Chuck Fucked

By moc.liamtoh@sogypokyel

Published on Jun 17, 1999



Readers: I must apologize for the first posting on Jan. 24. I had meant to end the first section where this picks up. The first version from this point to the termination was not proofed or polished at the time of the posting. Sorry also for the delay in finishing the story. I have moved into a new house in the interim and have only now had time to finish. Thanks for your good comments and encouragement.


I nearly choked. I was caught! He's going to kill me I thought. I pulled my head up free and fell back against my bed bumping my head with an audible thump. I knew I was going to have a big knot where I hit. Chuck was out of bed and at my side in an instant. I drew back afraid he was going to beat me to a pulp. He turned the light on. The expression on his face was amused, concern.

I began to apologize profusely, but Chuck just waved me off.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, at least physically."

"What do you mean?"

"Are you going to tell the whole school about this?" I asked.

"No! I'm not gonna tell anybody. Look I'm sorry about the phone thing. I was an immature jerk."

"I was stupid to even pull that stunt and you've been great about it ever since."

"I've felt pretty guilty about blabbing."

I stared down at the carpet. "Look, I'm sorry I woke you. It won't happen again. Could we just go back to sleep and forget this ever happened?"

"I haven't been asleep yet and can't go to sleep until my dick gets satisfied. It isn't satisfied yet." He answered. I looked down at the telephone pole throbbing in his lap. No it didn't look satisfied. He slipped his hand down to stroke his powerful cock a few times while I watched.

"You mean you were awake the entire time?"

"Yep. I figured if you saw my big wang jumping around over here, you'd have to check it out."

He had set me up. "Does this mean you like guys?" I asked.

"Hell no!" He answered excitedly. "I just can't get a girl to go down on me. Hell, Terri's the first one to let me fuck her. In fact she's the first one that hasn't run away shrieking. I saw you eyeing me in the shower, then the phone call, I knew you wanted it in the best and worst way."

He rose up and squatted on the balls of his feet with my head between his spread legs. His blood engorged, inflexible rod pointed right at my mouth. "You still want it don't you?" He asked coaxingly.

Damn straight I still wanted it. He leaned forward, braced himself with his right hand, and thrust his hip forward some. His fat love muscle loomed in my face like an approaching blimp. I reached up and grasp it. I slowly pumped my fist up and down the shaft and watched the foreskin cover and retract from the skin. This was my first uncut dick. I wanted to explore it thoroughly. It flexed in my hand in reacting to my worshipful ministrations. Eagerly, Chuck pushed his pelvis closer. Another clear bead of juice had formed on the head again. I guided his rounded cap to my lips and smeared them with his gooey precum. I lifted his cock upright and darted my tongue out to graze his hairy, low-hangers. He groaned with pleasure. I cradled his left ball on my tongue and tenderly drew in into my mouth.

"Oh, god. That is great. Nobody's ever done that to me before. You're making me weak." He said with a catch in his voice. I slathered his sack with spit and gently sucked on his nuts, while he encouraged me. "Yeah suck my balls! What a sweet mouth you have. Wash my nut sack with that sweet mouth." His sweaty natural perfume wafted up to my nostrils. I continued slowly stroking his rod while I sucked. His balls pulled up tight against his body, and he groaned loudly. His cock erupted and sprayed cum on my bed and my head.

He fell back and collapsed on the floor in front of me. I can't remember that I was ever more disappointed. I got up and went to the sink to clean up.

"Jamie, that was incredible. You have one hot mouth," he called to me.

"It was my pleasure. Just let me know anytime. We'll work something out."

I walked back over to the bed and looked down at him. He had pulled himself up to sit on the side of his bed. His fuckstick rose proudly from his hand. He was still hard.

He smiled up at me and said, "How about now?"

I was on my knees licking his stiff pole before I even had time to think about it. His cock jumped and jerked as my tongue traveled up and down its length. It had such a smooth silken texture on my tongue. The skin was stretched so tight around the girth of his bloated shaft that a tracery of tiny veins showed through, but had more than ample slack in its length to slide easily. It was truly round, not ovoid like most guys' cocks. The cum tube was barely apparent making its way up his blue-steel boner. I lovingly worked my way down past his man eggs to the sensitive ridge of skin between his butt and his balls. He started moaning and flopped his head around wildly, and then I made my way back up to his rounded head. I reached up and slid his sheath back over his knob and held it there while I ran my tongue around inside. He put his hands on the back of my head and gently pressed me down onto him. I had no intention of refusing and let his firm hands guide me. I opened wide and took about four inches of his full prong into my mouth.

"Oh, yeah, Jamie suck on my big dick. That's great."

For several minutes I worked on just the upper half of his bone, getting it good and sloppy-wet. I gradually became more adventuresome driving my head further down on his rod. It was so big around I thought it would rip my throat apart, then another inch slid in. I was fighting hard to overcome my gag reflex. He gasped loudly. His obvious pleasure spurred on my efforts. I focused on relaxing my throat and I tried to slide it up and down in my throat. It was too much. I pulled off gagging.

"Are you okay?" He asked, truly concerned.

"I'm fine. You're just a lot more than a mouthful."

"I can't believe you could do that. You had two-thirds to three-quarters of it. I can't tell you how good it felt when I slipped into your throat. I don't see how you could take me that deep."

"It's all desire and willpower; just mind over matter. Of course you have a lot more matter than I ever dreamed of." I grinned and grasped his dick to emphasize the point. "Then again I have tons of desire and willpower."

"You must."

"Chuck, as much as you are getting your rocks off, it doesn't even approach the charge I'm getting doing you."

Without pause, I rammed my head back down on his cock. I had less resistance this time. I shoved down until I could feel him back in my throat. I carefully pushed a little further, drawing a long "aaah" from Chuck. I pulled it back out in to my mouth then pressed back down stretching my distend pipe. Suddenly he bucked his hips propelling the remainder of his massive schlong into my esophagus. My nose mashed into his pubes. My wind was cut off. My gag reflex was firing heavy. In panic I pulled off spluttering.

"Jamie I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to do that. I lost control."

I licked the shaft as I regained my composure. "It's not a problem, just to let me take the lead until I get used to it." I said.

I took him just into my mouth and started suctioning hard. I set up an alternating rhythm of shallow throat fucking and that strong vacuum on the head and upper shaft and driving my throat onto his full erect dick. I can't even describe the rush overwhelming my senses. I was exhilarated that I could actually accomplish it. I had beat off so much over the past few months fantasizing about Chuck, wondering how big his hard cock would be. Now I had it! It was so much more than I had dreamed, and now I was gorging on its magnificent hardness. The eroticism had my cock so hard it hurt as it jerked excitedly. My enthusiasm got the best of me and I thrust my head down on him. I pulled back an inch and then embedded my nose back in his clean smelling crotch. My lungs were about to explode from lack of oxygen. I abruptly pulled off to catch my breath. It was so tightly wedged I thought my esophagus was coming out with his cock. I caught my breath and lunged back down full length on his on thick pole. He spasmodically jabbed at my throat. It was too much. I pulled off and ran to the toilet retching.

When I came back no amount of concentration could quiet my gag reflex. My battered throat was just too tender. I could see he was disappointed. I felt like a tease, but maybe.."

"Do you want to cornhole me?" I asked hopefully.

"I don't know," he answered. "You know I'm not a fag. That seems awful queer to me." I knew he didn't mean anything bad by his remarks. Stonewall had only happened a few years earlier and `gay' was not a word that had filtered down to Middle America yet. He didn't know any polite way to express himself.

"Look, Chuck, it's gonna take some practice before I can bring you off in my mouth. My hole is tight, warm, slick, willing and HERE. The only other option is a hand job. It's your choice."

"I don't know," he said hesitantly. I thought it was a good sign that his cock was jumping at the thought. He had to be horny as hell.

"Your balls are about to burst with cum. Nobody's ever going to know about it.


I had to convince him! "When you're horny isn't any hole better than none? Besides, my butt has got to be tighter than any pussy. It's surrounded by muscle. No matter how sweet you think a girl's soft twat is, or how turned on it makes you they don't have that tightness, and they're not here."

"Do you really think you can take it? It killed me when the doctor put his finger in mine." Actually most of my previous partners had cum almost as soon as they had the head in me, or still had little boy dicks.

"I've been fucked a few times before, though they were all my size or smaller. It hurts but I still love it."

Chuck looked thoughtful. "Who by?"

"None of your business," I snapped, a little peeved.

He laughed. "Hey man, I'm sorry it just popped in my head." He thought a second. "How often?" I felt the tide turning in my favor.

"Maybe ten times since the fifth grade." This was true. I had been fucked but the opportunities were rare, even with the guys I trusted.

"What do we do?" He was up for it! I couldn't believe my luck.

I didn't want him to have time to change his mind. I answered quickly. "I didn't think to bring anything to slick me up but shampoo. I really don't want to use that. I guess spit will have to do."

"I've got some Vaseline I brought to keep my lips from chapping." Chuck chimed in. Now that he had made his decision he became more enthusiastic.

"Great! Vaseline is the best."

He jumped up, his heavy hanging cock leading the way, and got it from his shaving kit. I dipped my fingers in and slathered up his big dick with a glob and then smeared it around my hole. Even though I was flush with desire for this I was still apprehensive. I was trembling with excitement and fear. I laid face down on my bed. (I had never fucked in any position except missionary.) I looked back and said, "Go slow and easy."

He grabbed his tree-branch-sized member and crawled on top of my back. I sucked in my breath as he placed his dick between my cheeks and pressed forward. He aimed too low and it slid down between my legs.

Chuck groaned. "Reach back and guide me." He ordered.

I gripped his humongous butt reamer and lined it up with my tight, quivering hole. He drove forward. My clenched opening would not give.

He was rock hard from his cock rubbing in my crack. "Boy, you are tight. Relax and spread your legs. See if that helps."

I complied eagerly. He wasn't the only one getting turned on by the contact. I was hungry with lust to get him inside me. I clinched my cheeks around his cock and he flexed his rod in answer. Still directing his dick with my hand, I spread my legs open wide and tried to relax my sphincter. He shoved forward. I felt the aperture give some. Pain surged through my body. I grit my teeth and growled. He didn't even have the head in yet and it was already worse than I imagined. I had to be crazy to want more. Unfortunately, I was still too tight to get more penetration. He pushed and pushed and nothing happened. With were both dripping sweat from our efforts.

He pulled back. "How about trying it doggy style? I've done that with Terri a few times."

"You've fucked Terri in the butt?" I asked.

"Hell no, you goose, in the pussy."

"Well what the hell is doggy style."

"Get on your hands and knees," he instructed.

I obeyed and he got behind me. He aimed his big probe at my puckered sphincter and firmly pushed forward. I felt the tight ring start to open. Abruptly he popped through. A hot white flash of pain traveled up my spine and exploded in my brain. I yelped, pulled off him and flung myself down on the bed, writhing in pain. My chute felt as if a blimp had tried to park in it. Through the fog of pain I heard Chuck's voice.

"Jamie, I'm so sorry. If it's too much for you I can just beat-off."

I needed to put a stop to those thoughts. "No way, man, I want you to fuck me if it kills me. Even the pain is good." I got up from the bed and walked over and grabbed his dirty Hanes'.

Chuck gave me a quizzical look. "What do you want with those?"

"I'm going to put them in my mouth to muffle my moans."

I got back on my hands and knees in front of him. As I raised his shorts to my mouth I said, "C'mon Chuck, gore me with that big horn."

I felt his spongy fat battering ram shove against my back door. I stuck his jockeys into my mouth. His aroma permeating his shorts spurred me on for more. I gritted my teeth and waited for the ecstatic agony. His head forced its way through my sphincter. I wanted to escape but my butt wanted his cock more. Tears ran down my face as I threw my head down into the pillow. Then he broke through the inner ring. Only his underwear prevented me from waking the entire motel. My head ground against the pillow spasmodically.

"It's too much," he said as he pulled back. Knowing I was about to lose my chance. I reached back, grabbed his hips and pulled us tightly together impaling myself on his thick pole. I felt organs pushed aside as his snake tunneled into me. He slid into unexplored territory; straightened out and strained the twist in my tortured chute. His balls slapped up against my own as I forced my cheeks back against his hairy pubes. The pain was so severe I knew my center seam was going to split. I wanted to scream. I had never conceived of a pain this powerful. My shoulders were racked with shudders. I was on the point of giving up when he leaned over, brushed his lips against my earlobe and whispered, "I don't want to hurt you. You are so tight around my cock. This is incredible." His pole pulsated and flexed inside me nudging something deep that sent jolts of pleasure up my spine. I sucked in my breath in reaction to the thrill.

The tremendous pain was still there but all my apprehension and doubt vanished. All that mattered was trying to please this magnificent hunk nuzzling my ear. He started to withdraw but I spit his briefs out on the pillow and grasped his hips. "A cave would feel tight around your big fuck rod! Give me a minute to get used to you."

"Take all the time you want." He whispered. He flicked his tongue behind my ear and mouthed the stiff upper crest of my ear. This unexpected gesture whipped through me like a cold breeze and sent tremors down my body. My ass lips clenched and sucked at his rigid shaft. He groaned as his dick throbbed wildly inside me. I ground my nose back into his shorts to soak in the intoxicating aroma of this fledgling man. If I was going to die this was my idea of heaven. I dropped my hands from his hips and slid forward on his pulsating fuck muscle. I felt as if my guts were being pulled out with him. I thrust my hand back up under me and between my legs. My fingers reached my plugged hole. My once tiny pucker was stretched wide and taut around him. I ran my index finger from side to side of his telephone pole, and then I wrapped my hand around him. His enormity was even more pronounced in Braille as I fondled him piercing my downy butt cheeks. There was now four inches of his cock free of the straining confines of my hole and I still felt like he must be poking against my chest wall. The mental image fired my lust and I thrust back burying his spear completely in my distended channel. The pain was still immense but that was of no concern to me. The only thing that mattered to me was driving his rod in harder and harder. He moaned and lightly bit the nape of my neck. I turned my head back sideways to catch his eye.

"Okay stud, it's all yours, just build gradually."

He wrapped his arms about my chest and slowly began to thrust in and out of my butt. As I adjusted to his tremendous girth the pleasure was building inside me. His firm knob was stroking nerves inside of me I didn't know I had. He pulled back further and further with each stroke. My sphincter was on fire with the heat of his passage.

He nuzzled back up to my ear. "That is one sweet butt you have Jamie, my boy. I've never felt anything so tight, hot, and wet."

I was barely coherent as I moaned, "Fuck me with your big cock, Chuck!"

"You like that big cock, boy?"


"What do you want, Jamie?"

"Please fuck me! Fuck me silly!"

He took a long backstroke leaving me nearly empty. "Reach back and feel me fuck you some more."

I did as I was told. His dick was pulled out until only the head was held by my grasping hole. "You sure you don't want me to stop!" he hissed in my ear. His knob was throbbing at my backdoor sill.

"I want you to fuck me!"

One smooth steady thrust put him in deep only to have him pull out that far again and slam back into me faster and faster. One full length stroke after another. I was out of my head. I babbled incoherently with my head bobbing around wildly. My dick was hard enough to cut diamonds and jumping like crazy; soaking the sheets with drooling precum. He was pounding my butt like a piston. This new doggy-style position seemed to expose me to so much more depth of stroke. He had me so stimulated I was near to orgasm. Just as I reached the peak he pulled free. I felt completely empty, missing my core.

"Roll over," he ordered as he straightened up. Being naïve and inexperienced I had no idea where this was going, but I was far too hot to argue about anything. I flipped over like a puppy trying to please his master with a new trick. Chuck lifted my legs up and rolled me back onto my shoulders as he positioned himself over me like he was doing pushups. His heavy, rigid schlong hung down prodding my sore bunghole.

"Now, you still want me to fuck you silly?"

I looked up at the view of my imminent impalement.

"Oh YEAH!" I groaned.

He slammed his thick skewer into me driving with his full weight. The sensation was earth shattering. I watched him pile drive my butt. He pulled out all the way each time only to slam back in to the hilt. This surpassed my wildest sexual fantasies by a mile. He pummeled my hole with his battering ram. All I could do was lie there moaning wordlessly. I must have sounded like someone speaking in tongues (It's a rural religious thing). All the while Chuck kept up a steady stream of dirty talk.

"Fuckin' ya with my big cock. Fuckin' that cute ass. Take my hot love muscle." It was hypnotic staring into his eyes as he fucked me. I was on fire from the friction of his rapid-fire insertions in and out of my round puckered boy pussy. His repeated penetrations were so fast that in the second of his absence my hole was gaping wide. I could feel a slight chill in depths that cold air had never reached before. His steady pounding on my prostate was driving me wild. My nuts pulled tight into my body. I felt a rising tide of sperm in them. Chuck must have sensed my nearing ejaculation because he pulled out to the corona and stayed there. His sudden halt brought me up breathless.

"Not yet, Jamie. You want me to stop?" He teased.

"Never." I gasped haltingly.

Chuck shifted up onto the balls of his feet, pushed my knees to my shoulders and started sawing his cock back and forth in my welcoming butt.

I don't know how long we kept this up. I felt like he could fuck me into eternity. This latest position was driving his big hard head even harder into the G-spot I had been unaware of until now. Before I even knew it was happening I fired a volley of hot cum into my open mouth. I had never even touched my dick. I clenched my butt tightly with each spurt. I felt Chuck grow inside me. He shuddered and shook, driving in deep and hard.

"Take my hot cum Jamie! I'm fucking spraying your guts with my ball juice. That sweet butt is milking my fuck muscle."

After his last spurt he collapsed to his knees, his cock still deep inside. As he began to soften he started to pull out.

"Go slow!" I cautioned him. His withdrawal almost felt painful, not in the sense of hurt but in the sense of loss.

He smiled ruefully, "You're telling me! My dick is so tender I don't know if I can stand to pull out."

Slowly his deflating dick slipped free with a little farting burp. Cum dribbled from my tender wrecked hole. I shakily rose from the bed and went to the bathroom to clean myself up. Alone behind the closed door I was suddenly wracked with doubts and fears. What if Chuck started treating me like a piece of shit now that he had fucked me. What if he tells everybody? I knew he said he wouldn't, but how many times had I heard guys in the lockerroom talk about saying that same thing to a girl. The next day he would boast about it and treat her like a tramp. Suddenly I wished I had never done it. But then again this was my greatest fantasy come true. Of course my fantasies never went any further than the act. I wanted to disappear.

When I came back out Chuck was on his bed propped up on a bunch of pillows. I couldn't make eye contact as I got into my bed.

"Hey Jamie, what gives? Are you mad at me for hurting you?"

"You mean you still want to talk to me?"

"Of course I want to talk to you, you dope. I don't want to be your boy friend or anything but you're my friend. I hope this doesn't change that."

I was fighting back tears of relief. "I didn't think you'd want to have anything to do with me now."

"Look, what you want to do is your business -- well maybe our business. I'm not going to pass judgment on it. You're my friend that's all that matters. I can't return any stronger feelings you might have, or might not, have but I'd still like to be friends." He flashed me a mugging grin. "Maybe even fuck buddies."

The next morning I woke to find Chuck in my bed with his dick burrowing back into my sore butt. I gave a sigh of contentment and pushed back onto his hard prong.

True to his word Chuck remained my friend. He even put a stop to a lot of the jokes that I had previously been on the end of. I knew nothing could come of it but I loved that big stud. We stayed fuck buddies and would get together once a month or so. He even took me camping a few times. He knocked up a girl at the end of our senior year and they got married a few days after graduation.

I went off to university that fall and our times together became more and more infrequent. He still lives in our hometown though I hear he's divorced. I haven't seen him in years but I'll always love him.

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