
By Todd todd

Published on Dec 10, 2012


CIA - Deep Under Cover

Knock, knock, kock

The the doorbell rings - its 2:30AM - what the fuck - this cant be good

I stumble to the door, holding a pair of sweatpants in front of my crotch, and open it slightly. I stand to one side and tipping my head so both my eyes can see through the slit in the doorway yet my body is hidden behind the door.

two men in dark jackets are standing there - one shows me a piece of ID that has CIA on big bold letters diagonally emblazoned on the surface - holy holy fuck - instant empty feeling in my stomach

one of the men hands me a card with the words Mr Hall - would you please come with us - your not under arrest but we do need to talk with you privately - please dont say a word - just follow us

I get it - they dont want any sounds - fuck - I have been bugged - fuck - what the fuck for - shit what do I do

I gesture that I dont have any clothes on and the one that handed me the card shows me the back of his hand and flips it twice which I assume means go get your clothes

I gesture for them to come inside - he waves the palm of his hand back and forth - meaning he dares not come inside

so I close the door on them and scamper back to the bedroom, put on some socks tennis shoes jeans, shirt and jacket and reopen the door and follow them into the darkness, locking and pulling the front door closed behind me - I think to myself what a silly thing to do if people have bugged my house they have already been in here does it really matter anymore for me to lock it?

I follow the black jacketed men to a large black van sitting in my driveway. A door pops open by someone else on the inside. I look around and wonder - will I ever be back here - as a the same guy that handed me the card originally puts a hand on my shoulder and gently pushes me into the dark black van

The seats in the van sit sideways along the sides of the van and face each other rather than the all forward facing seats you see in all other vans and they gesture for me to have a seat between two other men also in black jackets. the guy that ushered me into the van pulls the door closed quietly and sits across from me. There is a barrier between the back of the van and the front two seats, so I cant see the driver. The guy sitting behind the driver knocks on the divider lightly twice then once. The van van slowly accelerates away and a sort of loud static sound, but slight smoother, fills the van. Its kind of loud.

I was shaking with a lump in my throat and incapable of thinking of what to say or ask but he kind of matter-of-factly said "please dont say anything for a while longer" Eventually the van stopped, and I could hear the front doors open and then the door I went through opened and all the men got out, and a new guy I have never seen before got in, and the door was closed behind him. He put a finger to his lips, tapped on the divider and the van accelerated once again as the static sound once again permeated the van with just me and the new guy facing me. He said "dont worry everything is ok, but its a few more min to our destination". "You can call me Agent Jones" punched through the static din that filled the van. "the static sound you hear is a way to prevent eves dropping" he said. "we need your help, I can tell you more when we get to the destination" We drove about 20 min before the van came to a stop, and I heard the front doors open and close.

The static sound disappeared but then I could hear, from outside the van, the same static sound; but at least it was quieter inside the van now. "As I said I am Agent Jones - you havent done anything wrong - your not under arrest - but we need your help" As I spoke he said "we dont have much time so let me get through this... What I am going to tell you is called special access, its higher than top secret, its on need to know only basis so we are alone, no one can hear anything we say. We need you to do some rather heroic shit for the United States. We've been working on a number of very classified programs for years, ...many years..., to create ...the perfect agent. Its kind of like The Pretender and the Six Million Dollar man and the Bourne Identity all for real. We need you to be that agent."

"You're wounding why we picked you - two reasons - the first is we needed a genetic NDA match. We created a gene splitter but its like a key that will only fit one lock. You're the lock, and we have the key. This work started 55 years ago as an experiment to see if we could map and manipulate gene strands. We obtained sample material from hospitals and have been working on devising how we could understand and eventually manipulate the sample DNA for the last 55 years. Your DNA was one of the samples we collected. You had a twin brother, who died at birth. Your parents never knew about him but he was one of our sources of material - i'm sorry to have to tell you all of this."

"Well the long and the short of all of this is we believe we have your gene splitter and we are in a situation where we need to use it. The gene splitter will let us regress you to any age we want, within reason, and we can splice in any other physical traits we want. We can boost your intelligence a fair amount and augment your natural abilities and senses. You wont be superman but you wont be a common man either. We can only make these changes if we can take you back to an age where you are still growing around 15 or 16. We dont want to go past 13, or we would effect your puberty, which we have found is less than optimal. At 15 you're still growing so the changes can be spiced into your DNA and mutate you into whatever we have spliced into your NDA. We can make you 6-5 and blonde or 5-4 black man. It takes a long time to institute these changes, and its deeply painful so we do it all under a deep sedation. It takes about a month for every year we want you to loose or gain. so to get you to 15 it will take 40 months of treatment. Then we can spice in the traits we want and reage you to whatever age we need. During that time, while you are sedated, we will be training your body and mind. We will teach you a language in 2-3 months, a medical doctor in a year. All of your memories will remain but we will stimulate the brain so it learns like child's does. You will be brilliant when we are done." All of your life's ailments will be wiped away and you will have the most flexible, toughest, strongest, and obedient bodies of any human being in history."

"Are you willing to be that agent?" Sitting there stunned I asked "what's the second reason you picked me?" "Oh, well thats a little bit of a difficult thing to explain" he said. "One thing that appears to be immutable is sexual orientation. There is no doubt you are born gay or straight or whatever. But it goes further than that. Your desire for SM also seems to be born into you. We can improve your bodies ability to take it but we cant find a gene that causes it so we cant transfer it."

"You fit the bill we need a gay man who likes sadomasochism for an assignment" "but you said it would take 4 years to get me back to an age where you could spice whatever it is into me" I said "then it would take years to regrow me. How could you have an - assignment - for me thats 8 years away? I asked. Well it isn't that far way. The new north Korean leader is gay and loves to torture boys. It will take 4 years to get you back and train you as an agent, but then we can infiltrate you into his world. We think he will still be around by then. He loves skinny white blonde boys and if you agree we can introduce you into his world. Where you can find out all kinds of information about North korea, China and Russia. If need be, you can destabilize their regimes by providing paths to inject disinformation and promote distrust and fulminate unrest."

Will you do it?

Next: Chapter 2

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