Chucks New Slave Boi

By james cooke

Published on Mar 27, 2023


slave 00 awoke to another breakfast, this time the jailer just left blow job required......slave 00 was almost disappointed...he had gotten used to pleasing the jailer and felt a lost opportunity. When he finished eating and arranging his tray for pickup the intercom blared out a message for him. "slave 00, stand by for pickup...." he heard the footsteps before he saw them...the same two big men that had prepared him yesterday......his cock immediately became hard...tenting his burlap wrap around..... they laughed when they saw his erection....issued their commands and affixed an elbow restraint to bind his elbow behind him tightly. The three of them then walked down the cell block, 00 noticed a slave hanging naked upside down.....punishment slave had whipped him and was removing his gag and inserting his big cock into the inverted slave for oral service....he was blindfolded then.....the bigger of the two men brushed up against his hardon when fitting the blindfold and 00s erection jutted its way out.

He was showered, dried off and then re blindfolded before being taken to a large room where there was a lot of talking and laughing occurring....he could hear the chains of other slaves..then they stopped..he was still blindfolded but a line of customers lined the wall...he felt hands on his body...feeling his balls...stroking his cock....his ass...his mouth was inspected...slave 00 had lost his front teeth some years earlier and this apparently was an extra cost was then that he smelled the purfume....and felt her hands on him....she spoke then....." I intend to bid high on this one...nicely equipped and an obvious choice for a whipping slave." slave 00 recognized the voice! he couldn't make out just where but he was sure he knew the voice....just then a sinister man gave him the feel up of his life....a vicious chop with a riding crop struck him across his ass like electricity. This man too, was familar....just not sure from where...then there was the call to line up.....

all slaves lined up in inspection position side by side.....blindfolds were taken off one by one....i could tell that here was a bright lite shining....then mine was removed...the light was so bright that i could see nothing else....we stepped forward, the auctioneer displayed us and then we were ordered to step back.....a total of six slaves were on the block with was then that i realized that this was to be both a graduation ceremony and a shopping event for slave renters or buyers....we were being sized up by prospective buyers or renters....

A line of potential buyers filed by....most touched and pinched...some stroked and otherwised assessed how hot were were for was then that i saw her! It was Dianne, my exwifes girlfriend! She had a huge smile on her face.....i was both ashamed and excited when she stepped up to me, ran her hand down my side, grasped by balls and cock......and pulled by head down to her ear....."Dianne, please get me out of here. I have been kidnapped and subjected to the most vile behavior by these animals!" She responded," james, I received a promotional video with a trailer of you during your slave training. You apparently have become quite a cocksucker. Do you remember the garden pool parties I have every year? Well...this time you are going to be part of the entertainment if I win this auction. It will do you no good to pretend. Even Patty knows you are sucking cock!. I bought her and her new husband a copy of your fact....I have heard that the guys in your office are even talking about how you seem to be a natural cocksucker?!"

i was shattered.....but the next thing that happened really got my was Gary, my rival at work. He had a big smile on his face...."you liked it when i stroked you and popped your ass didn't you bitch?", he said. i was in dispair....Gary and i had been arch rivals at i am a sex slave that he can rent for the weekend.....a dozen or more prospective renters man handled us and then everyone but me was dismissed.

The lights went dim, then a single light came on over a small table....there was a document on the table and a writing impliment. i was summoned to the table and ordered to sit. It was then that Master approached from the darkness. i immediately rose to my feet and then dropped to the serving position.....Master smiled and ordered me to sit back at the table. Master then spoke,"Your old life is gone, you have no possessions, no job, no future, no friends. You may return now if you wish or you may stay here and work your way up to superior slave status or even to free man. Anything is possible if you are eager. I am fair, unlike the workplace you came from. If you decide to leave, then you will be given a sweatsuit, a pair of tennis shoes to wear and ten dollars. That is what you were ordered to report with. If you leave then you will not be allowed to return. have one minute."

my head was swimming....i wanted to be free...but as i know knew...everyone has seen me sucking cocks on the is even on the internet. i could never have a meaningful job again...with tears in my eyes i elected to stay. "Master, please allow me to stay.", i said. "Very well boi, on the table is a contract. Read it and sign it or get the fuck out of my camp. On the table was the contract......


This contract is provided as a secure and binding agreement which defines in specific terms the relationship and interaction between Master Charles and slave 13 (formally known as james, a free person, hiseafter termed the slave and the Master) during slave sessions. This agreement is legal and binding. This agreement must be entered voluntarily, but cannot be broken except under the conditions stated hisein, after which certain precautions shall be taken to protect those involved. (See section 7.0.0)

1.0.0 slave's Role.

The slave agrees to submit completely to the Master in all ways. Thise are no boundaries of place, time, or situation in which the slave may willfully refuse to obey the directive of the Master without risking punishment, except in situations When the slave's veto (see section 1.0.1) applies. The slave also agrees that, once entered into the Slavery Contract, his body belongs to his Master , to be used as seen fit, within the guidelines defined hisein. The slave agrees to please the Master to the best of his ability, in that he now exists solely for the pleasure of said Master. slave may exercise his safe phrases but in so doing, he may be terminated as Master's slave, sold, given away, or reduced in status.

1.0.1 Slave's Veto

The slave, When appropriate, holds veto power over any command given by the Master , at which time he may rightfully refuse to obey that command. This power may only be invoked under the following circumstances, or agreed by both Master and slave:

a.\ When said command conflicts with any existing laws and may lead to fines, arrest, or prosecution of the slave . b.\ When said command may cause permanent bodily harm (see 4.0.0) to the slave. c.\ When slave has evoked the "safe word or phrase" during a session.

2.0.0 Master's Role.

The Master accepts the responsibility of the slave's body, to do with as he sees fit, under the provisions determined in this contract. The Master agrees to show care for the slave , to arrange for the safety and well-being of the slave ,during designated sessions and in on this situations as Master may see fit. The Master also accepts the commitment to treat the slave properly, to train the slave, punish the slave and use the slave as he sees fit.

3.0.0 Punishment

The slave agrees to accept any punishment the Master or the Master's agent, decides to inflict, whether ot is earned or not.

3.0.1 Rules of Punishment

Punishment of the slave is subject to certain rules designed to protect the slave from intentional abuse or permanent bodily harm (see 4.0.0). Punishment must not incur permanent bodily harm, or the following forms of abuse:

a.\Blood may not be drawn at any time. Punishment must stop immediately if blood is drawn

b.\ Burning the body except by mutually agreed branding.

c.\ Drastic loss of circulation

d.\Causing internal bleeding

e.\ Loss of consciousness

f.\ Withholding of any necessary materials, such as food, water, or sunlight for extended periods of time.

g.\ Punishment may be halted at any time if the slave evokes his slave word or phrase. The evoking of the safe word terminates the session immediately but may have other impacts.

h.\ Evoking the safe word or phrase on the second occasion invalidates this contract, terminates all activity and resets slave status to slave level 0.

4.0.0 Permanent Bodily Harm

Since the body of the slave now belongs to the Master , it is the Master's responsibility to protect that body from permanent bodily harm. Should the slave ever come to permanent bodily harm during the course of punishment or in any other slavery related activity, whether by intention or accident, it will be grounds for immediate termination of this contract, should the slave so desire. Slaves who terminate their contract will be immediately sold, traded, or dismissed. Permanent bodily harm shall be determined as:


b.\Any damage that involves loss of mobility or function, including broken bones.

c. Any permanent marks on the skin, including scars, burns, or tattoos, unless accepted by the slave .

d. Any loss of hair, unless accepted by the slave .

e. Any piercing of the flesh which leaves a permanent hole, unless accepted by the slave .

f. Any diseases that could result in any of the above results, including sexually transmitted diseases.

5.0.0 Other

The slave may not seek any other Master or lover or relate to others in any sexual or submissive way without the Master's permission. The slave is chattel that may be sold, bartered, loaned, leased, rented or given away at the whim of the Master ro to pay for any adjucated debts the Master may owe. Violation of these slave articles will be considered a breach of contract, and will result in extreme punishment. The Master may accept other slaves or lovers, but must consider the slave's emotional response to such actions and act accordingly. Under no circumstance should the Master allow such actions to unbalance the slave emotionally, or allow such actions to result in ignoring the slave, at the discression of the Master. The Master may loan. lease or give the slave to other Masters for short periods of service, provided the rules of this contract are upheld. In such a situation, the Master will inform the new Master of the provisions stated herein, and any breach by the new Master will be considered a breach by the Master as well, subject to all rules stated in this contract. The slave is bound to represent his Master well when loaned, rented, leased or tasked to serve under penalty of severe punishment as may be determined by the Master.

6.0.0 Secrecy

All physical evidence of the slavery will be kept in total secrecy, except When both Master and slave agree. Any violation of this clause shall be cause to terminate this contract, should the injured party wish it. The materials and physical evidence shall be kept under lock and key in a place accep le to both parties. Except in the case of slaves below slave ranking of 2. Slaves below the ranking of 2 have no rights to privacy, copywrite, or privacy. Video, still and artists rendering of slave in his or her training is the property of Master and my be posted to the web for profit or defray training costs.

7.0.0 Alteration of Contract

This contract may not be altered, except when both Master and slave agree. If the contract is altered, the new contract shall be printed and signed, and then the old contract must be destroyed.

8.0.0 Termination of Contract

This contract may be terminated at any time by the Master , but never by the slave, except under special conditions explained within this contract. Upon termination, all physical evidence of the slavery, including this contract, will be destroyed, and all materials and belongings shall belong to the Master , to be shared or kept as they see fit. The slave , having agreed to give up his mind and body to the Master , shall once again own his body, but nothing else, unless the Master decides to give back his gifts and considerations.

9.0.0 Slave's Signature

I have read and fully understand this contract in its entirety. I agree to give everything I own to my Master, and further accept their claim of ownership over my physical body. I understand tha I will be commanded and trained and punished as a slave, and I promise to be true and to fulfill the pleasures and desires of my Master to the best of my abilities. I understand that I cannot withdraw from this contract except as stated in this contract.


9.0.1 Master's Signature I have read and fully understand this contract in its entirety. I agree to accept this slave as my property, body , and to carefully traing and exercise his to the best of my ability. I shall provide for their security and well-being and command his, train his, and punish his as a slave. I understand the responsibility implicit in this arrangement, and agree that no harm shall come to the slave as long as he is mine. I furthis understand that I can withdraw from this contract at any time.


In five minutes i had signed away my freedom.....and Master had endorsed it......the crowd clapped....and the auction began.......

What are my bids for this freshly signed slaveboi?

Bidding starts at...........

Next: Chapter 8

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