Christy's Diary

By ChristyDancer

Published on May 6, 2023


Friday, October 25

I hate Fridays. Friday is the dullest day of the week. Seriously. Nothing ever happens on a Friday. School's a bore cuz nobody pays any attention on Friday unless something interesting is coming up on the weekend, and this weekend, nothing was happening. The sister wives all confirmed we'd finish the float on Sunday, and Carlos confirmed our tennis date for Saturday. Other than that, the day sucked in a totally boring way.

So I went home from school and did the following, in no particular order.

I changed into the ugliest sweats I own.

I loaded up Paramore on Spotify.

I stripped all the polish off my fingernails and toenails and spent about a half hour picking out a new color from Becky's collection and finally settled on Maybeline Twisted Tulip, which is almost identically the shade I already wear but has the benefit that Becky has matching lip gloss I can steal as well.

I binged watched New Girl. With Paramore still playing in the background.

Then it was dinner time. Mom had fixed her killer chicken salad, but I was only half hungry. I went back up to my room and started working on my makeup, experimenting with different eye shadows.

More New Girl, sans Paramore in the background.

I wanted to go to bed, but I wasn't tired and was looking forward to my date with Carlos. Then maybe 10 or so Brie texted me.


"Yeah. Can't sleep."

"Can I call?"


"I had a date with Randi tonite. We went to a movie. Zombieland Doubletap. You know, with Emma Stone and Woodie Harrolson."

"How was it?"

"I held hands with Randi the entire movie, and she put her arm around me and I laid my head on her shoulder and she cuddled me for the entire movie. That's how it was."


"That's a big deal, Christy. That's like two hours of being cuddled. More than making out. I can't get her out of my head."

"Well, that's good. Isn't it?"

"I'm like a zombie myself right now. You need to talk me down."

"Brie, my love, I have no idea how to do that, but remember how I asked you who was the guy in this relationship and you said `guy' didn't apply. Sounds like she's the guy, right?"

"Top may be the right word. Top."

"OK, now I'm confused. Top as in... what? Top versus bottom?"

"Not versus, but yeah, something like that."

"I'm lost, Brie."

"Sigh... there are `equal' partnerships in lesbian relationships. Heck, there may be in straight relationships. I dunno. What I do know is that I want to be the bottom. I want someone else in control, to hold me and be in charge."

"Wow, Brie. That's a lot. I mean, how did you come to this? I mean, I don't want to be the simpleton there, but it sounds like you've been reading up on how to be a lesbian, am I right?"

"Christy, you're funny, but yeah, I've been thinking and reading and yeah, a little porn on the side. But I really know what kind of girl I want to be in a relationship with, and Randi checks all the boxes."

"Brie, you are so much the `in charge' girl in our gang. I"m not trying to disagre with you, or diagnose you. Goodness knows I need my own diagnosing. My mom is spending a fortune getting me diagnosed. But, you're telling me that your public .... Ahh... persona is different from what you want in a relationship?"

"Yeah, but that's not as unusual as it sounds. Powerful men pay dominatrixes to tie them up and spank them."

"Do you want Randi to spank you?"

"No, silly. Not... well.... Huh.... Anyway, I want Randi to be in charge' in our relationship, to be the boss of me', and that's what she did tonite, and I can't get enough of it, and now I'm going to see her with all of you on Sunday when we set up the booth and do our final rehearsal, and I"m scared shitless. I may turn into a blubbering idiot around her."

"Look, you'll get over it. It'll start coming naturally to you. Carlos and I are going to spend most of the day together tomorrow. We're going to play tennis at that indoor tennis place down the road. Then we're coming over here for the rest of the day, and Mom is going to cut me some slack and leave us alone for a while. I have a VERY vivid mental picture of what I want him to do to me, or to be more precise, what I plan to do to him, and I'll be thinking about it when I go to sleep tonite and when I wake up in the morning. But, it's not going to turn me into a zombie."

"Christy, you're doing a phenomenal job of distracting me. What do you have in mind?"

"Well, remember how I told you that last time he was over here, my little `oral fixation' got interrupted? I think I owe him a rain check on that, you get it?"

"Ohhh..... you are now thoroughly distracting me. More, bitch."

"Let's just say he's also fascinated with my newly emerging boobage. Nothing to compare to yours, my dear sister wife, but nothing short of a miracle for somewhat with the hormonal mix-up that I have. Anyway, call me tomorrow night, and I'll give you the full 4-1-1."

"Does anyone still say that? 4-1-1?"

"I dunno. I'm not the coolest girl you know, right?"

"Christy, you are the best girl I know."

"Hugs, sister. I'll talk to you tomorrow night."

With that, I typed up all of this, and .... Sigh.... G'nite.

Next: Chapter 32

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