
By Mitch XD

Published on Feb 14, 2011


No copyright infringement intended, just a fun story I wrote about the tv show chuck... Whether or not my character portrayal is accurate, these stories are intended for adults (or curious teens)... if you don't like men having sex... why the hell are you on Nifty and do us a favor and go away... seriously. If you have comments please send they will be welcome. If you want specific pairings, I'll think about it. Please leave positive and negative feedback so I know whether or not to hang up my computer. Again no money is being made so no copyright infringement is being done. This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives. Publishing companies include : College Hill Pictures, Fake Empire, Wonderland Sound and Vision, and Warner Bros. Television. Thanks for reading and enjoy! Oh... and all of these stories have a rather anachronistic quality to them. (The don't follow a Chuck-TV show timeline) So if there are some problems with the relationships, oh well. I also wanted to let my reader's know that I might take longer to get the stories out due to my schedule. (I'm busy a lot more often now) Also I will be celebrating my birthday on the 29th so no story for at least a few days. (the big "two-one!") Anyway I hope y'all like the story. And for goodness sake COMMENT... I cannot stress how happy it makes me. (I even enjoy constructive criticism... so tell me about errors, or things you don't like) My commentors are less fond of Casey, who I happen to drool over quite a bit. (Whatever) So I may be reducing, but not eliminating, his part, unless people comment on wanting him in a story. (This is your incentive to comment)

What happened last time?

Suddenly the window flew open and Chuck, who was half naked and trying to zip up his pants opened the shower and said,

"Oh my god! Devon are you okay... I saw blood and..." He saw Awesome lying on the shower floor and immediately assumed the worst. "Devon don't die please... I need you!"

Awesome only laughed and said,

"Chuck I was just a little rough on exit... I'm okay. I promise." He looked at Chuck and smiled. "Did you want to join me?" Looking down at Chuck's clothes, which had been, clearly, hastily put back on himself. "You were watching me the whole time weren't you... you little voyeur." Chuck looked away clearly embarrassed. "It's okay. I only have one question."

Chuck looked at Devon inquisitively, and tilted his head, unsure of what the question was. Awesome smile a devilish grin and said,

"Did you finish?"

This chapter is dedicated to Matt who sent me an email recently asking for a story involving Bryce*

Matt I hope this is an acceptable chapter... let me know.

Oh this Chapter has a title (Finally a chapter w/a title)

"Ch6. - Chuck vs. The Ex-Roommate"

Let our story commence with moving backward in the Chuck timeline... (ominous music plays)

Chuck was sick of the on-again off-again attitude of Sarah Walker concerning their "cover relationship." Chuck had been going on an extremely long dry-spell and was starting to think of creative ways to release his urges.

Chuck went into the "Buy More" wearing his usual, albeit, fake smile and went to the back room to clock into work. He then saw a glimpse of something out of the corner of his eye and turned just in time to see Sarah sprinting down the hallway with a pissed-off look in her facial expression.

"Why did you run off Chuck. You weren't even wearing your watch. How the hell are we supposed to protect the intersect if you won't even try." Sarah was already getting on his nerves.

Chuck was considering having a scene right now, inside the Buy More, but reconsidered. There aren't enough people here... Chuck was determined to end the relationship, so at least he could have a relationship that would involve some sex, Goddamnit!

Chuck ignored Sarah and began to walk to the front of the store, emphasizing his indifference by brushing past her and ignoring the watch in her outstretched hand. Sarah turned towards him and followed closely behind him. She wasn't sure what was going on with Chuck but she was pretty sure something was wrong. She kept trying to get Chuck's attention until they reached the main floor of the Buy More. With customers everywhere she kept pestering Chuck. Great, thought Chuck, now we can have a scene. He turned to Sarah and commenced a long speech in which he told Sarah off for everything she did. (Carefully disguising her spywork with different word) At the end of his speech, which the entire floor of the Buy More had heard, Sarah looked at Chuck squarely with her eyes wide and said in a very quiet, evil tone which he was sure only he could hear,

"Oh... I'll play this game." And she began to sob hysterically. Damnit I forgot what a good actress she was, thought Chuck.

Chuck continued with a few sentences about how they could stay friends and how it wasn't her fault. This was replied with hisses from women in the crowd and groans from every guy in earshot. Chuck gave Sarah a small, smug smile and turned away from her to go into the back of the store again, sure that Sarah would leave instead of causing a horrible scene.

Chuck had gone four days after the breakup before his next confrontation with Sarah. It was when they were contacted by General Beckman at Chuck's apartment. Sarah looked at Chuck and said nothing, but if her body signals were any colder Chuck was going to need a sweater... in July. General Beckman informed Chuck, Casey, and Sarah that while undercover inside of the Ring, a single group of rogue CIA agents had discovered Bryce Larkin as a spy and had locked him in a deserted building, determined to kill him before the end of the day. Sarah's expression after the General had cut communications was serious and crestfallen. Sarah's previous relationship with Bryce had made the mission more complex, Sarah would be monitoring the outside of the building, while Chuck and Casey entered the building and rescued Bryce.

Chuck was the resident computer hacker and was easily bypassing the Rings security. Casey acted as the muscle and was disarming and knocking various Ring agents unconscious. Finally, the intel from the General had stopped as the two entered an elevator that opened to the 5th floor. Chuck and Casey decided to take opposite directions when the path split. Chuck was in constant communication with both Sarah and Casey via his comlink wristwatch and was armed with a tranquilizer gun.

Chuck began to open doors on the eastern end of the building looking for any sign of Bryce. Around the end of the hallway he caught a whiff of a familiar scent. Is that Casey? No, Casey smells more musky than this. This smells... good. Really good, thought Chuck. He felt himself getting aroused by the smell. It's been too long, Chuck thought and tried to calm himself. He began to slowly open the remaining doors with caution. When he opened the last door he heard the sound of a person talking, it was a Ring member and they were crouched over a small bundle. They were talking to Bryce Larkin who was tied to a chair and blindfolded, his clothes were torn and he had multiple cuts and bruises but no evidence of any major damage.

Chuck slowly slid his tranquilizer gun through the hole in the door and took careful aim at the rogue agent and fired. The dart narrowly missed the man and rebounded off the far wall with a ping Chuck then, without waiting any longer shot a series of darts at the agent who had just jerked up at the noise. Chuck landed four darts in the agent and waited for the Ring operative to slump to the ground before entering the room. Chuck shot the man a few more times to make sure that the Ring agent was fully unconscious and then walked over to Bryce.

His smell is entoxicating, that or I am really horny... m'eh probably both. Thought Chuck who was turned on by the danger of the situation and the aroma of sweat, sex, and a little fear eminating from Bryce. Chuck had always tried to take advantage of Bryce's nonchalance when the two were roommates at college. Chuck would frequently find Bryce walking around the room in only his boxers, and occasionally, after a shower, he would be completely naked. Chuck had enjoyed the view and had frequently fantasized about having sex with Bryce. Now here he was, and he had no choice but to do whatever Chuck wanted to do. Chuck was not extremely agressive when it came to sex and had felt that with women he never was able to get as rough as he'd like. Also Chuck was sure he would enjoy taking a more passive role in sex, maybe even letting someone special fuck him.

Chuck felt his legs go weak at the thought of Bryce and himself having hot, sweaty, animalistic sex in the building while Casey continued his search and Sarah was giving Chuck the silent treatment, for the most part. Chuck decided to try a little playfulness with Bryce, if only to see if he was interested. He decided to leave the blindfold on in case Bryce didn't respond well. Chuck leaned in close to Bryce's ear and said,

"I'm here to rescue you." His voice was deep and raspy, completely different from how he normally sounded. It surprised even himself. Bryce nodded his head slowly and said softly,

"Can you diffuse the bomb or do we need to leave now?" His voice was calm and collected but slightly strained.

Chuck turned to the bomb, which was lying on the floor and looked at the wiring, waiting for a flash from the intersect. A few seconds later he flashed and quickly disarmed the bomb. He then turned back to Bryce and in the same deep voice said,


"Great and thank you... which part of the government hired you?" He was relieved, but slightly suspicious.

"I'm just part of the CIA, that will be all you need to know for now." His voice was starting to return to normal so he quickly decided to make his move. Chuck stood up and walked behind Bryce, he then gently kissed Bryce on the neck. This was met with a sharp intake of breath from Bryce, his face flushed and Bryce turned towards Chuck, his eyes still covered by the blindfold. He then said,

"Oh thank god it's you Chuck... I was really worried for a minute." He smiled and gave Chuck a passionate kiss on the lips. Chuck's entire body was being electrified from the kiss. He had never felt such a strong sexual desire for any of his previous girlfriends and his cock which had been only slightly hard, came to full attention. Chuck asked how Bryce knew it was him, Bryce replied that the cologne that Chuck was wearing was the same he used in college and he then told Chuck how hard the smell of the cologne had made him every day.

Chuck took this opportunity to untie Bryce and tenderly caress his hands, arms, and chest, finally removing the blindfold. Just then Chuck hear the sound of both Sarah's and Casey's voice in his ear.

"Did you find him Chuck?" Sarah asked

"Bartowski, hurry the hell up and respond!" He was growling again.

Chuck called over his comlink that he hadn't found anything yet and was still searching rooms, he mentioned that he had found a bomb inside of one of the hotel rooms and told Casey to keep an eye out for any mysterious looking crates inside of the rooms against the far walls or in the closets. Casey grunted in response and Sarah asked Chuck how far along he had gotten. Chuck responded saying he was near the end of the hallway but hadn't heard anything to indicate that Bryce was on that floor of the building. He then told Casey that he was going to look on the next floor after he had finished, he then suggested that Casey should do the same. Chuck said that he was going slowly to make sure that he was not being followed and had taken out any of the Ring agents he found inside of the rooms. Sarah didn't respond but seemed to be a bit perturbed, Casey only said that he was going up to the next floor to look.

"The gang's all here?" His eyes were a beautiful shade of blue and Chuck just grinned and leaned in to kiss Bryce.

Chuck sat on Bryce's lap, facing him so that the two could hug while they kissed one another deeply. Chuck's cock was rubbing painfully against his pants and he felt a similar large lump making itself apparent in Bryce's pants. Chuck leaned against Bryce and ran his hands through Bryce's hair, it was dark and the perfect length in Chuck's opinion. Just long enough to pull, he thought.

Chuck started to explore Bryce's body and discovered just how well built he was. Chuck felt his muscles running from his back into his chest, they were tight and well toned. Chuck ran his hands over Bryce's arms and felt the sinewy muscles that were hidden by his clothing... those leather jackets hide just how strong he is, thought chuck who was starting to get over excited and overheated from the constant contact. Bryce all the while had been relaxed while Chuck felt his body, thoroughly enjoying Chuck's gentle probing, his bruises even felt less painful from the soft touch.

Chuck looked into Bryce's eyes and the two held each other's gaze for a full minute and the whole world seemed to disappear, it was just the two of them. Bryce took off Chuck's shirt and admired Chuck's body, he was built well for someone who worked with computers for a living. Bryce pulled Chuck into his face so that the two were head to head. Bryce was breathing hard, so was Chuck, and finally Chuck leaned in and kissed Bryce. The two held the kiss until Bryce and Chuck started to see spots and they pulled away, trying to get air into their lungs. Bryce then roughly yanked Chuck back again and voraciously began kissing Chuck's neck and making his way down to Chuck's nipples. Chuck felt so good that he moaned loudly, trying to not come on the spot.

Bryce took this opportunity to run his hand over Chuck's pants, feeling his throbbing member jerking at his touch. Chuck shook with the effort of not coming and told Bryce to slow down or he'd cream his pants before they even got their pants off. Bryce smiled slyly at Chuck and ran his hand over Chuck's pants again. Chuck glared at Bryce after he held himself off again. Chuck stood and began to take off his pants. The room was slightly chilly but Chuck didn't mind, he was focused on Bryce who was wincing as he moved to take his clothes off. Chuck stepped closer and helped him to remove his shirt. Chuck saw a large bruise and brushed his hand against it so softly that Bryce didn't even notice. Chuck decided to take it slow since Bryce was still sore, even though the endorphins would soon override the pain.

Chuck decided to take control and quickly pulled off Bryce's pants to reveal his 8 inch cock that was leaking a steady stream of pre-cum. The precum was running down his cock and onto Bryce's leg and Chuck, who didn't want to ruin Bryce's clothes began to lick the stream off of Bryce's leg. Bryce stopped breathing and stared at Chuck intently. His gaze was fixed and Chuck saw a look of hunger in his eyes which made Chuck lick faster. Chuck reached Bryce's throbbing member and looked up at Bryce, who was breathing shallow and fast. Chuck smiled the evil grin that Bryce gave him earlier and shoved Bryce's cock into his mouth. Bryce's whole body moved at once, "HOLYMOTHERFUCKINGSHIT!" He grabbed Chuck's head and gently rubbed him to let him know how good it felt. Chuck was enjoying himself a great deal and had managed to get more than half of Bryce's cock in his mouth before he felt his gag reflex get the better of him. Chuck stopped and began to suck Bryce's cock hard, which caused Bryce to moan and lean back into the chair. Chuck moved down his cock slowly inching his way towards the small tuft of pubic hair. Chuck marvelled at how great Bryce smelled and felt his throat shift slightly, letting him move the rest of the way to the base of Bryce's cock. Bryce was barely holding on as he felt Chuck reach his happy trail. Bryce said he desperately wanted to come and asked if Chuck would do something. Chuck looked up and nodded. Bryce told Chuck to try and swallow without closing his mouth, Chuck tried but felt his teeth starting to encircle Bryce's member and then he felt Bryce pull his hair slightly. Chuck eased his jaw and began to use his hands to cup and rub Bryce's balls. Bryce told Chuck to take his time and he leaned back feeling the wonderful heat of Chuck's mouth surrounding his huge cock. Chuck tried two more times to swallow and the first time he met with the same issue. On the third try he finally felt his throat muscles constrict around Bryce's cock and Bryce gave a strangled yell. As Bryce was coming, Chuck withdrew Bryce's cock from his mouth and felt his warm jizz shooting into his mouth and face. Chuck tasted it experimentally and thought, salty but not bad. chuck looked up and saw that Bryce's eyes were glazed over and unfocused.

"Bryce are you okay?" Did I do something wrong? Thought Chuck... "I'm kinda new at this."

Bryce didn't say anything for a while then his eyes regained their focus and he looked at Chuck and smiled.

"That was amazing Chuck!" Chuck's face flushed and he looked away, only to have Bryce gently grab his chin and force him to make eye contact. "Thank you Chuck..." He leaned in and kissed Chuck on the lips, which still had some cum from when Bryce had ejaculated. He smiled and licked Chuck's lips.

Chuck and Bryce had been kissing each other for five minutes when Bryce said that he wanted to have sex with Chuck. Chuck felt unsure and very nervous, having never even fingered his own ass before. Chuck started to stammer and try to politely decline the offer, Bryce looked at Chuck intently. Chuck turned away from Bryce feeling ashamed at his inexperience and felt his face stinging with heat. Bryce placed his hand gently on Chuck's shoulder and turned him into his chest, hugging Chuck tightly and promising that he would love it. Chuck looked up at Bryce, who was only slightly taller, and nodded his head. Bryce pulled Chuck in and tenderly kissed Chuck, leaving Chuck's knees weak and even his heart felt lightened.

Chuck was sure that he was falling in love with Bryce but after his relationship with Sarah, Chuck knew that Bryce was difficult to tame and would probably end up leaving him. Chuck was trying to keep his distance emotionally, less so physically, but he was having trouble because every gesture and touch that Bryce made was charged with sexual tension, but also tenderness and... love. Chuck was feeling conflicted and decided that Bryce was just horny and he would want to go back to Sarah after their little "meeting." Chuck steeled himself and he finally thought that since Bryce was probably not serious he would approach the relationship as a "no strings attached" relationship and have fun.

"What do you want me to do to you?" Said Chuck as seductively as he could manage. Bryce seemed to be taken aback by Chuck's sudden lack of inhibitions. He looked at Chuck and said in an equally sexy voice,

"It's more about what I am going to do to YOU, Chuck." He gave Chuck a one-sided smile. His blue eyes seemed intense and were filled with a spark of electricity that Chuck had never seen.

Bryce Lakin had made Chuck sit on the chair that he had just been occupying and watch as Bryce gently ran his hands over his whole body. Chuck was on cloud nine and was so close he could barely breathe. It seemed that every time he was about to burst, Bryce would ease off of him and wait by kissing him square on the lips. After a few minutes of this Chuck was squirming and begging Bryce to let him come. Bryce smiled and said,

"Not yet Chuck. When you come I want everyone in the building to hear this." His eyes were impish and Chuck shivered at the thought of what was to come, apart from himself.

After another minute Bryce stopped and stood up, determined to find something. Chuck sat for a moment waiting for his body to stop buzzing. Bryce had left him alone and Chuck was so disheartened that he sighed. Bryce heard the sigh and he took Chuck's hand in his and led him to a table which Bryce had covered with a sheet he had found. He told Chuck to get on the table and lie down. Chuck complied wondering if Bryce was about to fuck him, right here right now. The thought made Chuck's knees weak and his throbbing cock jerk wildly. After Chuck was rested comfortably upon the table he smelled Bryce's Jacket, it smelled like leather and sex. Chuck looked up at Bryce who was staring at Chuck with a look of awe. Chuck blushed again. Bryce looked at him square in the eyes and said without a hint of sarcasm,

"Chuck you are the most gorgeous man I have seen. I'm going to take my time, I intend on having you coming more than once so don't hold back on me okay?" Chuck merely nodded his response.

Bryce stood next to Chuck and the two began kissing passionately. Chuck who had been moved by the emotion in Bryce's voice was quickly losing his ability to not become emotionally involved with Bryce and soon felt himself giving in to his lust and love. Bryce began to kiss his way down Chuck's body. When he reached the nipples, Chuck felt his body wind into a knot and Chuck nearly exploded right then. But, Bryce spent time on each nipple, sucking each one and making Chuck's body tense and hum like a violin. Bryce then continued his venture downward and approached Chuck's hair just above the waistband of his boxers. Chuck who had not taken a breath for a full minute was transfixed, Bryce looked up and Chuck and reminded him to breathe. Chuck gasped in some air and saw spots, trying to regain his composure, Chuck put his hands on Bryce's chin and made Bryce look at him in the eyes. Something about that look made the two men bonded on a non-physical level, and Chuck knew he needed to say it.

"I love you." They both said in concert.

The two men held the gaze for a moment longer and then Bryce began to pull down Chuck's boxers. Chuck felt his cock slap against his stomach and Chuck was ready for Bryce. Bryce began to suck Chuck's cock fervently, which made Chuck sit straight up on the table. Chuck was sure that he would lose all control if he orgasmed, so he fought the urge, forgetting what Bryce had said only moments ago. Chuck felt Bryce's tongue bathe his cock in a warm layer of saliva, causing Chuck's balls to pull up, seconds from crossing the point of no return. Bryce then stopped and Chuck let out a cry of anguish, to which Bryce said,

"Just a second Chuck and you'll happy you didn't."

Bryce began rubbing Chuck's balls and sucking each in his mouth. Chuck was slightly preturbed by the amount of stopping Bryce was doing. He seemed to know just when Chuck was about to come and then he would stop. Chuck decided to try not holding back and waited for the right moment. Bryce began moving even lower and Chuck tensed, not sure what to do. Is he going to fuck me or eat my asshole? thought Chuck with some confusion. Bryce kept going and finally it was apparent that Bryce was going to rim Chuck's asshole. When he reached Chuck's taint, Bryce gently pulled Chuck to the end of the table and lifted Chuck's legs onto his own shoulders. Then Chuck felt Bryce raise his ass slowly. Chuck was nervous and felt very tense. Bryce must have noticed because he immediately calmed Chuck by telling him that it was going to feel great and not to worry. Chuck relaxed a little and felt Bryce's tongue gently rub against his butt. Bryce then spread Chuck's ass and saw his tight hole. Bryce went in slowly and began to lick Chuck's slightly fur-lined ass. Chuck's first thought was that the licking felt pretty nice, then, when Bryce reached his hole, he felt himself tremble from the feeling. It was wonderful and Chuck felt himself getting so close that he knew he was going to come. Bryce, meanwhile was still licking Chuck's hole, feeling Chuck getting close, Bryce jammed his tongue into chuck's ass hard and Chuck started to moan loudly. Chuck felt the piercing of his hole and momentarily lost all control as his whole body shook with absolute euphoria. Chuck was in ecstasy and didn't want Bryce to stop or even for himself to come. Bryce was still licking Chuck's ass and using his own saliva, he quickly lubed up his finger and gently inserted into Chuck's tight ass. Chuck was like a vice, and Chuck who had just felt the finger felt his balls draw up. Bryce quickly searched with his finger, found, and genty rubbed Chuck's prostate. This caused Chuck to come with a yell that was so raw and animallistic that the hairs on Bryce's neck stood on end. Chuck felt himself being shot out of his body and felt the most intense orgasm of his life as his body rocked with the earth's biorhythm. His cock violently shot out so many spurts of come that Chuck, who wasn't paying attention in any case, would have lost count. Finally, Chuck felt himself return to his body and felt his cock jerk as he felt the orgasm subside. Chuck's whole body felt drained and after looking at Bryce, who was staring at Chuck, Chuck leaned back against the table feeling extremely blissful.

Bryce waited five minutes and asked if Chuck wanted another go, to which Chuck replied, with a semi-breathless yes. Bryce asked Chuck if he could have sex with him. Chuck said,

"As long as it felt as good as what you just did... then oh HELL YES!" He smiled and felt Bryce move back to Chuck's ass. Bryce began licking Chuck's ass, while his hands ran up and down Chuck's soft cock. It did not take any time before Chuck was at full attention with a raging boner and his ass was more ready than a USA olympic swimmer. Bryce told Chuck that he had no lube or condoms, which wasn't surprising seeing as how he was in captivity. Chuck said that he didn't have any either, so the two decided that since they were both clean, that for this time, they would go bareback. Chuck put his feet on Bryce Larkin's shoulders and felt Bryce position himself by Chuck's ass.

"I'm going to go slow. Tell me if you feel any pain." Chuck nodded

Bryce slowly put his cock up to Chuck's asshole and pushed everso slightly on his hole. Chuck felt the push and tried to relax. Seconds later Bryce had his manhood inside of Chuck's body. Bryce said, "OH Fuck!" and Chuck said, "Awwww yeah!" The two waited for Chuck to accustom himself to the new sensation and soon he was ready for more. Bryce tried to slowly move his throbbing cock into Chuck's heat, it was hard due to the fact that Chuck's ass was so tight that even a little movement caused Bryce's cock to jerk and his hips to thrust. When Bryce had gone all the way in, Chuck sighed at the feeling of fullness and waited for Bryce to start fucking him. After a minute, Chuck finally said,

"Uh... are you going to... uh... fuck me?" His voice was a little uneasy and he felt a little dirty.

"Oh, yeah baby. I'm gonna fuck the shit out of your tight virgin hole!" Bryce said in a gruff voice.

Oh god, he wants to talk dirty. Thought Chuck, soo sexy!

"Give it to me!" His voice was a growl and Chuck clenched his ass tightly. Bryce's eyes popped and he grabbed Chuck by the shoulders pulling him up to his face. Bryce then kissed Chuck savagely and began rocking his cock in and out of Chuck. Chuck gasped as the new feelings engulfed him and he bit down upon Bryce's shoulder trying not to scream about how wonderful it felt. Bryce moaned at the bite and soon the two were kissing each other passionately. Chuck held on to Bryce's back, trying not to fall backward onto the table. "Fuck yeah" said Bryce as he caused Chuck to lose his breath by rubbing his prostate again. Chuck then slowly let himself be lowered onto the table and he watched as his own cock was jerked in time, by Bryce, with his thrusts. Chuck felt so ecstatic that he gripped the table and forced his ass to tighten around Bryce's cock like a steel clamp. Bryce was having trouble forming any thoughts and was so close that he said,

"Chuck come with me. I love you." And leaned down to kiss Chuck.

Their lips met and at that instant both Bryce Larkin and Chuck Bartowski felt their bodies melt into the orgasm. Bryce shot seven times into Chuck. Chuck came ferociously, shooting his load all over his chest, Bryce, and his face. They waited until their hearts had stopped racing and slowly Bryce pulled out his still twitching cock. Then Chuck grabbed Bryce roughly and kissed him oncemore upon the lips.

The tender moment was ended when the two heard the door to the small room being picked. Quickly Chuck dived behind a crate, only just grabbing his clothes. Bryce grabbed his clothes and ran to the small closet in the back, he had also grabbed a gun. Just as Bryce was closing the door to the closet, the door burst open and in came John Casey. Chuck, who was putting on the last of his clothes heaved a sigh of relief and said,

"Thank god! I thought you were one of them." He said pointing to the unconscious Ring operative at his feet.

"Why weren't you upstairs?" He growled in a dangerous voice.

"Uh... because I found just found Bryce and had to knock out the Ring agent." Whew Chuck thought, just made it up on the spot.

"Hmph." Casey grunted, "Do you strip for every Ring agent to distract them or was it just this hunk?"

Chuck's jaw was slack, how the fuck? Casey smiled and said,

"Next time tell us your going on "a break." Casey said again before exiting through the door.

Well, that certainly took a while. Sorry about the wait! I have been pretty busy at college.I want to thank my loyal readers who tell me what they like. (Y'all are great!) I might take a while for the next chapter... meanwhile, gimme some ideas. I have heard some people who'd like more Casey/Morgan stuff... some Bryce Larkin/Daniel Shaw stuff. The more you email me, the more I know and the more I can let y'all enjoy! Next chapter is still uncertain, so get your ideas in before I decide who/what is going to be done during "Ch6 - Chuck vs. ???"

Next: Chapter 6

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