
By Mitch XD

Published on May 22, 2011


No copyright infringement intended, just a fun story I wrote about the TV show chuck... Whether or not my character portrayal is accurate, these stories are intended for adults (or curious teens)... if you don't like men having sex... why the hell are you on Nifty and do us a favor and go away... seriously. If you have comments please send they will be welcome. If you want specific pairings, I'll think about it. Please leave positive and negative feedback so I know whether or not to hang up my computer. Again no money is being made so no copyright infringement is being done. This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives. Publishing companies include: College Hill Pictures, Fake Empire, Wonderland Sound and Vision, and Warner Bros. Television. Thanks for reading and enjoy! Oh... and all of these stories have a rather anachronistic quality to them. (The don't follow a Chuck-TV show timeline) So if there are some problems with the relationships, oh well. Anyway I hope y'all like the story. And for goodness sake COMMENT... I cannot stress how happy it makes me. (I even enjoy constructive criticism... so tell me about errors or things you don't like) My commenters are less fond of Casey, who I happen to drool over quite a bit. (Whatever) So I may be reducing, but not eliminating, his part, unless people comment on wanting him in a story. (This is your incentive to comment)

What happened last time?

The tender moment was ended when the two heard the door to the small room being picked. Quickly Chuck dived behind a crate, only just grabbing his clothes. Bryce grabbed his clothes and ran to the small closet in the back, he had also grabbed a gun. Just as Bryce was closing the door to the closet, the door burst open and in came John Casey. Chuck, who was putting on the last of his clothes heaved a sigh of relief and said,

"Thank god! I thought you were one of them." He said pointing to the unconscious Ring operative at his feet.

"Why weren't you upstairs?" He growled in a dangerous voice.

"Uh... because I found just found Bryce and had to knock out the Ring agent." Whew Chuck thought, just made it up on the spot.

"Hmph." Casey grunted, "Do you strip for every Ring agent to distract them or was it just this hunk?"

Chuck's jaw was slack, how the fuck? Casey smiled and said,

"Next time tell us you're going on "a break." Casey said again before exiting through the door.

This idea comes from one of my readers. It was kinda indirect... I think. Thanks to my readers who have been reading and writing! Thanks to Ryan for the pointers and giving me a great idea for this chapter.

A final note is that this chapter does not fall within the Chuck series timeline (It's not possible) but still totally hot! So I hope y'all enjoy the newest installment.

Chuck and Awesome had been making it a habit of seeing each other regularly whenever Ellie was on a two day work shift. The two had become great friends and had been having mind blowing sex. Ellie did not notice a difference in them even though she was constantly coming into contact with both of them.

Chuck was feeling listless one day and had decided that it had been too long since he had gone on a mission; the intersect had begun to flash at the most inconvenient times. When Chuck had been taking out money at his bank and a stranger had run into him, and then proceeded to blame Chuck for being a klutz, he had flashed and nearly broken the man's hand.

Chuck walked into Castle hoping against hope that General Beckman would have an assignment for him, no matter how dangerous, or even easy. Chuck used the main computer to send a call to General Beckman and waited for her response. The General, who was working on paperwork turned to Chuck and said in a somewhat preoccupied voice,

"Agent Bartowski, what can I do for you?"

"General Beckman, I was wondering if you had any assignments that I could complete. I mean ANY assignments." Chuck thought he might have gone overboard with the emphasis. Luckily, the general seemed too occupied to notice and began rifling through papers for something.

"Actually, I do have something for you. Recently some key Intel was stolen from a NASA facility. We have a photo of the man responsible for the theft but have not been able to identify or locate him." As she said this, she lifted a photo of a man wearing a black shirt and dark sunglasses. Chuck noticed a tattoo that ran the length of his arm. Upon closer inspection, Chuck saw that the tattoo was of a black dragon that was intertwined with a blue dragon. He felt the familiar tingle in his eyes and saw the flooding of images. Coming down from the charged moment he responded to Beckman,

"I don't know for sure who he is but I do know the people with whom he works. The group is called 'Xe-Zhong.' They are international secret thieves who have never been caught, even on a camera. Any witnesses are murdered in cold blood with no regret. The fact that this person was seen probably means he either didn't find what he was looking for and is trying to draw us out or that he was really clumsy; if that's the case then he is probably dead already. His organization does not accept failure or exposition with penalty of death." Chuck felt slightly dizzy but covered it by sitting on the table while facing the general. She had a puzzled and worried look upon her face and turned her attention to Chuck.

"Chuck this mission is the most dangerous that you might ever have; do you want Agent Walker or Colonel Casey to accompany you? We know that this man is very close to where you are but I do not want you to risk your life, or your cover as the intersect... do you understand?" General Beckman was serious and her eyes bored into Chuck's soul. Chuck nodded and told the General that he would like to bring Bryce Larkin on the mission. Bryce, who had only just returned from a mission in the Middle East, was staying at a hotel on the outskirts of town. General Beckman granted him Larkin's assistance and told Chuck to make the best of his time. After the General disconnected, Chuck leaned back and decided that he would be going over to Bryce's apartment later that night.

Ellie had been driving Devon up the walls with the constant talking about their soon to be born baby. Captain Awesome decided he needed to exercise and release some stress. He left the apartment and began to jog around the block. Ellie let Awesome go and just returned to looking through baby names. He had only just left the house when he saw Chuck leaving his apartment as well. Devon watched as he got into his car and sped down the street. 'What's the rush Chuck?' he thought. As quickly as he had left his house, Awesome changed his mind and hopped into his car. 'I'm going to find out what is going on with Chuck.' Speeding out of the driveway and onto the main road, Awesome soon spotted the Nerd Herder heading down East and Main St.

'He's leaving the city? Does he have a mission? Why wouldn't he tell me about it?' Devon was perplexed until he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. Awesome put the phone onto its cradle and saw that it was Chuck. He put his iPhone© on speaker and said,

"Hey Chuck... what's going on?" His voice was shaky and for a second Awesome worried that Chuck had seen him in his rear view mirror. 'Why didn't I hide behind other cars,' thought Devon.

"Hey Devon! I just wanted to ask you if you would like to come out to the Hotel on East and Main near the outskirts of town. A friend and I are meeting for dinner and we thought you might be interested in joining us. I know it's a little late, so if you can't make it for the main course... be sure to come over for..." Chuck's voice became husky and very seductive, "...Desert." Chuck then hung up and Awesome was left in a state of shock.

"Did Chuck just ask me to do a threesome?" Devon thought aloud. He felt the familiar tightening in his pants and nearly drove off the road because he was so hard. 'Oh god... yes!' He had been dreaming of joining in with Chuck and another person... knowing that Chuck and Ellie was impossible, Awesome had hoped that Chuck would pick someone that he had had sex with already to reduce any awkwardness. Awesome was nearly speeding trying to catch up with Chuck and let him know that he was more than happy to oblige. Awesome pulled up next to the Nerd Herder and waited for Chuck to look over at him. Chuck glanced over, then did a double take and took out his phone... seconds later,

"Hey Devon... I don't want to sound paranoid or anything, but, were you following me?" His voice was teasing but slightly stern. Devon chuckled and said, in an overly innocent voice, that it was coincidence that this had happened this way. Chuck sighed and turned off his phone again. Devon followed him to the Hotel and got out of his car at the same time. Devon, who was nervous and slightly pale, said,

"Chuck, do I know this... uh... person?" He felt so reluctant to say 'guy' that it made Chuck laugh. Chuck pulled Awesome into him and gave him a hug, which reminded Devon why he had come out to the hotel in the first place. Devon pulled Chuck in for a breathtaking kiss and the two held each other for almost a minute. Chuck soon realized that if they did not get into the hotel soon, he was going to have problems concerning publicity and indecent exposure. Ellie did not need either of these and neither did the CIA, so Chuck pulled away from Devon and gently tugged his collar so that he led the other man into the hotel. Chuck asked for a room key for a Mr. Groveman and led Awesome to the elevator. The two kissed passionately on the way up, much to the enjoyment of the male elevator bellhop, who was drooling over both of them. When they reached the room, Chuck turned to Awesome and the two men smiled at one another. Chuck was reassuring Awesome and Awesome was letting Chuck know that he was nervous but ready.

Chuck opened the door and immediately the two men saw something that made their blood run cold. As they looked down, they saw rose petals that lined the floor and led off into the master bedroom. But what was holding their gaze was the trail of blood that led into the bathroom just off of the main room. They glanced at each other and Chuck pulled out a tranq gun from his waistline. Devon was taken aback until Chuck told him that it just sedated people. Chuck led the way into the room and saw that the door to the bathroom was closed. Chuck motioned Awesome to close the door quietly and to get behind him in case there was crossfire. He again felt the slight dizzying feeling in his the back of his head and all the images of hand to hand combat and proper gun used flashed through at an alarmingly quick rate. Feeling quite prepared, he kicked the bathroom door in and leveled his gun. He saw Bryce slumped against the far wall in a pool of scarlet. Instincts kicking in, Devon pushed past Chuck and began to inspect the wound. Grabbing the hotel's very-well-stocked first aid kit he turned to Chuck and said that Bryce would be fine and that the cut was not as deep as it seemed. Chuck saw that Devon had things handled so he turned slowly to search the suite trying to find out who had trashed it. Just as Chuck entered the master bedroom, he felt the presence of someone but could not see anyone.

Chuck walked around the room slowly waiting for any sign of movement. Nothing came. He decided to take a risk and turn his back to the room. Chuck fixed his eyes on the reflective surface of a metal tray and waited. After a few seconds he saw someone slowly sneaking up on him. Waiting until the last second, Chuck whipped around and swung his fist in a perfect crescent shape. This caught his assailant off guard and as he stumbled back, Chuck saw something that iced his blood. On his arm were two entwined dragons. Thinking of Bryce and what this man had done and would've done, his anger flared. He knew that he could not keep the person off balance for much longer and expected that he might need backup to fight him, so Chuck gripped his tranq gun and shot the man three times in the chest and twice in the neck. The man slowed but did not seem to be phased much by the darts. He fired six more times into his attacker, until, finally, he went down. The whole time he was trying to put a capsule into his mouth. Chuck leaned down and grabbed it from the man's limp hand and pocketed it. After the man was out, Chuck disarmed and tied him to a chair and made sure that he could not move any part of his body. Chuck circled the suite, checking for any surveillance equipment or phones. Not finding any, he went back to the bathroom and found Awesome slowly finishing the touches on a very rigged but professional cast. "Are those the bath towels? You know they charge for those, right?" Awesome just rolled his eyes and told Chuck to call Casey and Sarah so that they could give Bryce some proper medical attention. He complied and sent a message to General Beckman informing her that they had found the man from the photo.

Ten minutes later a clean-up squad was in the hotel room. Devon had, at Chuck's request, moved to another room and was taking care of Bryce. He waited for Chuck and, while Chuck was updating General Beckman, Awesome had finished bandaging Bryce's arm where the assassin had sliced him with a dagger. Awesome took a few minutes to gently rub Bryce's shoulder. Bryce looked at Awesome and smiled slightly. He said in a tired voice,

"Hi Devon. I'm Bryce, thanks for fixing up my cut. Do you remember me?"

"Uhh... you were the guy who got Chuck kicked out of Stanford and then sent him that computer thing?" Awesome said, a little unsure of himself.

Bryce laughed and nodded at him. He then pulled Awesome closer using his good hand and gave Awesome a hug. He said that he had missed talking to Chuck's friends and relatives. Awesome was taken aback but gave Bryce a big hug in return, inhaling the scent of Bryce. He smelled like... sweat, musk, and a little like Chuck. Awesome's pants felt slightly tighter and the room felt a good deal warmer. He helped Bryce to his feet and walked him into the bedroom of the hotel. There, Awesome set Larkin down on the bed and said that he would go get Chuck. Bryce grabbed his arm and told him to stay, and that Chuck would be in soon. Awesome felt a little nervous but Larkin said,

"Are you okay? Chuck said that we would be having dinner together. It's a little harder for that to happen when I'm not in top condition. Do you want to maybe talk a little bit and... Get to know each other better?" His eyes were dark and suddenly Awesome's pants felt very tight.

"Uhhh..." said Devon."I am not really sure how this was supposed to go." Devon felt himself losing confidence for once. He had always been in control and had never doubted himself, until now.

Bryce smiled and said, "I'll start us out. Okay?" Devon nodded.

Bryce sat up and started to gently rub Devon's shoulders. 'He's very tense, but god, what muscles,' thought Bryce. Awesome relaxed a little and started to discard his shirt. Bare skin in sight Larkin's hands began to massage his entire back smoothly. Devon knew that if Bryce kept going he was going to get turned on. Bryce moved his hands onto Devon's shoulders and scooted in closer. He gently rested his head against Awesome's muscled back and wrapped his hands around onto Devon's chest. When his fingers brushed Awesome's nipples, he let out a slow groan and moved his head back so that Larkin could rest his own head in the crook of Devon's neck. Larkin began kissing Devon's neck and gently pinching his nipples. Awesome's cock was rock hard and he felt his whole body shake with anticipation. Just as Larkin was about to mark Devon, Chuck walked in the room.

"Started without me... eh, guys?" Awesome looked sheepish but Bryce hungrily looked at Chuck and said,

"Get over here and we'll get you up to speed."

Chuck gave a wolfish grin and walked over to the bed. He began to kiss Devon on the lips, while Bryce had moved his hands downward and was feeling Awesome's six-pack. Devon wasn't sure what to do, so he pulled Chuck in for a passionate kiss and put one hand back to rub Larkin's pants, which had been perfectly cut for him. Chuck returned the kiss and then told Awesome to stand up. Awesome went to the edge of the bed and stood. Both Chuck and Bryce looked at him and Chuck said for him to take off his pants and boxers, to which he complied. Bryce and Chuck stared at Awesome's magnificent body and semi-erect member to match. Devon smiled confidently and asked if they cared to join him. Chuck threw his clothes off and helped Bryce to get his off as well. Then the two men who had been sitting on the bed moved towards Awesome and began to rub his body. Chuck went straight for Devon's cock which was nearly at full attention, while Bryce went up and began kissing Awesome on the lips. Bryce then proceeded to move around to the back of Devon's body and began to kiss his way down. Once he reached Awesome's waistline he rubbed his ass and felt his muscles shift as Chuck began furiously sucking Devon's throbbing dick. Larkin moved Awesome to the bed and Chuck mounted Devon in the perfect position to 69. Watching the two studs blow each other only heightened Bryce's lust. Kneeling down, he massaged the golden tanned cheeks of Devon's ass. With a cheek in each hand, he spread them to see Devon's hole. 'Here goes nothing,' Bryce thought, as he inserted his tongue.

"Oh my god... Bryce that feels so... good." Devon's voice deepened on the last word and he felt himself get closer to his orgasm.

Chuck began to swallow Devon's cock and he palmed Awesome's balls, giving them a massage as he heard him grunt. When his balls drew up, Chuck felt Awesome writhing under him and he swallowed Devon's cock again. Devon let out a series of incomprehensible words and froze; the other two men watching as Devon's cock twitched and the cum exploded out of the head landing on Chuck's face and the bed. Chuck, who had also been close and was feeling edgy, pushed his cock in and out of Devon's hand as he came down. Devon looked at Chuck, grinned and started jerking him off. It didn't take long and Chuck let out a groan as he let his seed land in Awesome's mouth. Larkin, coming out of Devon's hole just stared at the two and said,

"My turn." He moved close and both Chuck and Awesome began to suck on his cock. Chuck took the head and Devon put both balls in his mouth. Bryce moaned and began to feel his orgasm build. He turned to Chuck and said, "Could you...?" But Chuck had already moved and inserted his finger into Bryce's awaiting hole. Chuck ran his fingers around until he found his prostate and he rubbed it roughly. Awesome took in Bryce's cock and felt his balls tighten. Bryce was squirming, panting and groaning while Chuck finger fucked him and Devon sucked him off. Seconds later, Bryce shook and Awesome felt the warmth of Larkin's jizz run down the back of his throat.

"Yum. You know what they say. A load [or two] a day will keep the doctor away." said Awesome with a grin. "But I'm not done with either of you yet."

Larkin was still reeling from the orgasm as Chuck removed his fingers and Devon stood up from his dick. Even though he was still heavily bandaged, Bryce was going to fuck Devon hard. He grabbed him by the shoulders roughly and pulled him in for a kiss. Awesome felt Larkin's strong lips and muscles bending Devon to his will . Awesome started to get hard again as Larkin started to mark his neck. Chuck, who had been watching, moved in and handed Bryce some lube and a condom. Chuck then proceeded to pull Awesome away from Larkin. The two kissed while grinding into each other, both fully hard and somewhat desperate for release. Chuck laid on the bed and Awesome straddled him with his ass in the air ready for Bryce's dick.

Larkin looked down at Devon's ass and began to eat him out voraciously. Meanwhile Chuck had grabbed Awesome's cock and was yanking it hard while lubing his own hole. Awesome, who was in ecstasy, rocked back into Bryce's tongue and forward into Chuck's hand. He was so close that he stopped Chuck so he could cool down. Chuck looked up, smiled and then pulled him in for another kiss. Devon's cock twitched as Larkin continued his assault on his tight hole; this was causing his to leak pre-cum onto the bed and on Chuck's stomach. Chuck looked down at his stomach and used his finger to taste the pre-cum on his stomach.

When Chuck was satisfied with how lubed he was, he turned over and without a condom, began to grind his ass into Devon's throbbing member. Awesome shuddered from the sudden contact and slowly slid into Chuck's heat. As soon as he was inside, he felt as though he was about to shoot his load. He stopped and held Chuck in place. He waited for a minute and then gently began rocking back and forth into Chuck, trying to push his whole ten inches into Chuck's ass. Chuck gasped as Awesome's cock sank all the way into his ass. Because Awesome's cock was so big, every thrust resulted in an extreme rub against Chuck's prostate, causing Chuck to be electrified by the pleasure and causing him to elicit groans of satisfaction.

Larkin finished rimming Awesome's ass and had applied lube to his ass. Larkin slipped on the condom and began to scissor Devon's ass with two fingers trying to widen the space for his cock. When Devon started moaning, Bryce stopped lined his cock up with Awesome's ass. Waiting until Devon was on a backward thrust, he roughly shoved his cock forward. Halfway into Devon's ass, Larkin's cock brushed Awesome's prostate, causing Awesome's torso to lift up into Larkin's body. Larkin grabbed the muscle-man's stomach and began pinching his nipples while biting his neck in pleasure. When Awesome had moved, Chuck decided to pick himself up and lean into Devon's muscled stomach. Awesome took this instant to grab Chuck's dick and jerk him off while Devon pushed into him. Chuck let out a gasp as Awesome's hand ran over his cock.

The three men stayed in this position until Chuck felt himself reach the point of no return. Chuck leaned back and kissed Awesome passionately while he felt the orgasm build. Awesome shoved himself further into Chuck and Chuck felt Awesome's cock grind against his prostate. Chuck released the kiss and let out a primal yell that made his throat hurt as he violently came all over the bed, his chest, Awesome's hand, and the neighboring nightstand. Awesome felt Chuck's ass clench around his cock; this combined with Larkin's forceful fucking caused Devon to lose control and cum inside of Chuck. Awesome's whole body shook as the orgasm rocked his body and Devon pulled his ass together as hard as he could; this caused Bryce to shudder and shake as he lost his rhythm and he felt himself get closer. As Larkin pushed in and out of Awesome, Awesome responded by clenching his gluteal muscles in time with Bryce's thrusts. Bryce held on as long as he could but soon he felt himself being dominated by his orgasm. Bryce let out a soft moan as he blew his load into the condom.

Awesome slid out of Chuck's ass and Bryce out of his as the three came down from the orgasm. Devon slid the condom off Bryce and let his cum run into his mouth. The three men moved to a dry end of the king sized bed and then began to kiss one another, swapping Bryce's load back and forth. Chuck then said,

"So guys, do we just want room service?" He smiled devilishly.

Hooray for threesomes! I want to give a special thanks to RH

Next: Chapter 7

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