The guard responded "I have full site clearance sir" The man responded to the guard with a glare and the guard said "ok" The man in the suit asked the Doc, "was there a fight in here?" as he picked up the broken handset to the phone which sort of dangled. The Doc responded "no we just had a spirited discussion, and in the process snagged the phone and it got broken... everything is ok" The man then looked at Tom whose hair was all disheveled and his clothes twisted and rumpled and said "Are you ok..." And Tom responded, filling in the blank as to what his name was, "Tom..., and yes everything is - well I guess what I guess it is. "You know I don't feel right about this - in fact you know I think it's wrong?" The guards looked at each other with somewhat quizzical looks thinking that Tom was referring to me, the kid, in a classified building I guessed. The man in the suite said "so I gather Tom, please don't carry this further, just do your job and let these guys do their job." I spoke up to the man in the suit "have we met, I'm Adam" The man in the suit said "Hi Adam, its nice to meet you, but I'm off, pay good attention to what these men have to say it will be very important to you" and the man turned and ushered the guards out the door. The Doc said, "and with that final interruption shall we get started?" I stopped the back to business effort with "who was that?" The Doc said "I'm sorry Adam but I can't share that with you. Can we please get started we are running way way behind" Tom and the Doc took their seat so I realized I wasn't going to get an answer and so I sat down ready to absorb Tom's description of my first tasks. Tom began.

"I guess we have two tasks to read you into kid. Do you know what being 'read-in' means?" I responded to his condescension with "yes sir I do, this is where all of the secret shit comes out" Tom rolled his eyes and said "yea ok then. The most pressing of the two is that a US senators son disappeared about 2 months ago. We think we know, sort of, who has him. But the challenge is finding his actual location so that we can rescue him. The kidnappers have established a labyrinth of holding locations so finding him won't be easy. We hope he is still be here in the states but he may be in transit in training" Tom said. I interrupted "I'm lost. You say you know who has him, so what stops you from going and getting him with Tom Cruise's Mission Impossible team? What is it that you want ME to do?" I asked. Tom responded with an exasperated tone; I assumed because on my mission impossible reference "We don't exactly know who has him so much as we are pretty sure he was abducted by an organized human slave trafficking group. We're pretty sure it wasn't just some kid running away or some random abduction for ransom" Tom responded "How do you know that" I asked. "You sure ask a lot of questions, if you'd hold on I'd eventually get to it all. I'm the one reading YOU in you know." Clearly Tom was still pissed about the smackdown I gave him I figured. "But to answer your question sometime before this kid disappeared a 'Want Notice' came out looking for two trained white male children 11-13 preferably English, Canadian or American, preferably twins." Tom was summarizing as I interrupted once again. I was just trying to understand and show my interest. "What's a 'Want Notice'" The Doc took over and picked up answering my question sensing Tom's building anger at my interruptions. "There are a lot of human traffickers around the world. Usually they they get a hold of someone and offer them to the highest bidder." The doc was explaining, as I interrupted again, and said "...get a hold of..." the doc quickly answered "some kids are sold into slavery to the traffickers, some are kidnapped, some are run aways. "By their PARENTS?" I asked and Doc nodded his head and said "yes sometimes". "Clearly the Doc has more patience (sorry for the pun) than Tom because he answered my interruption without getting mad and smoothly incorporated the answer into his ongoing explanation. The Doc is cooler than Tom - way cooler I thought now. The Doc continued as if I never interrupted. "A want notice is the opposite. Someone puts out a 'Want Notice' saying they need or want someone or something specific. There's a lot more money to be made in procuring a specific desired wanted person as opposed to just having one and and advertising him or her for sale. Sometimes it's a specific person like the daughter of a newspaper publisher in order to bring fame to your cause. I decided to bravely ask another question of the Doc partially to see if he would stay cool and partially because I sensed a word was dropped in to the explanation which was intended to be glossed over. "What did he mean when he said 'trained'?" The Doc responded "Ah well you have touched on Tom's concern for you!" Once someone is kidnapped they are inclined to run away and they are not necessarily bought into the agenda of the person procuring them. Most people, who procure other people, don't want to have to break in their new acquisitions - so to speak - and want that done to their satisfaction before they take possession. That's what training is about. Other times the person that puts out the 'want notice' is looking for general characteristics which we think is the case here." I disagreed. "But Doc that doesn't make sense. They stole a senator's kid. This sounds like it's a politically motivated kidnapping to me." Tom interrupted the Doc before he could respond to me, clearly annoyed that the Doc was doing the read-in, and took over again this time with teeth clinched and emphasis in his tone. "The person that put out the 'Want Notice' was looking for two boys 11-13 that speak english, are very white skinned, preferably gay, preferably twins, preferably red headed, preferably blue or green eyes, alienated from their family and wanted them trained to a strict standard. The Senator's son matched that description and is a redhead" For the fun of it I interrupted again and got a stink eye from the Doc "But he isn't a twin is he? And he is very high profile; being a Senator's son". Tom retorted "He's 13 and he was having major fights with his parents because he told his friends, which got back to his parents, that he was gay. You can imagine how that went down with a right wing sitting Senator. The Senator subsequently and quietly spirited him off to a boarding school, where the 'gay was going to be taken out of him'. While the kid was at this - well guarded school - poof he disappeared." I said in an amazed tone "That's it? That's all you based this on? He isn't a twin, he doesn't fit the 'Want-Notice' You have no proof he was abducted by the human traffickers at all do you?" Tom was clearly not ready for my rebuke. "We assumed the traffickers got him, and we assumed that they are on the lookout for someone that looks like him since the 'Want Notice' asked..." I interrupted Tom once again "you think I am the other half of the bookends - Right - yet you don't know if the fucking kid just ran the fuck away" Tom resumed "again thank you for interrupting again and again.

You're right kid it is half baked without enough corroborating evidence to base a plan like this on. But it is the plan the Doc proposed, I assumed to show you his little frankenstein off. I'm against it. We have never ever recovered anyone abducted by these guys, if we give you to them, then you will be gone, never to be recovered as well; now you understand my hatred of this idea. Besides, if they ever figure out that you work for us, well it wont be good for your future nor the US" Tom got to make his point once again. I looked at the Doc in disgust. At first I hated the Doc for kidnapping me and threatening my life. Then he trained me and I forgot I hated him. Then I realize he isn't nice at all and I hate him again. The Doc doesn't say a word but just stares back at me. A feeling of resignation starts in my shoulders and spreads through my body. The Doc knows I am trapped and is just waiting for me to realize that this plan is going forward; no matter who likes or doesn't like it. "Am I a good match? I asked? Tom said "Yea, you could indeed be twins, actually you look like his twin." I responded but you don't know where he is or who wanted him, otherwise you would have gone in and gotten him back" "Correct" Tom said. "The Senator wants his kid back obviously. But this is crazy. As you point out we don't know that the traffickers have him at all. Its like dropping a coin to see where it rolls in hopes of finding another coin you lost earlier. We were shocked that they would abduct such a high profile kid - as you pointed out. Anyway they've cooked up a scheme where they think they can bring you to the attention of the traffickers" Tom finished.

"What kind of scheme did 'they cook up'?" I asked. Tom began explaining. "There were some cops, and a couple of juvenile detention guards, that apparently like to torture boys. Imagine that, men that chose to be juvenile detention guards for boys, that like to torture boys - who would have thought..." I interrupted Tom's commentary "You mean in real life or this is the story that 'they cooked up'?" I asked. "No, no this actually happened. Apparently this small town sheriff was a sadist and was connected to an underground of other guys that liked to also torture guys, not kids so much, as guys. He enjoyed his position of authority by arresting passers-through their town and giving them a tough time, extorting money from them etc. He made the town a lot of money through tickets and fines so the town liked him. The only people he bothered were guys that had minimal means so everything worked well for him for years. Once in a while he would arrest a guy and beat him or strip him and beat him often ending in some sort of forced sex then drive the guy out of town and tell them to never come back. Over time he hired some of guys he met in the underground culture of sadistic weirdoes as deputies. They had a grand time taking money off of people passing through and in some cased dishing out some small town justice of their own. At some point, using those same underground internet connections, they hooked up with some guys that turned out to be guards at a nearby juvenile detention facility. Between the Sheriff, his deputies, and the juvenile detention guards they had a feeding frenzy ticketing, fining, capturing, torturing and raping guys, and now it included kids, all the while using their power to keep them quiet." I interrupted Tom "why didn't you just shut down the underground? Tom answered with a frustrated exuberance "because they're all legal" I asked incredulously "How can that be? Tom answered "These sickos create these sadomasochistic websites to meet and go beat the fuck out of one another. I asked "how do they find these websites." "ah thats easy - just google the words 'gay BDSM' - there are thousands of such sites that are free to join." I just realized that what Tom was talking about, in my previous life, I myself was a member of such sites like Recon and others. I didn't know what to say. Should I defend them or hide my knowledge of them. I happened to glance over at the Doc and saw a smirky smile on his face showing that he knew exactly what I was going through my head. I then realized that Tom was still talking "...sometimes the sheriff or a deputy would find a homeless kid, an illegal immigrant a hitchhiker. Sometimes, the the guards would bring a boy over to the sheriff's place from their facility and they would all entertain themselves at the kid's expense. They would then threaten the kid so that he kept his mouth shut"

Tom went on to explain "Well one time things went very wrong for the sheriff, his deputies and the guards. One of the things the Sheriff did sometimes, especially to illegal immigrants, was to load a gun, as the boy watched. He would then strap the boy to a cross and fire bullets into a plywood barrier sitting behind the cross; just missing the boys. He would make the boy pick a part of his body to shoot then shoot near that part. He would sometimes say things like 'ok its time to finish this boy off. Shall we gut shoot him or make it quick for him, then ask the boy to decide. He would then put the gun up against the boy's flesh and pull the trigger on an empty cylinder. The boys would sob uncontrollably and shit or piss themselves. This sheriff was a real fucker. He also liked to take a large loaded gun like a 44 magnum and cock it and shove the barrel up the boy's ass or down his throat. He would then tie the boy up or beat the crap out of him while he was standing there with the cocked loaded gun sticking inside him and tell the boy that if he let the gun slide out of his ass or dropped out of his mouth it would hit the floor and fire right up his ass and kill him. Well there was this one boy, who had a gun up his ass treatment one time, that was put in a cage laying on his back with his legs spread far apart through the bars on the top of the cage. Leg irons clamped on his ankles over a bar in the top of the cage held his feet apart in the air through the top of the cage. It was like a large dog cage in size but made of steel bars. A set of hand cuffs were placed over a bar on the top of the cage which cuffed his wrists. They then took their night sticks and were beating his feet mercilessly saying he shouldn't ever run away from home again. While the beating was going on the boy was able to pull one of his hands out of one of the cuffs and grabbed the gun sticking out of his ass and started shooting. The kid shot every one of them from inside the cage, but not before one deputy got to his own gun and shot the boy several times in the ass and legs because his feet were still cuffed to the cage in the air protecting the boy's vital parts. The boy eventually died of blood loss because he couldn't get out of the cage.

The FBI was handling the case and as a result we found out about it before the press did." "How do you know all of this?" I asked incredulously "How could you know all of those details?" I asked on. Tom answered "They had 3 or 4 video cameras around the room. We saw this incident and all of the other ones that proceeded it." "fuuck..." I said, "cops are fucking assholes" Tom responded "many are. that's true, they become cops to fuck with others. Anyway we used a bit of pressure on the FBI to let us make a few changes to the story - most of those changes were related to you. The FBI then proclaimed to the press that that the sheriff had arrested you along with this now dead boy. They said you were both were released unharmed with a warning. They said that the two of you were so furious over the arrest and that you both broke into the sheriff's home during a poker party and shot them. Your friend was shot to death while on his hands and knees hiding but you cowered in the other room during the shooting. After a short chase you were captured. There was a 'closed trial' because of your age. Sadly, you were convicted of killing three cops and two guards. You were sentenced to a youth correction facility until you were 18.

This was to set you up as bait to the traffickers because you were described as a runaway orphaned kid with red hair just the right age etc. Just to be sure the traffickers wouldn't miss the story, and to give them easier access to you they further concocted a plan and, used the ACLU to file a suite, saying that you should be allowed to attend a regular school as a prisoner.

Of course the ACLU prevailed, with a little help from a certain judge. We knew this would get you into the papers and put the bait where the traffickers would see you. It would also make it clear that no one would care if you disappeared.

Next: Chapter 17

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