Chubby Cherry Popping

By Du de

Published on Apr 28, 2016


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I was a fat kid. Unfortunately I was fat all over. I had boy tits by the time I was 11 and they weren't small they were already taking shape and my nipples were big and round and sensitive. Finding loose fitting clothes was always a challenge, The heat didn't allow for me to wear thicker material that would give me structure and the thin material would stand out, there would be two point peaks where my nipples were and then my tummy sticking out. My thighs were fleshy as well.

Needless to say I was made fun of, everything from boys bringing a glass up to me and saying may I have some milk please to lots and lots of random people finding a way to squeeze them. It didn't help that I was turned on by most of the men who touched me. I recall days when conversation with people would have their eyes go down to my breasts more than my eyes.

But I survived and sometimes enjoyed the attention. I think it gave me more sexual experiences earlier as a result. One of the earliest experiences I had was a photocopy shop owner's touches. He wasn't the owner but a manager and he was kind. I was generally afraid of African men but he I was not. He would always give me a good price on my copying needs which were many for a 14 year old. He was always giving me preference as well.

Some of the attention was negative. Like the man my dad employed as a supervisor in his store. He was a tall beefy young man a giant really in his twenties. He had shameless eyes, was greedy and rude. But extremely good at what he did. He would need my signature for every cash deposit he had to make or other petty cash transactions or any shipment receipt all when my dad was having his afternoon nap as he was not to be disturbed. He'd come to our home in the afternoons when everyone would be resting for their afternoon siesta and would simply walk into my room and want the signature and wake me up from my slumber. On one occasion I was changing and he walked in and saw me shirtless, he stared and wouldn't leave until I made him. He was also a good driver and my dad would trust him with the car so he would pick me up from school when I had to stay for after school activities. He would make jokes about my weight with friends we gave rides to. Ahmed was a total schmuck!

Growing up in Africa, stores did not have as much variety and local entrepreneurs were very popular. My mom would get lots of business women who sold stuff from their homes send her things to look at and purchase or pass onto others. This one time a woman sent a whole suitcase of lingerie of all sizes. I got curious and I looked it was pretty tantalizing, I was curious to try it on and couldn't find the right time. I got my chance one Saturday ... my mom and dad went out with friends and I was home alone, our faithful servant was finishing up work and there was nothing interesting on TV. So I went into my room and saw the red suitcase with satin lining. I opened it up and pulled up a baby pink bra, put it up and it seemed to fit, I saw matching panties and they looked really sexy. I was hard. I decided that i need to feel it on my skin. I closed my room door, I drew my curtains and took of my clothes and put the panties on, they felt very sexy. The bra was a struggle so it took me a while but i got it on, it fit perfectly and held my breasts perfectly. Were it not for the faint hair on my arms I would pass for a woman. It was a very sexy feeling. I felt I needed to masturbate and the only way I knew was to put a pillow between my legs and hump it. It was my dry humping days where I didn't cum yet so I got started, I was imagining the photo copy shop manager (Robert) kissing me, holding me and feelingmy breasts, his dark black skin against my milky white skin. My thoughts were rudely interrupted with Ahmed walking in, he walked in and saw me in bed, ass up with a small round pillow between my legs, my hands fondling my breasts and my being in panties and a bra. It took me a while to recover from the shock, fear and then embarrassment he stood there with his mouth open staring! A minute must have passed when I came to my senses and asked him to get out of my room. I quickly pulled everything off and pulled on my t-shirt and shorts and composed myself, went out to find him sitting on a dining room chair, he seemed to be shocked and wasn't his cocky self. He fumbled and gave me my slips to sign and got up and left. What a pain!

I remained anxious as my dad liked Ahmed and was giving more responsibilities by the day and if he let it slip... I ignored it. Ahmed came to pick me up from an after school activity the following Thursday. Unlike most of my dads employees he wouldn't wait in the car, he'd roam around the school and talk to people etc and embarrass me by staring at my white teachers some of them very attractive. He greeted me and my friends and I piled into the car. Thankfully there wasn't much embarrassment this time. I went home and quickly changed and had to run to get some copying done for my drama teacher. When I went into the shop Robert said all the machines were busy and I could come back at 6. So I did just that, the store had closed but he let me in and locked up. He told me to use the new copier that was in the back, being closest to the AC it had cooled faster and I would cool down from the heat as well so I welcomed the suggestion. As I was copying there was an error that flashed so I called Robert, he had been busy clearing. He came over, stood behind me, very close behind, he put his arms between my arm and body and manipulated the console, he got closer and I moved closer to the copier until I was hugging it. He pushed his body closer to where he touched me, it was intentional. He was holding me from the back and I felt his penis poking into my behind. The error had cleared but there was silence, his right hand moved away from the copier and reached for my left breast and squeezed. Electricity ran through my body. He pushed his body into me and his other hand reached for my breast and squeezed it. His face reached into my neck and shoulder and he swayed our bodies, I could feel his hardening cock now. I was turned on, scared, nervous, curious all rolled into one. By now his hands were under my shirt and he was kneading my breasts, his cock was pushing into my ass and I could feel his facial hair on my neck. He whispered how much he was enjoying this. His hand reached for my crotch and he fondled my tiny cock, I thought I heard a slight chuckle. He started to unbutton my shirt and pressed his cock into me, I was growing uneasy.

He let go of me and pulled back I heard him unbuckle his belt. At this point my fear took over and my arousal was turned off. I turned around and told him to stop. He asked why I said I needed to get home and my parents were waiting. He nodded I turned to resume my copying to get out quickly, he didn't move he resumed the caressing and for a minute took my hand to feel his crotch and whispered in my ear "feel how hard you make me." It was the first time I felt an adult males' crotch it was hard and big like a fat sausage, I stroked the length of it. I let go and continued to quickly do my copying. He didn't stop, he swayed his hips grinding his manhood into me and he continued to caress my body. I continued to enjoy it but as his thrusting got stronger I got nervous and scared and wanted it to end. Thankfully I was done copying and managed to extract myself. He made way for me to turn but ended up cornering me with my back against the wall. He moved closer and said "Don't you want to help me?" In a somewhat terse voice.

"Uhm yes but how?" I asked.

"You know by taking care of this." He responded and took my hand back to his now harder cock.

"I've stayed late for you and missed my bus, I gave you all sorts of discounts and won't charge you for this batch." He added.

"I can pay its no problem." I responded and pulled out my wallet.

"I can't charge my manager has closed the books for the day." Was his reply.

"I'm sorry I have to go." I pleaded

"I'm disappointed that you're being a rude guest." He said. "You have to be understand and polite." He added rather angrily

I was frightened and about to cry.

He undid the buttons of my shirt and exposed my chest.

"There's the least you can do." He said

"What would that be?" I asked

"Sucking" he responded

I gave him a questioning look.

"Don't be coy, I want to milk these tits and let me enjoy it for a minute and well resume some other time." He said.

Without waiting for my response he put my left nipple in his mouth and began sucking on it. The sensation was crazy, it was enjoyable, it felt good to have someone want me and do that, the warm wet mouth felt good. At the same time it was scary. What did this mean? His sucking combined with squeezing got harder and it began to hurt.

I pushed his head away and said I needed to go.

He looked at me, his look was frightening and his anger was apparent.

"Don't you want to make me happy?" He asked

"I don't know, even if I did I'm late my family will look for me and I don't know how." I replied

"Come now surely you know what's needed?" He responded by squeezing my hand that was on his cock.

I replied "no, I have no idea I've never done this."

"I don't believe you." He responded

He dove back to my tits and took them into his mouth. He put his hands into my pants, they were the elastic pull up kind. He pushed them down and his hand reached for my butt, he quickly found what he was looking for an inserted a finger in me causing me shock. I pushed him and must have caught him by surprise as he struggled to gain balance.

I pulled my pants up and started to button my shirt and head to the front. He pulled me by my arm and said "don't go my loved one, don't want you mad." I said I wasn't mad but had to go. He asked if I'd be back and I agreed and he said he'd be more relaxed next time. He patted me on my butt and let me go.

I went home and was perplexed. Scared for sure. But aroused as well. I had to admit I was naive about sex, I knew that a guy and girl did it and the penis went into a vagina. But what Robert wanted was surely impossible I didn't have a vagina!!! Then the finger in me it hurt why would he do a gross thing like that? Sex was man on top of the woman, there was thrusting and the guy sucked on tits and kissed. Perhaps if Robert and I did it, it'd be the same but his penis would go in and out of my ass cheeks from where it met my scrotum? What if I was wrong? Either ways I was going to avoid him. And I did.

I had more copying to do for some school stuff I went to another shop which was a longer walk but the guy was so nice to me but the early closing didn't help. On Saturday I helped my dad in the store. I loved it, I could call the shots! I'm sure all the employees hated it. This Saturday was inventory day so Ahmed would be in the back which was good. My dad a pile of things to do. Saturday being a half working day it was crazy. I sorted through the files and had to do a lot of copying. Which meant going to Robert's as our store had an account there. I headed off and arrived to a crowded store. I informed Robert I had some stuff for my dad and he said I could wait for him and come get it at 2 after they closed or do it myself. I chose the later and was done in no time. He was pleasant and the incident was behind us. I was happy again. I got to the store we closed and went home with my dad to a big family lunch followed by his siesta. I watched a movie and was disturbed as usual with a payroll reconciliation slip from Ahmed thankfully it was an uneventful meeting. When my dad woke and started working on his files he decided he'd have to go to the stores in the other towns. That meant going away for 3-4 days. He called Ahmed and asked him if he could join and he declined saying his friend was getting married. So my mom and dad decided to go together, my dad offered to take me and I could skip school but I refused. It was decided that I would go sleep at my sisters and spend the day at our apartment so I could use my computer for homework etc. Ahmed would drop me off every night and he'd keep the car.

My parents left on Tuesday and I went to school. I had drama practice and Ahmed picked me up and dropped me home. I showered changed packed my bag for the next day. Took a change of clothes and waited for Ahmed to come get me. He had been waiting all along so he wasn't pleased. He got mad at me and said he wasn't my assistant etc etc. I decided not to respond. He drove off, he pulled up to a building with an internal courtyard that was previously used as play area and now converted to a parking lot for residents. He said he needed to get something from his place. He went off and I waited. He seemed more pissed off than usual. He returned momentarily and said it'd be best if I went as there were somethings to sign so I got out and joined him. He led me upstairs to an apartment he entered no one seemed to be home. He lead me to a room that had a padlock on the door he undid it, entered and we entered his room. He was a border in a flat. He turned on the AC. The room was dominated by a big bed. On one side was a tv on a dresser and one one side a large cupboard and a door to what I assume was an ensuite bathroom. The bed wasn't made. Ahmed closed the door and locked it. He then advanced to me and said he need to change its too hot. He was right his shirt was soaked. He took off his shirt unlike me he was hairy, his skin a golden brown his hair black as anything his chest defined and tight, his stomach flat. He undid his pants I got uncomfortable so I turned and he laughed saying he didn't mind. I said it was okay and looked at the bed giving him as much privacy as I could. He walked over to me, patted me on my shoulder and made me turn. He stood in front of me with his clothes off only a light bluish grey cotton briefs that held his package. He told me to look as it was only fair after what he'd seen. I couldn't help but look he was hairy everywhere, his arms legs, thighs. I had never seen such a hairy man before. He put his hands on his hips and pulled his underwear off. He stood stark naked, and I saw for the first time an adult penis. It was just like mine only 50-60 times bigger. He looked at me and I felt uneasy.

"What we're you thinking about when you wore that bra and panties?" He asked me.

Shocked and stunned at the question I racked my head for an answer.

"I don't know I wanted to try it." I replied

"Did you like it?" He asked his gaze even more penetrating.

"Dunno. I was just trying"

"What we're you doing with a pillow between your legs?"

"Nothing I guess."

"It can't be nothing you were enjoying it, pretending a man was fucking you."

He moved closer, his cock had started growing it was now pointing at me.

He reached out and fondled me, I tried to get him off.

"Don't fight it, we are going to try somethings. It'll be best if you cooperate." His voice was forceful and final. "Unbutton your shirt." He commanded, I was dazed. "Unbutton it." He said louder. I snapped out of my daze and undid my shirt. I exposed my chest like I had for Robert. I knew what would come, he instructed me to take it off and give it to him. I gave it to him. He pointed to my linen drawstring pants and had me take it off, he took them from me and finally asked me to take my red cotton briefs off. I hesitated and tried to ask him not to but the look on his eyes gave me my answer. I proceeded to take them off. He took them as well, he balled it all up and threw it on top of the cupboard. I was naked n exposed. He was naked and in command. His penis had grown more. He cupped my breast and licked his lips. And then asked me "Do you know what a man and woman do naked?" I shook my head and said no. With both his hands on my body he said "I'll show you tonight." He lead me to the side of the bed and pointed to the phone and said call your sister and tell her you'll be late. He stood behind me our bodies touching his big hands cupped my breasts and kneaded them as I dialed. Because I had to bend down to dial my breasts got bigger and my ass pushed into his cock. I called and told her she didn't seem to mind. Before I was done he took the phone from my hands and put it back on its cradle. "Lie down". He instructed. I lay down on the bed, he had me scoot to the middle. He turned off the light and enveloped us in darkness. I felt the mattress sag to my right as he got in bed. He moved closer and I felt him hover over me. I was strangely aroused as his leg separated mine and he got on top of me. He lowered his body onto me, the first thing I felt was his penis press into my pelvis, he adjusted it so it was directly under my scrotum between my thighs. Still propped on his hands he got comfortable and lowered himself. He whispered, "wearing a bra doesn't help you feel like a woman I will." He held my chin as he leaned in to kiss. I had never kissed or been kissed. What I knew of kisses was what Julia Roberts showed on the big screen. I could smell his breath and taste the strong coffee he must have had. His tongue was big, his mouth was big and he seemed to suck my mouth, his tongue entered my mouth I didn't know what to do, I resisted but he was forceful.

I wasn't enjoying this, his weight crushing me, this dark room that smelled of wet towels, these actions that were nothing like what I had felt seen or wanted. I told myself I was the bosses child I had to take control, I pulled my mouth off and he must have thought I needed to breathe as his mouth went down to my neck and began kissing me and his hands returned to my breasts and squeezed them. I pushed him and began to wriggle away from him, saying "no! I don't want this, give me my clothes and drop me off right now." I caught him off guard, he'd always bullied me and I hadn't bothered to fight back. I was proud of myself even if it was for a moment.

He didn't take my refusal too kindly. He pushed me back down on the bed, pinned my arms and got very close to my face and said "listen you prissy ass princess, I'm going to do with you as you wish, this may be your first but certainly not your last time. There's no where for you to go, no one will save you." He continued staring into my eyes. "I'll rape you, yes rape you like you've seen in movies. You'll then go about your business and when I want you you'll come back. You won't tell a single person because the consequences will be so bad it'll make the rape seem like a bad dream."

His mouth resumed kissing me, his body crushing me, unable to breathe the unclean air, I was trapped. He began kissing me all over then he found what he wanted my breasts and the offensive on them began. I whimpered and pleaded. I'd say "no, please no". After what seemed like ages he got off me and released me, told me to turn, I didn't budge so he flipped me, got off the bed and pulled me so my legs were dangling off and my ass at the edge of the bed. He spit loudly a couple of times and I felt his saliva between my ass cheeks and then his finger entered me just as Roberts had. Robert had been quick but Ahmed made up for it with the size. I felt the saliva enter with him wetting the hole. "My you're a tight girl" he said and laughed. "Big ass but tight hole, I'm going to love this." I pleaded but he didn't care. I felt him close and I felt his penis head at the entrance of my hole. He waited and then thrust. I let out a loud cry and begged him to let me go. He whispered how tight I was and how this was good. Next few minutes were simply just pain and I think I passed out, because what I remember next is his head close to mine, my ass felt like a cannon was in it. His awful voice brought me back to my senses ...

"That's it, princess. I'm all inside you all the way now. You are tight. I had to get a little rough with you. Stop struggling and just breath. Calm down ..... Umph.....Listen to my voice........ I know it's thick and it hurts but your pussy feels soooo good on my raw dick, and .... Uhmph... that's what you want, isn't it? Isn't it?To make me feel good? Yeah princess feel like a woman now? See this is better than a bra or panties."

I cried the pain was unbearable. He continued his offensive.

"Be still and concentrate on my dick. Go on, squeeze it with your pussy. Oh fuck yeah! Good girl ... Do you know what's happening right now? Your milking the precum out of My cock. Your tight little pussy is making me want to fuck you, baby. You want that, don't you. Yeah? Of course you do ..."

"You want this big hairy beast to fuck you like a little princess? Yeah? Well maybe later, baby. Right now you're going to bend over and take it like a whore, understand? I don't have the patience to be gentle and your tight little cunt is driving me crazy. Shh! Stop your whining and listen to me: there's nothing you can do to stop me. I know you understand that. Sweet, soft girl ... oh yeah ... I love opening you up, bitch. I'm going to cum inside you." He said that while thrusting deep in me. I cried in my pillow he fucked me for what seemed like hours. He thrust harder a few times, he moaned and stopped, he fell on top of me. I felt some warm fluid inside me, I wasn't sure if it was blood surely it was, or was this animal peeing inside me?

He rolled off me, I turned to look at him and couldn't help but notice his penis still in its engorged state, no wonder it had hurt so much. My pain returned to me when I tried to move. He noticed I was getting up, he told me to wait. He brought me a towel and said I should clean myself up. It was a wet towel, I used it and he turned on the light in the bathroom, cruel bright light lit up the room, I saw him naked his penis was covered in blood, he walked to the sink and washed himself. I went to the bathroom hardly able to walk and cleaned myself under the shower. When I walked out with the towel wrapped around me, he was in bed watching soccer on tv. My clothes lay on a ball on the floor. He told me to dress up we had to go. I put on my clothes dusted them off and stood by the door. He turned off the tv, he was dressed in his soccer kit. With a smirk he said "I've already scored tonight, the goal was tight but damn good." With that he reached down cupped my chin and kissed me. I pulled away and he laughed. He lead me downstairs back into the car. We sat in silence as he maneuvered out of the haphazard parking lot.

My sisters home was far, I was fuming. I felt violated and couldn't do anything about it. "Cheer up he said, it'll be fun next time. Pretty soon you'll be begging me for it." He said with a condescending smile.

"Fuck you" I replied.

He laughed.

"You will be thankful one day, you're a faggot and would have pretended not to be. I've opened you up you can decide what you like and I know you'll love cock." He said cupping his ample basket.

"You hurt me! Do you know how painful it was? You raped me! That's a crime." I yelled back.

"Pipe down princess, any which way it'd hurt. You should consider yourself lucky I'm a clean guy with no dieseases I brought you to my home and we enjoyed ourselves. Some local would have eventually figured you were a faggot taken you to the slums raped you and left you to take countless men with dieseases."

He replied.

There was silence.

After a little while I asked him "was it what you saw me wear the other day that made you pick me?" He looked at me and said "yes". I have needs and only way is to get married and I can't afford to right now". He added. "You're just what I needed. I was easy I usually have to do that 2 times to be satiated but I made do cause you were so tight!"

"What was that goey yellowish stuff mixed with my blood? It's the stuff that was sticky that came out of my butt when you were done." He laughed.

He cupped his basket and said "it's my Columbia, semen, sperm, love juice, it's what comes out to show how much I enjoyed being with you. If too much of its left in me, then it's not good it hurts. It's good for you, it what makes babies. Someday I want you to drink it."

My mind had so much to process. I shifted in my seat as I looked for a comfortable position. "Does it hurt?" He asked. I nodded. "If we don't do it again real soon it will hurt more."

I made a face.

"Is this your first time with a boy?" He laughed, "you're hardly a boy" he replied, "tits of a teenage girl, fair skin, hairless, penis the size of an almond." He laughed. "But no I've had one before, funny he seduced me and I enjoyed the experience and you made me yearn for that again."

I was aghast with his responses. But curiosity got the best of me. I asked "Do you have sex often? How do you relieve yourself?"

He looked at me as though assessing me. "Not as often as I like. I've got a few of the maids in the building but only because I was desperate. There was a divorced woman near my old job. When her kids were in school I would go to her. Mainly I take care of myself, first thing in the morning and when I come back from work. "

"How do you take care of yourself?" I asked innocently.

"Seriously you don't know?" He looked at me "well you've seen my penis I either rub it with my spit which takes longer or with some Vaseline or oil. I thought about using Vaseline with you but I would not have enjoyed it as much."

"Do you wear condoms?" I asked as we turned to my sisters street. "Mostly yes, especially with women I don't need a child. I did with the other boy as God knows what filth he's had. With you no. And I won't."

We pulled up to my sisters home. He cut the engine and put one hand on my thigh reached in to kiss me. Then cupped my breast. "I'll pick you up for school and then from school. After I close shop I want you to welcome me and very lovingly come to my bed. Understood?" It wasn't a question it was a command. I found myself nodding. "Good girl." He said and motioned for me to get out. He drove off.

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Next: Chapter 2

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