
By Todd todd

Published on Jun 15, 2014


The master that owns me hasn't allowed time to write until now. You will notice a few changes that he wanted going forward. He chooses which people I can respond to who have comments about my writing. I have to say this is the most painful chapter I have ever written. Every grammatical mistake, everything that needs fixing, costs me... -------------------------------------------------- "Fuuuucking amaaaaazing, just fuckkkkkking, ...I made it, ... I thought I'd end up like, like, end up like, some fucking grotesque frankenstein, ...shriveled up and twisted, ...barley alive... if I lived... ...but it really worked... ...i'm-how-old?" I asked as I was looking myself over. "Well" the Doc said "humans don't come with growth-rings..., but... we compared your body with the images we had of sean, and we think you're about 11 or 12; based on his images at those ages. We had aimed for you to be a bit older but there was more of a soak-back effect than what we'd expected. We decided we shouldn't risk trying to age you by up a year or two, so instead we called it a - success - and quit.

"So that de-aging thing happened way way faster then you thought it would was going to take?" I asked. "What do you mean?" the doc replied. "How long was I in that contraption?" I said pointing at the metal bed and rephrasing; my question. The doc and the other technicians looked at each other with quizzical smiles; yet no one responded. It sort of pissed me off that they abstained from answering my very reasonable question, so I tried to elicit a response by giving them a phrase that they could simply agree to "a few weeks or so?" One whispered to the other "it really does work", and the other whispered "no memory of anything... all". I demanded "what worked? No memory of what?" the doc then chided the technicians "you forgot about his hearing? Well sean" the doc began with what looked like the face of someone that was about to have a discussion he was loath to have. His expression began to scare me until he said. "Everything went exactly to plan. You've been in regression for just a bit over three years." "What?" I remarked, scrunching up my forehead at the absurdity of his statement, but the Doc went on as if I hadn't spoken. "In that time we've been working with you 24 hours a day. You have been trained to run and jump ...and ...well, be great in about every sport there is. We have inculcated every shred of knowledge that we could download into that brain of yours in those short years. Math and history, languages of all sorts, reasoning, everything that we could condense and download into your brain in three years is all up there." he said tapping my forehead with his index finger. "Hundreds of scientists working directly with you, and thousands more in support, have been working on you night and day for the last three years. By the way, you were not in that 'contraption' as you call it, for more than 4 hours a day." the doc explained. "Bullshit" I retorted. "I haven't moved, not once."

The Doc's tone changed to one of sympathy "I know you don't remember" the doc responded "but the process of regression is brutally painful. Let me explain..." the doc said obviously getting ready for another long explanation. "We mapped your entire DNA, which took many years, long before we ever started the regression process. The doc began, as if he was launching into a long lecture, but I interrupted. "I thought you knocked me out and brought me here often; over my entire life" Well, not here - but yes we brought you in, but we didn't start the regression until 3 years ago. But long before we could start the regression we had to map your DNA, which is part of why we had to bring you in way back then, and also we had to map the boy's DNA that we were going to substitute you for. We also had to develop a key, and a... shitload of other stuff, before we could even begin the regression." "What's a 'key'" I asked. "Well sean, a 'key' is something that unlocks your DNA, and in this case also unlocks the other boy's DNA as well. It does a number of things like its an information carrier, DNA splitter, DNA reprogrammer, and a DNA rebuilder." The doc said. "You know that DNA is right? - a double helix right?" the doc asked assuming I knew at least that much. I tipped my head downwards, closed my eyes, lifted my hands in the air, and twisted my palms to the ceiling signifying - yes of course I know - please get on with the explanation. "The order of the rungs between the two sides of your DNA have all the genetic information that makes you who you are physically. Mentally you are the sum of your memories. Because of that difference we can change you physically, but what makes you who you are, doesn't change."

"That doesn't explain anything" I countered. The Doc's eyes looked up into his skull as he tried to think of another way to explain it better and restarted. "The 'key' is a kind of DNA 'poison'". The key can only mate up with a short portion of your DNA; and then only once the DNA has begun to split. How it works is that it goes in and attaches to the rungs of the freshly split DNA stand, before the free nucleotides can attach themselves and begin to duplicate the chain. At the same time it attaches itself the the rungs it begins to break the hydroxyl bond in the sugars in the legs of the ladder that hold your DNA together. Your automatic error checking notices the damaged section of DNA and rejects the section of your poisoned DNA. The error checker replaces the damaged string with a replacement string which is carried in the 'key', and is conveniently attached to the poison, and perfectly fits into the poisoned gap in the string. The gap in the DNA is like a missing tooth and the replacement strand attaches to the gap in the string like metal to a magnet. This new replacement string is the one we want to take over - it's one we created. That new string, with our spliced segment in it will then use the regular DNA splitting and extending to make more copies of itself. At that point you will have changed just a bit."

"How do you do that?" I asked. The Doc asked in return "do what?" I answered "Get a string of what you want to make me into" I responded and the Doc who answered "We started with the a string from the person we want you to be like. We then made some alterations to improve the string which results in something better than what we started with.

We replicate it billions of times and then break it up into segments that can be carried by the 'key'. We then bond the replacement segment to the 'key', which contains the poison, and some rebuilding amino acids.

We then do massive continuous blood transfusions directly into all of your major arteries with blood filled with the new DNA key. Once in your body it forms new hydroxyl bonds in the sugars of your DNA strands and viola, at least for that one strand you have been morphed into something between who you are now and who you will become. Multiply this billions and billions of times and the modified DNA strands replicating over and over and after a while all of you will have morphed into something in-between what you were and what you will eventually become.

The DNA replication then proceeds for the rest of your DNA stands and we begin the process again for the next segment. Because we introduced the DNA 'poison' in the key, to which is also attached to a DNA regenerator, in massive blood transfusions there is a lot of physical reformation in your body with a lot of DNA fragments. The new DNA has all of the correct sequences to create what we want but generates a huge waste stream. I know that makes no sense but your whole body is being poisoned and reshaped simultaneously. The pain would be indescribable. We found that out in some of our early tests. To prevent you from going insane from the pain we neutralize every nerve impulse. We did that using all of the carbon fibers we implanted into your body.

The problem with that is the lack of nerve information results in total sensory depravation which would also drive you insane. Soooo, to prevent you from going insane, due to sensory depravation, we use the same fibers to anesthetize you; so that's why you don't remember anything. To keep you healthy we use the same fibers again to stimulate your muscles.

After a lot of practice we learn how to control the stimulation to the fibers, in a careful methodology, to create organized muscle movements.

We put those organized muscle movements together to make your body function as if your mind was controlling it. We can then do very precise exercises, past the point where muscle failure would occur, and where the pain would be prohibitive. But the messages sent down the carbon fibers negate the pain impulses and allow us to push you beyond what you could possibly push yourself to do without collapsing in agony.

This builds perfectly executed muscle movements pushed past exhaustion which builds tremendously dense muscles which are more powerful than you can possibly imagine. These super strong muscles cause the bone structure to densify and grow stronger. We can then teach your muscles how to do anything, in exactly ideal ways, so that the muscles and ligaments are not in danger of being damaged. For example we've studied the greatest baseball pitchers. Every movement is digitized and programed into computers and analyzed until we how exactly to throw a perfect pitch. We then connected the computer to your fibers and had you throw 1000s of pitches until your muscles were trained to perfection."

The doc looked at me and said, "I think I've lost you. What part don't you follow?" I said "no, I think I'm actually understanding the DNA splitting. I know the theory but I don't get how you replace segments."

Ah the doc said "You are starting to recall some of your education ehhh?

Good then I can explain it more technically. Think of your DNA as a zipper. In a zipper there are tiny individual little metal bits that interlace with an identical tiny little metal bits on the other side of a zipper. But in DNA the tiny little metal bits are not identical there are 4 different bits that stick out and have chemical names but we usually just call them A or C or G or T." the doc was going on and I interrupted and blurted out "Adenine C5H5N5, Guanine C5H5N5O, Thymine C5H6N2O2 and Cytosine C4H5N3O. The doc smiled a wide smile and said "it's all coming back now isn't it? Anyway all the information on what you are is made up by how the A,C,G and T are arranged along the length of the zipper. In DNA one of the A or Cs on one side have to connect with a T or G correspondingly on the other side. That is what the DNA zipper is like before it splits. The little bit that you pull on a zipper that unzips the zipper is analogous the the 'key' which divides the DNA zipper." I interrupted the Doc and said "Fuck - I get all of that. What I don't get is how you rip out a section and replace it."

"well" said the Doc looking a little exasperated "The DNA is divided into two separate strands which then find a free floating matching bit and create a new helix. But there is a proofreading step that makes sure that A connected to a T or that C connected to a G. Its here in the proofreading stage that we break the existing chain and poison it and prevent it..." "ah I get it" I piped in, "then you introduce a new 3prime 5prime sequence to take its place." The Doc responded "Exactly! the new sequence is the form of you that we want and it bonds into the sequence and starts to grab the free nucleotides and replicate itself."

I said "that's kind of how a virus works." The Doc responded with a twisted look on his face "sort of..., its analogous I guess..., but completely different. Anyway the result is all of your DNA is slowly replaced section by section.

This reconfiguration happens in your nerves as well as all the other parts of your body as they are dying and growing anew into their new configuration which, when it comes to your nerves, results in pain.

Imagine that happening to every nerve in your body simultaneously sending the largest pain signal each nerve can send to your brain. You would be in the most agony that it's possible for a person to feel as each part of your body is being poisoned and reconfigured simultaneously.

That is one reason we inserted, the carbon fibers into you is to help you survive the process." I spoke up again "If your replacement process goes wrong..." the Doc interrupted me back "then we end up with all sorts of variations and permutations; few of which survive. To prevent that from happening with you we had to map out your entire sequence of DNA, and that of who we wanted you to become, and find a fit that would recombine in a predictable fashion. The amount of data is staggering and it has to be checked and double checked. You two were perfect matches and we synthesized various stages of DNA strands that would be intermediate stages of morphology. We then replicated those intermediate strands in huge quantities and introduced them into your system. As your DNA was killed the new DNA assumed its identity and extended itself.

Needless to say - it worked - because here is the new you." The Doc finally finished moving his finger from my cock up to my face.

"Look in the mirror if you like" the doc offered as he opened the three section mirror. I gazed at the pubescent boy in the mirror and said to myself - that's realllllly me. I moved an arm or a leg to see if the image in the mirror would move the same way. It couldn't be me; could it? I kept thinking over and over how huge my dick was; I mean is. My mind then popped to how short he, I mean I, was; I mean, am. Such a cute butt. Whats wrong with me? I shouldn't ogle and lust after my own image.

But is it me or have a I stolen somebody else's luscious lithe body and claim it as my own? How can hands be so small? How strange it feels to be so smooth. And my face, its mesmerizing. My eyes they stare back at me ...but they're not normal eyes - they're deeply disconcerting eyes: grey, green, blue... and unreal. They look like someone has added a special effect to them; they look... ethereal, like the eyes of a god; or a devil. My hair is so red; yet none for my armpits or crotch. Such small feet, I'll have to wear children's shoes. Oh shit - I am a child, of course I'll need children's clothes. It's over alright, I survived, there's no going back now. It seems like yesterday I was a man, but I'm still a man; aren't I? The age of the body doesn't define how old someone is, does it? It's his mind that defines your age, right? Look at that six pack, how hard every muscle is. I pinched my skin, and there was no fat; none. Oh my skin..., it's so soft, like a baby's skin, which makes sense, I am a baby - in more ways than one. My mind couldn't escape thinking about my skin and trying to find a word to describe it.

All I could picture was white bread, soft and tender; ...white bread. I felt my chin - and there's no stubble; its as soft and smooth as my stomach. I have no aches or pains, ...just boundless energy. I want to explode and bounce around the room like a bullet ricocheting off the walls and equipment; I just wanted to run!

Next: Chapter 13

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