Christopher Answers

By ed swanky

Published on Jun 6, 2023


If you are underage or graphic sexual stories are prohibited in your not read this. This story is completely fictional. I would appreciate all comments especially those of a constructive or encouraging nature. My e-mail address:

Christopher Answers

Chapter 15

Coach Walters, Justin and Tom headed toward the locker room. When Coach saw Gary sit down on the bench with the younger boy, he tossed him a set of keys and told him to secure the locker room after he leaves. "You'll probably be the last one out of there, so make sure you lock the outside door. We've had lot of vandalism here at the stadium and I don't want the locker room trashed. You can return the keys tomorrow at school, OK?"

Gary assured the Coach that he'd take care of it and focused his full attention back on Tim. To this point, they hadn't said a word to each other. It was getting rather awkward until Gary told him that he has his clothes in the trunk of his car. He said how he went back up the fire trail and retrieved them before he went home.

"I washed them so they should be ready to w.... Oh, Tim, I am so sorry for what I did to you. I was so scared of being found out, I didn't know what to do. Then when you started to run away, I really panicked. That's no excuse, I just wanted to explain the state I was in. I'm still really screwed up. I guess I need to talk with someone and get some counseling. I keep having these thoughts about God and how I am going to be punished for all eternity. I still love my Dad and hate to see him consumed with hatred. He's been filling my head with that stuff for ten years."

"Tim, I don't have a right to say this to you but I must. I love you. We've only known each other for such a short period of time but I can't get you out of my brain. When I think of you laying by the side of the road and me hitting you, it makes me sick to my stomach. You didn't cause any of this. You just happened to be the one that forced me to take a hard look at myself. With you, all the feelings of being gay came out of me. I had denied it for so long and prayed to God every day to make them go away. In the movie theater and then at school yesterday when I really met you for the first time, I couldn't get you out of my mind. You are so kind and beautiful, I just want to make love to you, have you make love to me. That much is clear to me, I could never harm you again. I'd rather die first."

Sitting there on the bench, Tim's heart melted. He reached up and put his hand under Gary's chin, lifting his face up to where he could look into his eyes. Gary was crying. Tim used the back of his hand to brush away the tears that were streaming down his cheeks. He leaned in and softly kissed this vulnerable giant who just bared his soul to him.

"I love you too" he said. Tim slid over as close to Gary as he could get and put his arm around him. Gary sat there, slumped over and kept sobbing. Tim wished that there was some way he could make Gary understand that it would be all right. About the only thing he could do was hold him. They sat there in the empty stadium, frozen in a moment, that would last for an hour and be remembered for a lifetime.

Doug Walters stepped in his front door and went straight to the phone. He called Principal Jordan but only got the recorder. He left a brief message about the fight and the game forfeiture. "Call me as soon as you can" he said and hung up. Doug sat down with his wife, told her everything that happened including the Gary story about his fight with his Dad.

"He was a dangerous man before, but who knows what he'll do now that his whole world is crumbling. I need to warn Ed Jordan. John was fixated on him before and I have a feeling that he will be blamed for everything. I'm going to call Reverend Paul at the church to see if he has knows anything about this. John is an Elder of our church and I doubt if he'd listen to anyone except the Reverend."

Gary wound up with his head in Tim's lap as the boy continued to comfort him in his embrace. Tim stroked his hair and kept repeating that everything was going to be just fine. The reassuring, loving embrace is exactly what he needed. Gary was 7 years old again. His father had turned cold towards him and he didn't know why. Gone was the tender touching, the love of a father for his son. In its place was a man who quoted biblical passages to him. Passages that were a poor substitute for the affection that he so desperately needed. 'What have I done wrong, Dad?', young Gary kept asking in his mind. He was afraid to verbalize the words to a man he didn't even recognize anymore.

After about 15 minutes, Gary literally fell asleep with Tim gently stroking his head. Tim decided that he would let him get the rest that was denied him since their encounter yesterday after school. Gary's thoughts transformed into a dream as he drifted into a semi-conscious state of exhaustion caused by his lack of sleep and the strenuous effort expended in the fight. Tim's verbal mantra and loving touch were like a sedative as his dream of better times past, calmed his restless spirit.

Tim leaned down and kissed his boy/man on the side of his face. Gary stirred from his slumber to the welcoming smile of his young lover. Tim suggested that they go inside so that Gary could change out of his baseball uniform. He lead Gary by the hand toward the locker room and they went inside. Tim helped Gary get undressed and suggested that a good hot shower was just what the doctor ordered.

At this point, Gary would have done anything that his emotionally stronger little friend wanted. Gary stood there naked as Tim quickly stripped off his own clothes and re-gathered Gary's huge hand in his before stepping in the empty shower room. Tim turned on the spray, adjusted the temperature and moved under it with Gary. Gary smiled for the first time in what seemed like weeks.

Tim busied himself with taking complete control of his large friend. He took a bar of soap and worked on washing his lover from head to toe. The cleansing was as much symbolic as it was real. Tim was expunging the guilt that Gary harbored for his actions toward him yesterday. Tim's radiant smile told Gary that all was forgiven.

The repentant and submissive athlete just stood there letting Tim wash away his perceived sins. For himself, Tim wanted to assert his equality, not his dominance. He wanted Gary to view him as an equal, albeit a much smaller-in-stature equal, love partner. He finished with the soap and wrapped his arms around Gary as they stood facing each other. Gary's cock was stiff and pressed against Tim's stomach, underscoring the difference in their height.

Tim took a half step back and massaged the large pair of balls that hung below Gary's turgid 8 inch pole. His tongue sluiced the water from the pink tip that was peeking out of Gary's sheath. He used his well-practiced hands to work the skin back and forth. He wanted to pleasure Gary the same way he pleasured himself many, many times before.

Gary put his hands on Tim's head for balance as wave after wave of passion held him transfixed in a dream-like state. He erupted into Tim's hungry mouth. Tim didn't miss a drop as his lips closed tighter around the spewing volcano that welled-up from Gary's ponderous balls. Temporarily spent of his own seed, Gary dropped to his knees and performed the same love ritual on Tim's somewhat smaller version of his manly endowment.

This time there were no thoughts of taking, his thoughts were only of giving. Tim held on tightly to Gary's head as his store of seed let loose. Afterwards he put his hands under Gary's armpits and directed him to stand. They kissed each other in an open-mouthed exchange of mutual caring. Gary and Tim, Tim and Gary, the order of how they would be referred to as a couple was unimportant. They stood as equals in this new sexual alliance. One a senior, one a sophomore but simply just one with each other.

They toweled off, both unwilling to take their eyes away from the naked body in front of them. Reluctantly they got dressed, locked the doors and went hand-in-hand toward Gary's car in the parking lot. There were only two cars left. Gary and Tim didn't even notice the three men standing at the other car talking among themselves. Their eyes were fixed on each other, oblivious to everything else.

"Well what do we have here!, Faggot and one of his little fagettes."

Gary looked up to see the three men who were the cause of the earlier riot in the stands. Gary and Tim were poised to run either toward their car or back to the locker room.

The three men didn't make a move towards them. The police had just dropped off to get their car. They had their fill of this whole mess they had gotten into.

"We're not going to hurt you, the biggest of them called out. You might even be able to help us. We have to find an old man who paid us to start that ruckus. He went on to describe to them, someone who fit the physical description of Gary's dad."

"I don't have a clue who he is. The last time I saw him was just before that big son-of-a-bitch came up the stairs and damn near broke my jaw."

"The old man we're looking for was standing in the stairwell. He seemed to be enjoying it because he had a big smirk on his face. I'll be god dammed if I'm going to pay court costs for something that he put us up to. I'll wipe that smirk off with my fists if he doesn't agree to take care of everything."

Not really expecting them to know, the big man asked, "Do either of you two fairy princesses know who he is?"

Gary lied by saying 'No'.

Ed Jordan returned Couch Doug's phone call. Doug went into great detail about what he saw and heard. When he finished with that he told Ed about his concerns about Gary's father.

"I talked to the pastor of our church. He said that John confessed to him about hitting his wife but gave no other details. Reverend Paul didn't know about Gary admitting that he was a homosexual. He also didn't know that Gary had hit his father. The only thing that Reverend Paul said was that John was acting really strange, like he was having a crisis of faith. John never doubted his positions before. He was always confident that God talked to him and guided his life."

Ed Jordan asked Doug to call his assistants and any teachers that were at the game. He explained that the media was all over him and he needed the best information that he could get before he made any statements.

"I would guess that some of them went out to dinner. Why don't we get together at 10PM in my office. This is just what I needed. I'm under review by a select committee of the School Board on Thursday. John Watkins heads that committee and when he hears about this fight, my ass is going to be on the line. Do what you can to get everyone there tonight. Thanks Doug for the heads-up about John Watkins. I know he never wanted me as the Principal. I could be totally wrong about this, but I think he might be prejudiced because I'm black. I've run into his type before, they won't admit it but when they look at a guy like me, all they see is a black-man, not simply another man."

The phone rang and Justin's Mom answered. "Hi Mrs. Parker!, is Justin there? This is Craig Allwein calling."

"Just a minute Craig, he and Chris are sitting on the sofa. We're watching TV and I was just about ready to go to bed and let them have some privacy."

Justin picked up the extension and Craig went on to apologize for not being there in the stands with him. He told him how Coach Walters had grabbed him by the collar as he was going over the railing.

"He told me that he'd kick me off the team if I went up there. If I could have gotten loose I really didn't care, but that son-of-a-bitch is strong. I just wanted you to know that I'd have been there to help if I could. I've done a lot of damage to people's fists with my hard nose over the years."

The mental image made Justin laugh out loud. He knew that Craig was not a fighter but he meant well. Justin thanked him, hung up and continued to laugh. He told Chris and his Mom what Craig said and they shared the laugh together. Here they were, out of the State Championships, Tom and Dave's fathers arrested and Craig found a way to make them forget for a moment. Justin thought how lucky they were to have a true friend like him.

"Well, good night boys, don't stay up too late, remember you have school tomorrow", Justin's Mom said as she went up stairs to her bedroom.

"We're going to watch the 11PM local news to see if they have anything else about the confrontation. We'll be up as soon as it's over."

The anchor man said that Principal Jordan and some faculty members were in a closed door meeting at this very hour. They hoped to get a statement from him to broadcast on the early morning show.

Justin sat there cradling Christopher's cock in his hand and wondered about all the trouble they created for his friend, Principal Jordan. He couldn't know that Principal Jordan's job was in jeopardy.

The ripple of Christopher's answer was turning into a tidal wave.

end chapter 15

If this story is boring, it's because of a lack of feedback. I'll take some of the blame, but not all of it!! (ed swanky)

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