
By Todd todd

Published on Aug 24, 2013


An update for my fans. I found a master and he wants me to keep writing so here is the next chapter for CIA.

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A couple of older male technicians in white doctor-looking coats came through one of the doors and walked towards us. They came through the doors as if on cue. ...maybe it was on cue! Yes, as I think about it, I am sure this was all planned. "We need to put some additional restraints on you." said the Doc as the pair briskly walked towards us across the room. They walked, not in step, but with a deliberate gate; as if they were important messengers or something. All the while their images alternated from washed out white to pitch black as they strode under the widely spaced bright lights above them. One technician immediately took a seat at a computer monitor and the other asked me to step backwards until my back against the silhouette. Once my back touched the cold painted wood of the silhouette I realized, this isn't just any generic silhouette, of course - it's my exact silhouette - I'm so fucking stupid. This has all be planned, to the smallest detail, and I am nothing more than a mouse in a maze. While I was putting this realization together the technician in front of me was strapping me to the silhouette board with a seatbelt-like strap around my stomach. He didn't have to tighten the seatbelt straps are they were clearly preset to length for me. I was nothing more than a mouse being prompted to do every trick demanded of it by the owner of the maze. The technician in front of me said in a loud voice "Clear to be raised to level 1" All of the sudden I started going up into the air. Higher and higher, I went, until my feet were at the level if the technician's stomach. I was way up in the air, alone, naked with only this little seatbelt holding me in place - so weird. The technician at the computer snapped me out of my little realization dream when he barked the word "Left ankle..." The other technician instantly responded - just as I was thinking - what about my left ankle-? Now I understood why I was raised so high into the air. They wanted to work on their subject at table height, and not bend down. He slipped a device between the restraint and my left ankle. He then hooked a connector to the buckle, which holds the restrain on my leg, and responded sharply "ready". The first technician then responded "stand clear - pull test in 3...2...1...!" The device then began pulling on the restraint while it held my leg in place. The device was quite powerful. The restraint was cutting into my leg something fierce. Then the technician said "we are at load - 472.3 pounds - measure the gap!". The other technician then inserted a device between my leg and the stretched restraint and barked back "18.1 millimeters". "Perfect" responded the technician at the monitor - "right in the center of the acceptance band... perfect, good... ok... ...Right ankle"

The technician pressed a button on the console and the device pulling on my restraint released the force that has been pushing my leg away from the restraint's buckle. The other technician then released the device connected to the buckle on the restraint. He then moved the device into the restraint on the other ankle and repeated the procedure. Again the result was "right in the center of the nominal range". The technician at my feet said "clear to lower to level 2" and the seated technician pressed a couple of buttons and down I came; maybe a foot.

The seated technician then barked "ok let's install the right calf" and the technician took a restraint off the peg on the silhouette right next to my knee and wrapped it around my leg just under my knee. He put the buckle part of the restraint into a device and that device then pulled the strap part of the restraint into the buckle until it was tight and then there was a click and the buckle was locked in place. The seated technician continued in a military-launch-control-over-acting voice "We have a good connection". The technicians meticulously went through the measuring procedures again. Of course the result were 'right in the middle of the acceptance range'. They slowly and meticulously followed the same staccato procedure for my left knee. The technician at my crotch then barked "clear to move him down to level 3 - and down I went about another foot.

Then they applied restraints around my thigh next to my crotch on each leg. Then they put a restraint around my balls and around the base of my cock; which hurt a lot during the pull tests. They then checked the wrist restraints that were already in place on my wrists and they also still met all of the requirements apparently.

I kind of felt like a car on a lift. They worked their way up, as they lowered me down, and placed a restraint around my my waist. Then, amazingly, they lowered my feet to below floor the floor level so that my face was chest high to the technician as they attached the restraints to my chest, both my upper arms near my arm pits, and my arms below my elbows. Then they put one around my neck. I thought the tension test was going to break my neck when they did it. I noticed that every restraint was placed in positions where they couldn't be slid off; just on the other side of a large muscle. This lifting silhouette elevator like thing was an amazing piece of equipment I had to admit.

Just when I thought they were done, and couldn't put any more restraints on me, they then ran a ribbon of the same material that the restraint was made of, from the restraint around my neck to the restraint on my upper arm on down to my wrist. Then they applied buckles at each intersection of each restraint to the ribbon of braided metal restraint material; locking everything together. the technician then added one more restraint on my arm just above the elbow and buckled it to the ribbon of braided metal that ran down each arm. I then understood, each major bone in may arm had a restraint at each end of the bone. A second braid was put on the underside of my arm and also clipped into place to each of the four bands around each arm. But this band was much longer and continued on down the side of my body. They raised me in little increments until each ribbon was connected to each restraint with those buckle like devices until finally the ribbon of soft woven titanium was buckled to the last restraint on my ankle. Then they did the other side and added two more restraints on my body and one more on each leg. I now had four restraints on each limb, one on my neck (which made breathing a little difficult), one around my balls, one around the base of my cock and four on my torso. Each time adjusting my altitude to match the level they were working on. Finally everything was connected together with those long longitudinal bands which ran up both sides of my arms and on both the inside and outside of my legs. The ribbon that ran up the inside of my legs starting at one ankle, and was then connected to each restraint along its journey until finally reaching the other ankle including the restraint around the base of my cock with a specially made loop that went around my balls. Only the restraint on my balls was left unconnected to this chain of restraints. The bands and restraints were made of the same braided metal they were not sharp but soft like cloth. They kind of felt like human racing stripes. I asked the technicians "what are these for?" The technicians acted as if they were def; but the Doc answered. "They are all made of a very fine braid of titanium called 6Al4V. It's a very fine high strength wire that is 1/50 the diameter of sewing thread." While the Doc and I were chatting the technicians brought me back to ground level and released the seatbelt holding me there. The Doc continued to describe the restraints and "the wire is so fine it can be flexed thousands or even hundreds of thousands of times without fatiguing. Those super flexible titanium threads are then braided into cloth like webbing which are as soft and silk aren't they?, yet they are as strong as steel, and as flexible as rubber. Can you feel how soft they are? - for being made of metal - I mean" said the Doc. "The locking mechanism is also titanium and locks the ribbons together and the buckles also act as anchor points. Titanium is very strong and doesn't rust or corrode. They can stay on for years, and in fact will, in your case" the Doc finished explaining just as the technicians finished all their installation

"Please step over here" one of the technicians said pushing me on the shoulder in the direction of a metal contraption which looked like a sort of human shaped transformer from the movie series. I didn't resist and followed him a few steps to the contraption which was also next to the computer console but around to one side of it. He backed me up against this anthropomorphic contraption which was standing with its legs together and arms straight out to the side. He then clipped the locking mechanism that connected the restraint around my waist to the ribbon running down the right side of my body into a little clip in the contraption. Then he did the corresponding clip on the left side. He then proceeded to clip every locking mechanism on every restraint to the contraption. The technician checked each connection and said "we are connected at all points". Even the restraint around my balls and the one at the base of my cock were connected to a snap on the contraption.

The technician at the monitor went back to barking orders "CLEAR stage one pre-tighten... starting... now". As he pushed a button on his console my body pulled snugly into the device at every attachment point. I could still move but I was sucked right into that anthropomorphic transformer looking device. The first technician took measurements at every junction and read them out. Everything was, just as it always was, 'right in the dead center of the tolerance'. The technician at the monitor said "clear - proceeding to nominal tension... beginning now" then the device sucked my body in tight and every part of my body was affixed to the machine. I couldn't move a thing except my fingers and toes. The other technician asked me "does anything hurt - a lot - I mean?" I tried to get in touch with each part of my body and ask it if it was in pain, but didn't get any response, so I figured I must be ok and responded "no, I'm ok I think". "no pain at all anywhere" he asked again. I said "no, no pain anywhere - I don't think." The technician looked at the technician seated behind the console and said "its all nominal according to the subject." The console technician responded "all force measurement look nominal". "CLEAR... Starting the stress test... now" barked the seated technician. The technician in front of me said "Sir please try to free your right arm". I couldn't budge it no matter how hard I tried. The technician in front of me asked "Sir, is that as hard as you can pull?" I responded "yes" feeling like he was accusing me of being a wimp The technician in front of me nodded to the technician at the monitor and the technician at the monitor said "43.91 pounds max", and the the technician in front of me said "no gapping apparent" They went through every limb and part of my body, asking me to move it, measuring how much force I was able to muster to move looking for gaps. None were apparent I guess.

The technician at the monitor looked at the Doc and asked "permission to run dynamic diagnostics" The doc responded "granted... ...begin" The technician in front of me said "just relax sir, its easier for you if you don't resist All of the sudden my lower left leg bent backwards then back to straight. Then my entire left leg pivoted out to the left until I thought my leg was going to be wrenched out of its socket. It was then pivoted back to straight then forwards and backwards then the machine twisted it from left to right till I was sure my hip was going to twist out of its socket. Then the same thing happened to my right leg; then my arms. It then progressed to my entire body which was arched backwards until I thought my toes would touch my skull. Then everything was reversed and my ears were between my knees. I figured the machine had over shot and my back was due to break at any point. My torso was twisted and arched in more directions than I thought possible for a circus star. "The technician at the monitor reported to the Doc "all restraints properly installed... no damaged restraints... all apparatus connections made... all connections are physically nominal... all readings correspond with expected forces... no discomfort reported... Full range of subjects range of motion measured... No backlash... re-registration error of less than one ten thousandth of an inch... We have fully mated without incident" barked the seated technician "good" said the Doc "thank you" The technician at the monitor pushed a couple of keys and all of the sudden the bed laid backwards in a horizontal position. "not a bad bed eh.... comfy?" the Doc asked "even without a mattress its pretty comfy isn't it? the doc pressed me.

The technicians turned and walked towards the silhouette and opened some drawers without another word. they brought back contraptions and put them on either side of my head just like they did at the intake place. They tightened the vices until my head wouldn't budge. These vices were different because the jaws exactly fit the sides of my face. Such a perfect fit that little mounds went deep into my ear canals as they tightened it. I said "I'm kind of hungry" "I'm sorry now isn't a good time. You should have ate when I offered, the Doc chided me. I'm afraid it's time to insert your probes. Mostly it wont hurt. Maybe you will feel a little prick when they first go in. the technicians kept bringing more and more devices which held me more and more secure. Lasers would come on periodically and the technicians would adjust each clamp until little mirrors on the buckles reflected the laster light back to a preordained spot on the contraption. When they were done, they had added enough devices that I literally couldn't wiggle a finger or toe. When I say literally I DON'T mean figuratively! Each finger and toe was held in place over a sculpted metal hand and foot shaped structure where most of the metal was cut out but enough remained that each bone in each finger was trapped in two places, just like the rest of my body. Nothing was cutting or sharp or uncomfortable but there was no question it was snug. Something was placed up my asshole and it spread my ass until I was sure it must be tearing my asshole. My chest was strapped down so tightly I couldn't expand it. My stomach was strapped down. My hips were locked in place by clamps sort of like my head, a vice like structure that just exactly fit my hips as well as being held by in place by two straps over the top. Even my eye lids were held open and stretched up and out so I couldn't close my eyes. Not only was my mouth locked wide open again like during the intake session but this time they dripped some liquid onto little rubber coated squeezy devices, like what we used in chemistry to hold glass test tubes. These squeezy devices were tightened down on my lips and tongue then pulled outwards. I had no idea what the liquid was that they dripped on the squeezy devices but it tasted horrible! I could see my lips and tongue stretched tight. If anything was uncomfortable it was my lips and my tongue feeling like it was going to be ripped out at the roots. It hurt because of how much squeeze there was on them and it hurt where my lips attached to my body because they were being tugged so hard. Then they stared stretching my ball sack with more squeezy things dripping the liquid on first. It didn't seem to numb the pain much if at all. Every once in a while they would use a straight razor to remove the few hairs that were missed before. Then they stretched my cock again with squeezy clamps and drops of liquid. I couldn't believe how far they were able to stretch it out. Every toe was spread and cabled to a metal grid as were my fingers and cock and balls, my lips pulled wide, a mouth locking open device held my mouth open. This brought back the nightmares of the intake where I screamed and cried for hours.

At this point I couldn't speak and then I heard a little voice which came in through an ear bud which must have been embedded in the devices shoved into my ears. I recognized the Doc's voice but he must have been behind me because I couldn't see him. "Ok Sean, you're doing fine. I am sure this is uncomfortable, and I am sorry, but we will be inserting probes into your body and we need to set them right next to the nerves. As a result we have to know where everything is exactly." Then I saw the technician that put the all the restraints on me appear in my line of sight and he dripped some drops in both eyes. This will sting a little, but do your best. Then tubes were jammed up my nose and down the back of my throat. They tickled and hurt at the same time. They kept pushing the tubes deeper and deeper. The room started to get brighter and brighter. The Doc said "now look at the red spot on the frame above you." He held a hand over my right eye. So I looked at the red spot with my left eye. I could see there was a camera in the center of the red spot. Then I felt a terrible sharp pinch in my left eye. I screamed. Sorry, hope that wasn't too bad. Then I realized I couldn't move my left eye at all. He then covered my left eye and said look at the green spot on the frame above. It was so weird I couldn't move my left eyeball. Then I heard "concentrate Sean... look at the greed dot. The sooner you cooperate the sooner we can take this stuff off of you. The pain was still sharp in my left eye but I couldn't say that, I couldn't say anything. I could only make squalling sounds. I couldn't tap or alert him, I couldn't even wiggle my eye balls. All I could do was scream. Then a strongly worded direction came into my head "LOOK AT THE GREEN DOT" I looked around with my right eye and found it. I stared at it for 5 seconds before I felt that harsh sharp pinch again in my right eye. The pain from the left never went away and now I have that pain in both eyes. "well done sean, well done, a few adjustments and we can start" came over the hearing aid like things in my ears.

Next: Chapter 11

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