Chronicles of Brad

By Brad Dey

Published on Dec 19, 2024


This story is a continuation of my antics at the Y. I discovered that there are two things you are pretty much guaranteed to find at the YMCA on any given day of the week. The first is guys who have a regular routine that is almost ritualistic, meaning they seldom ever miss a workout. The second is a steady stream of naked men of all ages and body types coming and going from the locker room. This particular story took place one very busy Friday evening, just after the pool had closed for the evening.

Now, the people who manage the Y will never admit it, but there are, on any given day, several hardcore regulars who come to the Y not to work out but to cruise. They linger in the changing area before heading into the steam room and then on to the communal showers before starting their travels all over again. Their goal is to either catch a glimpse of some actual play taking place or, at the very least, show off their wares, hoping to attract the attention of a potential partner. The steam room is a particularly favourite place on the circuit for the cruisers to hang out in because virtually everyone who enters removes their towel and splays their legs, giving everyone else a clear view of their junk in various states of arousal.

I seldom cruise, not because I don't like the idea of cruising but because I am almost always the one who is being cruised. I can almost guarantee that once word is out that I am in the steam room, it fills up. This particular night, there were so many guys that the stragglers had to contend with standing room only. One of the guys who was standing very close to me was incredibly good-looking, and while his cock was normal size, it was proudly standing at full mast for all to see. Our bodies were so close that if I just lifted my hand up, I could have grabbed his dick, but just as I was contemplating that very thing, he turned around, bent over and pulled his cheeks apart. There were now so many guys in the room that the door and windows that front the steam room were completely blocked.

If you have read any of my other stories, you know that my success has come from never hesitating when an opportunity is staring me right in the face, and in this case, his manpussy was doing just that. By now, I was rock hard, so I grabbed his hips and attempted to sit him down on my fat dick, but with no lubrication, nothing was happening. Just then, a guy seated in the row above me passed down a single packet of lube which I opened and slathered all over my dick before shoving the rest up his cunt with my slippery fingers. Now fully lubed, I aimed the head of my cock for his pucker hole, and the weight of his body helped him to slide all the way down.

Of course, everyone was trying to get a good look, but there really was nothing they could see, so a couple of the experienced guys got up off their seats and literally started to push the standing crowd back so that I could get up and fuck him intensely.

As I bred him, numerous guys attempted to suck his cock, and just before I came, he shot a big wad into the mouth of one of the many eager cocksuckers. I held his waist tight while I emptied inside before setting him free. My spent cock, now coated in ample cum was quickly gobbled up by yet another of the very talented dick drainers who proudly call the Y their home away from home.

Now fully spent, I headed for the showers, followed by several gawkers. Even in the limp stage, my fat dick is a magnificent sight to behold. As I soaped it up, three of the guys closest to me started to jerk off to show their appreciation for the show.

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