Chronicles of Andy

By moc.loa@8932809dnA

Published on Jan 26, 2000


The Chronicles of Andy

Big Brian


Note: The following accounts are entirely true. My apologies in advance if anyone recognizes themselves - for your benefits, I use no last names or identifying characteristics. For those who, upon reading any account, want to contact me, feel free to write and we shall see about meeting and creating our own chapter.

Disclaimer: If you do not want to read a story of homoerotic sexuality or think that it is inappropriate, please do not read any further. If, on the other hand, you want to read an account that quickly cuts to the chase and just outlines the positions of a night of passion, read another account as well. Thank you.

Hello, dear readers. My name is Andy and I am 20 years old right now. A brief background to clue you in to who and what I am. I am a student at one of the nation's top universities studying a very difficult major. I am, according to friends, a very sensitive and extremely intelligent individual who enjoys either a night on the town or a relaxing evening at home with equal fervor. I have a girlfriend who I enjoy very much - the sex is great and she has no idea of my real desires - and, to the public eye, I am one of the most straight, all-American guys that my school has to offer.

I hate to be cocky, but I also am a pretty good-looking guy. I've been likened to Abercrombie and Fitch models - I have dirty blond hair that's cut short but not too short, green eyes, and am 5'11". I'm lucky enough to have worked out throughout high school and continue the regime - right now I maintain a washboard stomach, well-developed pecs, strong legs, and, according to rumor, the best ass east of the Mississippi. I'm lucky enough to not be very hairy at all - just a bush around my cut cock (soft at 5", hard at 8.5") and under my arms - although I'm considering growing some facial hair. And, in the mood of telling all, I'll clue you in to the fact that, like the Greek hero "Nick" of the big pecs stories of several years ago, I also have relatively large nipples. Girls marvel over them - as do guys, as I later found out - and they have been the source of unbelievable pleasure to be from showing them off "inadvertently" to people on the beach.

To start this account, I also must describe Brian to you. Brian is currently my residential advisor - for those of you who don't know or never went to college, a residential advisor is an individual who acts as a sort of disciplinarian/friend for students. He is several years older than his residents and is responsible for their health and well-being. Brian is a good-looking guy himself - also with dirty blond hair, brown eyes, and a face like an Abercrombie and Fitch model (you can see I really like those models, huh?). He's tall, easily clearing 6'2", and has a pretty good-looking body in clothes - seems like he doesn't have much muscle but is solidly built - like a football player or so.

Now, on to the action... One night, my suitemates were being particularly noisy and it was late in the evening, about 11:30 or so. Our neighbors from both sides called in to complain about the ruckus and, sure enough, Brian, the knight in shining armor, or actually just a tee-shirt, jeans and beat-up old sneakers) came knocking at the door. They let him in to their room (the door to my own bedroom being closed and locked) and he proceeded to reprimand them. The sound of his deep voice made my cock jump to attention and - with each word, I stroked, thinking about how I'd love to hear it (and him) moaning on my bed.

After several minutes of him talking, and me stroking, he stopped. I assumed that he was leaving - I heard his footsteps, but instead of leaving, I heard a key in the lock of my door and the door slowly swing open. Brian poked his head in, switched on the small light on my desk, and was treated to the sight of a "sleeping" guy (me) halfway under the covers wearing just a pair of silk boxers but covered up to my belly button by the blanket. I pretended to have been sleeping, sitting up, and rubbed my eyes. Slowly, I propped myself up on the pillow and said, "What do you want at this hour?"

"Oh, Andy, I'm sorry to wake you up now. I thought for sure that your suitemates would have been keeping you up. I can just leave, sorry."

"Brian, I'm awake now. What was it that you would have said if I was awake, anyway?"

"Just would have let you know that they won't be making much noise late at night anymore - they're on probation and all. Hey, since you're up, you want to talk a little? We haven't really talked since before the winter break." I'm lying there thinking, `and this cock is going to soften how? What do I do?'

"Sure, Brian. I don't have a chair or anything here. Maybe we should hold off, then."

"Andy, I can always sit over on the floor. It doesn't bother me. I mean, I'm the one who woke you up - maybe I'll just leave. Is there anything I can do for you before I go?" He was standing there with a kind of pathetic look on his face - like a puppy dog who had just been scolded, and I smiled at him.

"Brian, there are three, no two, things that you can do for me."

"Ok, shoot."

"First, turn off that goddamn light! I'm cranky because it's bright in here now. Second, if you want to stay, light one of the candles on my desk. I know it's against policy and all, but I won't tell if you won't. That should do it. Maybe we'll talk for a little bit."

"Andy, that was only two things. What's the third?"

"Brian, forget about the third. I was going to ask for a third favor - as if you were a genie or something - but never mind."

"Andy, come on - what? I owe you a little bit more than lighting a candle. Is it a problem with your room? Classes? Girls? What?"

"No, Brian, nothing really like that. It's just that, when I get woken up, I can't fall asleep very easily. There's only one thing that really relaxes me enough to fall back to dreamland - a good, deep massage. But, I couldn't ask you to do that for me. You're my RA and all, it's really inappropriate."

"Andy, sure! That's no problem - it's just a favor that guys should do for each other if desired. Turn over."

With that, our conversation pretty much stopped and I began to start to get really excited. Here was one of my crushes sitting on my bed, getting ready to massage my back. Slowly, he began to knead his hands around my shoulders, digging in with his hands and close-cut fingernails. He was raking them across my neck and shoulders, then pressing in with his fists, and then back with the nails. Slowly, he began to work his hands lower - along my well-defined back, and, at the same time, working his hands around to go up the sides of my chest, too, with light fluttery touches. The sensation was unbelievable and I began to grind my cock into the bed. A few more minutes of this and I would surely blow my load!

With slight pushing, Brian was slowly working his way lower and lower on my back, going down lower and lower until he was up to the waistband of my shorts and the covers of my blanket. Suddenly, he reached the shorts, and felt how wet they were. "Andy, are you OK? Your shorts are pretty wet. I guess it's because it's so hot in here, why don't you just take them off - I can do a better job without them on anyway."

"Nah, Brian. I'll leave them on for a little while longer. Thanks, though." Playing hard to get always makes it a little more fun for both parties...

"Andy, then, flip over so that I can do your front." With that, I rolled over, keeping my shorts on and trying to keep my cock from popping out. What I ended up doing was adjusting my cock so that the tip was poking out from the top - I laid it vertically - so that it was kept restrained. Brian started in on my neck and slowly worked his way south - rubbing my pecs, and working on my nipples, massaging the two points until I thought I would surely cum. But, no, I held out, waiting to see where he'd go because I wasn't sure how he would respond to my ejaculation...

Slowly, he rubbed lower and lower, going further and further south until he was all over my abs. He had to lean in to really do a good job and his head was right over my crotch. His breath was tickling my cock, the warmth of it was almost more than I could bear. His massaging hands carried him down and, abruptly, he hit the top of my cock. I knew that I was leaking pre- cum like crazy, and sure enough, he pulled his hand away with the touch of the throbbing, dripping rod. Unsure of how he would respond, I started to apologize, "Brian, I'm sor-."

"Andy, no need for apologies. It's only natural that you would get hard - hey, I'm a little aroused myself. And you know what, these clothes are pretty restraining. You're just lying there in a pair of silk boxers - I'm wearing everyday clothes. You mind if I slip out of them?"

"Mind? Of course not. Look at what you've been doing for me - I would love to repay you."

"Well, then, I'll make this a little fun for you. How bout a little strip show?"

"Wow, Brian. Fine by me! By the way, how did you know that I would go for this, anyway? I thought that I was doing a great job of `keeping up appearances' what with a girlfriend and all."

"Andy, there is such a thing as `gay-dar' or whatever else you want to call it, you know. I was pretty sure even from the first day. But, I couldn't be sure until tonight, and I'm kind of glad that your suitemates are so damn annoying that I had to come up and check it out. But, enough with the talking or else we'll both lose courage."

"Not on your life - smile - but let's get going anyway." We both laughed and he stood up in front of me. Slowly, he inched up his shirt, pulling it up and then letting it drop, over and over. Each time, he revealed a few more inches, letting me see a much stronger-looking chest than I had ever imagined and a pair of cute, little nipples atop snow-white pecs. On his last pull, he showed me a surprising sight - he shaved his armpits and was, it seemed, completely hairless. He smiled at me and asked if I was ready for the rest of the show.

I nodded, looking with excitement at his bulge. I slowly started pulling on my cock, which was rock-hard and turning purple with waiting and anticipation. He pulled down the zipper on his jeans, showing off the base of his cock (he must have come prepared because he wasn't wearing any underwear!), and then turned around, pulling down his jeans in the back to show off his beautiful, well-rounded ass. He bent down, waving his ass in the air practically right in front of my face, and untied his shoes slowly, then kicked them off to one corner of the room. Here was a stud who knew how to use his body - standing there and keeping me with bated breath and pulsing cock on my own bed.

He lowered his jeans and I admired his backside to no end - I was almost ready to cream - when he began, very slowly, to turn towards me. Before the rest of his front had come into view, I saw a monstrous bulge, almost like a hero or a sub hanging off of his lower body. I blinked several times, until I finally accepted that this 10" monster was actually real. He started to walk towards me and I couldn't hold it anymore. Between his boyish smile, his hot body, his sexy swagger and the rest of the show - I blew then and there, shooting for a good 45 seconds. He smiled and took some up his fingers, tasting it.

Brian sat down on the bed next to me and kissed me gently. Slowly, the kiss became more passionate, and we started to lie backwards. He started kissing my neck and - to follow suit, I did the same to him with slight maneuvering. We started traveling south on each other - by that time and with this stimulation, I was hard once again. Soon, we were in a full 69 position and sucking away at each others cocks. We both were grabbing fast and furious at each others' asses - his fingers were deep inside my crack and I was massaging his ass, pushing the clenching cheeks from side to side. I heard his moans, welling up from deep within him, and I'm sure that he was not deaf to mine. We both increased the tempo, faster, faster, faster, faster, until, in one brilliant burst, we both shot deep into each others' throats.

Brian coughed a little bit, but nonetheless, we both sat up and kissed deeply once again - trading each others' cum in one of the sloppiest and most romantic kisses I have ever experienced. Suddenly, the candle flame went out.

"Andy, that must be my cue to leave. I'll see you around and remember, I have the key to this room... and noisy roommates will not be my only reason for coming in..." With that, he got dressed, wiping off the last traces of cum from his cock. He headed for the door, pulled it open, gave a little salute, and walked out of the suite.

Readers: I hope that you enjoyed the first installation of my attempts to recount my life experiences. Brian and I continue to enjoy each other - this episode occurred only 13 nights ago - on Thursday, January 13. I can tell you more of the encounters between Brian and I, or I can tell of the other college or high school experiences I've had. Please write me and let me know of what you think - comments or criticisms - at Until then, I'm yours, Brian.

Next: Chapter 2: Another Visit with Big Brian

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