
By Todd todd

Published on Oct 10, 2014


If you want to do me a favor send nifty $12.34 That way they know it came from me


Chapter 15

"We want to get a little more experience before your first assignment. Our transport will be here in 4 hours, your stuff is packed. Rest up until then." I asked "where should I sleep?" The Doc responded with crinkled nose, "in your bed - where else?" I responded "can I sleep in a regular bed rather than that contraption?" The Doc said "no, we only have 4 hours so go and rest. I walked back to the contraption which was vertical and I backed into it standing up but it wouldn't lock me in and rotate to the horizontal. Then I realized the restraints on me were covered over by the socks and shirt and stuff. so I took them off and backed up into the bed in the standing position. It immediately locked onto my restraints, sucked me tight into the bed and leaned backwards. Then BAM! - all of the sudden streams of high pressure water, like that from a pressure washer, was tearing at my skin from all directions, ripping my crotch and arm pits like razor blades. I screamed. The Doc came running and yelled "Emergency Stop!" when he got to me he asked "What happened, what's wrong?" the bed had unlocked me, the water stopped and the doctor was staring at me waiting for an answer. Four technicians came from all directions sprinting to their stations. "what happened sean?" the doc asked again. Feeling sheepish I said in an exasperated tone "This fucking 'bed' thing, as you call it, fucking attacked me. It locked me down and then pulled my arms and legs apart and started cutting me with weird tasting water" I decried! The Doc looked at my skin and said "I don't see any abrasions". The doc put his finger in my belly button and put it to his lips and said the solution seems correct. One technician looked up to the doc and said "I reviewed the video, pressure transducer data and the algorithm, and it was all with in range". Another said "the water pressure varied from 2000 to 2019 psi well within spec and I don't see any spikes outside that range". Another technician was running his hands all over me saying I don't see any water abrasions". The fourth technician said "preliminary chemistry is back and everything is in range, PH of 6.15, Sodium Hypochlorite is 0.1%..." the doc interrupted the fourth technician in mid sentence, and asked me "you've never had a shower in your bed while you were conscious before have you?" Is that what that fucking was? A fucking shower? You're fucking kidding me! That fucking thing was sawing my arms and legs off with those fucking streams of acid water." I heard groans from the technicians and some chuckles which was pissing me off a bit.

"No sean, this is your shower you get one every time you return to this bed, and its always the same pressure - done in the same way - using the same solution. The technicians laughter was making me more and more angry like I was some wuss. "Its not fucking funny you fuckers, you fucking try it" I screamed at them. The Doc said "reset everything." ignoring my outburst, but the technicians stopped laughing. You're not going to do that again are you? I stated it in the form of a question but in such a tone as to make it clear that I was having no part of them doing that to me again. Again there were chuckles form the technicians and I just stared right into their eyes and they stopped laughing. "Yes sean, we are. The water contains soap and an antibacterial agent. It hurts, I'm sure and I am sorry, but it also serves as a micro-derm-abrasion which keeps your skin clean and healthy. There's a very powerful vacuum and high velocity air jets all around the perimeter which pulls and pushes all of the water splashes away from the equipment. Part of what you feel and hear is that high velocity air. It also dries you. It's very loud loud - I admit. Wait until the end... there are some surprises" finished the doc. Again the technicians knew something I didn't because they chuckled again. "Ready to restart" a technician said quietly. The Doc and technicians put their hands over their ears and the doc said "restart from the beginning" The restraints clicked back on and sucked me down to the table the the air began blowing and then the water turned on with a vengeance. The restraints on my cock kept it lifted and the water blew over my balls and shaft with so much force I thought I would be sick. At the same time jets of water were ripping at my arm pits and feet even between my toes. Two little curved domes came down towards my eyes. I had no idea what they were going to do to my eyes so I closed my eyes before they got there and I felt two probes poke deeply into my ears. Then like an explosion water coursed over my face like a wire brush. Clearly the things over my eyes and in my ears were there to protect my ears and eyes. Then the eye covers eventually lifted and a brush came down and began to rotate - scrubbing my eyelids. The probes in my ears began to spray water inside my ears but at a much lower force. Probes went up my nostrils and went deep inside my sinuses and I could feel water being sprayed inside me from one side getting sucked up on the other side then back and forth. Before the sinus cleaner was done another device wedged my mouth open and little water jets started spraying around each tooth and over my tongue and along the back of my throat while a vacuum sucked all the water back out. It washed half way down my throat and then the nostrils spray started not sucking up the liquid and it started coming down my throat getting sucked out by vacuum device in my mouth. Then the device started to plunge down my throat past my neck all the way down into my stomach. I thought I would gag but I didn't. I could feel a bit of swirling then I kind of felt not hungry any more and the device came back out of my stomach out of my throat and out of my mouth

I felt water jets under my fingernails and a grinder just touching my finger and toe nails. The probes all came out of my ears nose and mouth and then the eye protectors came down again and a vacuum came on sucking my eyelids tight to the protectors. The eye ball protectors lifted up so that my eyelids were no longer touching my eyeballs and then a little squirter squirted some sort of gelatinous crap under my eye lids and the protectors came down and squished the stuff all over under my eye lids. I couldn't open my eyes, or maybe I was afraid to with all of that stuff on my eyeballs. Then I felt a metal contraption come down over my body from the top, that perfectly fit my body trapping between the two halves. The restraint locks relaxed and a click and I heard a click which I assume turned them restraint locks off, but just as quickly I heard another click and then felt the restraints pull me up into the other half. Then I felt the lower half of the bed lower away so I was hanging from the upper bed half from the restraints. I then realized, oh fuck it was going to was my backside now! And it did. With even more force than was used on my front side. Yes you guessed it, up my ass went a probe with no warning no pre-loosening just right through the asshole and went deep inside. It also began spraying water but it didn't suck it back out but started puling it back and forth. I was screaming my head off by now as my guts began to cramp up. then the probe sucked all the water out and then refilled me. It did that 5 times. That was the most intense deep enema I had ever had except I guess during the intake procedures. The probe withdrew and a final rinse of my back and ass and a lot of forced air drying. Then the lower half of the bed came up and reengaged me locking me between two clamshells. I was clean inside and out and dried like a car wash. The air jets went off as did the vacuum. The probe holding my cock relaxed a bit and I felt a catheter go in deeper and deeper until I felt like I needed to piss and I couldn't stop it. While I was pissing the probe came out and my need to piss stopped. The upper half of the clam shell clicked and went up wards and disappeared behind the lights. The doc then spoke and said "I bet that was an experience!" I could hear chuckles again " FUCK YOU ALL!" my eyes still closed. "That fucking sucked! I exclaimed. "Yes, that it does very well. I really am sorry that that is so uncomfortable but we actually analyze everything those tubes suck out of your sinuses, stomach, and bowels and everywhere else. It even cut your hair and ground your toe and finger nails. The nail grindings and hair are also sent off with the internal rinses are to the lab just to be sure everything is healthy. We want to keep our investment in good shape. But now you can get 3 1/2 hours of sleep and then we are off for your first assignment. Rest well sean" "WAIT" I yelled "open this thing up, you don't have to lock me in this I wont escape, where would I go" The technicians whispered to each other as the doc was explaining "no, sean this isn't confinement to keep you from escaping. Its just how you always sleep - locked down. To prevent bed sores and pressure points the upper half will join the lower half and you will be rotated and stretched all night to keep your muscles stretched. Rest well."

Sure enough the cover came down and clicked. I could feel the contraption turning me like a rotisserie chicken. Every time I would fall asleep I would wake up because I was being stretched till I thought my shoulders were going to come out of their sockets or my legs were going to pop off. I felt like a chicken hot wing as my joints were ripped apart. I only got sleep off and on. The final time I woke up it was because the turning changed and the restraint locks turned on and sucked me to the lower half of the contraption. I could feel I was in the standing position so I opened my eyes and saw the doc. I started to step forward and I felt the restraints relax and then click off and I stepped out. The goo in my eyes seemed gone but I wiped them anyway. The doc spoke. Normally you would get your nourishment inserted down your throat, and some in an IV, just like last night but we thought you might like to eat a regular meal for a change. I walked forward and said one word in a tired grumpy tone "clothes" the doc responded "later, the food is ready and we have to get your restraints off first." Two technicians came around and applied these little devices to all the clips which tied the restraints together. As they took one off of me the carefully put it back on the board with my silhouette on it. Fuck it was weird having all the restraints off of my body. I felt light and free, like I was reborn. "Let's go eat." the doc energetically suggested. I responded "if we're going to eat a normal breakfast can't I at least have some clothes first, please?

"Breakfast is in another room" the doc said ignoring my question. "The man you are about to meet has a very high clearance, but he knows very little about you other than you are a smart kid that we have working for us, that can help infiltrate the human traffickers. He doesn't know that you are really an adult, or that you have a carbon fiber control center or anything. He only thinks we have trained you, as a kid, and that you are older than you look and that we have done some stuff to make you look really young. You can't tell him anything about yourself - nothing. Understand?" I said "sure but shouldn't I be wearing clothes when I meet him?" Your obsession with clothes is amazing, you haven't worn clothes in three years, yet that's all you talk about now.

We kept walking probably a half mile through halls and tunnels and finally we came to a flat door without a handle or hinges. The doc placed his hand in a slot and put his eyes up to a device on the wall then said "1 alpha G mike... plus 1... terra omega delta delta" and the door opened like the doors on Star Trek quickly sliding into the wall on one side. We walked through into a closet like thing and the door closed quickly behind us. A few seconds later a door on the other side of the tiny room whisked open and we walked out into a huge room full of doors. The doc walked me over to a door labeled '8633'. The doc said grabbed the stool from beside the door and put it under the hole in the wall "step up here and put your hand in this pocket, and press down lightly on the glass inside. Put your eye up to this eyepiece and say the words 'terra omega delta delta'" I put my hand in the hole in the wall and these bars cam down locking my wrist inside and then put my eye up to the eye piece and said "terra omega delta delta" and the door slid to the side out of the way, again just like a Star Trek. The dock pushes the stool back to where it was before he moved it and we walked into a very large walk-in closet with clothes hanging on both sides. Further down there were cabinets with drawers, a toilet, a table and chair. "This is your locker. Everything in here is made just for you. Pick what you want to wear. There were suites starting with white and progressing through black in every color and fabric. I guessed maybe 200 suits. Then there were dress pants and jackets again in every color and fabric. Then there were nice shirts starting at white and going to black. Then there was regular shirts and the t shirts. On the other side there was jeans and pants you would wear every day. The jeans were all worn; some were in taters. There were jackets and coats of every style that I have ever seen. When we got to the end of the clothes there were racks and racks of shoes from super shiny dress shoes to tennis shoes that looked like they needed to be thrown away years ago. When we got to the drawers I opened one and it had underwear in it from whitie tighties to boxers mostly already worn, maybe 50 pair of each kind some were worn out. Some had cum stains on them. The next drawer had socks again of every sort imaginable. I grabbed a pair of sneaker liners, a pair of whitie tighties and slipped them on. I grabbed a pair of jeans moderately well worn with holes in the knees and tried to put them on but they were very very tight. The Doc said "the pair beside that pair will be looser. We have very tight, tight, loose and baggy of everything." I tried the next pair and he was right they were snug but I could get them on at least. I grabbed a t-shirt and put it on, I guess I grabbed the very tight one, but decided it felt good on me so I left it on. I looked in the mirror and thought who is that, oh it's me - weird. The Doc said "are you good then?" I responded "yea it feels good to be dressed, but its weird it doesn't feel like my body, it doesn't look like my body. I guess I'm ready."

The Doc started in "we'll be going out of this cleared area into a lower clearance area. The man we will be having breakfast with has a very high clearance but does not have clearance to know anything about what happened to you or anything else - ok? He thinks you are a kid that we have trained for undercover programs. You listen to everything he says, ask him any questions you have, but don't answer any questions he may ask you. Simply say 'sorry but that's 'netco' which means Need to Know Only. ...This is your badge. Wear it out there, you have to have it to get back in if your not with me." I took it and said "there's nothing on it." I said. The doc smiled a little and said "yes there is. Come over here. By the way there is a small step stool next to each of these so you can reach the eye loops. Put your badge here. Look at your badge now. It's not blank now is it?" retorted the doc. I responded No, it's all lit up now. I guess that's supposed to be a picture of me I guess?" the Doc went on "after your badge is in the slot put your hands in these holes palms down fingers spread just like you did before. Sometimes, if you stay inside certain areas or go from one type of classification to another, you may not need to do all of this each time. Just like to get into your locker all you needed was one hand one eye and a voice print." It wasn't working and so the Doc said "There are little dividers inside that will separate your fingers so put your hands in all the way and get each finger into its own little compartment. When they are in correctly these bars will come down around your wrists locking your hands inside." Just as he said that a sliding door with a cut out in it slid down from somewhere inside the wall down around my wrists locking my hands inside. At the same time a some soft thing also came down and put a light amount of pressure on the back of my hands and my finger tips. The Doc saw me flinch and said "don't be afraid it wont hurt you. But if you don't have a clearance to enter an area and try to get into an area you are not cleared for... well those god damned things will lock your wrists inside and an will sound an alarm and guards will arrest you. Once you feel your hands locked into place don't move them. Then put your eyes up to these eye pieces. Follow the dot inside the eye pieces with your eyes. While your eyes are following the dot say 'terra omega delta delta'. I did and zing the door whisked open for me and the things holding my wrists in place lifted and I was free to go through the door. The doc said "Go on through, I cant piggy back on you, so go on through the door and wait for me on the other side I will be there in 2 seconds." I walked through the door which closed behind me. All of the sudden I felt all alone. but soon the door reopened and there was the doc. The doc put his hand on my shoulder and headed me down the hallway "Remember listen, ask questions but don't answer ANY questions no matter what they are ok?" I responded with the only words I could muster as I felt like a child he was admonishing "sure I understand"

We walked to a door and the doc just said the words and the door opened and in we both went. Inside was a small room with a revolving door with bars that prevent you from going all the way around. I went through the revolving door and waited on the other side in another small room till the Doc was through. I went over to the sliding door in that room and said my password and zing the door opened. The guard on the other side stood up and welcomed us. We turned and walked down the hall to a door labeled 9753. The doc said you can piggy back on me though this door and the doc said his words and did his hands thing with the eye scan and the door opened - zing. We went inside and there was a table set for three with eggs, bacon, orange juice and toast. Sitting in one of the chairs was a man that had grey hair and wearing a suit. The guy tried to stop us by saying "you cant piggy back through that door! Shit it's too late" The doc said its ok. The guy said "hmmm no alarms, I thought that was a delta door. "It is" the doc said " I can piggy back with Adam through delta doors." "I didn't know that was possible - well ok then - I learn something everyday" The guy sat back down and the Doc pointed to a chair and said you like your eggs poached right?" I looked on the plates and each set of eggs were cooked differently. "yes" I responded. "he has clearance to be in this SCIF but doesn't know how to order food? the man asked the doc. "Yea, funny that" the doc responded.

Next: Chapter 16

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