Chucks New Slave Boi

By james cooke

Published on Mar 3, 2023


Chuck's new slaveboi_04

A tale of submission continues...

I had no idea that anything like this existed...and now....i not only had submitted but i was stripped, shaved, collared, had sucked my first cock, had been fucked in the ass and now....was feeding from a trough....I had a hardon.....i am a slave in training.......

"five minutes to training call" announced fellow slaves rushed back to the wall.....lined up against it....squatting on their heels....their knees spread far apart....hands on their thighs...I copied their actions as closely as i could.....the day was about to begin......Trainer walked down the line of slaves squatting against the wall.....heads held low.....not daring to look up at he moved down the line...he would issue a training assignment......the slave would kiss Trainer's codpiece.....Trainer would tap him on the head and he was then released to go to the appropriate training room.....i was on the end...neu Trainer approached cock begin to betray got hard and started to jerk.

Trainer stopped, addressing the slave kneeling next to me and assigning him duties in the garden today. In of the corner of my eye i strained to see my neighbor kiss Trainer's codpiece and be released....Trainer stepped in front of me....."Stand boi!" he ordered...i immediately stood hands still to my sides..."Inspection position is with your hands clasped behind your neck, elbows well apart, legs spread shoulder width......i assumed the position as quickly as possible...Trainer then grasped by now erect cock with one gloved hand and my poor balls with the other.....lightly squeezing but hurting never the knees buckled.....he laughed..."you will get used to it slave.....your cock, balls and ass are available for any free man or authorized slave to use until a slave of lessor standing arrives." Trainer then turned be around and used a large laundry marker to mark my butt. "You will be neu slave....Master has ordered that you will remain neu slave until your number wears off your slave ass. I have marked you as number 00 since you are worthless until you gain training and experience." i was truly slave....a trainee..not even good enough to be assigned a number in the stable...i was "00"..neu slave boi.

Trainer then ordered a slave to post as his demonstrator and had him demonstrate slave exercise training. The demonstrator slave was lean and muscular from regular exercise...his skin was was obvious that he had been in the sun naked. He demonstrated the ten exercises that i would have to perform every other day before the morning meal. After the demonstration it was my turn to perform five proper repetitions of each exercise...naturally i got it wrong...the demonstrator was kind however and corrected my mistakes....before long an hour had gone and i was pretty tired.....Trainer then announced: " neu bois must pay for training. Since you have no belongings anymore,and have earned no credits, you must pay my demonstrator with oral homage. Get on your knees and request permission to suck off the demonstrator in payment for his demonstrating the proper way to exercise. i immediately assumed position one and begged to be allowed to suck off my fellow slave......he immediately presented his medium sized cut cock, dripping pre-cum for my mouth to service."...i took him inside my mouth...his hands immediately grasped my head and I heard Trainer's whip crack...."hands off slave! know the rules...." i desparately sucked and licked and in a few minutes i could taste and feel cum in my mouth...a small amount at first followed by a large discharge that choked and gagged me...i backed off licking and sucking the shaft and quickly as it had come, his cock went soft in my mouth....then...started to stiffen that point Trainer halted the blow job and ordered me to stand. He then roughly pulled me to a post and attached my collar to a metal ring on the post. He produced a tie rope from his ditty bag and tied my elbows together behind me.

Trainer then grabbed the demonstator by the collar and attached him to the same post that i had been attached to. I the demonstrator was shaking and i then realized that a punishment session was going to take place. i couldn't help but marvel at Trainer's ripped body as he walked across the exercise area to what looked like a school bell. He grabbed the braided leather rope and rang the bell five times. Slaves poured into the exercise area and lined up in a perimeter facing inward. One slave then issued the order "position!". The slaves then squatted down resting upon their ankles, their knees spread wide apart to maintain balance, hands resting upon their thighs. Trainer then rang the bell seven times slowly. The assembled slaves murmured then as a group....and into the area came a large heavily muscled man wearing a hood. He, like Trainer, was wearing a leather codpiece. He was also wearing a sam browne type belt with handcuffs, ties, attached to the belt. On the right side was a coiled single tail leather whip. He looked awesome and i could sense the fear that the slaves felt. He was talking over towards the post that demonstrator and i were attached to. As he got closer demonstrator slave began to shake and whimper.

Trainer then spoke,"demonstrator slave has violated the house rules that state that level two slaves being serviced are prohibited from touching the servicing slave during a blowjob. The punishment will be five lashes with a single tail well applied by Punisher." i then noticed that demonstrator slave was sweating heavily and tears were running down his face. Punisher walked over to the post slowly and placed his rough hands on demonstrator slave's shoulders, slowly running them down the whimpering slaves body. He ran one hand down the front of the restrained slave halting on his stomach and the other down the middle of his back halting on his right buttock.....demonstrator had completely lost his erection at this point, his cock nearly disappearing..Punisher then reached down and grabbed demonstrator's cock and balls and gave them a rough tug. He then removed his single tail whip from his belt and presented it to the lips of demonstrator. With tears running down his face, demonstrator kissed the braided leather whip. It was then that i could hear a splatter below demonstrator as he lost control of himself, pissing on the ground and his legs. His urine discharge splattered and hit my feet. Punisher then slowly administered five harsh lashes with the single tail to the back, ass and thighs of the restrained slave. As the whip landed, demonstrator counted the lashes, "one Sir", "two Sir.......five Sir". As each lash landed demonstrator would recoil against me. This was frightening but had the effect of causing me to get an erection. Punisher then moved over to unsecure demonstrator. As he did, his hard body brushed against mine and i pushed against it..casing him to smile....under his breath he said," you are a promising little are going to service me well when i get my hands on you...." Trainer noticed my hardon and walked over standing next to me, his hot skin touching mine. "demonstrator has been punished for violation of his access rules. Let this be a lesson to all of you. Return to your duties immediately!" The slaves then stood up and filed to the exit. i could not help but notice that a lot of them had erections.

Trainer then unfastened my collar from the metal ring on the post and snapped his fingers. i dropped to my knees immediately and kissed his codpiece. Just as I anticipated that he would release me, he had something else on his mind as he ordered "SERVICE ME BITCH!" His large cut cock was staining against the cod piece as i slowly removed it using my teeth...causing his large member to spring free. i opened my mouth and took his impressive cock lips around the big mushroom tongue on he underside.....his cock was large...not as large as Master but large....he then began to instruct me in the proper method to suck his cock...i took his now hard cock deeply inside my sore mouth...attempting to tease him with my tongue...then pursing my lips and sucking hard on the head......relaxing and allowing his big cock to touch the back of my throat, my lips wide around his thick cock...i could feel his cock begin to twitch and he grasped by head as he thrust deeply into my mouth....i swallowed and his big cock caused an involuntary gag.....he was quick to pull it out a bit but continued to fuck my face. i was now extremely cock began to shoot! i had not touched myself and he had not stroked me but i was cumming...from sucking his big cock! Then my mouth filled with his cum...and i struggled to swollow it all...licking my lips...but some of it spilled out......i rocked back on my Trainer emptied his balls in my mouth.......a slave mouth.....present to please free men and authorized slaves.......i was slave.... Trainer then ordered me to leave the area and to report to the garden, shoving me out the door and into the fenced in back yard where I immediately encountered the largest Black man i have ever seen. i assumed inspection cock erect again.....He took a look at me and laughed....."you are raw white are in my garden now...and i require slaves to work hard out here.....get your worthless ass over to the tomato patch and pull up the weeds" was going to be a long day.....

Next: Chapter 5

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