Chubby Chum Becomes Buddys Cumdumpster

By Chubby Slut

Published on Oct 19, 2011


As his car rounded another corner, I wondered where Rick would take me. I kept shifting in the seat, adjusting my tiny cock in my shorts. With no hair, the skin was sticking to itself and was really itchy. I wanted to ask where we were going, but I figured I'd find out soon enough. Streets went by, and I looked at the guys walking around while we drove past, and before I knew it, we had arrived.

I looked up and was somewhat surprised to find we had ended up at Wal-Mart. I thought about asking why, but then shrugged, and hoisted myself out of the car. As we walked into the store, Rick went straight for the women's lingerie section. Thankfully, there were no salespeople around, because Rick immediately grabbed a bright pink thong and held it up to my waist. "Not bad," he said. "I don't know what size you'll be, so we'll have to grab a couple and try them all on."

Rick browsed for a bit, picking up a dozen or so thongs, and then guided me to the men's fitting rooms, which makes sense. There are always attendants at the women's rooms, but the men's rooms only get checked on every half hour or so to collect unwanted clothes. Once we were out of sight, he took hold of my arm, and we went into the handicapped stall at the end. Rick was quick, pulling off my shirt and shucking down my shorts before I could react. He then tossed the big pink thong at me, and said, "Model it for me, bitch."

I slid the silky material up my smooth thighs and up over my clit. The material of the thong slid right up between my chubby ass cheeks and felt cool against my smooth cunt opening. I looked over at the mirror first, and liked what I saw. The pink of the thong material was a pretty good match to the pink of my nipples, and I started pinching them and rubbing my hands on them as I looked in the mirror.

I looked down at where my little dick was in the mirror and was surprised to see that I could barely see the erection in the material, the meager little boner having been directed off to the left. I slid my hand across my clit-cock and started rubbing it through the material. I didn't look bad at all, I thought.

"Looks nice," Rick said, breaking my reverie.

"Thanks," I said, blushing slightly.

I started to take off the panties when Rick said, "Wait," and motioned for me to get closer to him. I came over to where he was sitting on the stool and he used his hands to twirl me around, and then put pressure on my back to indicate he wanted me to bend over. When I did, the panties rode up a little more, sliding the sheer material across my pussy, making me gasp. I felt Rick's hand part my ass cheeks and slide under the material of the panties, pushing them to one side. With his other hand, he slipped two of his fingers straight up inside me. I cried out just a little and he said, "Shut up. You don't want to get caught, do you?"

I shook my head no, even though I was sure he couldn't see my head. His fingers worked their way in and out of my asspussy for a couple more seconds, then Rick got up, and lined his thick cock up to my hole. He leaned forward until his face was right next to my ear and whispered, "Remember, no noise," and then he pushed forward unrelentingly, sliding his thick slab of man-meat all the way inside my pussy. I managed to keep inside the cry I wanted to make, letting only a soft, most-silent squeak pass my lips.

Rick pulled out most of the way, then slammed into me again. He bent over my back, wrapping his arms around me, and started playing with my tits while he watched us in the mirror. He stopped the full-length slams, and instead started rabbitting his cock in and out of me, two or three inches of motion, but super-fast. I could feel his belly jiggling through his shirt on my back. I looked over into the mirror, wanting to get the same sight Rick was getting, and was surprised at how fucking hot we looked together. I loved the sight of the panties, and the fact that Rick could effectively fuck me while I was still wearing them.

His fucking went on for several minutes, and even though I remained almost completely quiet, Rick's grunting was loud enough that I was concerned. I tried shushing him, but he just moved a hand to my mouth and stuck his fingers inside, causing me to suck them. Just as I could tell Rick was about to unload his cum inside me, there was a tentative knock on the door.

Rick froze. I froze.

Rick slowly pulled out of me, and with his cock still sticking out from over the waistband of the shorts, he opened the door. Standing in front was a slightly pudgy kid, wearing the customary navy blue shirt of the store. He had a nametag on his chest that said "Earl" in block letters, right next to a smiley face. "Can I help you?" Rick asked.

"Uhm," the kid said, stammering a little.

"How old are you?" Rick asked him.

"18," the kid answered, his eyes flicking over to me. I turned around to hide my front from the kid, and Rick took the opportunity to bend me back over. He slid a couple of fingers up inside my cunt and I couldn't help but moan. What was he doing? I wondered. Was he really going to let this strange kid fuck me?

"Well, Earl, I know we're not supposed to be doing this, but maybe we can work out an arrangement?" Rick moved his fingers in and out of my hole, causing me to squirm a little and moan.

"Sure!" the kid exclaimed.

"Not so loud. We don't need any other people at this party."

"Sure thing," he said, entering the room and pulling the door closed behind him. He pulled the lock on the door and undid his belt, then his button and zipper. He pushed his boxers and pants down all at the same time. As his boxers came down, his cock sprang up, already hard and ready to be put to use. It was a good six or so inches long, and probably of average thickness. Nothing to the glory of Rick's pussy pleaser, but pretty nice in all respects.

"I get to fuck his ass, right?" the kid asked.

"Sure, do whatever you want. It's what he's here for."

Rick's fingers slipped from my ass and the kid stepped up behind me. He lined his cock up, and sank it right down to his hairy balls. Rick stepped to my side and lifted my leg up onto the bench in the room, giving Earl better access to my cunt. "What do you think?" Rick asked him.

"Nice and tight," the kid puffed out, pistoning his cock into and out of my hole. "Easy to fuck."

"Yeah," Rick said, "he's a pretty good pussy boy." Rick took a second to strip off his own clothes, including his shirt, and then took a spot in front of me, pushing his cock against my lips, which parted without effort, allowing him to slide in. He started fucking me gently at first, then he and Earl got into a rhythm and Rick's cock slid farther and farther down my throat. With each thrust of his hips, Rick's hairy, musky balls hit the bottom of my chin. I loved the feeling of those weighty nuggets slamming into me.

After a few minutes, Earl leaned forward and started fucking me in shorter lengths with his cock, trying to conserve energy. He reached around like Rick had done earlier and fondled my chubby tits. "They feel almost like a girl's," Earl said, looking up to meet Rick's eyes.

Rick nodded and pulled his cock from my mouth. "Nipples can be incredibly erogenous," Rick said, moving toward Earl, who continued fucking his smaller cock inside me. In a way, Earl's cock actually felt better than Rick's. I was less full of it, and I missed that feeling of complete fullness a little bit, I guessed, but his shorter length meant the tip of his cock kept pushing against the button inside me, instead of just his shaft, as was usually the case with Rick's cock. "Here, let me show you."

Rick moved up behind Earl, and pulled him to a standing position. He started playing with the kid's nipples. Earl was slightly chubby, so he had a little bit of tit, too, and Rick's hands pawed at them, while Rick's mouth moved to Earl's neck, kissing it a little and then biting it. "Does that feel good, boy?" Rick asked. I knew Rick's thick meat must be pressing up against the boy's back, and I liked to think that Earl could feel Rick's steady heartbeat as his erection slid along the surface of his skin.

"Y-yes," Earl said. His dick had stopped moving inside me altogether, though he was still about 3/4 of the way in. Rick pushed his hips forward, making Earl slide all the way inside me.

"Yeah," Rick said, "I'll bet it does." Rick's right hand continued to work on Earl's nipples, but as he did this, he used his left to push his own cock down, between the kid's thighs. Earl's thighs were slick with sweat from fucking me, and Rick's cock slipped between them with ease, pushing into the boy's hairy balls. Rick then took hold of Earl's hips, and rocked him back and forth, pushing his cock into me at one side of the arc, and pushing his own cock into Earl's balls at the other. "That feels good, too, I'll bet," Rick whispered, loud enough for me to hear.

"I don't know," the kid said, but the way his voice trembled made it clear that he was getting a ton of pleasure from the exchange.

"Why don't you play with my bitch's tits some more?" Rick said, using his right hand to push Earl's head and body down until they lay across me. Earl's hands wrapped around me and started playing with my chubby tits some more, but I could tell he was distracted. Suddenly, Earl's hands gripped my nipples really hard, and I knew Rick had put his cock up against the boy's hole. I heard Rick spit a little, and then he said, "I'm gonna work on your ass a little, boy, don't be scared." I heard Rick get down on his knees behind the kid, and heard him slobber some saliva onto his fingers.

Earl kept a death clamp on my nipples while Rick worked his hole. Each time Rick added a new finger, Earl jumped a little, pushing himself forward, sending his cock jamming into me again. That's how I knew Earl was completely okay with all of this, that he liked it--his cock never softened. Every thirty seconds or so, I would hear Rick apply some more spit-lube to Earl's hole. Finally, after about five minutes, Rick said, "That's loose enough," and stood up.

Rick got licked the palm of his hand, coating it with tons of spit, then slathered the slimy liquid onto the tip of his cock and along the shaft. "Push out for me, baby," Rick said, as he put the head of his cock onto Earl's bare hole. Using his not-inconsiderable weight, Rick pushed past Earl's anal ring, and slid himself down to the hilt. Earl was clearly more of a man than I was, because all he did was grunt at the entrance of such a thick cock, and then bite down on the meat of my shoulder, which made me squeal just a little bit. As Rick's cock forced its way deep into Earl's hole, Earl's cock strained against the walls of my pussy, pushing in farther and farther.

I knew I shouldn't be jealous of Earl. After all, Rick had only been fucking me for a few hours. Hell, it was barely dark outside. Still, I felt a twinge of envy as Rick started pistoning in and out of Earl's hairy hole. Earl wasn't even moving his hips, just letting Rick's thrusts and pulls move his cock in and out of my hole. I clamped down as hard as I could with my cunt, trying to milk Earl's cock. He moaned a little, either because of my cunt tightening, or more likely because Rick started long-dicking his ass, pulling almost all the way out, then slamming back home.

"Yeah, you love that big dick in your ass, don't you?" Rick asked, and all Earl did was grunt a little louder. He clearly liked the attention his ass was getting, since his cock was still hard, but he was probably a little worried about what this meant for his future. Still, his cock was completely hard, so it couldn't be too big a question on the kid's mind.

As Rick fucked him, Earl's cock continued sliding in and out of my pussy, at one point coming out completely. I had to reach back and reposition him to slide back in, because the kid was obviously in no state to do it himself. He continued biting down on my shoulder while Rick fucked his raw hole. I'm sure this wasn't what he was expecting when he came to work today.

Once his cock was back in, I started milking his cock with my ass again, which ended up back-firing on me, because it made his cock push more tightly and insistently upon my button, and after a few minutes of that, I couldn't take it anymore and started cumming all over inside my panties. My orgasm caused my ass to contract even more violently, and that added pressure was all it took to send poor Earl over the falls. He grabbed hold of my tits hard and slammed his hips forward, burying his cock in my pussy balls deep, and then exploded all over inside me. I could feel each tick of his cock as he bred my ass, the second guy ever, and the second guy today, to do that. I slid Earl's cock out of my hole, and then got to my knees in front of him, and started slurping on his cock. I didn't care that his seed was probably sliding out of my gaping hole onto the carpet, so intent I was to get his cock in my mouth and clean it.

As I sucked on his deflating cock, Rick continued fucking the boy like a stallion. His thrusts made Earl's hips move forward, sending his cock down my throat a few times, and making it especially difficult when I was trying to clean the cum and juices from his scrotum. Soon, though, Rick's thrusts became jagged and jarring, and I knew he was about to unload his seed into the boy's ass. And sure enough, a few seconds later, he thrust his thick, throbbing cock all the way into the boy, burying a couple centimeters of his sack into the newly-sundered hole, and kept it there. After a few seconds, Rick's cum had flowed completely out of his dick into the now-bred boy and he pulled his tube slowly out. I crawled between Earl's spread legs and took Rick's still-hard cock into my mouth, sucking off all of his cum. "Good bitch," Rick said, laying his hand on my head and tousling my hair a little.

Rick stood me up and pulled the cummy panties from around my waist. Earl had raised his back and was feeling his raw hole with a couple of fingers when Rick said, "Bend over again." Too stunned by having just been fucked to question Rick's orders, Earl complied right away. Rick balled up the panties and, using two of his fingers, slid them inch by inch up Earl's loose asshole. He left about an inch of material hanging out. Earl stood back up and gave Rick a questioning look. "So you don't leak during the rest of your shift. You should probably also go to the bathroom and splash some toilet water on your cock and balls, then dry them. You don't want to smell like cum the rest of the day."

Earl nodded at this advice, and turned to put his pants on. He pulled up his boxers, buttoned and zipped his khakis, and cinched his belt. He was reaching for the door lock when Rick said, "Hey, kid." Earl turned around, and Rick stepped close to him and gave him a nice, long kiss that was full of passion and tongue. When Rick broke the embrace, I stepped forward and kissed him gently on the lips. I was about to break away when Earl's right hand grabbed the back of my head, and I felt his tongue part my lips and slip against mine. His left hand came up and squeezed my right tit, tweaking the nipple as he pulled away.

"Thanks for a good fuck, I guess," Earl said, turning back toward the door.

"Anytime, kid," Rick replied. "We'll see you around."

Earl left, and Rick said motioned that we should get dressed. He took one of the pairs of panties and stuck it up my cunt the way he had for James, then pushed the rest of them into his pockets. Being of such a sheer material, they didn't take up much space, and didn't even cause a noticeable bulge in his shorts. The panties felt really weird crammed up inside me, and I wondered how Earl was going to manage to finish off his shift with a pair stuck up inside him like some kind of cum tampon.

As we walked out of the men's department, I caught sight of Earl and kept looking at him. He looked up and our eyes met. Then he winked at me and I knew the kid was going to be okay.

End of Chapter 3

Wow. I've gotten quite the response from this series of stories. Thank you so much to all of the guys who have messaged me with feedback and friendship. I really loved seeing all of the pictures of your cocks (and some of your boypussies, from my fellow sub guys). I'd love to see some more, if any of you have been enjoying these stories, but haven't sent me a message yet. Your feedback inspires me to continue, and I promise I don't bite. :-) Anyway, please send any feedback or comments or friendly messages to Thanks a lot, guys!

Next: Chapter 4

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