Chucks New Slave Boi

By james cooke

Published on Jun 1, 2023


The man that had taken my exwife from me was standing in front of me now. I was naked and restrained to a device that spread my ankles apart and positioned my head and hands at cock level. My exwife was similarly restrained, wearing a see through outfit that almost covered her trim little pussy and allowed her breasts to spill out. Her nipples were extended and hard, she was wiggiling, i could tell she was excited. Her husband Lyle then said:

"When Dianne told us about you being converted to a cock sucking slave we wondered if you were as good at sucking cocks as your ex ole lady. So we are going to have a side by side contest. You and patty will suck off the guys and we will vote. If your ex wife sucks better than you do then you will be disciplined by Gary. Each of you will suck for one minute until the man you are sucking cums. If you take his cum in your mouth and swallow it then you will get one extra point. Five points a possible. If patty wins by three points then Gary will srap you three times. OK guys....line up!"

Gary was my rival at work and the evil bastard had brought in six guys from the office that had lost out on office issues over the years. Now i was naked and positioned to suck their cocks. i knew that Gary intended to blister my only hope was to make these guys cum in my mouth before my beautiful sexy wife would do it. When we were married she didn't like sucking cock and was terrible at it. Now...apparently Lyle had trained her and given her experience sucking off his buddies. He had converted her to sex slave, if i had only done that i would probably still be married to have gotten myself into this mess and have to suck my way out if possible.

David S. was standing in front of me, his cock hard and dripping pre-cum. David was bitter over an office issue that i had won several years earlier. Now we was going to be fucking my face and if i didn't make him cum before my ex wife did then i was going to get my ass whipped by Gary, our former office manager and my chief rival at work. That is ....when i was the six weeks since i was enslaved i had not been to work, my apartment was vacated, my stuff given to the Goodwill or stored, my car sold. My clothes and other personal effects were gone. i only had a burlap wrap around and some sandals to wear when i was allowed to wear that. David's dripping cock pushed against my lips....i opened and immediately began to suck and lick him. Almost as soon as i started a timer went off and David pulled his , now much larger, engorged cock from my mouth and presented it to Patty. Patty had become an accomplished cock slut. About 45 seconds after she started, he arched his back and exploded in her mouth, she attempted to take it all but cum dripped from her lips, she licked them with her tongue as David's cock slipped from between her lips...."Wow......she is very good, that is the best I have cum in years. I would like to fuck that bitch!", he said. He then moved away out of my sight. Gary then hit my poor exposed ass with a vicious blow from the filly strap he was holding. The filly strap was a long, one meter long, leather wrapped handle that flared to a pair of leather flaps. The leather flaps would pop when they hit flesh, leaving a mark. I recoiled in my restrains, howling in pain. "Count bitch!", he ordered. "One Sir, may i have another?", i responded. He laughed an evil laugh and then strapped me viciously five more times, each time with me thanking him and asking he for another. In the mirror across the room, I could see tha this gave him a huge erection. He was enjoying himself. One by one my former co-workers lined up to fuck my face as i eagerly sucked and licked in a vain attempt to make them cum before Patty did. One older guy, Steve S, took an incredible amount of time to cum...his cock was big and thick, and he was leaking a good bit of pre-cum as i desparately sucked his cock. The Patty did her turn. This went on for fifteen minutes before he announced he was about to cum. i had 30 seconds to go and started to really suck him......i could taste his cum on my tongue just as that damned timer went off....he stepped to the side and buried his big cock in Patty's mouth. She only sucked for a few seconds before he exploded in her mouth. He left his big cock in her mouth, with her wiggling and squirming on it, till he had totally discharged then he slowly withdrew it. Gary leapt into action again with that filly strap. WHACK!...the sound could be heard across the room, he whacked my ass and the backs of my thighs causing me to wiggle to try and avoid the punishment. It was then that I noticed the large Black that had bid for me in the auction. He was HUGE, rippled muscles, a large chest and arms, small waist, and a dick that belonged on a horse not a man. It was HUGE. Two naked white slavegirls were kneeling beside him and trying to get their lips on his semi erect cock. He cuffed them away. My poor ass was blistered from the beating Gary had given me....the moderator stepped over and ordered that my ass be treated. A small naked male slave carrying a tray rushed over and assumed a position behind me. Something cool was applied to my burning ass. i could feel lube being placed in my asshole. The slave coated his hands with oil and rubbed my balls and cock careful to not allow me to cum. Patty was unsecured by a trainer and she fell to her knees and pressed her face to his erection immediately signaling him that she was asking to be allowed to suck his cock in appreciation. His six inch cock slipped inside her mouth then as she held on to his ass with her hands, i could see her now large breasts and extended nipples. A leash was attached to her collar and she was led away....I presumed to be used throughly. The moderator then announced that Patty had won the competetion and that as loser I would continue to service guests if they required oral service. A line quickly formed. The moderator the said: "Gary, claim your prize!". Gary stepped in front of me and presented his cock for me to suck. "suck my cock you miserable fag!".....i painfully opened my sore mouth as he pushed his dripping cock inside. Gary came in about five minutes and continued to fuck my face keeping himself hard. He then moved around behind me and shoved his cock deeply into my lubricated ass. The pain caused me to yelp, Gary was pretty thick. Then i began to push backwards, my cock was rock hard and dripping pre-cum on the floor. As Gary fucked my red and tender ass with his big dick, i exploded and came all over the floor leaving a mess. It had not occurred to me that i would be cleaning up this mess with my tongue when the party was over. Then Dianne stepped into view. She was standing just a few inches from my face. i could smell her essence, someone had been servicing her pussy while she watched the show. She then said:" Now for the finale. Step forward Julius." The large Black man accompanies by two female slaves then stepped in front of me. He was HUGE...his cock looked like was as large as an empty paper towel tube. perhaps ten inches long and very thick. As he stood there, the girls were licking and sucking his HUGE tool. This caused it to become erect and jut out its full ten inches. Dianne then said:" Julius is going to fuck slave 13 tonight. Slave 13 has never had a cock this big in his ass before and the entire event is being video taped. "Fuck the white slaveboi Julius"! I struggled in a vain attempt to get free of the fixture i was attached to. No hope.....Julius stepped behind me, his HUGE cock bouncing . I felt his large caloused hands on my waist.

Next: Chapter 12

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