Chronicles of T Rex

By Vraxis Vraxis

Published on Dec 19, 2003


The Chronicles of T-Rex -- Chapter One by Vraxis

Copyright December 3, 2003.

This is a story of black male domination. Do not proceed if this subject offends you, or is illegal in your location. Other than that, ENJOY!

Feel free to drop me a line and let me know what you think. I enjoy hearing from my readers and hearing their reactions, good or bad. Now, on with the show!

Chapter One: The Slave Selection

Kei: T-Rex's Asian Slave Procurer Liang: T-Rex's current Asian slave Kotani: The 18 year old Japanese virgin sacrifice Tran: The 20 year old Vietnamese slutboy

Sunlight poured through the enormous windows in T-Rex's living room, casting a golden glow on the two asian men slowly undressing before Kei and Liang. T-Rex would be home soon with his boys and Liang wanted his selections ready for presentation as soon as his master walked into the house.

They were good prospects, Liang thought, just as Kei had promised. Kei had been T-Rex's regular procurer for Asian slave boys for the past two years, preferring to hunt on-campus at UCLA but occasionally finding good pussyboys in the outskirts of the city. Kei had found Tran on campus, already a party boy for a number of frat parties. Liang was somewhat surprised to have a 20 year old Vietnamese boy in the running to be his successor as T-Rex's Asian house slave. Normally, they were too small to be capable of handling a cock the size of T-Rex's. But Tran was fairly large and very muscular, and Kei swore that he was already enough of a slut to be able to handle T-Rex's enormous cock.

Kotani, on the other hand, was a small 18 year old Japanese boy. But his lean body was good, with plenty of natural muscle, and he had two enormous points in his favor. First, he was a virgin. T-Rex loved nothing more than breaking in a new slave completely, taking a boy's cherry at the same time he took his freedom. That was what he'd done with Liang, sodomizing him for the first time in front of over a hundred black men at a Night of Black Kings five years ago. The pain was indescribable, the gang rape that followed was unbelievable, but Liang had served his master completely from that day forward.

The second thing in Kotani's favor, if you could call it that, was his situation. He was desperate. If someone didn't take him in, he'd be forced to return to a poor village in Japan where his sadistic uncle would beat him. Kotani was frantically trying to stay in the U.S., and was willing to do anything to achieve his goal. And if there was anything that T-Rex loved, it was the forced submission of a desperate slave.

The two potential slaveboys were now completely nude, standing before Kei and Liang with dripping erections. Tran had a cocky look on his face, eager to fuck but completely oblivious to the challenge that would soon confront him. Tran figured this was basically just another gang bang, albeit one that was a competition for a prime cocksucking post. Kotani was overcome with competing emotions, at once terrified and overwhelmingly aroused. He knew he was gay, and wanted to lose his virginity with a hot American man, but this scene was starting to scare him. What was he going to have to do?

Liang and Kei looked over the two pussyboys with evaluative stares, as if they were reviewing livestock. In a way, they were. And both boys were looking back at Liang's amazingly beautiful nude body, highlighted by a black slave collar and five golden ball stretcher rings above his testicles.

T-Rex required all of his slaves to be nude whenever in the house, except for the special adornments he would give them.

"Just like I told you," Kei said, starting to disrobe himself. "Prime material for T-Rex."

Liang nodded. He and Kei had already gone through several other potential candidates, which had been pleasant enough fun. Liang had received over thirty blowjobs from various Asian young men, and those that passed basic skill sets were then moved up to double fucks from both Kei and Liang, then more intensive testing involving Demetrius and Tony, two of T-Rex's lieutenants. Though Demetrius and Tony got to stuff their cocks and bust their nuts inside more than a dozen tight and screaming asian bottomboys, none of the group was up to the level that T-Rex would demand. But this morning, Kei called up and told Liang he'd found the perfect candidates at last.

"Yes, you were right," Liang said. "The Master should be very happy with his choices." Of course, knowing T-Rex as he did, Liang already knew which one he would ultimately choose.

"So, what's the deal?" Tran spoke up. "This guy T-Rex wants a new slave?"

"That's right," Liang replied, starting to walk around the duo. "I have served my Master for five years. As my reward, he is releasing me from my service and allowing me to attend college. Before I leave, however, I must provide him with another slave to take my place in the harem."

"Harem?" Kotani asked. His English was still a little weak.

Liang reached out and stroked Kotani's thigh and ballsack gently. "Yes, Kotani. Harem. My Master keeps five young men here in the household to serve his every sexual need. Each one of us comes from a different race, Asian, White, Latino, Arab, and Native American. He has sex with any or all of us, whenever he wants. We also help maintain the household and manage his personal affairs."

Kotani's cock oozed out another droplet of pre-cum. "You have sex all the time?"

Kei laughed. "Oh yeah, boy. They fuck all the TIME in this house! And not just with T-Rex. Sometimes T-Rex lets his gang come over and fuck you too. Being T-Rex's bitch is HARDCORE."

Tran's eyes widened. "How often does this guy wanna fuck?"

Liang smiled a little. "My Master's sexual appetite is . . . VORACIOUS, to put it bluntly. There are five permanent house slaves, and he uses all of us at least once per day during the week. If he has guests, that number can be anywhere from ten to thirty times per day."

The two potentials stood there, dumbstruck. Kotani started to speak. "But, I haven't..."

Liang put his fingers to his lips. "Don't worry. You'll be trained. And you'll be taught exercises to keep your body tight and useful for the Master. Each one of us has a unique specialty that our Master pursues with each of us. Some of us are gang bang bottoms, others are for bondage and torture, others have different disciplines. In my case, my Master uses me for bondage and breath play. My Master will find something for one of you as well."

"What happens to the other one?" Tran asked, confident he would be the winner.

Kei sauntered in front of Tran, his hard cock bobbing with each step. "Don't worry, you'll still get tons of black cock. T-Rex'll likely put you in as a partyboy for the next Night of Black Kings, the big orgy he throws every year. You just won't be in the house and get all the privileges that Liang's had." And at that word, Kei reached between Liang's legs and showed the pair the guiche piercing that he had.

Liang smiled with pride. "Yes, the Master requires all his slaves to have a guiche. He usually pierces us when he is mounting us, so that the pain from the piercing is swept away by our orgasms. And there are other benefits as well. I have never had such sexual ecstasy as I have had with my Master and his friends. Though it can be hard service, it is incredibly rewarding. Not only have I had sexual bliss every day for five years, my Master is also paying for my college education."

"It's kinda like a `fuck-study' program," joked Kei. "Trust me, you'll love this. T-Rex is amazing. He's got a cock like you wouldn't believe. And his boys are all fucking HOT black guys."

Tran started to smirk even more, eager for dick. Kotani was looking terrified at this point, but his erect and dripping cock told an interesting tale. Liang smiled at the Japanese virgin. Watching his Master claim this cherry was going to be delicious to watch.

Suddenly, noises started to come from the front hall. T-Rex was home. Liang and Kei positioned Tran and Kotani in front of the windows, so that the golden sunlight would halo the pair once T-Rex saw them. "Remember," Liang warned them, "do as you are told and do not speak unless spoken to." Tran smiled and nodded. Kotani nodded his head in fearful earnest.

The noises grew louder and Liang could tell that his Master was bringing in at least ten other men with him, each one boisterous and full of sexual energy. Liang slowly got down on his knees, put his hands behind his back and looked down at the floor, assuming his position and waiting for T-Rex to enter.

The door flew open and T-Rex, Master of the House and all within it, claimed the room.


T-Rex was fresh from the gym, and his body was still pumped up from the workout. His pecs were barely contained in the tight white t-shirt he wore, and his massive arms had already ripped the sleeves a little. His workout shorts stretched out over enormous thighs and his obscenely thick cock was clearly outlined in the fabric. Behind him came ten members of his gang, all similarly pumped from their workout with their leader. They started to laugh and holler when they saw the two nude asian slaveboys standing before them.

"Shut the fuck up!" T-Rex ordered, silencing the room at once. In complete silence, T-Rex approached the two potentials, his hard eyes sizing up the duo. Kotani was enraptured, unable to take his eyes from the fierce figure coming before him. T-Rex was so dark, so huge, so completely sexual, he was unlike anything he'd ever seen or imagined. Tran was locked onto T-Rex's bulging crotch, anxious to get his lips around that thick meat. Tran had been fucked by some black guys in the past, one or two at frat parties, but no one was ever as big as this man.

T-Rex spoke. "So, Kei, these are the two you think I want, huh?"

Kei, already fingering his cock, replied. "Yes, sir. I think these two are good options for you. The one on the left is Tran, he's a Vietnamese slut from school. He been getting his ass stuffed by frat boys for a while now. I think he can be a good party boy for your guys."

At this frank assessment, Tran blushed a little, but stayed quiet. His cock, however, started to bounce up and down, stretching the string of pre-cum now dangling wildly from the tip. T-Rex looked over the boy, tweaked one of his erect nipples, then grabbed him by the balls. "You a little slut pussy, boy?"

Tran swallowed hard. T-Rex's grip was tight. "Yes, sir."

"How many cocks can you take in a day?"

"Seven, sir. Some Delts fucked me seven times once."

T-Rex smirked, then gestured over his shoulder at his boys, who were slowly stripping and getting their cocks hard. "You're gonna take at least ten today." Then more fiercely, "Turn around and show me that asshole."

Tran slowly turned and bent over, exposing his beautiful bubble butt to the strange black man. T-Rex slapped one of the firm butt cheeks and roughly pressed them apart to show off the hole better. It was perfectly hairless and though it had been fucked often, still had excellent muscle tone and tightness. T-Rex put a finger at the hole, but didn't push it in. Tran gasped, and his natural reaction was to tighten it even further, which allowed T-Rex to sense the boy's sexual prowess.

T-Rex nodded. "Yeah, bitch, this pussy's gonna get a workout today. Stand up!"

Tran complied, then turned around. He saw that all ten of the gang members were now naked and jacking their meat in anticipation. "Yeah, boy," said one of them as he jacked his thick nine inches of veiny black fuckmeat. "We're gonna tear that pussy up soon." And though he was a little scared, Tran looked at the cluster of hard black cocks and smiled a little.

Then T-Rex moved in front of Kotani. Kotani was actually trembling by now, his hard oozing cock practically dancing in mid-air. "What about this one?"

Kei was already flirting with one of the gang members across the room and almost didn't hear T-Rex's question. Recovering quickly, he said, "This is Kotani, he's Japanese. He's 18 and a virgin. He needs to find a place to stay or else he's going to be deported."

T-Rex looked over the trembling boy. "Virgin, huh? You never been fucked boy?"

Kotani whispered, "No, sir."

"Speak up, pussy! No one's ever fucked your little ass?"

"No, sir."

"And you're telling me that you've never sucked another man's dick? Not even once?"

"No, sir." Kotani's face was crimson in shame and fear. He looked directly into T-Rex's eyes. "No one."

T-Rex smirked. "Show me your ass. Let's see what you got."

Kotani hesitated. T-Rex grabbed his shoulders and spun the boy around, then bent the boy over to review the meat. Another perfect bubble butt, but a little less muscled than Tran's experienced whore bottom. T-Rex spread the cheeks apart to examine the boy's hole. It was a rosebud, incredibly small and tight. In fact, it was the smallest asshole T-Rex had ever seen. Once again, he put a finger to the boy's sphincter. Kotani moaned and seized up, gripping T-Rex's finger in a vice-like tightness. T-Rex looked over his shoulder at Liang, still kneeling on the floor. Liang smiled subtly. "Yes, I know, Master." T-Rex was pleased at the virgin boypussy before him.

T-Rex stood. "Stand up, pussyboy." Kotani complied quickly, the blood rushing from his head. He was completely on edge, every nerve in his body was on fire. T-Rex backed away and quickly ripped off his gym clothes, revealing the full glory of his black muscle godhood. His chest and arms were massive, muscles ripped like never before, veins bulging everywhere. His enormously thick 10 inch cock rose proudly into the air, pointing at Kotani's head. T-Rex let the boy get a good look, then walked up and grabbed the boy's balls tight. "You think your little virgin ass can take my cock? You think you can handle this meat? You gonna let this thick black muthafucker bust your cherry pussy? Tell me boy!"

Kotani couldn't speak, but his body could. Despite the tight grip T-Rex had on his balls, Kotani started to cum in thick spurts. As his eyes rolled back into his head and a moan escaped his lips, Kotani shot five loads high into the air, soaking T-Rex's muscled forearm and bicep. Tran, Kei and several of the gang members started to laugh at the sight. But the stern and silent T-Rex never let loose of Kotani's balls, nor did he ever stop looking at the moaning slaveboy. Once Kotani recovered from his orgasm, he looked around the room and, noticing the laughter and stares, his face went bright crimson. He was utterly humiliated at his lack of control.

T-Rex spoke in a low and dangerous growl, his grip on Kotani's ballsac tightening. "Lick this up, bitch." Kotani looked at T-Rex's eyes, then slowly started to lick his own spent cum from T-Rex's magnificent body, tonguing the man's arm and tentatively feeling the Master's massive chest and stomach muscles while all the while looking up into T-Rex's eyes. Liang, watching from behind, was overcome by the sight of fresh submission, and his dick began to ooze pre-cum heavily onto the hardwood floor. The gang too was watching the scene with earnest. There wasn't a dry cock in the room.

Cleaned, T-Rex moved back from the pair of slaveboys and stood next to the kneeling Liang. "You wanna be my slave, you need to be able to do certain things. Liang's been my bitch for the past five years, and he can take anything I throw at him. Can't you, pussyboy?"

"Yessir. Whatever you want, sir." Liang replied, preparing himself for what was about to happen. His penis was rock hard in anticipation.

T-Rex started to smear his cock over Liang's beautiful face. "This bitch can take cock, no doubt," T-Rex said. And with one fluid gesture, T-Rex slipped all 10 inches of his throbbing cock into Liang's mouth and throat, holding the back of the Chinese slave's head tightly. Tran and Kotani stood amazed at Liang's skills. Seconds passed, and Liang was still completely stuffed with T-Rex's meat, unable to breathe. Liang's tearing eyes were locked onto those of his Master, knowing that his Master liked to see a slave's eyes as he struggled to handle the thick slab of black fuckmeat penetrating him. The cock continued to throb in his gullet, and as Liang's oxygen supply dwindled, the natural reflexes made his throat tighten and spasm. A minute passed, and Liang's body was in full spasm. But he controlled it all as best as he could, eager to give his Master the sexual feelings he desired. T-Rex's cock was delighted by the sensations of the panicking throat muscles.

As more time passed, Liang was approaching euphoria, his body desperate for oxygen and flooding his brain with endorphins. Muffled moans emerged from his stuffed mouth, his eyes started to become bloodshot and his eyelids fluttered madly. Suddenly, Liang's erect cock started wildly spurting cum, causing one more wave of muscular spasms through his cock-crammed throat. Then T-Rex pulled his thick meat out, allowing his slave to breathe once again. Gulping in air, Liang's body trembled all over from the physical exertion as well as the orgasm and the endorphin flood. Such amazing pleasure...

Tran and Kotani were still dumbstruck. Kotani had no idea how he would ever be able to do that, and Tran was wondering if he'd finally gotten in over his head. The wolfish and craven looks on the gang member faces told Tran that his body was soon to be pushed to its very limits.

T-Rex walked over to the pair of them, his cock soaking wet from its time in Liang's throat. "Get down on your knees." He ordered ominously. T-Rex approached Tran first. "Let's see what kind of slutty pussy boy we got here. Suck my cock, boy!"

Tran smiled, then moved in on the enormous man meat in front of him. Eager to show off his skills, he started to lick around T-Rex's cock, getting it nice and wet and showing what an appreciative cocksucker he could be. Then, he moved in front of the cock and started to open his mouth.

But T-Rex wasn't in the mood to let this boy run the show. Grabbing the boy's head, he forced his cock into Tran's barely open mouth. Tran could barely adjust his jaws around the thick meat pumping into him and bashing against his tonsils. His moist lips were stretched obscenely around the cock, forming a glistening pink O around T-Rex's fuck-crazy meat. Strained moaning sounds were buried in Tran's cock-crammed mouth, and his brow furrowed heavily as T-Rex grabbed more of his spiked black hair and kept pumping.

"Come on, pussy, open that throat. Open it. Take this fucking cock into your slut throat."

Saliva started to drip down Tran's chin as the black cock continued to slam into his mouth. Tran frowned harder as the cock started to push past his tonsils into the top of his throat. He'd deep throated guys before, but never anything this thick and hard. He started to gag a little, but T-Rex wouldn't stop. Tran tried to put his hand up to T-Rex's cock to slow down the assault, but T-Rex slapped the hand away.

"Put that fucking hand down, bitch! I'm in charge now!" Grabbing the back of the slave's head, T-Rex increased the pace and force of the facefuck. "Work through that gagging shit, boy. You've got cock to suck. Suck on that dick, boy! Suck on it! Open that fucking throat! Open it! Take that dick down!"

Finally, with an obscene gurgling and choking sound, T-Rex's cock plunged all the way into Tran's gullet. Tran's arms started to flail as he tried to push T-Rex out of his body, but it was no use. The gang cheered and waved their dicks in the air, eager to get their own piece of this slave boy being throat-raped before them.

T-Rex crushed his pubic hair into the boy's face for a few more seconds, then pulled his meat out completely. Tears streamed down from Tran's face and thick strands of saliva dripped from his mouth as he tried to recover from the vicious face fuck he'd just received. He kneeled there, panting for several seconds, then looked up at Liang, who was watching from across the room. He wondered how Liang had survived five years as this monster's slave.

Then T-Rex sauntered over to Kotani, who cringed in fear. But he had to conquer his fears if he wanted to stay in the country. He HAD to be T-Rex's slave, and he would do anything to satisfy this man's desires simply because there was no other option. T-Rex's cock was glistening in the sunlight, spit-soaked by the throats of two asian slaveboys. A thick droplet of pre-cum was emerging from the tip, and Kotani was mesmerized by the sight. T-Rex stood directly in front of Kotani, his cock a mere two inches from the boy's mouth. And he didn't move.

"You want this, boy?" he asked.

Kotani sat there mesmerized by the glistening black shaft presented before him, as if T-Rex's cock were a snake hypnotizing its prey before it struck. Almost without realizing it, Kotani started to open his mouth and nod his head fervently.

T-Rex moved in, surprisingly slowly. "Watch your teeth, boy. You scrape me, it'll cost you." The head of the cock started to push in. No teeth, Kotani was a natural. Then another inch pushed in. Kotani's lips were completely deformed by T-Rex's dick, bright red and juicily glistening. Thrilling over his first taste of cock, Kotani was quickly overwhelmed by the sensations and started to moan like a common whore. Thick droplets of pre-cum were falling liberally from the end of his cock.

T-Rex was going so slowly, enjoying every moment of taking the Japanese virgin's oral innocence. He grabbed the back of the boy's head and pushed farther in, knowing that he was going to trigger the boy's gag reflex. He did, and Kotani tried desperately to push the cock out. For an instant, T-Rex thought about refusing the boy, but in the end, relented. He pulled out and let the slaveboy catch his breath.

He looked over his shoulder at Liang. "Can't take cock very well," he said.

But suddenly he was surprised to feel a mouth back on his cock, and looked down at Kotani, his mouth stuffed again and looking up at T-Rex with eager eyes. Then Kotani started to ram his own face against the black cock inside him, trying to force it down his throat. T-Rex looked down amazed, then smiled a little to himself. Grabbing the boy's head again, he pushed with his hips at just the right time and felt his meat completely penetrate the surprised boy.

Kotani was in cocksucker heaven, despite the massive challenge of T-Rex's phallus. It was so thick, so completely unlike anything that he'd ever had in his mouth before. Kotani couldn't breathe, of course, but he focused all his attention on holding the cock in his throat. He felt the urge to throw up, but forced it down. He had to keep the cock in his mouth, no matter what. T-Rex was amazed too, not only by the boy's submission but by the wonderful sensations found in the boy's throat. Virgin throat could be bliss.

The crowd saw a young teary-eyed Japanese boy, on his knees moaning and salivating over the enormous black shaft crammed into his throat. The boy's cock couldn't get harder, and a small pool of pre-cum had formed on the floor, just as it had under Liang's throbbing cock. After a few seconds though, Kotani couldn't handle any more and T-Rex, sensing the need, pulled his cock out once again. Kotani took in a deep breath and started to move his mouth back toward T-Rex's cock when T-Rex held him back.

"Not bad, pussyboy. But that's enough cocksucking for the two of you. Now it's time to pop the pussies." Turning back to Tran, he barked, "lay down, piece!"

Liang had placed two thin mattresses on the floor, and brought T-Rex a large bottle of lube. Tran lay down on one of the mattresses and spread his legs apart, giving the gang members in the corner a good look at prime Vietnamese boyass. Inside, though, Tran was terrified. If the face fucking was a good indicator, actually getting buttfucked by T-Rex was going to be a horror.

T-Rex grabbed the lube, pumped a liberal amount on his fingers, then started to smear it on Tran's throbbing asshole. Then T-Rex started to shove one of his fingers into the boy's hole, slipping in easily. Tran gasped then blushed again as he realized a crowd of unsympathetic strangers was watching him get finger fucked by a monster. Another finger was slipped in, and Tran was praying that T-Rex would warm his ass up with his fingers before shoving his big dick into him and tearing his ass apart.

T-Rex gave Tran three fingers, enjoying the warm insides of the boy. Then he pulled out and generously coated his cock with the lube. "Show me that pussy, boy!" he barked. Tran lifted his legs higher, and reached around to pull apart his asscheeks and expose his hole completely.

T-Rex moved into position quickly and placed his cock at Tran's sphincter. "Get ready, boy!" he said before slowly pushing his meat in.

Fireworks went off in Tran's eyes as the feeling of T-Rex's anal intrusion swept over him. A deep panicked moan escaped the boy's lips as his sphincter was quickly stretched to its limits. No frat boy cock could compare to this, no gangbang session had ever stretched him out as far as this initial push from T-Rex did. His legs started to tremble immediately, but T-Rex grabbed them and pushed them towards his shoulders, exposing his hole even more. A small scream, then a tortured expression on his face as the cock pushed deeper inside him.

"Ohmygod, ohmygod, ohmygod, ohmygod" the boy babbled as his asshole was ravaged. The thick meat just kept pushing in without hesitation, overwhelming every defense the muscular boy had. Learning from Kotani's submission, he tried his best to not scream out in sheer agony. Breathy pants came from his shocked mouth, tinged with pain and passion. The cock was unbelievable, touching him in places and in ways that he'd never felt before. But it was so thick and hard, so remorseless in its fucking. Nevertheless, Tran knew there was no point in begging this man to stop. He knew he wouldn't do it.

Finally the man hit bottom and Tran's sweaty and cock-stuffed ass could now try to adjust to this massive intruder. T-Rex lifted the boy's ass more so that the crowd could see the penetration better. Cheers came from the gang.

"Save some pussy for us, yo!" "Pound that shit, T!"

Then T-Rex started to pull out, only to slam back into the boy as he started to pump his ass. It was medium speed for T-Rex, but it quickly overwhelmed the poor boy. His cock a limp piece of flesh, Tran was desperately trying to summon his gangbang memories to try and adapt to this superfuck, but it was so hard. Pained cries sounded around the room, coupled with the wet smacking sounds of T-Rex's fuck and his ballsac slamming against the boy's ass. This went on for another minute or so, then T-Rex pulled out.

"Not bad, piece. Let's see how you handle my boys." Looking over his shoulder, he called out, "he's all yours!"

The ten gangmembers yelled out in happiness as they swarmed over the exhausted and violated Vietnamese youth, eager to get a piece of gangbanged Asian boypussy. Two dark dreadlocked 22 year olds named Ronnie and Bull got to him first. "Ready for a little party, pussyboy?" Bull asked as he showed off his nice 8 inch cock. "You're gonna be our little party favor," Ronnie added, squeezing a droplet of precum off his dick and onto Tran's face.

Kei was eager to join in on the fucking going on, so he walked away from T-Rex and Kotani and moved in to one of the gangmembers, a nicely hung 25 year old guy named Derrick. In seconds, Kei was on his knees sucking down Derrick's cock as he waited to get his turn at Tran.

Tran looked around at the assorted men waiting to fuck him. This was a little more like what he was accustomed too. "Don't hurt me, OK?" he pleaded a little, before lifting up his legs again to expose his reddened asshole to the group. Bull, secretly putting a small tablet against Tran's asshole and holding it there with the head of his dick, smiled and said "don't worry baby, we've got you." Then in an instant, Bull had pushed his cock (and the tablet) into Tran's ass, and Ronnie had slammed his meat into the pussyboy's mouth. Crammed with cock, but able to handle these cocks better than the monster that had just fucked him, Tran started his evening of gangbanging black cock worship.

Taking Tokani

As the moans and cheers from Tran's gangbang echoed through the room, T-Rex moved over to Kotani, who looked at his glistening fucktool and thought it was even bigger than before. Now was the moment for Kotani, the moment that decided whether he'd stay in the U.S. as this man's sex slave, or return to Japan to be mistreated and abused by his ruthless uncle.

Without a word, Kotani lay down on the other mattress and lifted his legs up, revealing his virgin asshole for the taking. Liang almost came right then and there, but his training wouldn't allow it. T-Rex only wanted his slaves to ejaculate when HE wanted them to. But his cock and balls were soaked with his own flowing pre-cum. And he noticed that T-Rex's cock was oozing a bit too.

"Master, should I get some poppers for the boy?" Liang asked quietly.

"No. I want this pussyboy to feel every inch of me." T-Rex replied. Looking down at Kotani's exposed asshole, he marveled again at its smallness. He knew that, if the boy managed to take all his meat, this tight hole was going to feel amazing around his cock.

Grabbing the lube again, T-Rex knelt down and started to apply it heavily to the winking boyhole before him. Kotani had never felt anything like this, and his sphincter was twitching madly with every wet touch of T-Rex's fingers. A nervous moan escaped his lips.

"May I come closer, sir?" Liang asked, eager to get a closer view of this. T-Rex nodded silently, his eyes still focused on lubing up the Japanese slavepussy.

Kotani was panting in anticipation, his cock still hard and oozing. T-Rex started to swirl his middle finger around the boy's sphincter, teasing it to see what Kotani would do. The boy was clearly hot for his first fuck, his face was reddening even more and his breathing was rapid. He pushed his finger into the hole.

"Ohhhh..." the boy moaned, throwing his head back at his first penetration. No one had ever touched him this way. Inside, T-Rex felt the boy's wet and fiery insides, and the sphincter was unbelievably vice-like on his middle finger. Then he curled his finger upwards and started to stimulate the boy's nerves, eliciting a surprised set of grunts from the boy. Kotani's body was on fire, and as he looked up to watch this enormous black man violating his ass, fear and lust started fighting for control of his mind.

T-Rex started bouncing his cock onto the boy's crotch. It felt like velvet wrapped steel against the asian boy's cock and balls. "You want this, boy?" T-Rex asked quietly. "You want this big fucker in your hole?" T-Rex slowly started to jack his lubed up meat, giving the slutboy a good look. Kotani's eyes never moved from the cock as he slowly mumbled "yes, sir...fuck me"

"What's that boy?" T-Rex asked louder. "Say that again?"

Kotani raised his legs even higher. "Fuck me, sir."

T-Rex resumed teasing the boy hole with his fingers. "You gonna give it up to me, boy? You gonna give that virgin pussy to me?"

"Yessir...please sir..."the Japanese virgin said, as he started to hump his ass on T-Rex's fingers. "Please sir, I want it..."

"Tell me what you want, boy"

"I want you to fuck me, sir. I want you to take me."

"You want me to fuck that boypussy? Say it boy, beg me to fuck your boypussy."

"FUCK ME!" Kotani nearly screamed. "FUCK MY BOYPUSSY! PLEASE!!!"

T-Rex smirked. "Fine." And in a fluid movement, he pulled out his fingers and started to slam his cock against the boy's defenseless asshole. The pressure was amazing, but Kotani's sphincter managed to keep the invader at bay for a few seconds.

But only for a few. Kotani's panicked moans only grew louder as his hole started to yield to the massive manmeat attacking it, and in less than a minute, the enormous head had popped into Kotani's sweaty asshole. And once that was accomplished, T-Rex grabbed onto the boy's shoulders and mercilessly slammed the entire length of his penis into him.

Kotani gave a full-throated scream at the invasion, then promptly proceeded to ejaculate an enormous load onto his chest and face. Even Liang's beautiful face was splattered with Japanese boycum. All the while, T-Rex rode the wave of frenetic muscular contractions around his cock. T-Rex called this "the cherry wave," the spasms the virgin boycunt underwent when a boy's cherry was taken so violently. It was T-Rex's favorite sensation, and he closed his eyes and just surrendered to the wonderful sensations coming from his ass-stuffing cock.

Liang whispered quietly. "Master, the boy's passed out." Sure enough, Kotani had lost consciousness from the assault, and was lying there both cum-coated and completely insensate.

T-Rex looked down at the boy. "So?" he said, before beginning to pump the unconscious slaveboy's still-spasming ass. The hole was so slick and tight, so excellent to fuck and pump without the screaming of a boy. Just a man fucking a hole, so easy to ignore the rest. T-Rex's massive frame dominated the little Japanese boy, a mound of dark black muscles pumping into the small and lithe body of the young man. T-Rex lifted the boy's limp legs higher into the air, looking down as his thick black meat shoved ruthlessly in between the boy's plump and sweaty asscheeks, piercing the boy's juicy sphincter and feeling the boy's warm and wet insides.

When Kotani finally awoke ten minutes later, it was to find a sweaty T-Rex slamming into him at full speed and intensity. Kotani could feel the wet looseness of his asshole, even as he felt the velvet steel of T-Rex's cock plunging deeply inside him. He'd never felt anything like it before. As he looked at T-Rex's beautifully muscular body working him over, he knew that his life would never be the same. T-Rex had claimed him, taken over his body and transformed him from virgin to pussyboy fuckslave with a single thrust of his massive cock.

Even as he struggled back to consciousness, his breath was being taken away by the fury of the pounding cock. Kotani's own penis was erect again, and as the black invader started to rotate and grind on the boy's prostate, it started to spurt out small jets of pre-cum with every surge of T-Rex's hips.

His eyes rolling up into his head, he started babbling in Japanese as he surrendered to his black master.

"Ah, you're awake bitch!" T-Rex said, never missing a beat. "Good. Flip over on your hands and knees." Then he pulled out and waited for the boy to comply. Kotani slowly rolled over and pulled himself into position. The boy's deflowered asshole glowed red.

T-Rex smiled at the sight. "Reach between your legs and feel your ass, boy." Kotani obeyed, slipping his hand behind him to feel the wet gaping hole that used to be his tight virgin rosebud. He was shocked, but kept probing it with his own fingers.

"What's that you're feeling, bitch? Tell me!" T-Rex roared.

"It's my butt, sir."

"No, bitch, that's your boypussy. I fucked you a boypussy back there. SAY IT!"

Kotani's brain was overwhelmed with emotions, and for a second he thought he would burst into tears. "It's my boypussy, sir" he said, continuing to finger himself. So much shame. He wondered for an instant what his parents would think if they could see him now, and his face flushed bright red.

"You want me to fuck your boypussy some more, bitch? You want more cock up that boypussy?"

Kotani kept fingering himself, but the tears began. He couldn't cope with his shame and his lust, both at odds with each other. He became instantly aware of himself. Yesterday, he was a nice boy in a bad situation. Now, his desperation had driven him to this, naked in a stranger's house, having surrendered his precious virginity, fingering his stretched out asshole as he waited to be anally raped again.

"Tell me boy!" T-Rex roared again. "Say it!"

Kotani surrendered. His voice cracking and trembling with teary emotion, he cried out "FUCK MY BOYPUSSY! PLEASE! PLEASE FUCK ME! I BELONG TO YOU!" Once again, the massive black penis plunged into his wet and conquered asshole. Kotani cried out at the penetration, then started moaning again like a common whore as a whole new set of sensations flooded his body. The cock was so big, his ass was so wet and stuffed with thick cock, T-Rex was so dominating. The boy was completely conquered, and he knew it. T-Rex could do anything he wanted, and Kotani knew that he'd submit totally.

Recovering for a moment, Kotani quickly slurped Liang's leaking cock into his mouth. This pushed the surprised Liang over the top and, allowed or not, he started shooting cum into the ex-virgin's mouth. Feeling this flood of liquid into his mouth, Kotani came once again, spraying thick white jets of cum onto the padding beneath his cock. With each spurt, his asshole tightened further around T-Rex's meat.

T-Rex spent the next ten minutes moving the boy into a succession of positions, stretching the boy's ass differently each time. Kei, having drained cumloads out of two of T-Rex's gang members, walked over to watch as Kotani was on his side with one leg in the air, getting sidefucked by T-Rex. Kei had never seen T-Rex's cock look bigger or harder as it pumped ruthlessly into the boy's hole. Moaning at the sight, Kei started to splatter his own cumload onto Kotani's face and chest. Kotani was too fucked over to notice or care. His body was already coated in sweat, so a few more drops of moisture didn't matter.

After another few minutes, T-Rex was ready to shoot. "You ready, boy? You ready for me to breed this pussy? You ready to take my cum?" A breathless Kotani looked up into the eyes of his master and said "yes sir...cum inside me!"

T-Rex slipped it into overdrive for the last thirty seconds, his muscled body slamming harder and faster into the helpless boy until finally his body locked up as he started shooting wave after wave of black master cum into his newest slave. Fourteen enormous loads flooded the boy's ass, and Kotani could feel every hot spurt.

He was bred. And now, Kotani belonged to T-Rex.

Slipping his cock out of the boy's cum-dripping asshole, T-Rex looked down at the ravaged hole. The winking button of a virgin ass was gone forever, replaced by the red and swollen pussy that the boy had now. He motioned to Liang, "get him into the back with the others. I'm taking him." Liang smiled, then started to help the shivering Japanese slave boy up. Kissing him gently on the cheek, Liang said "you did very well. You can stay."

Kotani tried to smile, but his body was trembling too violently. His young body simply couldn't process the pain, emptiness, and the flood of other sensations overwhelming him. T-Rex's enormous load started to leak out of the boy's orifice, slowly oozing onto his legs and dripping on the floor. Feeling like a depraved slut, he leaned heavily on Liang and Kei and allowed himself to be guided into the rest of the house, and into T-Rex's harem for the next several years.

T-Rex walked over to where his boys were slamming cock into the now doped-up and moaning Vietnamese slut. While Kotani was surrendering his cherry, Tran had already gotten three loads shot into him, two in his mouth and throat and one sliming around in his quivering whore-hole. As the drugs he was slipped started to take hold, Tran was surrounded by a forest of throbbing black cocks, all attacking him at once. As soon as one shot its load, another was quickly slammed into its place. Despite this, Tran managed to look up at T-Rex as he approached. As a cock pumped his ass and another slimed around in his mouth, Tran felt like a total whore. But he didn't care at all. In fact, Tran was having the time of his life now. Grabbing hold of another black fuckstick, Tran started to aggressively push back on the cock in his asshole, driving the fucker in even further.

"I'm not going to choose you, boy" T-Rex said. But I am gonna keep you around. I throw this party every year, and I think you'll do just fine being a pussyboy party favor for my boys."

Looking over the assemblage of black jocks surrounding the Asian slut, he said "take this piece to the dungeon downstairs. You can play with him all you want down there."

All smiles, the group quickly lifted the slutboy up and carried him down into the basement, where T-Rex kept his nastiest playroom. Tran didn't even bother to resist. For the rest of the night, Tran would be fucked and subjugated by ten horny black athletes. All just another normal day and night in T-Rex's palace.

In another room of the house, Kotani was placed onto a comfortable bed to recover. As he lay there, four more men started to enter the room. None of them were black, but they were a range of colors and sizes and shapes. They were also all nude, except for one young arab man who was wearing a metal chastity belt. They gathered around the bed and looked down at his ravaged body.

A Native American boy, his body heavily pierced, spoke first. "So, he's the new one?"

Liang bent down and smiled at Kotani. "Yes, he's the new one. And he's going to be magnificent!"


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If you're new to this series, check out the backstory in "Gang Banging Mario Lopez" in the Celebrities section of the Nifty Archive.

Next: Chapter 2

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