Chuck Fucked

By moc.liamtoh@sogypokyel

Published on Jan 25, 1999




It must have been my sophomore year that I first really took notice of Chuck. We first met in seventh grade. He was just one more new student to me. We were both in glee club, two of only six guys. We were always friendly but never really had much interaction past small talk. Then the first day of school came. Schedules, the first week, were frequently screwed. Football players were scheduled for the wrong PE class; honor students were in remedial classes. My PE class was fourth period just before lunch. Chuck was in my class. He wasn't supposed to be. He was a vocational student training to be a welder and was supposed to have this period open for the on-the-job training.

He was still in the class the next day, which was the first day we were getting dressed out. I didn't pay that much attention to him while we were getting dressed; we were on different sides of the dressing room. When we came back in to change one of the coaches followed us to make sure everybody got a shower. I was getting undressed and trying to discretely check out every bare cock in the place. My perusal brought me at last to Chuck.

Chuck was the first one in our class to hit his growth spurt. He was six-feet tall in the ninth grade. He was tall, with dirty blond hair, and a clean looking country-boy face that had started to loose its baby fat and revealed a strong, stone-like structure. He looked like he belonged on a mid-western farm. But he was a southern boy and both of his parents were blue-collar workers. He was a tall, lanky guy, who had not yet gotten used to his new dimensions. His clothes were perpetually too small and he was clumsy to the point of cute. His easy-going manner made him popular. He was dating a girl two years older, and the rumor was that they had gone all the way.

My eyes landed on Chuck just as he was straightening back up after pulling his shorts off. He was wearing white cotton briefs that hung low with the weight of their burden. I thought, he must be partly hard. I tried to keep my leering as surreptitious as possible, but my lust was overwhelming. Chuck reached into his pouch to adjust his bulge then slipped his underwear down his legs and off. His freed cock hung soft and thick, swinging like a pendulum in front of his low hanging balls. The few buds I had had encounters with were my size, five inches, or less. His hung there like a big piece of raw meat. It was at least six inches soft and was UNCUT! This was a rarity in the suburban south then. His foreskin hung down over half his head completely obscuring any bulge where his head met the shaft. His shaft was smooth with no sign of veins. I had never seen a cock this big before. I knew instinctively that this was a seldom-matched piece of goods.

He grabbed up his towel and walked right past me, his big meat swinging seductively as he walked by. As he neared me he said, "Jamie, you lost or something. Snap out of it," laughed, and headed on past me to the showers.

This had attracted the attention of my friends around me. My face burned a deep red. They laughed and teased me good-naturedly. Two of them I had fucked around with. They probably had a pretty good idea what had me in a daze. I finished getting undressed and made my way to the shower.

The showers consisted of a fifteen by fifteen cinder-block partition. There were no windows and the only light was a single fixture in the ceiling and the light that come over the six-foot partition. There were four showerheads, three of which worked. Needless to say, there was something of a traffic jam trying to get showered. There were about fifteen guys milling around waiting to get under the spray. Chuck was in this group. I positioned myself so I could get my eyes full and be discrete. I had to use my full concentration not to pop a boner. While I was checking out other guys a movement out of the corner of my eye drew me back to Chuck. He was joking with the guy next to him. I stared as his hand unconsciously dropped to his crotch and grabbed the folded skin and pulled it down over the head. My attention was drawn back to his face by his laugh. He was smirking at me.

He finally got under the shower and started washing up. He ran his hands over his body, and down to his cock. I swear it looked bigger. He pulled it upright toward the ceiling, and retracted the skin to expose the pale pink glans. It was bigger than my own when I was hard, and had no trace of any flare around the rim. It stood out no more than the girth of the shaft like a football helmet.

I had to look away, I was becoming more excited. God knows I didn't want to get a hard-on in the lockerroom. Chuck got out and started drying off, paying a lot of attention to his cock and balls. He pulled back and forth on the skin a few times. I looked back up to see him watching me. Everyone else seemed oblivious. He finished drying and headed back to his locker. At last I took my place under the cool water (the hot never lasted long). The cool shock instantly reduced my prick to its smallest dimensions.

When everyone was dressed we loitered around in front of the stadium waiting for the coach to give us permission to go lunch. One of my blow buddies, Matt, wandered over while no one else was near me.

"Jamie, I saw you starring at that big ol' slab of meat Chuck had? Even Adam, my brother, doesn't have a dick that big." Adam was a senior and had been making Matt suck him off and get fucked for years. Matt had told me Adam's dick was a lot bigger than our own.

"I bet you were doing a pretty good job of staring yourself. I'm surprised you even had time to notice me," I answered back. "He wasn't circumcised either," I added as an afterthought.

"Do you think Terri really lets him fuck her with that?"

"I'm surprised she doesn't walk funny," I quipped.

"Would you let him cornhole you?" Matt asked.

"I don't know if I could take it but I'd like to find out."

I looked up to see Chuck in a group of guys talking. Without warning he looked right at me. My dick got so hard in my pants I had to cover up with my books.

The next day Chuck's schedule had been fixed and he wasn't in our class anymore. That one view of his cock haunted my every hour. I had had secret infatuations about lots of guys over the last several years, but nothing as powerful as the driving hunger I had for Chuck. I had to have him!

One day a month later, I was telling another friend, Dan, who was pretty puss, about Chuck's monster meat. He then told me about his study hall the year before. Dan had sucked off one guy, TJ, and he had told his friends that Dan liked to suck cock. A lot of the guys in his study hall had asked him to blow them; guys I would love to get my lips on. The topper was that Chuck had offered him five dollars to come in his mouth. Dan had become more cautious after being exposed and told them all he didn't do that. Of course he was too scared of getting pounded tell them TJ had lied, which made it pretty obvious it was true. I had gotten stone hard while he told me about it. My mind was screaming, "CHUCK WANTS TO GET SUCKED." I had to find some way to approach him. Finally I came up with a plan. I would call and proposition him in a disguised voice. I put a sock over the receiver and lowered my voice.

His mother answered and called him to the phone.

When he came on I asked, "Do you want a blow job?"

He thought a moment and said sure.

I asked him if he could get a car. He said he could.

My neighborhood was being expanded and had dirt roads going out from it in three directions. I gave him directions to a just cut road that didn't have any construction yet and told him to be there Sunday at three.

He answered back, "Sure Jamie, I'll be there."

My heart must have skipped ten beats. He recognized my voice! I tried frantically to think of a way out. I laughed loudly and hung up, hoping he would think it was someone else trying to frame me.

I had a restless night due to the warring feelings of anticipation and fear.

The next day at school an older girl I knew came up. "I hear you've been playing on the phone."

I wanted to sink into the pavement. Everyone knew. I pretended to be completely in the dark and denied everything. Later, in Glee Club I went up to Chuck. "What's this about me calling you on the phone?"

"Hey, you're the one who called ME, you should know all the details."

I strongly denied it and said someone must be playing a joke on us. He actually seemed to accept this but as I walked away he said, "It sure did sound like you."

"Chuck I swear it wasn't," I protested.

Every Winter the glee club went to statewide meet where all the schools performed and judged. This year it was being held at a college two hundred and fifty miles away. It was a two-day affair and was too far to drive back and forth. We would be staying in a motel two nights. They told us to pair off with whomever we wanted to room with. Two of the guys were brothers, so they paired off; and two others were lifelong best friends, and they paired off.

Chuck looked at me and said, "I guess that leaves us. That okay with you?"

"Sure!" I said. Not believing my luck. I might actually get to see his big slab of tubesteak again.

We had to be at school at six that Friday morning because we were scheduled to perform at eleven. All the other guys sought out a girl to share their seat on the bus. I sat with a good friend (girl) and some of her friends and we played spades. I was so anxious I couldn't concentrate. I played spades out of turn and lost tricks I should have won.

Beth, whom I had known since grade school, looked at me. "What is wrong with you? I have never seen you this jittery and out of it."

"What do you mean?" I replied, trying to sound casual.

"What do I MEAN?" she asked pointedly with a laugh. "You're playing cards like a beginner and your foot is shaking so hard you're about to bounce me off the seat."

I looked down at my knee and it was pumping nervously. "I guess I'm just a little nervous about performing."

When we arrived at the motel that afternoon we were assigned our rooms. The girls were on the ground floor and the guys were upstairs. Chuck got our key. I grabbed my bags from the bus and followed him up. I walked into the room to see Chuck throwing his bags on the twin bed closest to the bathroom. I was relieved and disappointed about the bed situation, but knew this was best.

We ate at a nearby pizza place and played some pinball. All the guys were trying to figure out how to sneak some of the more loose girls into their, and our, rooms. God forbid.

Fortunately, when we got back to the motel, the chaperones were very diligent and saw to it there was no hanky-panky. They declared that nine-thirty was curfew and no one was to be moving around without a life-threatening emergency.

Chuck and I watched TV and shot-the shit for an hour or so then he started to get ready for bed.

"Do you want a shower?" he asked.

"Naw, I'll get one in the morning."

He stuck his nose to his armpit, making me unexpectedly jealous and more horny. "Well, I'm pretty rank. I think I'll get one now." He put his suitcase on the dresser opposite the foot of the beds right next to the TV. He pulled his sweatshirt over his head baring his lean, fit torso and sat on the foot of his bed and took off his shoes and socks. He stood back up facing the door. He pulled off his belt then started undoing his pants. I had the perfect seat for the show. I could seem to be watching TV but actually ogle him stripping. My dick got rock hard instantly. He took off his pants and stood there in his Hanes's scratching his balls. He had been wearing them all day and they were stretched and hung low. He pulled his shaving kit from his suitcase. Just when I thought he was going into the bathroom in his jockeys he stuck his hand in the waistband, slipped them down to his knees and stepped out of them. I had anticipated this for so long I was breathless. I had never seen a hard-on as big as his floppy member was now. It looked even longer and thicker than in the lockerroom. Then it had hung limply down. Now it seemed to jut forward a little and then down. He stood there absent-mindedly rubbing his skin over the head of his cock as he folded and put away his discarded clothes. I don't know what kept me from blowing a load right there. Then he turned and went to the sink, which was at the end of our room. He brushed his teeth and then went in the bathroom leaving the door open. I saw his dirty briefs sitting on his suitcase. I had never considered underwear by itself a turn on, but I wanted my nose buried in the crotch of his. I got up and walked over to the sink eyeing first his freshly worn jockeys and then looking into the bathroom to see if he could see me. I could barely see the crest of his head over the shower curtain.

I crept back and picked up his underwear. They weren't even cold yet. I lifted the crotch up to my nose and sniffed. The aroma of teenage crotch sweat intoxicated me. I opened them and cradled my face in the inside of the crotch. My tongue snaked out and pulled the white cotton into my mouth. I was rewarded with a pubic hair in my teeth. I could die happy. I was abruptly halted by the sound of the water being turned off. I returned the shorts to his suitcase and quietly got back on my bed.

I heard the shower curtain pulled back. A minute later he stepped back into the room his head covered in the towel still drying off. His cock and balls dangled wildly in front of him. It looked even a little plumper and less flaccid than before. I wondered if he had beaten off in the shower. He wrapped the towel around his waist and went back to the sink to comb his hair.

He went to his suitcase and pulled out the same briefs I had had my face buried in. With his back to me he dropped the towel and pulled them on, but then paused. "These are wet! I didn't realize I had been sweating this much." He slipped them back off and threw them back into his suitcase.

He walked over to the thermostat. "Do you care if I turn up the heat a bit? It's a little cool in here and my hair's still damp."

"Sure, make yourself comfortable."

"While we're on the subject of comfort, will it bother you if I sleep in the raw? I can't stand to be bound up." He said as he neared the bed.

"No problem." I stammered.

He pulled back the covers. His pendulous hose swung there limp. It had shriveled back up to the size it had been in the lockerroom. He had been swollen when he undressed for his shower. He plopped down on the bed and pulled the sheet up over him. I couldn't believe I would be sleeping here with object of my heated lust naked just a few feet away.

"Well, I guess it's my turn." I put my suitcase on a small luggage rack near the sink. I opened it and pulled out my toiletries out. I washed my face, brushed my teeth and went into the bathroom to pee. I went back into the room and sat on the side of the bed facing away from Chuck and pulled my clothes off. Not wanting to be different I too stripped to the skin. I turned my head around and said good night to Chuck. I pulled the covers back and got in bed facing away from him.

Soon Chuck was breathing deeply. I didn't know how I was going to fall asleep. The lights outside the room were really bright. Even with the heavy curtains drawn it was still light enough to see clearly. The heater was making lots of noise. Of course my worst problem was the way my mind was racing and my one-eyed-wonder was throbbing. My imagination was running wild with thoughts of my roomie's fat schlong. I wanted it so bad, and there I was not even able to beat off.

I don't know how long I lay there trying to calm down. Chuck seemed to be out but he sure was a restless sleeper. He flipped and flopped around almost as much as I was. I turned over to face him and watch him sleep. He was on his back and had pulled the covers all the way down to his waist. He looked incredible. I lay there drinking in his young masculine beauty. He didn't have the sculpted physique that guys today curry, but he was lean and hard from physical labor and sports. The sheet was mounded up over his privates. I thought one time I saw it flex but it may have been a trick of the eye or wishful thinking. He started thrashing around in the bed again, and kicked the covers until they had slipped down to bare his pubes. He had my full attention. I must have stared for thirty minutes or so until he had another spate of kicking, which ended with the top of the sheet midway down his thigh. His big tool laid there exposed, draped down his left thigh. I wanted it so bad. It lured me, called to me, and tempted me. Fortunately my good sense and fear had the upper hand. I would have to content myself with the view. Suddenly it gave a little quiver and seemed to stretch and moved down his left leg a bit. My eyes must have been as big as saucers, as ogled his fat cock in the dim light. I watched it move again, further out and down his leg. It definitely had grown and showed no sign of stopping. (I was unaware of the nocturnal habits of male appendages at this point in my youth. I had no idea every guy got multiple woodys during the night.) As it grew it lifted off his leg and flopped onto his left pelvis toward me. It was easily eight inches long and two inches across and continued to grow. I was drooling. I had never wanted anything this bad. I coughed to see if he would awaken. His only response was his cock, which stiffened and jumped before my eyes. I had to get closer. I quietly pulled back the covers and got to the floor between the beds. His breathing never wavered. I crept over to his bedside. His cock pulsed again and reared itself off his hip into the air and back. I couldn't believe I hadn't died. His massive club now stretched several inches further than my hand from wrist to longest finger and was as big around as my wrist. The foreskin had retreated back off his head and pulled in tight wrinkles at the top of the shaft. My fantasies had never conjured up anything that huge. It was so hard it lay there pulsed with the beat of his heart. It twitched again. It was like it was beckoning me. I stealthily reached my right hand out and touched it lightly. It jerked in response, but Chuck's breathing remained steady. It lifted again and I slipped my hand under it so it fell back into my open palm. My heart was in my throat but Chuck slept on. I watched as I slid my open hand up and down the back of his back big salami slipping the flexible skin over the head. I closed my fist around his rigid fuck pole. My fingers wouldn't even meet around it. It throbbed hotly in my loose grasp but Chuck was still undisturbed. I couldn't believe I was holding him in my fist. Unconsciously, my head was drawing nearer and nearer. My lips were only fractions of an inch away when my tongue flicked out to lick the tip. There was a salty drop of precum on his piss-slit that coated my tongue like nectar. I opened my mouth and wrapped my lips around his head. His hard tube-steak throbbed and pushed forward a little. I was in ecstasy, light-headed. I open my mouth wider and pushed further down onto his bat. I slurped up and down the upper part of his dick several times as it pulsed in my straining aperture. Chuck groaned lightly and said, "You can probably do that better if you get down between my legs."

I nearly choked. I was caught!

Part II

He's going to kill me I thought. I pulled my head up free and fell back against my bed and bumped my head with an audible thump. I knew I was going to have a big knot where I hit. Chuck was out of bed and at my side in an instant. I drew back afraid he was going to beat me to a pulp. He turned the light on. The expression on his face was amused, concern.

I began to apologize profusely, but Chuck just waved me off.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"Yeah, at least physically."

"What do you mean?!"

"Are you going to tell the whole school about this?" I asked.

"No! I'm not gonna tell anybody. Look I'm sorry about the phone thing. I was an immature jerk."

"I was stupid to even pull that stunt and you've been great about it ever since."

"I've felt pretty guilty about blabbing."

I stared down at the carpet. "Look, I'm sorry I woke you. It won't happen again. Could we just go back to sleep and forget this ever happened?"

"I haven't been asleep yet and can't go to sleep until my dick gets satisfied. It isn't satisfied yet." He answered. I looked down at the telephone pole in his lap. No it didn't look satisfied. He slipped his hand down to stroke his powerful cock a few times while I watched.

"You mean you were awake the entire time?"

"Yep. I figured if you saw my big wang over here jumping, you'd have to take a taste."

He had set me up. "Does this mean you like guys?" I asked.

"Hell no!" He answered excitedly. "I just can't get a girl to go down on me. Hell, Terri's the first one to let me fuck her. In fact she's the first one that hasn't run away shrieking. I saw you eyeing me in the shower, then the phone call, I knew you wanted it in the best way."

He rose up and squatted on the balls of his feet with my head between his spread legs. His blood engorged, inflexible rod pointed right at my mouth. "You still want it don't you?" he asked coaxingly.

Damn straight I still wanted it. He leaned forward, braced himself with his right hand, and thrust his hip forward some. His fat love muscle loomed in my face like an approaching blimp. I reached up and grasp it. I slowly pumped my fist up and down the shaft and watched the foreskin cover and retract from the skin. This was my first uncut dick. I wanted to explore it thoroughly. It flexed in my hand in reacting to my worshipful ministrations. Eagerly, Chuck pushed his pelvis closer. Another clear bead of juice had formed on the head again. I guided his rounded cap to my lips and smeared them with his gooey precum. I lifted his cock upright and darted my tongue out to graze his hairy, low-hangers. He groaned with pleasure. I cradled his left ball on my tongue and tenderly drew in into my mouth.

"Oh, god. That is great. Nobody's ever done that to me before. You're making me weak." He said with a catch in his voice. I slathered his sack with spit and gently sucked on his nuts, while he encouraged me. "Yeah suck my balls! What a sweet mouth you have. Wash my nut sack with that sweet mouth." I continued slowly stroking his rod while I sucked. His balls pulled up tight against his body, and he groaned loudly. His cock erupted and sprayed cum on my bed and my head.

He fell back and collapsed on the floor in front of me. I can't remember that I was ever more disappointed. I got up and went to the sink to clean up.

"Jamie, that was incredible. You have one hot mouth," he called to me.

"It was my pleasure. Just let me know anytime. We'll work something out."

I walked back over to the bed and looked down at him. He had pulled himself up to sit on the side of his bed. His fuckstick rose proudly from his hand. He was still hard.

He smiled up at me and said, "How about now?"

I was on my knees licking his stiff pole before I even had time to think about it. His cock jumped and jerked as my tongue traveled up and down its length. It had such a smooth silken texture on my tongue. The skin was stretched tight around the girth of his bloated shaft that a tracery of tiny veins showed through, but had more than ample slack in its length to slide easily. It was truly round, not ovoid like most guys' cocks. The cum tube was barely apparent making its way up his blue-steel boner. I lovingly worked my way down past his man eggs to the sensitive ridge of skin between his butt and his balls. He started moaning and flopped his head around wildly, and then I made my way back up to his rounded head. I reached up and slid his sheath back over his knob and held it there while I ran my tongue around inside. He put his hands on the back of my head and gently pressed me down onto him. I had no intention of refusing and let his firm hands guide me. I opened wide and took about four inches of his full prong into my mouth.

"Oh, yeah, Jamie, suck on my big dick. That's great."

For several minutes I worked on just the upper half of his bone, getting it good and sloppy-wet. I gradually became more adventuresome driving my head further down on his rod. It was so big around I thought it would rip my throat apart, then another inch slid in. I was fighting hard to overcome my gag reflex. He gasped loudly. His obvious pleasure spurred on my efforts. I focused on relaxing my throat and I tried to ride it up and down in my throat. It was too much. I pulled off gagging.

"Are you okay?" He asked, truly concerned.

"I'm fine. You're just a lot more than a mouthful."

"I can't believe you could do that. You had two-thirds to three-quarters of it. I can't tell you how good it felt when I slipped into your throat. I don't see how you could take me that deep."

"It's called desire and willpower; just mind over matter. Of course you have a lot more matter than I ever dreamed of." I grinned and grasped his dick to emphasize the point. "Then again I have tons of desire and willpower."

"You must."

"Chuck, as much as you are getting your rocks off, doesn't even approach the charge I'm getting doing you."

Without pause, I rammed my head back down on his cock. I had less resistance this time. I shoved down until I could feel him back in my throat. I carefully pushed a little further, drawing a long "aaah" from Chuck. I pulled it back out in to my mouth then pressed back down stretching my distend pipe. Suddenly he bucked his hips propelling the remainder of his massive into my esophagus. My nose mashed into his pubes. My wind was cut off. My gag reflex was firing heavy. In panic I pulled off spluttering.

"Jamie, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to do that. I lost control."

When I had regained my composure I told him it was alright just to let me take the lead until I was used to it.

I took him just into my mouth and started suctioning hard. I set up an alternating rhythm of shallow throat fucking and that strong vacuum on the head and upper shaft in his mouth. I can't even describe the rush overwhelming my senses. I was exhilarated that I could actually accomplish it. I had wanted beat off so much over the past few months fantasizing about Chuck, wondering how big his hard cock would be. It was so much more than I had dreamed, and now I was gorging on its magnificent hardness. The eroticism had my cock so hard it hurt as it jerked excitedly. My enthusiasm got the best of me and I thrust my head down on him. I pulled back an inch and then embedded my nose back in his clean smelling crotch. My lungs were about to explode from lack of oxygen. I abruptly pulled off to catch my breath. It was so tight I thought my esophagus was coming out with his cock. I caught my breath and lunged back down full length on his on thick pole. He spasmodically jabbed at my throat. It was too much. I pulled off and ran to the toilet retching.

When I came back no amount of concentration could quiet my gag reflex. My battered throat was just too tender. I could see he was disappointed. I felt like a tease, but maybe.."

"Do you want to cornhole me?" I asked hopefully.

"I--I don't know," he answered. "You know I'm not a fag. That seems awful queer to me." I knew he didn't mean anything bad by his remarks. Stonewall had only happened a few years earlier and `gay' was not a word that had filtered down to Middle America yet. There wasn't any polite way to say it.

"Look, Chuck, it's gonna take some practice before I can bring you off in my mouth. My hole is tight, warm, slick, willing and HERE. The only other option is a hand job. It's your choice."

"I don't know," he said hesitantly. I thought it was a good sign that his cock was jumping at the thought. He had to be horny as hell.

"Your balls are about to burst with cum. Nobody's ever going to know about it.


I had to convince him! "When you're horny isn't any hole better than none? Besides, my butt has got to be tighter than any pussy. It's surrounded by muscle. No matter how sweet you think a girl's soft twat is, or how turned on it makes you they don't have that, and they're not here."

"Do you really think you can take it? It killed me when the doctor put his finger in mine." Actually most of my previous partners had cum almost as soon as they had the head in me, or still had little boy dicks.

"I've been fucked a few times before, though they were all my size or smaller. It hurts but I still love it."

Chuck looked thoughtful. "Who's by?"

"None of your business," I snapped, a little peeved.

He laughed. "Hey man, I'm sorry it just popped in my head." I felt the tide turning in my favor.

"How often?"

"Maybe ten times since the fifth grade." This was true. I had been fucked but the opportunities were rare, even with the guys I trusted.

"What do we do?" He was up for it. I couldn't believe my luck.

I didn't want him to have time to change his mind. I answered quickly. "I didn't think to bring anything to slick me up but shampoo. I really don't want to use that. I guess spit will have to do."

"I've got some Vaseline I brought to keep my lips from chapping." Chuck chimed in. Now that he had made his decision he became more enthusiastic.

"Great! Vaseline is the best."

He jumped up, his heavy hanging cock leading the way, and got it from his shaving kit. I reached in and slathered up his big dick with a glob then smeared it around my hole. Even though I wanted this I was still apprehensive. I was trembling with excitement and fear. I laid face down on my bed. (I had never fucked any position except missionary.) I looked back and said, "Go slow and easy."

He grabbed his tree-branch-sized member and crawled on top of my back. I sucked in my breath as he placed his dick between my cheeks and pressed forward. He aimed too low and it slid down between my legs.

Chuck groaned. "Reach back and guide me." He ordered.

I gripped his humongous butt reamer and lined it up with my tight, quivering hole. He drove forward. My clenched opening would not give.

He was rock hard from cock rubbing in my crack. "Boy, you are tight. Relax and spread your legs. See if that helps."

I complied eagerly. He wasn't the only one getting turned on by the contact. I was hungry with lust to get him inside me. I clinched my cheeks around his cock and he flexed his rod in answer. Still directing his dick with my hand, I spread my legs open wide and tried to relax my sphincter. He shoved forward. I felt the aperture give some. Pain surged through my body. I grit my teeth and growled. He didn't even have the head in yet and it was already worse than I imagined. I had to be crazy to want more. Unfortunately, I was still too tight to get more penetration. He pushed and pushed and nothing happened. With were both dripping sweat from our efforts.

He pulled back. "How about trying it doggy style? I've done that with Terri a few times."

"You've fucked Terri in the butt?" I asked.

"Hell no, you goose, in the pussy."

"Well what the hell is doggy style."

"Get on your hands and knees," he instructed.

I obeyed and he got behind me. He aimed his big probe at my puckered sphincter and firmly pushed forward. I felt the tight ring start to open. Abruptly he popped through. I yelped, pulled off, and flung myself down on the bed, writhing in pain.

"I'm sorry, man. Are you going to be okay?"

My butt was one burning mass of pain. I didn't see how I could do this, but the aborted attempt just had me hotter. "Yeah, just give me a minute." I got up and pulled his dirty Hanes' from his bag.

"What do you want those for? He asked.

"I need something to bite down on when you shove that beautiful fence post in." When the agony had subsided I re-assumed the position.

"Are you sure you want to do this? I could just beat off."

"I'll be damned! I want you to fuck me." I answered. I felt his firm, spongy head pushing at my back door. I wadded up his sweet smelling briefs and stuck them in my mouth. As inhaled his intoxicating crotch perfume his mammoth battering ram unyieldingly pried my asslips apart. I nearly passed out when my tight ring of muscle surrendered to his searing poker. The pangs shot up my body and exploded in my head. Every fiber of my being screamed for escape. Tears streamed down my face. It was a good thing I had his briefs to muffle my screams. I buried my head in the pillow, bit down hard and willed myself to take it. I could feel his throbbing pole collared in the entrance to my rectum.

Aware of the agony he was inflicting Chuck said, "This is killing you. I'm going to pull out."

In panic that I was about to lose this dreamt of agony, I grit my teeth and shoved back against him. He burst through the inner ring as I impaled my self full-length on his log. I felt internal organs shoved aside as he straightened out the untouched depths of my channel. His curly patch of hair scratched against my cheeks. I expected it to push into my throat any moment. Stars and lightning lit up my brain.

Chuck began to pull out. "You can't take this," he declared.

I reached behind me and firmly grasped his hips, pulling his hot iron back in. I spit the briefs from my mouth. "No!" I ordered. "I love the pain." Gasping breaths wracked my chest as I attempted to adjust to his ass spreading girth. I buried my nose


Next: Chapter 2

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