Chubby Chum Becomes Buddys Cumdumpster

By Chubby Slut

Published on Oct 14, 2011


Dear Nifty Archivist: Please find below the second installment of "Chubby Chum Becomes Buddy's Cumdumpster", the first part of which is currently dual-posted in the Gay/Authoritarian and Gay/Adult Friends sections of the Nifty Archive. Thank you for your time.

Chubby Chum Becomes Buddy's Cumdumpster

Chapter Two

When we went back to the living room, the DVD had ended, so Rick turned off the DVD player and checked to see if the cable was back on. Luckily, it was, so I picked up my underwear and was about to put them on when Rick said, "Don't."

I shrugged to myself and sat down on the couch. Rick sat down right next to me and told me to lay down with the back of my head on his lap. I did so, and turned my head so I could see the game. The Falcons were ahead, but it was Green Bay's ball and they looked in fine form. As we watched the game, Rick played with my tits a bit, rolling my nipples in his fingers and mashing the mass of them around with his palms. "You've got great tits, Nickie," Rick said.

"Thanks, Rick. I love what you're doing to them." As he continued to play with them, I could feel his cock hardening beneath my head. It was pressing against my cheek a bit as I stared at the TV and I could feel Rick's pulse as the big slab of meat made contact with my face. I nuzzled against it a bit, which made Rick grunt in approval.

"Good girl," he said. I turned my head up and met his eyes. His cock swelled some more against my head, so I flipped over and got on my hands and knees, lowered my head, and took the tip of his hard cock into my mouth. This elicited a moan from him. He fumbled with my tits a bit while I was sucking on him, bouncing them as they dangled pendulously in the air. After a few minutes, though, his left hand moved from my tits, to my back, and down to my ass. Rick's arms were long, so he had no trouble leaning over just a bit and sliding them down my crack to where my pussy lay. I sighed a little as his thick fingers pushed against my cunt, and squeaked when two of his fingers pushed inside, aided by the lube of his load from earlier. I stopped sucking for a second and came up for air, but Rick placed his right hand on the back of my head and pushed me back down to my duty. This went on for a couple minutes, my mouth hoovering on his cock, his fingers sliding in my pussy, joined eventually by a third. "Such a good girl," he sighed, and I was glad I could make him happy.

Rick's fingers popped out of my hole and his right hand raised me up from his cock. "I want you to fuck your sissy pussy down on my cock," he said. He got up and lay down on the floor. "Straddle me, bitch."

I didn't really know how this was going to work, but I put my feet on either side of his hips, and slowly lowered myself down. Rick's hand was off to the side of his belly, holding his cock vertical, so eventually, I felt the large meat against my ass. It was against my right cheek, so I shifted my weight a little, and felt it slide into my crack. I just let it sit there for a second and leaned forward to kiss Rick. His sat up a little and met my mouth, then said, "No more stalling. Show me how much you love a real man's cock."

I knew I had to do it. I leaned back and got my balance again, using my right hand against the coffee table for support. I reached between my legs with my left hand, past my clit, and grabbed the upper shaft of Rick's thick dick, then moved until the tip was up against my hole. Luckily, I was still pretty loose from the fingering, so it only took a little bit of my weight shifting down to get his cock to pop inside my wet boypussy. It was only the first inch or two, but it still caused me to gasp in surprise. If my hand hadn’t been on the coffee table, I'd likely have lost my balance completely and impaled his whole 7-plus inches into my cunt all at once.

After holding him inside me for a second, I sunk down on his cock a bit, getting about half of it inside me. I held it again for a second, then said fuck it, and lowered myself down until my pathetic little balls were firm against his pubic hair. "I feel so full of you, Rick, like I wasn't really complete without your cock inside my cunt."

"I know baby," he replied. "Now do what you were born to do and fuck yourself on it. Show me what a slut you are."

I didn't need much encouragement. I raised my weight up a bit, then back down, reveling in the way his thick cock rubbed against the button in my pussy. I started slow, but soon I was panting and wheezing, my thigh muscles burning. Each time I fucked myself back down on his cock my little clit-cock grazed along his belly, the friction from which was making it almost impossible to concentrate. After a few minutes of this, I was completely winded. I steadied myself on his cock, with about half the shaft inside me, and I met Rick's eyes.

Taking my breathless state for a cue, Rick took over the fucking. I was unprepared for the first thrust, as I didn't even think about him fucking me from beneath, but his cock slid all the way inside me and took my breath even more away. His hips thrust up and down, pounding into me, occasionally causing his massive balls to bounce up and slap the back of my ass. I loved it when that happened. He fucked me like that for a few minutes, then stopped. "Get on your hands and knees, Nickie," he said.

I eased myself up off his cock, slightly sad when I felt the last inch of him pop out of my hole, then turned around and got on my knees. Without being told, I lowered my front down, resting my head on my forearms, and kept my pussy raised in the air, which felt cool on my sluthole, which wasn't used to being so exposed. I felt Rick get up behind me and align his cock. The tip aligned right with my hole, and suddenly, I felt him slide the full length of his shaft inside my hole. I cried out, my voice high and girly, and Rick said, "Yeah, kid, I knew you'd like that."

After the initial assault back in, Rick slow-fucked me for a bit, taking him time, sliding almost his entire shaft outside, then sliding it slowly back in until he was balls deep in my pussy again. After a bit, he sped up, and his balls started swaying with his rhythm, the large globes crashing into my small little ones, pushing them up to slap into my little clit. I was moaning like a whore while he fucked away at the pussy he had made of my ass, loving every second of pressure and friction against my button. Eventually, I couldn't take it anymore. I reach back and cupped my hand over the tip of my clit, then let myself go completely, enjoying Rick's undeterred thrusts, and within a second my sissy clit started spewing cum into my palm, I caught all of it in my hand, which wasn't much since I had just cum less than an hour before, and brought it to my mouth, licking it and slurping it off. This sight was apparently too much for Rick to bear, as just then he shoved himself as deep as he could up my cunt and unloaded several jets of cum into my eager insides.

After he came, he collapsed on top of me, grinding my hips and clit into the floor. He slid his had under my chest and fondled my tits for a few minutes. "That was so good, baby," he whispered in my ear. "I'm never going to get tired of fucking that hole."

"I hope not," I said, marveling at how quickly I had accepted my new role in our friendship. A few seconds later, Rick pulled himself upright and his cock plopped out of my hole. I took a second to reach back and feel my hole. I could get three fingers in it without even trying and I loved it.

I pulled myself up and glanced at the TV. Green Bay had pulled ahead of the Falcons. That would make Rick happy at least. I moved over to where my underwear and clothes lay and pulled the briefs on. Rick didn't object this time, so I pulled the rest of my clothes on. "What do you want to do now?" I asked him.

Rick plopped back down on the couch, not bothering to put his clothes on, and said, "Well, I figure we can watch the rest of the game, then take a shower. Then I thought we might get a few things for you, to help you in your new role. Some panties or thongs. You don't really deserve to wear men's underwear with a kid's cock like yours, and I think it would be hot thinking about you wearing panties all the time."

I thought about objecting, but the idea was intriguing to me. "Anything else?" I asked.

"Yeah, I like I said earlier, we need to get you a plug. I don't want to have to loosen you up every time I want to fuck your pussy, so you'll need to keep a butt plug in."

"Okay, I guess."

"You guess?"

"I mean, whatever you think is best, Rick."

"That's better."

I sat right next to him on the couch, and snuggled up against his chest, hoping I hadn't made him too mad. He resisted for a second, but then relented and put his arm around my shoulder, pulling my head onto his chest. "It's alright, baby. You're new to this. You'll get used to it after awhile."

I pressed my ear against his check and listened to his heartbeat for a few seconds, then turned back to watch the game. Green Bay played amazingly well, and beat the Falcons soundly. Rick clicked the remote and turned the TV off, then pushed up from the couch. He grabbed hold of one of my wrists and pulled me to my feet beside him. Keeping control of my wrist, he led me to the bathroom. He kissed me on the mouth, then pulled my shirt off over my head. He pulled my basketball shorts and underwear down at the same time, then tweaked my little cock with his thumb and forefinger. "Fuck, that's hardly even a kid's cock, Nickie," he said, keeping the head in his grip. "I can't believe you ever thought you were a real man."

I kept my eyes down, not meeting his, and he let go of my cock. He crooked his hand under my chin and raised my eyes to his. "It's okay, baby. If you had a cock instead of a clit, you never would have become my pussyboy." He kissed me again briefly, then started the shower going, making sure it was nice and warm. He grabbed hold of my wrist again and guided me into the tub with him. The shower was warm, but not hot. Rick switched places with me, pushing me directly under the stream of the water. It felt luxurious on my skin, which was coated in sweat and some cum from all of our fucking. Rick pushed my face forward a bit more, and I thought he wanted to make sure my hair was wet, but, then he said, "No, bend over."

Rick's hand reached between my chubby ass cheeks and his finger slid easily into my pussy. "Ah, still slippery. Put your right leg on the tub, bitch," he said. I did as he asked, holding onto the faucet, and I felt the now-familiar thickness of his shaft slide up inside me. It really felt like I had a pussy now, because my ass offered him almost no resistance as he bottomed out with his balls and wet pubes pushing against me.

"Good grief, your pussy is like a glove," Rick moaned as he started fucking me in earnest. His balls slapped into mine again, and I loved each time his thick hairy nuts met with my lightly furry ball sack. Rick reached forward and put his fingers in my mouth and told me to suck on them, that he wanted me to get used to sucking while I was being fucked. I didn't really know what he meant by that, but I sucked on his fingers for all I was worth, rolling my tongue on his sausage-thick tips and trying to fit all five in my mouth at the same time. All the while, he fucked me. All told it was for only a few minutes this time, though it felt like longer with his cock pounding away at my ass like a man driven and his fingers in my mouth. Rick groaned and rose up on his toes as he orgasmed for the third time that day, splashing my insides again with his seed.

"You're almost too good to be true, bitch," Rick said, pulling his still hard cock out of my cunt. I thought he'd want to wash off right away, and made to trade places, but he put his hand on my chest and stopped me. "I didn't want to shower just to get clean and fuck again," he said. Rick reached over and grabbed a can of shaving cream I hadn't noticed from the side of the tub. "A pussyboy like you shouldn't have any body hair. Only real men deserve to have hair under their arms and on their cocks. So we're going to shave you."

I loved that he wasn't asking me whether this was okay, just letting me know what my duties were. Without hesitating, I turned off the water to the shower. I raised my right arm up, and Rick foamed some shaving cream from the can and applied it to my underarm. He grabbed the razor he used on his face and gently removed all of the hair there, then on the other arm. After each swipe of the razor, he dipped the razor blade in a big plastic cup of water he had sitting on the edge of the tub. He shaved all the hair off my arms, then had me balance while he held one leg at a time and removed the hair on them. I didn't have much hair on my chest or belly, so Rick didn't bother to use any foam there, simply dragging the blade across anywhere he found hair. Finally, I knew what was to come last.

Rick told me to stand with my feet either side of the tub's rim, and to hold on to the curtain rod for balance. He then lathered my rather lightly furred ball sack and groin, which was almost at eye level for him, and began taking away the last vestiges of manhood from my body. I remembered then being twelve or thirteen with Rick, over at his house, and him putting in a porn VHS his dad had. I'd marveled when he pulled down his pants and showed me his already-thick bush, and had been embarrassed that I hadn't gotten any hair down there yet. I remembered my excitement when it finally happened, how happy Rick had seemed for me at the time. Now he was shaving off those same pubes that had bonded us as young men.

When he finished with my balls and groin, he told me to turn around carefully and bend over. "Your pussy still has hair on it," he said, "and that's the most important spot to be hairless." I knew he was right and complied instantly. He lathered up my whole ass, and made a thick lather in my crack and at the entrance to my cunt. He shaved the hair off pretty quickly, but was especially gentle when he was moving the sharp blade around my hole.

When the last of the hair was gone, Rick seemingly couldn't resist anymore, and slid three of his fingers up inside me, causing me to gasp. "Good boy, Nickie" he said, and pulled them out. "Turn the water back on. Time to wash up."

We spent a good twenty minutes washing up in the shower after that. Rick washed me, making sure he got every nook and cranny of my newly-hairless body sparkling clean, then washed himself. He let my do his back, but he did his own ass and, much to my disappointment, cock and balls.

We dried off quickly, and then moved back to his bedroom. Rick said to keep my underwear off, because they smelled like the cum that had leaked into them after he fucked me the second time, and told me to pull on my shorts and shirt. "Time to get you those panties and a plug," Rick said as we headed out to his car.

End of Chapter Two

First, thank you to everyone who messaged me following the first installment of this story. I really enjoyed talking with you, and especially enjoyed the pictures of your real men's cocks. It's nice to know my words are being read by such strong and well-hung men (as well as some of my fellow subs), and that my work is doing its job by making so many cocks hard. Again, I'd love to hear any feedback you have at, and if you live in Eastern Washington and would like to meet up, I might be game for that as well. If you're not local to me, we could still chat via text, or maybe even talk on the phone if you'd like. Looking forward to hearing what you all have to say about this latest installment. Cheers.

Next: Chapter 3

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