Chub Shower

By fat uk

Published on May 3, 2006


Usual stuff: stop reading if you are not old enough or offended by content. Contains graphic descriptions of sex between two males and contains strong adult language. Please do not distribute in anyway without my permission first.

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Chub Shower part 4

After our fucking session, we got in the shower to wash ourselves of the sweat and cum we had accumulated. The water was hot, and the foams from the soap and body wash cleaned our skin and refreshed us. I helped Kev to wash his back and other areas hard to reach. I took a long time to clean his crack out. He did the same.

We both dried ourselves with towels in Kev's bedroom while grinning at each other. I got dressed in the clothes I had been wearing the night before; a black cotton shirt with long sleeves and a large collar; black jeans that were loose, just the way I like it; and the black boots I only ever wear to get in to the pubs and clubs near Kev's flat. He lived near the town centre, so they all had ridiculous dress codes, like that would stop the usual Friday night brawl.

Kev dressed himself in a light pink polo neck; some white shorts that stopped just passed his knees; and his new Nike trainers. He paid a hundred pound for them. I told him he was mad, but he was the type a guy that liked to take pride in his appearance. He always did a good job; he looked cuter than most guys that pounced about Canal Street.

Kev and I met in Canal Street, Manchester's "Gay Centre" on New Year's Eve. We were at a bear and chub party held at a pub that attracted older, or rougher, clientele than the other bars and clubs. I was not in to the "scene" as it was, but still enjoyed a good night out along the Rochdale Canal.

Kev was rather drunk and was having a good time with his friends. He was singing loudly, attracting a puzzled look from some of the guys there, but he caught my eye as he looked so hot with a grin across his face and a t-shirt on his back that he had outgrown long before that night. I started chatting to him when he came to the bar for a pint of Strongbow and we just hit it off. I joined him and his friends, and then swapped numbers at the end of the night. I knew he fancied me that night, and I was hoping that I would get him in bed some how. Now I had, and it was definetly worth the wait.

We were heading down the road towards the car park where my car was while discussing what to do that day.

Kev placed a fruity chewing gum stick in his mouth before saying, "Fancy going to a beer garden and topping up our tans?"

It was Saturday, and therefore our day off, and the weather was hot. I was sweating a little in the all black attire I had on, while Kev looked as cool as a cucumber in his shorts and light shirt. He looked gorgeous in pink, and his white shorts were loose around his knees but tight across his fat buns. I could see every movement of his cheeks as he walked.

I chuckled at his suggestion of us having a tan. We were as white as milk compared to the bronze skin on show from everyone walking by. It was June after all, and the bikinis were on parade while lads wore nothing on their torso. Only the thin ones though, no chubs had the confidence to show off their far superior bodies. A real shame, I thought.

"Sure, sounds good"

We jumped in my car, having decided to go to my place first so I could changed. I lived in Salford, but quite far from the centre. I was closer to Trafford or Walkden than I was Swinton. I drove quickly down the East Lancs, slowing for the speed cameras along the way, but I knew where they were so I made good time in getting home. I rubbed Kev's large belly between gear changes and grinned like a Cheshire cat each time, he purred like one.

No one was home when I arrived, so I made Kev and me a drink and took my shirt off in the kitchen and placed it in the washing basket. The shirt was clammy and stuck to my back due to the sweat, but I had a spray of deodorant under each arm and seemed to be fresh. Kev stared at my bare chest; the large tits, brown nipples and chest hair; then to my belly, with its tufts of hair around the naval and red marks where my belt had cut in to the skin.

I followed his gaze to my chubbing cock, before noticing his rock hard dick under his white shorts. I was hot and horny, so moved closer to him and placed my hand on his crotch before kissing him passionately.

Kev began to fondle my dick too, kneading the balls underneath gently with the other. I let him continue while I let my tongue probe his mouth and lips, enjoying his soft, wet tongue and sweet taste from his gum. I pushed my tongue further into him before removing it and taking a deep breathe. I noticed I was now chewing gum instead of him.

"No one's going to be in for a while, fancy a bit of fun in the garden? It's too hot to be in here" I told my handsome chub.

My garden was surrounded by high bushes and shrubs, so it was private and therefore tempting. We had mentioned having a fuck outside that morning, and I was ready to fulfil our proposal.

Kev was unsure, however. He was always the confident one of a group, or so it seemed, but he had never been to my house, so had no idea what privacy we would have. I felt his cock hard in my hand however, and knew if I could reassure him, a good fuck was in store.

I took his soft hand and led him through the back door and in to the garden. The garden to the rear of my house was quite large with high bushes along the perimeter and flower beds in their shadow. My father had planted those years ago and attended to them daily during the spring and summer, making sure they were perfect. He had planted some jasmine and lavender, making the garden smell great, while roses, tulips, blue bells and chrysanthemums pleased the eye. The grass was immaculate, cut short and in concentric circles, with a bench for two on the edge nearest the door. A small pond was a feature my father added the year before. It was filled with fish and tadpoles, and surrounded by a small fence at the insistence of my mother. My sister had a young son who may fall in.

Kev was impressed with the garden, the smells, the look, the sound of the fountain in the pond, as well as the privacy it offered. He kneeled and undid his shoelaces, "These are a hundred quid!" he insisted. He then pulled me down to the grass, which was soft under me, and kissed me passionately. He rolled me on to my back and placed himself on me, searching my naked torso with his hands, before switching to his tongue.

He dragged his wet muscle along my side, which tickled at first, and then across my nipples, making them tingle and erect. I lay back and let him do as he wished with me.

"Feels great that, cutie" I breathed.

Kev lifted himself to his knees and used both hands to pulls his t-shirt off, revealing the smooth and pale flesh beneath. His tits jiggled and his belly rippled as he threw his shirt on the bench a few yards away. I wrapped my arms around him as he dropped on to me again. He winded me slightly, he was a big lad. He was kissing me quickly, but I slowed him down with my lips and savoured his mouth.

I used my arms to roll him on his side so I could reach down and push my hand inside his shorts. I felt the cotton boxers underneath and the warmth of his cock that was at a right angle to his body. I ran my hand up the length of the shaft and over the hooded head and back down to his balls.

I pushed my arm down, taking his shorts with it. His cock slapped around as it was freed, and it drooled some precum across my jeans. I used my index finger to push inside his foreskin and rub his piss hole. It was damp with his juices and tasted great when I licked my finger dry.

Throughout this, Kev had not stopped stroking my skin. He explored my back and sides, avoiding my nipples. I knew he was a little tease and did not ask him to hurry up getting to them. He knew what he was doing and I left him to it.

His shorts rested just under the fold of his arse and about 2 inches below his nuts. I reached round and caressed the globes beneath my hand. I squeezed both cheeks in turn, before running my fingers between his crack and along the perineum. I looked in to his eyes, kissed him softly and gently, then kissed his neck slowly, across his left shoulder and down to his chest. I moved his nipples under my tongue and listened to his moaning.

"Suck them" He asked. I obliged.

My cock was rock hard and also oozing precum according to the cold spot on my boxers.

Normally, I am a bottom guy, loving the feel of a cock inside me. I did fuck Kev last night, but only after he fucked me, which is generally the only time I have ever topped. However, my gorgeous chub, with his lovely tits; large belly, complete with deep naval; buns of jelly that were smooth to the touch; and warm hole that I felt beneath my fingers made me want to fuck him until he cummed.

I rolled him on to his back and got on my knees. Kev raised his legs as I pulled his shorts past his fat, juicy thighs and off his feet. He placed the chunky legs back down on the grass. I undid my belt and pushed my jeans down to my knees. I crawled between his legs and took his balls into my mouth. They tasted fresh from the shower and were warm in my mouth. I sucked them slightly and licked them, especially underneath where it was most sensitive for the fat boy lay above me. I reached up and held one of his hands as I continued.

I removed the balls and replaced them with the thick, uncut cock. I nibbled gently on the head of it, before pushing my tongue in through the skin to the sensitive head. Kev shivered as my tongue caressed it lovingly. It tasted salty as the precum ran across mouth's muscle. It tasted of Kev, just as his cock, balls and mouth did.

My cock head was pressed against the now-sweaty skin between the bollocks and anus, and making it feel great. I moved my lip further down the stiff dick before me, until all five inches were in. I had to swallow the head so it would fit. I ran my mouth up and down it, to the pubic bone and hair, several times in quick succession. This made Kev whimper with delight, and I felt good knowing I was the cause of it.

Letting go of his hand, I sucked my index finger to lube it. I placed it on his sphincter muscle. I rubbed it in a circular motion, making it open slightly. I then applied pressure to it, allowing my finger to push in at a slow and steady pace. I got my finger into the knuckle and waited for a few moments, allowing the sphincter that was gripping my digit, to relax slightly. I moved my finger around inside, rubbing against his prostate, judging by each sharp intake of breathe and groan my probing produced.

I removed my finger and drooled saliva in to my hand and applied it to my 4 inch cock, making it slippy and wet. Kev reached forward with both hands and pulled his legs back, making his hot pussy move up to me.

I shuffled forward on my knees and leaned forward, guiding my cock in using my hand. I was desperate to get inside where it was warm and satisfying. Kev seemed to want me to too, his hole was wide open.

"Fuck me" he pleaded.

I placed my cock against his hole and entered slowly, feeling the warmth of his anus, waiting with each inch entered, allowing Kev's arse to relax enough for me to continue easily. When I was in fully, and my belly large belly was resting on his balls so I could get deep, I placed his legs over my shoulders. I placed my weight on to my arms beside his head and pulled my cock out, about halfway.

I watched as my stiff dick was swallowed by the big arse it was entering, making my pleasure increase. I pushed back in, as far as I could, and then began to slowly fuck the big chubby bloke beneath me. My fat thighs slapped against his juicy and rippling cheeks. My tits hung down, away from my belly, which remained on Kev's balls.

Kevin placed his arms around my neck and breathed with each thrust as it slid across his prostate. My cock felt great, sliding in effortlessly, giving Kev so much pleasure. I looked at his face and could not help but feel warm inside. His eyes were closed, his mouth slightly open, and a low groan emanated from his throat each time I fucked his cunt. His belly was pushed upwards, which in turn pushed his tits upwards, below his chin. He looked bigger, and cuter, almost more rounded and fleshy than normal in that position.

The sun was beaming down on my back, making the skin get hot and definetly on its way to turning red.

I leaned in and kissed his lips. He responded, almost lazily, and I felt his warm breath on my face. He did hug me tighter though, but just barely. I took it as a sign he was too engrossed in the pleasure his arse was receiving. I enjoyed the embrace we had, enjoying the warmth of his body, the closeness of our skin coupled with the immense gratification I was getting from thrusting inside him.

After nearly 20 minutes of slow fucking, I was tired, sweaty and hot, and my arms and knees ached. The grass had been flattened and dug into my skin on my hands and knees, leaving their impressions. However, I loved the fuck, and so was by bottom chub, so I carried on regardless.

I speeded my fucking slowly, getting slightly faster and harder with each thrusts. Kev's moans grew louder as I fucked harder , making me want to go faster still.

Kev removed an arm from around my neck and searched for his cock just above the apron of my belly. Sweat was running between my tits and on to his dick, while his sweat was running from his bollocks and down to my cock moving in and out of his cunt.

He found his dick and began to beat it quickly. he must have been very close to shooting his wad all over his bulging belly. The sight of it turned me on and made my orgasm come much closer. I knew when he was cumming, as he pushed me down by pushing down with his legs, and his groans grew loudly. His hand dug into my neck and his sphincter began to grip my cock tightly. It pushed me over the edge. My orgasm began at the root of my cock and in my balls, and then moved down the stem of my dick. I felt the juices flow in to his hot arse.

I kept pumping slowly into him, rubbing his prostate as he continued cumming. Long, ropey cum shots streaked his torso. Some of it leaked into his belly button, some even hit him on the cheek. I took several large gulps of air and then leaned in to lick the cum from his face. Kev remained breathing deeply, making small sounds with each expulsion of air. He remained stroking his dick slowly.

"Thanks big man. That was fucking amazing" He told me.

He opened his eyes and looked at me. His gorgeous eyes were only half open as the sun was directly above us at that point. He lifted his head as far as he could and slid his tongue in my mouth.

I rolled on to my left side, with his shoulders still over my shoulders and my cock still thrusting inside him.

"No need to thank me, you felt brilliant on the end of my cock."

Kev giggled and said my cock kept hitting his prostate as I entered him, making it feel really good for him. I was happy about that.

I reached across his belly and began to rub the cum into his skin. He had his eyes closed again and simply lay back, allowing my cock to slowly move in him.

We continued to fuck like that for another ten minutes or so. It was slow, warm, tender, and allowed us to relax. My cock eventually went soft and slipped out of him. There were a few specks of shit on the head of my dick, but nothing major. Cum dribbled out of Kev's anus after I came out of him. Luckily, he was still on his side so it merely travelled over his cheeks, and not on to the lawn. My dad would have killed me if he knew what I had done on his grass.

After a wash in the bath, which we both shared, scrubbing each other. I got dressed in similar attire as Kev, although my trainers cost me thirty pound and my shirt was a light yellow. Kev hugged me after I got dressed, sliding my hands under his shirt and up his back, pulling him tightly to me and feeling his warmth.

"Love you big fella" I told him

"Love you too. Can't believe we waited so long" He replied as his head rested on my shoulder, and mine on his.

I couldn't explain why we waited so long either. I had found a great guy. He was cute, handsome, made me laugh and was fun to be around. He was also incredibly sexy with his big belly and waddling butt and perfect cock. He was a great kisser and hugged me tightly, making me feel warm and safe. I wasn't letting him go.

In the 5 or 6 months I had known Kev, he had never met my family, indeed, and this was his first time to my home. I planned to change that. I wanted him to meet my mum, dad, sister and little nephew. I say little, he is 10 but is of a small build. He is a great lad though.

But before he could meet my parents, Kev and I had to go to a beer garden to have a few pints in the hot June sun.

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